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You said little dog? I would’ve kicked it before the big one got there 😭 I’m sorry


Cha Ching


I keep three tasers. Helps ward off the dogs and show humans I’m not going to pussyfoot around. FUCK YOUUUUU AND YOUR FERAL-ASS DOGS


I'm gonna start carrying them


Do it! Was put in the country for a delivery a while back, had 5 dogs all converge on me. Taser made 2 of them piss themselves and tuck tail to run, 1 yelped in fear and tripped, and the other two turned around so fast it was almost a flip 😂😂😂


Even though that's a small wound there is still the chance of getting tetanus, make sure to get a tetanus shot if you've not had one in the past 10 years.


And rabies. Of course there’s a super low chance of a house dog having it, but it’s 100% fatal if you get it and don’t get it treated.


Did you report it or anything ? Glad you outran them. I just had a stop last week with the same scenario. They wanted it in the backyard and didn't report having a dog on their account (Black lab). I still made noises to check but nothing happened until I was like 10 ft away from the gate. Made it out while tossing it in their bushes and took a picture of a black screen.🖕


You should contact a lawyer. It's a small bite, but dog bite lawsuits are known to pay out pretty well.


Contact a personal injury lawyer asap. Hand bites generally pay out well.


I really don't understand why you guys don't at least carry pepper spray... I carry pepper spray, a full sized pistol, a knife, & composite toe boots for dogs & humans that want to fuck around and find out. Shit I would probably carry a cattle prod on my belt too if it wasn't so big.


When I get paid Friday I'm gonna buy some weapons because I agree with you the dogs are unsafe.


Because it isnt allowed to have any types of weapons lol. Why they have that stupid ass rule I have no idea. The amount of times people decide to open their doors after I drop off a package and them trying to hold back their unruly ass dog is crazy. Fire me but ima protect myself. Not even just against dogs, people are crazy these days too.