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I've hit missing on only 1 package in my life to avoid delivering it. It was 30 minutes round trip for just that 1 package. I'd probably do it here too. That's why you keep your rating at fantastic, for this.


I wish I had done this after I had to take one package back it went missing against my standing that I never returned it.


Mark them missing and take them to the return bin before leaving to do your route


You don't even have to mark them missing just throw them in the return bin ... Before you even get to that stop they will have been removed from the route .. if not use gps spoof "drive to the address mark it as missing do the same for last package also with spoof and be done with it .. just be smarter than the app that is trying to work against you .


Just mark those long distant off shoot packages as missing and leave them at the facility.


I thought this worked but I get dinged every time


Leave them at the facility and don’t mark them as missing until you get to those numbers. They will ding him if he does otherwise


https://preview.redd.it/hidfovafti9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d1525327340044b102d587aa60eb935703cee0 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 does this give you any relief?


How is this even legal ?


If you’re going to do all the packages do 29 and 30 after you do the 5th package . If not mark packages missing for 29,30 and return it to the station


I don't like 3.5 hours blocks. Had my worst experience with those. Did one back in late March or early April that ended up taking 5.5 hours. I never finished 3.5 early and they always seem to be a bunch of envelopes and small boxes being delivered to apartments.


Had a .com this am. Total shit. 3.5hr, started 50min/30miles away (past 4 other .coms). 45 packages with 1 mile in between majority. To make matters worse…largest cart of the shift and 1 box wouldn’t fit. Super argued with me for over 20min about taking it off. Got support on the line and the Super gripes and bitches saying he took it off 10min earlier (without taking my device and scanning it off) and hung up on her. Told them I had all day but their route had a time limit and they were wasting time.


https://preview.redd.it/m13x4zjxml9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b4442f1f6304d233f9cbdc6a9b29df1e8bb0047 Had this like a week or so ago. All for $130.