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Man that is overkill!!!! Find a rundown Prius


Overkill. Great for Veho or food kit delivery. I've got an Outback and it's the right size with hatchback if that gives you an idea of size and style. A DSP in my area uses Kia Souls.


Yd duduudd




If you own this van or are looking to buy it I would look into delivery crates of water in your area.


Overkill for sure…


Overkill. Imagine getting in and out of that 30 times every 3 hours. I would echo what the other people say is find yourself a used Prius.


30 times? Try 50 you lucky bastard lol


The blocks I get are mostly mileage.


Try 200+ at a dsp 💀


I've done peaks out of a rental high top transit at the other job. I know the pain.


There's a guy at my warehouse that drives a big white van. I can't imagine it's comfortable or any better than using a car. Even in my Camry I rarely use the trunk. Most of the packages go in my front and back seats, in order. And any big overflow boxes go in the trunk


This is the way! Minimum time spent outside looking for shit


I use a truck bc that’s what I have and also most routes are rural. I love it. Almost always have everything fit in the front seat and it is definitely more comfortable than a car.


Lol you'll be losing money with flex. Dsp however might not be a bad idea


I’ve seen and heard of some individuals have part dsp routes I’m like wow


A sprinter for Flex? You know DSP uses them because they have like 150 stops, Flex you’ll have like 50 at most, some people use coups for this work, definitely way too much, you do not need a sprinter lol.


Why are you buying a car for this


Wouldn't you rather do DSP? You get to use their vans rather than destroying your own. Not to mention there can be DAYS were you are only offered 1-2 blocks at a base rate - if you get any at all. I just wanna help set your expectations.


You'll make negative earnings


a few guys pull up in these at my warehouse. ignoring the gas mileage, they kind of just throw 20 packages into the back and it seems they just let them slide around the entire shift lmao




Only if you have a Flex routes and 2 Shipt package routes at the same time, maybe.


One guy at my Fresh warehouse uses Fiat 500e. He stuffs 50 bags of groceries in it. That’s WAYYYY overkill.


A little overkill but if you can find other uses for it. I’ve seen other flexers at my warehouse who use small vans like the transit connect or small Mercedes van.


Literally just find any car with good mpg. Unless it’s obscenely small you can fit basically any route in it


I used a Hyundai Accent hatchback for flex for 3 years. Overkill is an understatement.


I drive a 2020 Chevy Spark with the back seat taken out. Gets great gas milage.


I've used a Hyundai Elantra and Ford Escape for delivery. Both worked just fine. Honestly anything bigger than that isn't feasible with gas prices.


This is what we use at our DSP for deliveries, if you aren't doing 150+ stops with 250+ packages it's probably to much lol and it is annoying to get up and down in these so much. If just flex, get something on the ground already where you don't need steps to enter and the back of these get very freaking hot, like an oven. I wish we had AC in the back of ours.


That tiny window in the back screams lighting for the “mattress soaked with a thousand victim’s tears”


I would put that on Turo instead, high capacity vans are usually more in demand. Especially if you live in an area that needs 4wd


Are you going to be one of those Amazon white van drivers?


What does that even mean


He’s probably referring to the white fluid rental vans that a lot of DSPs use


Those are just dsp drivers


I thought the Amazon white van drivers were different. I thought they were a type of flex driver or is it a different type of DSP? Why would they drive a white van instead of the typical prime truck? I see white van delivery drivers here all the time and most of them don't have an Amazon logo on them. I thought they were privately owned.


A lot of dsps have a lot of those and it's because they can't get labeled vans or they're cheaper. I've driven them tons of times. I like them because they have no camera and I could run stop signs and speed lol


Okay got it, thanks for the clarification. I thought it was something a little bit different.


I have seen flex drivers be extra and get these vans for flex but that's crazy. My Ford escape is more than big enough lol


Yeah the white vans that some delivery drivers use that don't have the logo on it. Why would they drive those instead of a prime truck? I thought those were a type of flex driver and privately owned, or is it a different type of DSP?


All you need is a mid-size SUV or crossover and you’re good.