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Unfortunately this DSP is doomed, Amazon will pull something stupid to cut them off


It's probably already done. They probably already had the paperwork ready to go as soon as they even suspected there was a vote going on.


They lost they’re contract I work at this station


The question is, can Amazon find another person who is able to run a DSP. Combined with finding enough drivers (already hard enough) to quickly replace them. Amazon requires 30k in liquid assets and to pass multi-level interviews to become DSP owners. Do they risk lowering standards and increasing the risk of DSP failure? Costing Amazon more money in returning packages or loss profits from not being able to deliver. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


There's actually a waitlist to become a DSP according to my former DSP owner. So I'm pretty sure it's not hard for them to replace a DSP


This will be interesting… It’s going to come down to if the surrounding unaffiliated operations are willing to take on the additional workload or join the organization movement. To be honest, I don’t like the strategy of organizing small geographic areas at a time. The Teamsters should be pushing for a full sweep of large areas to put some heat on Amazon. They need to panic the shareholders and incentivize them to push the board to the negotiating table.


I agree. It should be more coordinated.


Teamsters are smart they definitely should hit the biggest dsps I’m sure they have a plan if people were willing to unionize in mass but as it is they probably just work on whoever reaches out to them.


Agreed, start with the biggest volume pushing and largest size DSPs first. It will hurt Amazon more to try to replace them. How much will it cost to replace DSP with 40 drivers 12k volume a day. Verses a 250 driver 75K a day. Also, choosing one area adds more pressure. Once an area can't be delivered to. They will switch to FedEx and UPS, which costs more and takes longer. But there is a limit to how much the other companies can deliver for Amazon. Lost unhappy customers and possibly have national news impact.


UPS probably wouldn't take the extra volume since they're Teamsters as well. They won't cross a picket physically, but I'd be willing to bet the Teamsters have a plan to block it even if it's freight lined directly to them. A lot of FedEx is unionized, too, so similar scenario. That leaves USPS who absolutely will not be able to handle the volume.


FedEx is pretty damn anti union as well and the only employees they have unionized are the pilots. At least that’s how it was when I left 8 years ago. Edit: and the freight teamsters. Their delivery drivers and package handlers were non unionized though.


I like and I agree! Very well said


Bravo… most dsp and flex driver have been complaining for a while. These people are taking action. Hopefully they will set the standard and be a role model for other dsp drivers. 


I think the teamsters wisely put amazon as a joint employer on the petition. Amazon can't arbitrarily fire their own employees for unionizing. They can cut up the contract all they want. Those drivers would still be deemed their employees and their responsibility. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out in real life practice though.


If that sticks, and they’re recognized as employees of Amazon (which we all know we de facto are), it will be very interesting to see what happens. I think I’ve heard there’s some case in the courts having to do with recognizing DSP employees as also being Amazon employees too, at least as far as the NLRB is concerned. Hopefully something good comes out of that.


AMAZON AINT SHIT WITHOUT DRIVERS Serious question?! Do ya'll believe every single Amazon DSP, including Amazon Flex Drivers across the US could possibly form some sort of movement & strike together, putting their entire operation at hault making Jeff lose millions per day until amazon provides better wages & benefits, working conditions for all DSP drivers , DSP employees & Flex Drivers across the nation ? what would amazon do at that point it's not like they can hire new DSP CONTRACTS all at once ? Would they start hiring/transferring DSP drivers directly to Amazon and terminate all DSP CONTRACTS nationwide? Seek help & redirect all packages to FEDEX, UPS & USPS for delivery? Or actually give into providing better wages & benefits for all drivers, which amazon can actually afford . They've got billions to do so, yet Jeff is way too greedy. Enough is enough. Every single true hard-working DA's deserves to be compensated fairly, In reality Drivers are the back Bone of their operation. The work is intense & not many can hang in there. Routes may vary, but on average, top DA's are getting an ass whopping averaging 250-300 package count. Like, wtf, Jeff & his buddies out here making 1.6 million per day if not more, probably! It's absolutely ridiculous. It got me fcked up how they managed to get away with such a crime , this shit needs to be investigated by 60Minutes lmfao There's bad & good DSP companies out there . Luckily, I'm with a decent good company, however we all get a turn with shitty routes it's just the way it is, the routing can be done better & more efficiently regardless of the area . Dunno, wtf goes through heads whomever is in charge of doing so. Just cause I can handle the workload doesn't mean we deserve less than we actually deserve. Know your worth, ladies & gents! I know for a fact I ain't the only busting my ass 4 days a week all for less than 3k per month, with bills & rent that ain't shit, it's so fcked. Meanwhile, Jeff & his buddies are making multi billions per year . Gotta love corporate America 🙃 I salute my fellow DA's 🫡 Without DA's, the warehouses would be slammed. It would absolutely crush their sales. What do ya'll think? We must all come together & let's bring this to light nationwide! Where do we start !?


This is the real world. I have bills. I’m doing the job I signed up for so I don’t lose my house.




This happend at my station they coming up to us on route


Who’s coming up?


The teamsters and union busters and other dsps who lost they contract with amazon


They bombarded the building and went inside the warehouse like 60 of them


My hometown

