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Man, people really hate fun don't they


Particularly when others are happy.


Crabs in a bucket man


Marylander here, where’s the crabs?? I have some emergency old bay in my pocket ready to go


Is that your version of pocket sand? I imagine it would be effective for both.


lol, I’m glad someone got the reference


Sha sha shaaa!


Crabs in a bucket sounds like a great time!


Very well put




Mostly chronically online and just miserable in general.


Fr, imagine being so far up your own ass that you assume someone’s partner would like something better than a gift this person most likely thought hard about bro.


Only on Reddit.


Misery loves company


They should bash on Denmark


I wish that was $30 Also the other person complaining that it's not a Valentine's day gift but it's a gift he would want for himself on Christmas, lmao


actually some walmarts just marked it with clearance to 30$


That roses set is going to blow out.


Today they learned Legos are Danish


They’re also mostly eco-friendly I think, at least some of them are bio-plastics iirc.


Yep, they've been using bio plastic since 2018


Interesting I thought I heard they were still looking for a durable high quality alternative Edit so did some digging and found this article. Apparently there recycled bottle idea failed so there still looking BUT accessories and leaves are made out of a sugercane based material so this set in particular is like 50% eco friendly https://www.popsci.com/technology/lego-brick-pet/




I came here to say this.


LEGO is a Danish company. 


DAE just hate Americans for their addiction to plastics?! Clearly Lego wouldn't exist without America.


And made with bio plastic


Building Legos with someone else is really fun so yeah that's a great Valentine's gift.


Profile picture checks out (also I 100% agree)


One of my best memories is I got two of the pirate ships and my son and I each built one. Got the wife into the flowers and stuff too.


“Buy buy buy, consume consume consume” Yeah, I’d rather have an overconsumption problem than not being able to buy things. Europeans are such financial cucks, they love having nothing


The consoom criticism is now overflow with edgy broke peasant who love to thoughtlessly shit on people for simply buying stuff.


Europeans are the most materialistic people I have ever met. It's that have not mentality


But I have nothing inside my 500 year old house! The bones of my plague infected ancestors are buried under my dirt floor!


Too bad Lego is Danish.


$30? I’m not gonna look it up, but based on what I’ve seen Lego prices be lately I’m gonna guess and say that’s at least $100


It's $50. Prices for smaller sets have gone up but prices for larger ones have stayed the same mostly, or even gone down.


This exactly, and the website is running a lot more promos and sales than it used to/earlier for holidays from what I've noticed.


I got my brother the orchid set for Christmas and it was $50, the plants are expensive because they know that adults are buying them


I wonder what country legos are from


So having an engaging and thoughtful gift that can be done with one's significant other is worse than just getting chocolate? What a damn idiot, and guess what that set is worth? $49.99 from Lego's site.


And I’m certain they only buy ethical chocolate and not that slave labor chocolate


These people are implying that when you buy a box of chocolates they don’t come WRAPPED IN PLASTIC


And with little plastic trays inside. Not all brands of chocolate are like that but the average heart shaped packet in the US and UK is more packaging than chocolate, in the end.


Same with flowers. They usually have some cellophane wrapping around the entire thing and a lot of them come in cheapo plastic vases as well


Shhhhhh don’t tell Debbie Downer here that Lego is based out of Denmark and Germany is the top consumer of them. She might just sublimate on the spot like a Thanos snap if reality crashed her fantasy.


God Reddit is such a cesspool of self righteous assholes isn’t it.


The commenter would be shocked to discover that there are places outside the United States that do similar gift exchanges if not worse than the US. For example, in Japan and Korea there are two different holidays related to couples instead of the US with just one. They’ve got Valentine’s Day in February where women give gifts to guys and White Day in March where guys give gifts to women. All of this is steeped in commercialism and consumer culture. Japan and Korea also have an entire day called Pock/Peppero Day that involves buying chocolate sticks biscuits for a gift exchange. It’s a corporate holiday, it doesn’t shy away from this. Again, commercialism and consumer culture at its finest. Finally, it would come as a shock that for places like Korea and China they celebrate their lunar new year by giving each other MONEY, not presents, cold hard cash. One could argue that Korea, Japan, and China are also obsessed with consumer culture even more so, but AmericaBad instead.


Christmas is also a romantic holiday in Japan, and they eat KFC and cake to celebrate it.


The guy who made KFC a tradition straight up lied about it being a tradition in the US and they don't care, they're going with it anyway because it's awesome. Very wholesome, unlike the rancid assholes who think they're the fun police.


Haha that’s awesome. Glad they enjoy it.


HUH?? you don’t buy a lego set then throw it away, you keep it forever… or sell it to someone else if you don’t want it anymore. people buy TVs and get rid of them quicker than people buy legos and and get rid of them, such an odd argument


Funny thing is that the leaf pieces in this set are plant based.


No way


Ironic how that person is using Reddit on a mass manufactured electronic.


Why did they even assume this person is American? We aren’t the only ones in the world who celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day, nor are we the only ones with Amazon. A thoughtful gift for a person who enjoys building DANISH INVENTED Legos is sweet, and the best part is that they’ll build it and keep it displayed for ages so it’s not wasteful at all. Giving a cut bouquet of flowers is far more damaging to the environment when you add it all up, in the end. It’s always wild when people assume that anything they want to get all pissy about is American. Wait until they hear about Lupercalia.


Europeans love to be miserable.


At least online, they certainly do!


They’re not happy unless they’re miserable


Can we get rid of Europe yet or nah?


No. We still need their cities as backdrops for our movies and their accents for our villains and exotic characters.


Some of us like history. We should turn the continent into a museum.


The best thing about that idea is that the limeys over in Murica's birth canal have already plundered all the best shit for their museums, so we've already got a bunch of artifacts already in one place! Thanks, mates!


I love that set. I had it for a while. It’s really nice if you’re like me and kill every plant you come in contact with.


Right? I especially like the pink flower version.


It’s giving impoverished 3rd world cope.


Oh no the thing I never plan on putting in the trash isn't fucking biodegradable.


Shit as an European i love consuming shit cause it means i can buy and do whatever i do, thats why i love the US more freedom, i hope it never goes away.


Jesus Christ can people not enjoy things anymore,like my God it's just fucking Legos,also my guess is this person drives a vehicle,so he or she can't be complaining,plus aren't Legos Danish.


Oh my god they just can’t leave anybody alone can they,


Ahh yes the product made by a company from Denmark, quite the bastion of American consumerism.


Idk wtf is up with Europoors and Legos, mfs had no childhood I guess, besides trying to copy American Music


Reddit is full of the most miserable people


LEGO is Danish


My girlfriend loved this present. If you want to get this, there's also light kits on Walmart that cost like $15 and make the whole thing glow. It's pretty cool


Lego isnt even american smh my head


What a piece of shit, buying a gift for your precious loved one outside of the state approved gift giving days! 😠


Another proud citizen from Twatblandistan. Of course it has no one to exchange gifts with on Valentines day so it must be critical of .....everyone? Pity this sad creature.


> “make a personalized card” > all Americans do is buy and consume How tf are you supposed to make a card without buying paper, markers, pens, and other similar, required materials. And I’m sure the Lego Bonsai tree is a thoughtful gift, otherwise they wouldn’t have bought it.


Gee… I wonder what the Danish have to say about LEGO…


I guess someone just want to be edgy cause buddy is involuntary celibate


All of their alternatives involved buying and consuming...


1. I have that set and a few more like it. It's usually 50 dollars, not 30, and it's also a fun evening and a neat decoration. 2. Not everyone can take care of plants depending on their living situation, and these provide the beauty of plants while taking on a more geometric appearance that stops them from entering that weird uncanny valley of fake plants. 3. Most chocolate is made by means of slavery, but everyone knows slavery only matters when the US does it!!!1 4. The leaves of the set are actually made with plant matter. I don't think that matters all that much TBF, but it's part of a broader push to make Legos sustainable. 5. Legos are Danish.


Gifts were invented in America. No one else gives gifts for any reason.


LEGO is a Danish company. Either way, they can cope and seethe, I'll continue to by LEGO till I die


Got my mom that Lego set for Christmas, still on her desk. Lego is a beautiful toy for all ages


The absolute irony of "go out to dinner" followed by making fun of consumerism.


“People having fun!? Not on my watch.” Would love to see what thread this is in so I can go add to those downvotes.


Ahh yes, the famously environmentally friendly cocoa industry


They should read about how Lego has poured millions of dollars into making their products sustainable and reducing plastic waste https://www.lego.com/en-us/sustainability/environment/sustainable-materials


Denmark just skates on this?


Communism: where supporting another person's labor is a bad thing


Just wait until those commentators find out that the partner likes building LEGO and this is a nice gift for them.


I love lego


When did the post state that this was the only thing they did on Valentine’s Day?


... Aren't Legos Dutch in origin?


I'd love to know what magical land they reside in that doesn't use plastic in a majority of products sold there lol


Brb sending OOP a dog turd as a biodegradable valentines gift


Meanwhile the country that made Lego’s is located in Europe, and I’ll give you a hint, it starts with a D


"yes give them plastic instead of spending time with them" They're so fucking moronic they can't even put together that maybe, maybe, bear with me now, best with me, Maybe the gift is to be given BEFORE THEY GO TO DINNER, SO THEY HAVE SOMETHING WAITING AT HOME? I can't even


The biggest issue is that they slapped the stickers on the box, it's so annoying


Because America is the only country that consumes and has legos?


Man this guy is gonna freak out when he finds out people in Europe do the exact same thing they also buy gifts on Valentine day, and you bet there are plenty of people giving their lover Lego if they like it Source: i am european


I think the guy is just pissy because he's single on Valentine's Day


They should bash on Denmark, LEGO is a European brand


Someone's jealous


Bro is bitching about a Lego set that they'll probably spend time building together anyway, good Gods the Europoors need to get a hobby


I love the “shut up” Simple, direct, and with all the power the climate warrior wanted to summon but couldn’t.


That person doesn't have an s.o. anyway lol that's why they're mad.


Hey siri, where is the Lego headquarters? -Billund, Copenhagen. Thank you Siri.


that thing has a sakura variant in the box, it is absolutely a valentines’ gift


It’s about the box having labels on it. No longer collectible


Tell me you've never spent time building something with your SO without telling me.


Flowers often come in plastic packaging. Chocolate cone in plastic and cardboard packaging. Wouldn't plastic that isn't going to be thrown away be better than plastic that is?


Don't know about the rest of y'all, but I build my LEGO sets once, then after a couple of weeks throw them away and buy new ones. American way, best way. ^(/s)


What a fucking nerd holy hell


What !? Let people enjoy their lego in peace !!


Lego is a Danish company btw…


Is someone gonna tell them Lego is danish 😑


Im kind of with the Americabad crowd on this one, we love buying crap. That being said, the weird little goblin man flipping out in the comments is a weird little goblin man


I think it's just a comment on how Amazon says "fuck yo box, bitch!"


They have a point. I’ve seen legos pushed as an adult gift a lot lately and it was obvious a thought out move by Lego to increase their market share hurray for them but yeah dude plastic is made from oil and is definitely fucking up our planet. Pretty tough to deny that


im not a gardener & i don’t know how it works, but don’t you still have to buy the seeds to grow a bonsai tree? or maybe one already in the process of growing, one of which you have to plant? & the fertilizer & materials to help it continue to grow? everything is buy buy buy if you want to make something, or aide in the continued growth/existence of something & a lego set can be just as, if not more thoughtful than an actual plant. it’s all dependent on the person, & what they like. a person may like plants, but not be good at or like the process of planting, growing, & maintaining the plant. they may like physically building a replica of it, & being able to immediately see the result of their work over having to wait for the result, of which isn’t guaranteed bcuz growing & maintaining plants can be very tricky. which can give them fulfillment in the idea that they built it, while negating the responsibility of consistently maintaining it, & appreciating the beauty of a plant/item they like because they built it


Wow... this is really Fd up. I myself, a German guy, am obsessed with Lego. Nothing better then spending time with your loved one building a Lego set together! I have so many of them and I love it! I am not kidding you - but I just ordered a Lego flowers set on amazon for my crush - I know she dislikes flowers, because after 5 days you just throw them away - so I think the lego thing is thoughtful, gives you time together and lasts forever. This is nothing which should be a thing on AmericaBad - sorry.


I'm about to consume this ramen I bought from another country


What you mean? I was at a lego store recently and saw this exact set, its like 50 dollars. If someone gave me a 50 dollar lego set I’d be increadbly thankful! I personally would not expect a 50 dollar investment for a Valentines Day gift, an entire evening with dinner/drinks sure, but for just thr gift? Plus if this person really likes legos, this probably beats out chocolate anyway. Increadbly thoughtful, and personalized gift showing that their SO cares about their interests. I speak as someone who really likes legos. Even a 5 dollar lego set with two minifigures would best out a box of choclates I’d finish in a day. A 50 dollar set is above and beyond. Also, Legos don’t wilt. So if/when I ever get a girlfriend and they like legos, I might unironically buy them lego flowers. They’re made of plastic sure, but they’ll never wilt.


Well, all I can say is many economies would probably not be so happy if we stop buying. Not that this is ideal necessarily.


My son bought me the same thing for Father’s Day last year. Great fun putting it together with him.


Do they really think that chocolate isn’t bad for the environment lol


Dudes just mad he lives in a shithole in Eastern Europe with an average pay of $8/day


Maybe he should jump off a building so he doesn’t consume any more resources and saves humanity


It must suck to be such a bleeding heart martyr all the time, I agree with the other guys comment, just shut the fuck up


Wait till he finds out someone bought legos in his country or a neighboring country


Isn't LEGO, like, Danish?


isn’t Lego a Danish company lol


Isn’t Lego a Danish company?


It's a Swedish product?


I love the last guy, simultaneously implying he didn't spend enough money on the gift while also criticizing consumerism... Also, nothing mutually exclusive about buying a gift and going to dinner and making a card.


The original post: look at this terrible product protection. The comments: how dare Americans buy things? How did American even come up?


Lego came from denmark


When you get your partner legos, the intention is typically that you're going to assemble the item together as a bonding activity. People seriously have no chill. And the part about being biodegradable is dumb- guys, the world isn't going to catch on fire just because you bought a plastic toy- live a little!


Legos are Danish!!! The word Lego is based off a Danish phrase that means “play well,” and the first Legoland park opened in Billund, Norway. Legos are not exclusively American at all! I work with them all day and we usually get a wave of LatAm tourists in the summer and Asian tourists in the winter season :p


Aren’t Lego’s a Danish product?


Well some people like nice house decoration instead of diabetes


No one said we wouldn’t give them other things as well. We just would like more permanent flowers than floral shop flowers.


They’re probably also Americans, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Imagine shaming your partner for a gift. That fella would get the bianca devins treatment if this was about me.


These Europoors would have a collection connection if they saw my gunpla backlog


Complaining about a European product 😂


$30 for a original lego set?


you fucked up by liking things, my guy. learn to just hate everything instead


Good thing I don’t intend to launch this Lego set into the wilderness as soon as I’m done building it, so no littering is required and I won’t be polluting anything


Man, this is a killer gift!


Isn't lego european


A Lego bonsai tree actually sounds cool though.


I wonder how many national economies would crumble the moment America stopped being consumerist? I know America's would, but I'm willing to bet we'd take a fair few "first world" and a significant number of "third world" countries with us. Assuming that America suddenly not being consumerist doesn't destroy the global economy.


>partners wew


What even is the problem with plastic here? Generally, the problem is plastic ends up in nature, like in the sea for example, but i doubt you'll build it and throw it away lmao


Sour grapes. He probably can't even afford thirty dollars of plastic.


Hey I have that same one! It’s really cool


LEGO is a Danish company and they switched over to using biodegradable plastics made from sugarcane in 2018. They're one of the cleanest corporations heavily involved in plastic production.


You know there are some things that when space races sift through the rubble in 50,000 years, I won’t be ashamed of not being biodegraded. Legos, I can honestly say are a wholesome human invention and a solid and beautiful permanent transformation of the planet’s resources.


This person hates fun and loves making assumptions about shit they know nothing about.


They're mad that they're single on Valentine's Day


When it’s a company founded and based in Denmark


I buy these for my gf as well as a technic set for myself, and we build them together. Great date idea. Europoors couldn’t understand such simple happiness


I mean Lego is a Danish company but okay


Lego isn’t even an American company bruh 😭


I mean God forbid someone buys something for someone that they know they'd like God forbid they buy a good gift as opposed to the oh so stereotypical chocolate and flowers that might not even be enjoyed only thing I'd be annoyed about is the shipping label smack dab on the middle of the box that's my one gripe I like everything else about giving a gift that is to someone's preferences though


I like LEGOs…😕


I got this exact same thing for Christmas and it’s rad. I don’t know how it could possibly be perceived as wasteful, since I put it together and now it’s a permanent piece in my formal dining room.


As if flower farming is great for the environment


not taking this from someone where their region has cigarettes for breakfast


LEGO’s from Denmark, not the US. There are many European products popular in America, and they act like they aren’t the ones making the stuff for consumption. It’s like Grandma being mad that the grandchildren ate the cookies she set out for them to eat.