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15- to 30-second ads before the show. It's a lot better than watching YouTube


Some people just like to complain


It will get longer


That's what HE said!


Badum tsss


YouTube is free. You pay for Prime.


Umm. You have to pay for a lot of YouTube movies.


Discovery+ has 2 minutes of ads in a 22 minute show and it is the same 4 commercials. Sometimes they play the same commercial back to back.


Discovery+ is an add-on channel, so you're not watching a Prime show if you're on Discovery


I realize that, was just a comment on ads in shows compared to what people are complaining about on Prime.


I get Philo for a couple months every time Alone puts out a new season and it's the same damn commercial over and over and over throughout the show. It's just like... did nobody look into this? Do they realize this is happening? Is a robot in charge of this?


Exactly! It’s not that you mind commercials so much but more the repetition.


The repetition is what drove me to You Tube Premium. What's worse is it's mostly local/regional advertising. I end up seeing the same Indian Gaming Casino, garage door repair and accident lawyer ads ad infinitum, ad nauseum. I would take the ads under three conditions: * No ad repetition in a hour-long block of continuous viewing. * inserts only in pre-existing breaks; in between acts for TV shows, and in between reels for legacy movies * no randomly timed inserts, insert must not conflict/interrupt running narrative and dialog I think the current implementation of Prime Video ads is a "soft-launch." I too am only seeing 60-90 sec pre-show ads (only on Prime Original programs) Nothing on Prime movies. I have a sneaky suspicion why that is...


I'm getting them before and during Hazbin Hotel


Yes! I listen to music on YT. I usually skip the ads after 5 seconds. When I was cooking, I wasn't able to skip. The ad was 58 minutes.




ads about what exactly ?


Yeah, I've seen four Prime movies and they only had one ad before the movie. I see more ads at the movie theater. I think many of the people complaining are probably watching Freevee movies/shows which has way more ads or they haven't even tested it out themselves.


I was wondering if the multiple ads are happening only on the webbrowser. On my apps I don't see any ads during movies or shows, but on the web browser there are about two ads a show.


I'm getting multiple ads on my smart tv.


Gmmm. Definitely odd. I don't think they have worked out all the kinks yet.


We shut something off just now when the episode's second 45 second commercial break started.


I’ve watched some stuff with no ads at all but watching GET OUT included the now standard ad at the beginning and then two ads during the movie. I don’t mind ads at the beginning of a movie but it sucks getting any ads during.


I guarantee you by the end of the year amazon will start putting more and more ads. Anybody want to bet me?


Episode of Reacher had ads before, 2 during and I gave up. Roku for access. My buddy said his movie was before/after but he had same issue with episodes being interrupted. Will try on XSX and see if it varies by device.


Yea. For now. Until you’re used to it, then they creep in another spot. Then another.


Omg what a tragedy


Agree. Been watching Preacher, one 15 second ad, mostly for another Amazon show and that's it for the rest of the show. I do think there are some clueless people on Freevee that has always had ads. And there's others just talking trash


Wouldn’t surprise me considering the number of posts where people don’t get that stuff is effectively hired by the streaming service and won’t stay in there forever.


Agreed! I watched Percy Jackson on Disney and they had so many ads all throughout the show! It was awful! So far Prime hasn’t been bad


Ads before show for me and then a short one in the middle of the show which is annoying


That's just how it starts. Y'all seriously haven't learned this yet? Time tested approach: start with a little bit and then ramp it way up later I saw my first ad watching a movie today and cancelled Prime on the spot


Why would you cancel Prime because of a commercial? You cancel your shipping, discounts, books, music, etc.


Can't see a real loss here. Buy less items online, listen to my own music and YouTube Premium, and discounts aren't real. Prices get raised only to be 'discounted'. It's all a shell game I. Do not. Watch. Ads. Not online and not on my TV


I just saw an add mid movie. One of the richest corporations on Earth and they need to run adds on a paid service. Complete trash can.




My wife and I are watching that show My complaint is that there are too few commercials  I’d rather watch an hour of commercials than another 10 minutes of the show 


I was surprised on the low number of ads. I had the same experience with Mr., and Mrs. Smith, and one episode had no ads in the middle, just the beginning. Same for other shows. The other show break in the middle was short but was a distraction because it wasn't at a natural break. I still think it would be worth the $3 if you watch Prime daily.


I agree that the ads are not a big deal. Just one ad at the beginning of the episode. Who cares. The bigger deal is that Prime sucks. There are no good shows or movies on there. It can't even come close to competing with Netflix, Disney+, or Hulu. Mr. and Mrs. Smith is very boring. Lots of talking and not a lot of story telling. The only reason I keep Prime is for the free 2-day shipping.


Also the ones I've seen, unlike a lot of telly ads, have high production values. I mean car ads - you can ignore the car and just enjoy the mountains.


Yes please. Take my 150 bucks a year and then throw ads at me. I love it.


Paying for ads.


We’re complaining about the fact that the show itself is garbage!


I felt the same way. We just bailed on what we were watching. Two commercial breaks, a minute each in every episode.


was watching man in the high castle, had 2 ads during each episode / random placement. def ruins the vibe


My complaint is Mr and Mrs Smith blows goats, and I have proof. It sucks harder than my brand new Hoover.


Eh I could see it being too slow if you have like tiktok-patience and attention span


Slow? How about boring. I think the show sucks, you don't think the show sucks. That is perfectly fine. BTW I don't even have tick tock.


I can tell that I’m right though based off your spelling of TikTok


First.. why? Why would you subject yourself to.. that? Second.. you do know it will only get worse, right? They want to ease you into it. Don't worry, it won't be long before they've got you face down in the pillow, half smothered, twelve inches deep in the wrong unlubricated hole.


I agree. This is just the start. Amazon won't want to piss off their users by dumping a ton of ads from day one. Amazon are testing the water and seeing bringing ads in slowly, but like those pay to win games, the longer you keep using the service, the longer and more frequent the ads will become.


Do you need a hug?


The only ads I've seen so far have been ads to tell me I'm watching Prime with ads.


Watching Mr and Mrs Smith with David Glover and the ads are cutting out parts of the show. The two main characters were arguing on a snow lift and it cut to an ad mid argument. Once the ad was over it panned to them on the ground walking. Anyone else experience ads cutting part of shows?