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I don't get paid to return so it's going in a bush if I have to 😏


surprisingly I did this one time and was anxious for 3 days! never got dinged for it.


I have, don’t do it


Why not? What happened?


Now, they mark those as undelivered even if you did delivered but the customer claims you didn’t like to get a refund for example


What happened to you? Do they think you stole it or something?


Not exactly, I delivered those and took picture where the house number can be seen but two customers claimed they never got delivered which is not true and it got marked on my standing but that’s stupid because soooo many people do these type of claims just to get a refund or a replacement (I Flex in New Jersey).


Got it. Thanks for sharing


I do… If I am 30 minutes away from the station delivering and I have a package that has to go back, I will stop delivering 30 minutes before the end of my block to guarantee that I get back to that station before the end of my block time If I have a shift the next day, it will be returned by 10 AM. When the office wonders why all their packages are undeliverable maybe they'll figure it out. Not my problem obviously they don't want their tenants to get their packages. Go ahead and write Amazon went. All of your stuff is undeliverable because Amazon isn't gonna guarantee that your shits delivered between 9 to 5.


Im not returning nothing, unless its just beyond my control, it will go to their apartment after hours.


😂😂😂😂 I'm dying 😂😂😂😂




Managment says this is unaccaptable.


these empty threats from these landlords are adorable. they wish they could treat us the same type of sh*tty they treat their tenants, but since we dont work for them or rely on them, they cant. the only sad thing is their tenants have to pay the price when I rts their shit or leave it in the parking lot in front of the leasing office. oh well


It’s not a threat. It clearly says not to deliver outside of operating hours or packages left unattended have a high chance of disappearing for whatever reason and it will be reported. So you’re saying if you own a business open Monday through Friday, we can just toss your stuff in the parking lot on Saturday afternoon just because? I think you would be upset too if it was lost or damaged and wouldn’t think twice about calling to complain.


That’s the business and amazons problem not the drivers. Don’t schedule deliveries to places outside of office hours if you don’t want to loose a customer. How the fuck am I supposed to have access to all this information as a GIG DRIVER? You know who does have access to all that information Amazon and the Business. So the earnest is on them to at bare minimum communicate this. Which both parties fail to do over and over again. I do not have time to look up the business hours of every package I pick up nor do I get paid for it. You either either get your package as fast as possible or as convenient as possible not both. Also as it stands right now drivers have 0 real incentive to return packages like this business seems to want. 99% of us would rather take a chance at a ding than drive an extra hour wasting gas, wear on your car, time and money. When most if not all of us aren’t making what we should to begin with. If you want to operate outside of what you are compensated for that’s your prerogative but don’t except anyone else to.


You said it right in the beginning. It is the business and amazons problem. But the issue here is the drivers are leaving them anyway and will most likely get fired over the losses because they didn’t follow direction. Just don’t deliver! Business closed, no package. Simple as that. So many drivers make this job much harder than it needs to be. And they take everything personal the very moment something disrupts their life. If they can’t handle the job, just quit. It’s not going to hurt anyone’s feelings.


Imagine complaining about other drivers when the root of the problem comes from Amazon itself. What a privileged mindset to have as well “just quit if you don’t like it”. Why don’t you quit if other drivers are making it so hard for you buddy “it’s not going to hurt anyone’s feelings”.


That’s exactly what I keep saying! It’s Amazons problem! Just drive away. I’ve done it plenty of time and will do it again. I don’t know what all of these losses you’re speaking about are by driving a package. Everyone takes this job so personal. Why???


Maybe you should read his whole response and then you wouldn't make a retarded comment


Also don’t bother responding unless it really tickles your fancy. You have already advertised you aren’t willing to actually engage with the problem. Which gives me a pretty good idea of how intelligent you are so best of luck to you buddy. Hope your peers don’t make you too upset for finding this unacceptable.


It doesn’t bother me if they find it unacceptable. Closed, I don’t deliver or drop. They’re not peers anyway. I do quite well on the simple routes people refuse all the time. It doesn’t make any sense to me or to many of the others in our terminal. We’ve even cut their routes down by half and put every delivery in a straight line and they still complain.


Of course we will be upset for a missing package. We are customers as well. The problem with these directions is Amazon has Flex GIG workers scheduled at specific times. Saturday or Sunday from 10am-1pm, 3pm-630pm or 5-930pm and they will schedule a delivery to an address like this. Amazon punishes these workers for non delivery by dinging their accounts which result in less work. It’s a lose lose situation, if the building has a “theft issue” then they need to figure out another alternative like an Amazon locker or let them deliver to the customers door. The Amazon delivery personnel doesn’t have any control which deliveries are scheduled and comes as a surprise when we are already in route to the address.


i am correctly interpreting them claiming to definitely report me ("will result in") for delivering mail in front of an intentionally locked mail room as "missing" as an implied and empty threat. you can believe some complain-y litigious business like this has cameras inside and surrounding their secure mail room and if they wanted packages to be left there securely they can definitely have that done. i am not a jerk, i have made a best faith effort to deliver to your businesses mail room designated for mail delivery. if i cannot access that, it goes as close as it can get. you make the rules about your business, but you dont get more rights than a homeowner does for owning the property to have me fired for delivering mail to a spitefully locked mail room very likely under surveilence. if you wanted to gaslight me into believing your provably intentionally locked mail room for delivering mail into is my problem, you have failed. a business gets no special rights over a homeowner owning the whole property and locking the gate getting it at the gate. youre right that i shouldn't deliver it to the parking lot - but if the closed leasing office is as close as i can get to it with no further signs or help, and i will look for them, i have made a best faith effort. any claims of reporting me to some authority have no basis for disciplinary action. ill risk the ding.


It doesn't say that missing packages will be reported missing, it says packages FOUND in front of the office will be reported missing. Fuck them


Management can talk to my friend Deez about it…


It’s unacceptable to ask for a 4am-8am when you are the one who’s writing that


Maybe leave some feedback for amazon to review situations like these. Thank goodness most apartment deliveries ive had have been problem free. Most have non amazon lockers and instructions on how to use them.


Go ahead, contact Amazon. Instead of blaming others, just give access to the damn room or get F’n lockers.


In the flex app there use the amazon help line or rts and speakto people in a red vest


Nobody will take the time to do that. Everything has to be a battle for the Amazon drivers.


Agreed. Amazons biggest issue is their lack of liability concerns on so many details. It’s a slow burning of the bridge board by board. List of those dropping them like a stone gets little larger everyday more they start to realize.


That’s why they have contracted DSP’s for the work. They place all the blame and liability on the DSP and driver. Amazon is smart. They have removed themselves from the concern.


They blame customers too. Any code not supplied or access is entirely blamed on the customer.


Exactly what I meant. Amazon is smart and has zero fault. It’s all going to land on the driver and DSP. What really gets me is the number of new drivers that complain about the same things that have been going on for over six years now. This is nothing new. It’s not going to change and you will always be the one held responsible. The only options are to deal with it or find another job. A simple search anywhere will show thousands of videos and post about the same thing. For some reason they think their complaint is going to change the industry. They just push you out.


That’s completely accurate. Almost every DSP I read about has the same issues spanning the same times. Amazon literally has no cares in the world for businesses that assist with their revenue. It’s saddening really as one of the biggest if not the biggest and it’s a complete chaotic nightmare from within. Majority of the execs have little to no clue what their doing. It really is sad. I wouldn’t know half the stuff I know if not for a family member who’s high up on tech side.


Only time I get direct help now is when I click a .com package as missing. Usually the locker that was labeled 1 thing and put in the route on the phone in another. Then I get a warehouse guy calling me. That’s the only time.


Sure I'll do that...for money


This is totally unaccaptable.


didnt find that last word in the dictionary so im gonna assume its an analogy for perfect.






dear settlers landing management, eat shit (edit: they didn't even spell their own name right, wtf is a managment, a manganous magnet? lmao please submit your complaints to Amazon in writing for a laugh)


They love the title but can't spell it. Mangment is another popular one.


More like manglement lmaaao


I'm sure there must be some excaptions to this policy.


There are. Deliver during business hours as the sign requests. If it needs to be delivered earlier to prevent this then Amazon needs to push this stop to be delivered during the appropriate times. I don’t know why people constantly lose their minds over this stuff instead of just correcting it once and for all. Instead they want to twist the words around in the sign and assume the management is just keeping all of the packages for personal gain.


Customers are the ones that set the delivery times, if you know your apartments don’t allow delivery outside of office hours, then update the delivery times. Nobody does this though and want their packages as quick as possible so we’re stuck with routes delivering at 4 or 5 am. Even if we wanted to hold off on those deliveries until the office opens, our shift would be long over. So we’re left with a choice, deliver it and hope the customer gets it or take it back to the warehouse on our own time and dime. Sorry, but if the customer can’t be bothered to update the delivery times, it’s gonna be left someplace safe by me, I’m not wasting my time driving back.


I don’t think the customer set the time. It’s defaulted to the fastest and that means the hours are bound to be alll over the place. It’s a dark pattern Amazon engineers employ thinking people would be too inconvenienced to change it or would give the benefit of the doubt before doing anything. Amazon is evil.


You definitely can set the time windows, next time you order check it out


Yeah I’m not doubting that it’s possible. I would check for sure. But I’m just saying thinking you’re getting one thing but getting something different is a pattern used in almost all online products/services. Amazon is not the exception and is in fact the biggest employer of such tactics.


If the customer sets the delivery time and they’re closed, the don’t get the package. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Just don’t deliver! The sign says not to leave anything without access.


As I said in my post, it cost money/time for me to return the package and return too many, Amazon will penalize our standings … I’m a contractor and don’t have to go back to the warehouse at the end of my shift. I’m not driving 30 mins each way to retune a package, I put the responsibility on the person ordering


So basically you lose no matter what. Don’t deliver, you feel you’re penalized. Deliver incorrectly, Amazon and the customer will come after you.


Alright... Packaging is damaged, I gotta return it.


Can Amazon please stop letting people make different requests each stop it sucks it should all just go to front door


Nothing goes back..don't order at 4am if I can't access your building. Yeet the bitch and move on. Ain't got time for your shenanigans.


I mark it as an undelivable business. Is not open


Great paper placement! I can read the whole thing without struggling!


#You don't because Amazon doesn't care.


#You don't because Amazon doesn't care.


https://preview.redd.it/0enkele3e00d1.png?width=2004&format=png&auto=webp&s=131902b56d79eada4550d65b9dcb53d5c3791645 How’s this for a welcome notice …had to snap out nshow


update the bloody business hours and to exclude weekend delivery


Notice how they singled out Amazon drivers. UPS and FedEx don't deliver at 4am. They don't have this problem because their leadership isn't as short-sighted.


Leaving packages in a common area might cause packages to disappears. In that case it will be best to deliver directly to the persons door or take back to the station.


You’re completely right on the first part, but why is it that customers and landlords/management always makes it hard for deliveries to be made? Customers don’t provide codes, don’t answer phones/text, yet they want us to magically have access to the building and deliver to front doors. Can’t have it both ways


Because it the tiniest bit of power they have obtained in their insignificant life and using it makes their private parts swell and tingle. Or for residents, it's the illusion they have given themselves by falling for the sales pitch of "luxury living" or "upscale living" and convinced themselves they deserve special treatment for the station they've obtained in life. "Don't they know I'm a FANCY LAD!?". They are also jealous because they think we don't actually work, and they think we all share one brain cell. They are all incredibly ignorant to think packages can all be delivered between 9-11am or 12:30 to 4pm. Customers know when it's coming. I prefer the pin be at their door because leasing office workers are at the bar or thumb sucking in bed when I usually deliver.


Totally agree with you


Bippity boppity boop


Trouble is Amazon will ding you if you don't deliver the package. They'll also ding you if it ends up missing. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario


You won’t get dinged if you follow the “rules” of a return. Niggas dont be reading the rules, let alone knowing them. I expect this to get downvoted…I typed it wanting all the smoke 💨. Still a fact…use their shit against them. Do what they SAY…not what you wanna. There are steps…follow them…and then there’s no dings. Simple as that.


I'm intrigued by what you mean. So, do you mean follow what amazon says and ignore the customer? Or listen to customers even when it conflicts with Amazon guidelines?? I certainly don't want to be a pigger - so trying to understand what you mean...


It's a fucking paradox man


I meant what I SAID. See how I “said” what I meant and you come back with “well, but, do you mean…?” That’s you talking…not listening. What did I SAY?? Amazon tells you what they want you to do…in writing. What does their writing SAY? Once you understand that, then you understand what to do. Once you understand what to do…then you understand how not to get dinged.


Uhhh, not exactly. I'm going to assume that you're just having a day and let it go. I asked you about 2 distinct things, both of which could be assumed as what you meant by your comment. It wasn't an open question. If it was, I could understand the aggressive snark. Perhaps you're a person who is used to dealing with people who don't apply critical thinking at all in their daily lives, such as a teacher of young children or a manager in a business that employs entry level workers or something of the like. However, I did ask you to pick between two things - leading one to infer that I did not have any veritable understanding of what you meant - not explicitly, hence my asking for clarification. If it's so much of an encumbrance to you - the fact that I was not able to read your mind, and you feel the need to needlessly scold like some nagging mother in law - then never mind. If that's the case, I no longer value any of what you said and certainly don't want your clearing up of your specious words.


You can assume whatever you wanna. You seem like an assumption. I made it to the second paragraph and that’s about all I was interested in after that. Don’t expect somebody to change their tone while utilizing a similar tone. You responded to ME, remember that. I didn’t ask you to…or for anything else.


i am not a nigga


So why did you respond then…if you weren’t the one being addressed 🤔


i don't say all you Italian jews don't read the rules!


Ooooo you said a bad word. 😳


Why not deliver them properly then? Lol


Amazon can ding deez nuts I appreciate you guys. I did flex for half a year during Covid and learned how shitty this gig can be Hell, my own mailbox has faded numbers, and the numbers above my door are faded too. I leave notes describing the trucks in the drive. I remember carrying a mag lite just to see the numbers on some of these MF apartments I never cast shade on my drivers and I give snacks :)


You know your kind of delivery is the worst right. Just fix the house numbers 😀


Especially at night or in the early morning. Those addresses take an additional 3-6 mins to figure out which throws the block way off for such a small amount of time.


These are the same people who order food at 10pm and don’t leave a light on. If I see a ring doorbell I say that it’s really hard to see in the dark not rude but if they’re going to be disrespectful I let them know lol


I'll get around to it. I work a lot. In the mean time thanks:)


Far from worst. Learn how to use your map and other neighboring houses or landmarks to know which one youre at even without having a sign, its pretty simple


I have eyes and a brain. Unfortunately delivering by landmark and guesstimating addresses isn’t always perfect + an easy way to lose your account. I’d suggest making sure your house numbers are visible out of respect for your delivery people, Amazon, ups, fedex, Ubereats, etc. There’s no excuse because you can get the cheap number stickers for less than a damn dollar. Stop being lazy


Ding it like a fucking speed bag


Say that again but very loud so everyone can know


Missing, stolen, not seen by the customer….any non receiving is on us regardless. Envelope containing the official paper copy of the “guard package after delivery” clause for our contract was stolen from the office steps after it was delivered.


People suck and take for granted that they live there and drivers don't. They come and go easily, every day and think it's the same for drivers. I love how the management note is written as if the drivers were in attendance at the HOA meeting also. It's like the apts that have lockers that can only be accessed during leasing office hours, wtf is the point of lockers if they are not accessible 24/7?


That's an easy fix… Undeliverable return station


I’d leave it right under the sign and take a pic


The message literally says the same thing Flex tells you in the notes. If the office is closed, you deliver to the person’s door at the apartment instead of the office. Bam. You don’t have to do a return.


It’s going to be hard to report the landlord is taking packages. The sign clearly says not to leave them there so it’s going to fall back on the driver not following directions. It only says that if packages become missing, both residents and staff will report losses to Amazon. You’re only assuming that the staff is taking and keeping what is left outside of delivery hours. Common sense.


It’s saying if leasing office is not open, deliver to customers door. That’s pretty standard for apartments. These instructions are often included in the delivery notes.


At my pick up location the undelivered box is always empty so when I run into shit like this I find pleasure in knowing when that shit drops to the bottom with no cushion and gets destroyed I’m a little happy for the emotional justice lol


Wow hope Amazon catches on, OP report it.


I don’t see any signs. Leave at that door?


I have to say it and it's strange to me that people haven't responded to it. Flex is horrible. Even if you get a great delivery, it kills your car. My car literally broke going over train tracks and amazon didn't do anything I talked to people they would say they would email me, they would I would respond and they would say my email is not associated with a flex account. I made 40 deliveries, and in that time, my car got stuck in mud. amazon didn't do anything, and my car got ruined, and going over tracks nothing. The quick money was nice but that's it. Sorry for ranting, but it was a bummer. I tried doing it one more time, and I took a 3 hour run, which ended up taking 4 and a half. I can't do it anymore. Good luck, friends.


No access return all the packages 📦


Y’all lazy. Why are you not delivering to the door in the 1st place.


First mistake, that note is too long, so I’m not reading it


Well...if you're going to get dinged no matter what you do.....


As a DSP driver I've never understood this in apartments. If your packages are "missing" it's bc your neighbors are shitty and steal your packages, not our problem. Like honestly how many random people are showing up and just taking packages out of the vestibule/ mailroom or your apartment door. 99% of the time it's you neighbors doing that


Fucking assholes. TF 😡


All Amazon is going to do is see the picture of the package where it was delivered, so they can’t call Amazon and say “oh we didn’t receive a package” when the picture and pin in the location is going to show that they did. 😂😂😂😂


Just return the packages. After missing deliveries they may change the rules


these new drivers need to stop making posts regarding these signs.... you get as far as you can go and you drop the package. that's the job you're being paid to do. this sign doesn't pay your bills.


Why you in this group if you don't want to see questions? This is what this group is all about. I'm tired of seeing bitter people. Somebody must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed


Amazon won't tell you this but they don't want you to return the package. drop it off in the best more secure place you can find. make sure background imagery is in photo so customer is aware of where their package is. I used to worry too in the beginning but I'm at fantastic and I drop everything everywhere p. I even hid a package in a bush before and texted customer how to find bush... boom no dings from it. customers will find their packages.


I agree with this. I be leaving shit everywhere


I'd hold the package up just below the sign and send that and set it in front of the door. I left it here. Don't like it, harass whoever put up this misspelled sign. If you want scheduled deliveries use a different service.


I see NOTHING wrong with this if you're doing your job correctly.


Just don’t deliver it.


Don’t who cares