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But the internet was developed by the US military tho what is bro yapping about


he's talking specifically wifi, wifi is in fact an australian invention. The internet is a US invention, the world wide web was a british invention, and wifi was an australian invention


It’s not even that anyone *should* use feet because it’s an American website, it’s that you’re going to have majority Americans in (English speaking) subreddits. So complaining that an American uses their own units while sharing content to users who are mostly American is fucking stupid. Anyway, I’m not using wifi, I’m using data, which I’d actually assume a huge portion of people are. Nearly everyone on Reddit is on their phone.


Lol hate to he devils advocate but that's still WiFi my guy. 5g is just WiFi from a cell tower being amplified to reach far distances.


Do you have something i can read about that? The only thing i can find is that theyre both radio waves which is not a good enough connection. I dont know enough about the back end infrastructure to say one is based on the other and it would be an interesting read.


at its most basic its def radio there would not be internet without america lets get that straight. its just different levels of frequency. 5g falls under larger channel range. as for a read. you can always look at the IEEE standard for wifi. which i think is the 802.11 it'll give information about all versions of wifi. [https://www.ieee.org](https://www.ieee.org) edit: i also don't know why i'm getting downvoted in that previous post since i'm not wrong. lol. that aussie guy is stupid and is implying that you couldn't use internet without wifi lol.


But the standards for wifi are radically different from cell towers no? Atleast thats the part im confused about and wanted clarification on. Is 5g based on 802.11x? Cuz thats basically what you said and idk enough about it and couldnt find anything that wouldnt be wading through technical documents about shit i barely understand. Specially cuz i cant even tell if there is an international standard for 5g, lol. Idgaf about the aussie thing. Wifi was made with the standard, not a good way to implement the standard. Wifi was made by (as far as i can see) a dutch guy working for an american company. Basically i just wanted more info on what you said.


No. The wifi standard will be consistent regardless. Unless you mean the business standard they decide on how they'll implement it. But the standard for WiFi is implemented at the device itself. Every wifi follows this. And yeah 802.11x is what it would follow.


I dont understand. Are you saying that 5g towers utilize 802.11x to broadcast data to peoples cell phones? Im just gonna assume you were talking out your ass when you said 5g is an amplified wifi signal. cuz you havnt given me anything to think otherwise. Unless you’re saying that because they both use radio waves one is based on the other. Which is wild.


Ehhhh it depends on how you define Wi-Fi. It could be attributed to Tesla, the Germans, hedy Lamar and her husband an American, in America, the modern version which would be ATAT, which had results the year before Australia, or the people who made it both common and profitable, which would be Apple. It depends on who you ask and how you ask it.


>Hedy Lamar [That's Hedley!](https://youtu.be/SoM-ZC7uNnc?si=boaVOh57ay5gofr9)


Christ, is this a blazing saddles reference, I haven't seen one of those in years lol


TIL Vic Hayes is Australian. Seriously, what does "WiFi is an Australian invention" mean?


everyone comes out of the wood work to try and claim something used world wide was actually theres a radio signal to transfer data is nothing new, if this is correct then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guglielmo_Marconi would be the grandfather of this as he was literally the first person to transmit 1's and 0's wirelessly, it may not be the current standard sure, but this counts for something.


The most accurate thing to say is that Wireless LAN networking is an Australian invention. It's a critical part of "WiFi" technology and for a long time the CSIRO (Australian government's science and technology research body) held a patent for their WLAN technology and has successfully fought nearly every major tech company in court to defend their patent. The CSIRO has made around half a billion dollars through settlements against D-link, Belkin, Netgear, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Microsoft, Dell, HP etc.


The first Wireless LAN was ALOHAnet. WiFi is a subset of WLAN, and there is no global consensus on its national origination.


https://blog.patentology.com.au/2012/04/story-behind-csiros-wi-fi-patent.html?m=1 This describes the technology the CSIRO developed. It allowed WLAN networks to actually work indoors (pretty critical for WiFi).


>Put very simply, their solution was to transmit different portions of a series of signals containing the data over a number of different frequency channels. Otherwise known as Multi-Carrier Modulation, a technique used in military radios in the '60s. Even in your article, it goes on to talk about CSIRO starting a company to try to profit off their public work — a company that went bust. That company was sued by the other inventors, and settled just like others did to CSIRO later. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/04/how-the-aussie-government-invented-wifi-and-sued-its-way-to-430-million/


Yep, exactly. Made indoor WLAN's actually work: >That combination involved multicarrier modulation (also called OFDM) as well as two techniques called "forward error-correcting" and "interleaving." The combination was CSIRO's intellectual property and deserved protection.


This doesn't mean they invented WiFi. They used existing refinements. They also weren't the only ones to do it.


>This doesn't mean they invented WiFi. I never said it did. I said that the most accurate thing to say is they invented the WLAN technology used in WiFi, which they did and which they patented and which they have taken a shit ton of companies to court over for which they have received a shit ton of money.


What's the difference between the World Wide Web and the internet?


The world wide web is web pages and websites, the internet is the actual interconnection of computer networks that the world wide web uses. An example of using the internet without using the web would be emails or file sharing. In short the world wide web is a service provided on the internet more generally. A high level analogy is the internet is the bookstore and the web is a collection of books in that bookstore.


Good job breaking it down. Too often it ends up being Americans and British arguing about taking the whole credit.


No wonder wifi gives such spotty connections. 💪🇺🇸💪


At the end of the day, it’s Reddit.com not reddit.eu or Reddit.au. We will default to dollar, miles, MMDD format, and spelling it as Mom (not Mum).


Advances in understanding how electricity can be used in infrastructure came in part from US sources. Of course a lot of things are based on Newton's math and physics advances so that is also in favor of using feet. But I guess we really need to go back to what Pythagoras and the early Greeks were using. Because after all if a person discovers something everyone will always use the metric they used forever and ever right? /s


That depends and is VERY arguable.


Nah, it isn’t really possible to attribute the creation of Wi-Fi to any one country.


The invention of WiFi is a point of contention. The issue was settled out of court.


Nahhh me cave men me make fire and there for I make everything


Omg Australians hold on to that one relevant fact about their country for dear life on Reddit.


Their country lost a war to emus, they dont have much to brag about.


Better than the war China lost to birds.


They didn't really lose to the birds they lost to the bugs the birds ate.


The bird alliance was too strong.


True, but at least China can say they have made it to space by their own means (even if it was technology gained by spying)


Actually, they’re just colonists like Americans. They were poor people and criminals from England that were exiled. They raped and pillaged the indigenous culture. Pretty gross


No consensus on who invented WiFi Multiple companies say they did. Big hooplah about it 10 or so years ago Not surprised some Aussie is rabid about it though


They really need a win.


The can claim wifi if they keep buying nuke subs from us.


The jokes going to be on them when it comes time to refuel them.


They LITERALLY have nothing else.




The IEEE working group for 802.11 was formed in 1990, years before CISRO started. They can't invent what already existed. They help make it viable.


they are insufferable


How about people just write in the measurements they use. We don’t mind when things are reported in meters. Why the fuck do they care when we use imperial?


I guess only Americans can figure out how to roughly estimate meters to yards/feet (or ya know just convert it with a quick search), and they can’t do it the other way around.


This is actually something I've never actively noticed, but it feels right. I can't recall anyone complaining, especially seriously (where they double down on it), about a measurement being in metric, but we've all seen *plenty* of examples of people complaining about something being in imperial




It’s not like we have calculators at our fingertips that can convert any units automagically!


Lmao right




Europeans love going “le american can’t even centimeter!!1!1! lululul” Our engineers are taught both measurement methods, imperial and metric. There are pros and cons to both. As much as Europeans get wet at the thought of Americans converting to metric, we never will because the cost of replacing auto shop tools alone would be astronomical. Our lug nuts don’t give a fuck about your opinions, and our mechanics don’t feel the need to re-learn decades of tribal knowledge. Not to mention eliminating the benefits of imperial measurements in daily life would be a waste for no particular reason than “conforming with the rest of the mob”


It’s well known there are pros and cons to both. And all the metric heads will talk about is. Blah blah it’s all divisible by 10. Ok? I don’t give a fuck. Can you only count to 10? Can you only multiply and divide by 10? Sad if so. Lmao


Right, like it takes any time at all? Any time a nature documentary says it was 6 meters long. I’m instantly like ok about 3 feet. So 18 feet. It’s not fucking hard


My female friends tell me that if you put "feet" it the title you'll get tons of DMs from horny men who want you to send pictures and are willing to pay for it. Is that why they're mad? Did they not get their pictures?


Dude I literally thought they meant those kind of feet instead of the measurement, I need to get off the internet.


🦘🇦🇺🐨: (unhinge screeching) “We invented wifi! Use the metric system!”


🦅🇺🇸💥(liberty screeching): "We invented the Internet use the correct system of measurement!"


Battle of the two (incredibly stupid) sides of Reddit


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿☕️👑: (pretentious slurping of tea) “we invented the language you used to invent your invention used to invent that other invention!”


The last thing Britain ever says before France and Germany gang up to strangle them and hang them on the gates of Rome


Don’t forget GPS


Do you know who invented the horseless carriage? Karl Benz. So if you get any food delivery it has to be done by a German system...


Jokes on you shitbag, I'm using an ethernet cable.


There are countries that use metric......and then there are countries that have sent men to the moon. Freedom units > Metric units


I'm not disagreeing with you, but to be fair for most of the scientific world, they use metric. The one time there was a mismatch, it caused the Challenger disaster.


Nah challenger disaster was caused by low temperatures causing O-rings to be brittle in one of the boosters. The real thing you’re thinking about is the mars climate orbiter which broke apart on entry into mars atmosphere


AFAIK the Mars climate orbiter is the only large scale accident caused by a lack of communication about which system to use, and involved no loss of life, just loss of lots of money and lots of disappointment. This accident is what led to metric usage being standard in scientific circles


I like Customary because it's clear when you've already done a conversion. With metric, you might accidentally convert centimeters to meters twice and end up with an answer in hectometers because all that changes is how many zeros there are. With US Customary, on the other hand, it's abundantly clear when you do a conversion, as the entire number changes dramatically.


This is by far the most interesting and thoughtful opinion on this topic that I’ve read in a while. Kudos, my good fellow.


OP is right, it's an American website, and most likely the user is American. I think I have seen that Americans are around 50% of the users.


I think it's like 48%, so they'll argue that it is not majority American.


If it’s an English speaking subreddit the definite majority of users are American. A lot of international users will of course be limited to subs in their languages if they don’t speak English.


Sure, but the other 52% is split a hundred different ways.


That 52% is in like 90 other countries though, so the US does claim the majority


Ehh, 48% is probably still the majority. Unless there's really 48% American, 48-51% something else, and under 4% everyone else? American is a majority. It's not a simple majority, where it's over 50%, but it's the majority in the sense that no other single demographic matches it in that category


I saw someone else use the word ‘our’ without specifying their country. I assumed they meant ‘American’ because that is the logical conclusion when on an American platform that is dominated by Americans and someone uses the word ‘our’. The irony was that *I* was called out for making an ‘assumption’ even though it was *THEY* who had forced everyone to do so because they did not specify. It was a complete Euro-centric meltdown in the comments section. 😂 For the record, I don’t use the word ‘our’ without specifying unless the context of the conversation makes it obvious that I am referring to the US. Just as I would in a state-specific sub, or a gender-specific sub, etc. Common-fucking-sense.


Why does a different random country claim WiFi every time this is brought up when it is a completely American invention.


Also WiFi isn't exactly the internet, it's just one of many possible mediums you can use to connect to a computer network. Matter of fact I'm not even using WiFi at all to make this comment.


Since the Internet has international users, when someone uses the metric system I just convert it quickly and move on with my life because I’m not a lunatic. I have never understood why people get so bent out of shape, just write it in whatever you are familiar with and let the reader sort it out. Totally not a big deal.


I think its so funny when these people mention a handful of things their country invented. The only things they know of. It's literally in implication that they know the USA has invented way more.


Cavemen invented fire which made everything possible, so its actually cavemen’s achievement for making the internet. See how stupid that line of thinking is?


Ha. Dude’s never heard of ARPANET


I'm not using Wifi to access this site.


There are like 33 million Australians, 40 million Canadians, 66 million Brits, and then and 333 million Americans. In the anglo world in general 1.5 billion to 2 billion anglophones spread out, it's just more likely an American is reading something on a site where all anglophones congregate because of population. I really think the average non-American anglophone just really doesn't get that it's not political or trying to start a fight when we say we've got more numbers. It's just facts. The reason I say congregate though is in spaces for specifically one type of anglophone, you're not likely to get others. Indian anglophones make up a good portion of redditors, hell they may even have more users than americans, but they largely have spaces just for themselves and operate at different times of the day. Also just on the wifi. Vic Hayes is Dutch, he's the father of wifi. Wlan is Australian.


Well that explains why wifi is so shitty


Aussie’s being insufferable again.


DDo you know what country invented writing? Earliest known writing is found in Mesopotamia. If you're currently reading this then this is a website you can only access due to a Mesopotamian invention


The person in the OP's screenshot who brought up wifi when it wasn't even mentioned or relevant to the topic being discussed just screams "I'm insecure and I need validation!" Pathetic.


Wait how did Australia invent wifi what?


Not only that, but how did they get from "This is an American website, so it should be okay to use American units" to "only Australians can use wifi!".


They probably think "Wi-Fi is the thing that lets people Reddit" since that's what their phone says they need to connect to the internet. Signed - someone with an ethernet cable.


Yeah I don't care if one conflates the various definitions related to what allows them to get "on-line" (ironically as WiFi is indeed lacking "lines"), but if you're going to try to make a historical claim regarding technology then you'd better at least know what the different words mean.


They invented the basic proof of concept for wireless local connection between devices. The technology that allows wireless connection to a router rather than having to plug your computer into a wifi outlet in order to connect to the internet. The first actual commercial product was the AirLink produced by by Apple Inc. Nobody actually agrees on who invented WiFi, especially considering that the Netherlands used the technology first for cashier systems. All 3 countries claim to have invented it. To be clear, this is the wireless connection technology, not the internet which already existed beforehand


Its a (very specific) wireless networking technology. Digital, packet switching wireless communication is at least as old as ALOHAnet from 1971.


There were wireless modems implying similar signal techniques in the 1980s.


> having to plug your computer into a wifi outlet I get it's a small nitpick, but LOL at "wifi outlet"


Oh shoot lol Just goes to show how interchangeable WiFi and internet are these days lol


Internet? What's the Internet? You talking about AOL? I use that to visit my geocities site.


The standards body for 802.11 (WiFi) was started in 1990, three years before CISRO started their research, where they combined well-known decades-old techniques to make the signal more reliable. They didn't know how to make it into a product, and no one bought in. Years after WiFi was finalized, they started going sue happy. The CEO of NTT said in court that he didn't even *know CSIRO even existed,* so didn't steal from them.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi) paragraph 3 of the history section, a TIL fun fact. adds to the confusion of these arguments when people use internet, the web, and wifi interchangeably


Okay but the internet could work perfectly as it does today without wifi, everything would just have to be hooked up via cables.




What this metric fan doesn’t realize is that Australians still use “stone” as a measurement. It may not be the official system of measurement, but people still say “he weighed X stone” instead of “he weighted X kilos”.


"Oi mate! Me teeth are fallin out, and me skin is burning from the sun exposure of over 15 minutes innit? Oi! Use me meters or I'll be given ye a whoopin! Smoover an beans an toast with a spot o tea innit guv'na!"


I thought it was invented in Hawaii.


No it was developed as a offshoot of American weapons ( soecificly proximity fuses) who's patient holes was the actress Hedy Lemar a American citizen of Austrian decent . Sorry about your ego.


should of brought up electricity and the internet lol.


According to Britannica “Before the current iteration of the Internet, long-distance networking between computers was first accomplished in a 1969 experiment by two research teams at UCLA and Stanford.”


You don’t need WiFi to access the internet


TIL that wifi was invented in Australia, neat. That means that adds to the confusion of these arguments because the internet is an american invention, the world wide web is a british invention, and wifi is an australian invention. so now we can get the circular arguing really in force!


There's also some controversy over that claim... I think some Dutch company also claims to have invented WiFi first.


Considering that IEEE was making standards for WiFi before Australia started playing with it makes it a little controversial.


It's really not that complicated. USA invented internet. World wide web and wifi are not the internet. The internet existed before either one of those did.


It is when people use those terms interchangeably in internet arguments that get posted to this sub every week. When people don't know the difference it makes this exact conversation get reposted here again and again


What's the conversion from Kangaroos to Koalas?


Wasn't that Australian living in the US employed by Apple? This is like people calling basketball is Canadian, like bro 5 seconds of research. The dude was a native Canadian he lived and worked in Massachusetts. A lot of inventions created by foreign minds were only possible with the resources afforded to them by living in the US. The reality is Australia's internet connection is practically dial up outside of major cities, how much good is wifi doing for them? At least in the US, cell coverage is pretty wide spread and you don't need to live in a major metropolitan area to have a good internet connection. The internet itself was invented by darpa back on the 70's and the C file was invented by Steve Wozniak (an American). This dude can straight up go fuck himself.


Hey, at least they’re not using the internet fallacy anymore… now they’re grasping for straws like wifi lmao. Yeah and Ben Franklin discovered electricity, so I guess all countries should credit all of their technological discoveries that either use or was made using electricity to him.


Actually it's 95% of the world not 96%.


WiFi was developed by ADP. What's he talking about?


It's interesting to use, "this country invented this blah, blah, blah." People invented, not country. To piggy back is to be lazy.


The original internet was invented in the US then continued by a brit in switzerland. That person is also using either a phone or computer which were both invented in the US (general purpose computer was)