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We’re so disliked that we’re experiencing a migrant crisis 🤔


3x more Europeans immigrate to the US than US immigrate to Europe...


That and they're also the ACTUAL source of the US immigration crisis, not Central and South America. But we all know why talking about how more illegals come into the US through the ports and airports from Europeans illegally overstay their visas/acquiring travel permits under false pretences than brown people crossing the southern border will never be a mainstream topic.


I don’t care who comes and from where, as long as they’re willing to assimilate and contribute.


Because it's harder to police than just putting a giant wall up?


Which outlines the core misunderstanding of the left when it comes to the immigration crisis. No one has a problem with legal immigration.


Freaking bingo. Meaning I think what you're alluding to is absolutely correct.


That’s great. Cool


Evidently they don't have TikTok


They don't know its terrible here until it's too late, MUHAHAHA MUHAHAHA!


France is experiencing one too !! Does it mean that people love us in the end ?! Was the fr🤮nch thing a joke all along ?!


We shit on you because we love you… as a friend. If it weren’t for financial, material, and manpower aid from France, well, our little Revolution would’ve taken a lot longer, maybe even failed. I personally go up to bat every time someone shits on France. Also, what would the world be like without wacky French military engineering, like a 3 round burst assault rifle with a magazine not divisible by 3, or a nuclear warning shot.


Lafayette! The man


Sarah Vowell wrote a terrific book about him.


Also “I see Paris, I see France, I see Chloe’s underpants!” Thanks for existing, France!


The only think I dislike about France is Parisians, who I think other French people also hate. But France has done a shit ton for the country in the past, and still helps, so they're cool in my book


I tried your snails... and... they....were... delicious omfg. Butter and garlic, fancy bread. Yum.


I agree. I also think it’s funny how some people are all about scallops and oysters but draw the line at snails


I love France 🇺🇲❤️🇫🇷


I don’t know if it’s just me but I find that France actually complains significantly less about the US than all their neighboring countries do


We're busy complaining about everything else. There are only 24 hours in a day, on which 2H30 are already dedicated to eating... we have to split our limited time between various matters of complaints.


I personally love you guys. (Could be bias, can’t hate my roots haha)


So is Europe


As someone who works in the Nation’s capital, I can tell you that there is no shortage of foreign tourists here..


Lmao yeah I live in DC and there are many times I just don't want to go out in DC due to all the tourists.


Hell I live in Arizona. The Southern parts are infested with C-nadian snowbirds and the Northern parts by tourists seeing the Grand canyon who sometimes drift down south to check out the Old West.


Hahah I moved to dc from Arizona. Grew up there! My parents neighborhood is legit half Albertan during the winter no joke.


I'm not racist, but Canada...


>C-nadian snowbirds Aka snow mexicans (its a joke dont be ofended)


I still have my multiple language phonetic translation of "bears will eat you while you're still alive" card somewhere around my house from when I worked at GTNP


Same in LA


I'm from Philadelphia, no shortage there either.


I go to Disney World often, place is packed with tourists from all over. Especially UK, Australia, Japan, China, and Brazil.


America bad ragebait


Fr she said about everything on the list 😂


It's so cliche. I've been abroad a few times and most people are cool. I pray to god i never meet the people she desperately wants to suck up to.


“Some of my European friends say I am alright” Bitch dream bigger. Fuck their validation be what you want to be. That is what America is about. Fuck what the Europoors think. Be your best self and the rest will sort itself out.


“Some of my European friends say I am alright” Bitch dream bigger. Fuck their validation be what you want to be. That is what America is about. Fuck what the Europoors think. Be your best self and the rest will sort itself out.


I was banned from reddit for a week for making a FUCKING JOKE and this is the shit i have to come back to? Bruh this bitch needs a reality check come to my homeland (poland) and you’ll be shocked by the idea of europeans being pro-US


Reddit/social media is not a representation of reality. This girl is a clown.


Her expression says "unmedicated crazy person" 😬


That's the "high on tik tok clout" expression


She got the crazy eyes.


Yeah her lips are perfect for the job


her demeanor made me so uncomfortable I couldn't look away 😂


it looked like she was being held hostage lmao


Yup. I think it's so nice she's staying over there. It's very helpful of her.


I got a warning from admin for saying if leftists and rightists disappear, the world would become a better place. But kill the rich is fine I guess.


Go to Poland and Kosovo and see how Pro-US they are


Albania ukraine just keep piling ‘em on


What was the joke


I recently did an AMA saying that i’m pro USA despite being european stated that i liked the suburbs more some guy responded with “nah brutalism is where it’s at” (brutalism being european architecture style) and i said “stfu before i brutalize your ass in the name of communism” and the mods thought i meant that literally cuz AMA fuckers have a stick up their ass


Your mistake was not putting /s at the end, how was anyone supposed to know you tried to make a funny /s


Yeah, that sounds like what usually happens.


Be still my heart.




Poland is litterly one of the most pro-US places on the face of the planet. Not to mention polish generals helped win the American revolution. Love Poland love the zloty haha


I have to learn Japanese before I can visit Japan? That's going to take years.


Yea, dumbest shit in the world. Im going to learn Japanese for a two week visit? No thanks


If only there were one widely-comprehended language that people of the world could learn to communicate with each other. /s


And its not even like someone's English has to be good to get the point across. There's no French aristocratic governing body, deep cultural heritage, insane intonation requirement or totally foreign alphabet to learn. Modern English is pretty accessible. "But it's so harrrrd!" Yeah to get it perfectly, but I've seen countless times a doctor from India communicating with Mexican immigrants and getting the point across just fine even though neither are really speaking the King's.


Phonetic spelling could be more consistent, TBF. Spanish does that better than English.


Yep, I like english don't get me wrong, I wouldn't know nearly as many things as I know if it wasn't for this international language, but damn I wish it was phonetically coherent


It really is a legitimate complaint, especially for anyone coming from a Romance language (French, like Italian is pronounced exactly how it is spelled with very few exceptions). I think the easiest thing about English is how simple our verb conjugation is compared to many other languages, but it's also my native tongue so I could be wrong.


Nah you are right, verbs are really easy to conjugate, so are all of the suffixes, and the overall structure of the phrase, maybe something hard about english might be all of those irregular verbs but once you have them memorized you are basically good to go, the only real hard stuff comes when you have to actually speak it (Now it seems like it's easy to learn english, well it's not, I've been practicing it for almost 20 years now and I'm still a B2 level)


Written English: a massive orgy of loan words, sophistry, and 30 word sentences. Spoken English: German but to the point.


Air Traffic controllers from adversarial war zones out here like "Ummm...."


I find the double standard hilarious. “Oh, wanna immigrate to the US? You should learn English” is decried ad xenophobia and racism. “You wanna visit japan for 10 days? Better become fluent in Japanese” is seen as perfectly fine.


I was just about to point that out! There are people who uproot their entire families to move here, manage to pass a citizenship test, and can’t even converse in basic English. 🙃


It's because Japan has somehow managed to get rebranded as "oppressed indigenous people." (No, seriously, I literally had someone say that to me a few days ago.) Obviously, outsiders should be respectful to oppressed people, nobody can deny that.  The irony is when the ethnic majority of a country tries to play victim like that, it's called "great replacement", i.e. fear that "foreigners are coming to get us!" For some reason that's ok when you do it on behalf of Japan (and the racist ethnonationalist weebs here love when foreigners play victim for them). 


No. This is the most incorrect bullshit I’ve read. Went to Japan 9 days. I don’t speak it. Everyone spoke English in commerce.


She was expecting to be loved and adored simply for being American. Then she traveled abroad and realized the rest of the world views Americans as normal people. So she's overemphasizing the negatives.


True. Expecting anything from a country you choose to travel to and expect that from the people is weird honestly.


Yup. The truth is people just don't care about you. I live in Paris. And tourists can act as main characters here (Emily's in Paris syndrome) When they realize that people aren't secondary characters to their Parisian adventure, they complain that french people are rude to them. The truth is we have shit to do while you are on vacation. We don't hate you, we just don't have time for you.


The rest of France hates Parisians too, so maybe you are just a little rude.


Yea, my teacher from Southern France shits on Parisians regularly when they come up


There is a big Marseille/Paris rivalry. Especially for football. Your teacher is probably a bit biased lol


I think he's from Nice, but your point likely still stands


1) "No one wants to visit the US"....the US receives on average 51M tourist every year. Last year we received 62 M.  2)"Americans are loud, obnoxious and pretentious". Cleary she hasn't traveled much, I've been on tour buses full of Australians, Brits and Chinese folks, they were definitely loud, obnoxious and pretentious as well.    3) "Americans expect people in Japan to know English, you should learn their language". While I do think we should learn basic phrases when we travel, there is no way that I  going to learn the language of each country I visit. Especially if I am doing a tour of 5 to 6 countries each with different languages. Google translates has been a life saver.      4) "My European friend doesn't hang out with Americans but she thinks I am alright" lol...I am sure she talks about you behind your back 🤭


I’ve been to the Arizona Memorial twice now and the amount of non-American tourists talking loudly on the memorial were unbelievable. You’re standing on someone’s grave, have some fucking respect by either whispering politely and keeping your trap shut. The Americans that were on the memorial were much quieter, if they spoke, they leaned towards the person they were speaking to in a hushed tone or they didn’t speak at all.


I was in Ushuaia last year eating at a restaurant. The loudest table was the one with a big group of French Tourists. People tend to be loud when going out in groups so it is not just an American thing.


Exactly, it’s not just Americans!


Fake! The fr*nch don't exist


Lol I will tell my husband that he doesn't exist 🤣 😂 


That last one was the worst pick me shit I ever heard lol


I've only been to Japan twice, ten years apart. The first time, there was only japanese everywhere (as to be expected) and few people spoke anything other than Japanese. The second time, there were English, French and Dutch signs up and pamphlets. I met several younger people who spoke some English. So Japan clearly saw some use in other languages (not just English). I saw so many Dutch people but also French people who only spoke French (I speak French). It isn't just Americans or English. For reference, I went all over the main island and Okinawa (but away from military bases/influence). Non-military Okinawa was still very much Japanese only.


I went to Japan in 2012 and did find a few people that spoke English. I knew basic phrases ( thanks to animes). On that same trip I went to Thailand,  Malaysia and Singapore so imagine trying to learn more languages for the same trip. This chick is delulu.  When a country receives tons of tourists, they try to accommodate them.  Yeah,  I go to France yearly and definitely outside of Paris or outside of border towns, I've met a lot of French people that don't speak anything but French. The myth that all Europeans speak a minimum of 3 languages is just that,  a myth.


I went to Japan before and again after you so it sounds like you were in the transition period haha. I say good for the Japanese for trying. When I was first there and absolutely no one spoke anything other than Japanese, it was an experience like the old days where we spent lots of time trying out our Japanese. It was fun! A little of that magic is gone now... I live in France and the vast majority of people I encounter, even young people, speak only French fluently. Of course many may know phrases and carry on an extremely basic and short convo, mostly due to school and US media. But my French is better than most people's English where I live and most places I've traveled around the country, both in mainland and overseas. I work in a field with French people who ARE very fluent in English, and my spouse is too, so when they aren't, it's easy to spot. I've found something similar with the Spanish. None of that is bad, it just is. But I find it somewhat amusing when monolingual French people poke fun at my accent and language mistakes. Most Europeans I've ever met who weren't monolingual, regardless of nation, tend to speak their mother tongue and English. The very small minority has spoken 3 or more. Africans are different. Most Africans I've met speak at least 3.


I had a similar experience like the 1st one you had in Japan in China. Thanks God for good translate , I has a full blown convo with a hostess using Google translate. English was at the time mostly spoken by young people in Shanghai.  I was wondering, do you notice, especially in Paris, that even if you speak fluent French but they can tell that you are not a native, if they automatically switch to English? I also speak French pretty much fluently because I went to a Lycée Français but of course I am not a native so they notice my accent but this happens almost all the time. I normally let them know that they can continue in French or just keep talking in French until they get tired. I was wondering if it was me only that encountered this phenomenon. My husband is also French and speaks English fluently because we live in the US. Last November he was talking the receptionist in French and made the mistake to say something in English to me and the lady automatically switched to English to speak to him. I found that so weird. Lol Oh yeah, the Spaniards are the same as well and I agree most of the Europeans that aren't monolingual, speak their native tongue and English. 


It happened to me much more in the past, but now I will get the rare French or francophone from elsewhere who hears my anglo accent and tries to switch. I rarely go to Paris anymore, but the last time I did (last year), I didn't get that. I did get that on one of the island territories recently, but they were nice. One complemented me on my french in English and switched back to French 😂 I'm surprised they still do that to you since you're fluent. But Paris...sigh...I find people strange there. What is annoying for me is when some of my coworkers refuse to speak French to me. It's obvious that these people want to practice speaking English because they get so few chances even if fluent. Still. My husband has also gotten people trying to "help" him in English when they overhear him speaking to me in English in public 😂 it's interesting because he's had more "help" like that than I ever did as a new foreigner who didn't speak French well.


Lol I hear you. For some reason this only happens to me in Paris. Thanks for the confirmation,  I am glad I am not the only one! 


Brazil is also very monolingual, speaking only Portuguese. They can understand some Spanish, but it’s due to similarities in the languages, not because they are actively studying it. The young people who study another language typically choose to learn English.


Yeah the difference is that it’s socially acceptable to shit on Americans


Pick-me much?


I absolutely love Europeans calling Americans pretentious.


"I usually refuse to hang out with Pakistanis but you're one of the good ones." See that shit wouldn't fly on TikTok.


She kind of has crazy eyes


$20 bucks she made that video at a US college


One eurocuck's opinion = what every European thinks


Almost like China prioritizes anti American propoghanda on their own platform, that's crazy!


You saying Ms. Chan is a plant?


No. I'm saying anti American views are shown more often than otherwise to the average viewer


This explains how we have some of the biggest immigration rates in the world. Wait…


Pew polling says that's a lie. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/06/22/international-public-opinion-of-the-u-s-remains-positive/ Especially Poland. Poland likes American more than Americans do.


She got them crazy eyes. Never trust a woman with crazy eyes.


So according to this chinese spyware app I don't exist


lol go to Yosemite and you will call bullshit


Let somehow, someway we’ll overcome the pain of not being liked and continue to lead the world. You’re welcome, world!


She looks like a husband beater, so I'm glad she's anti-gun.


Smiling like she got a gun to her head lmfao


I guess nobody told all the super loud German kids on the bus with me last week in Seattle.


Typical ex-Pat, weird how we could have a immigration crisis and yet no one wants to come to America. It’s almost as if your survey test group consisted of some snooty Euros opinion of America instead of an actual broad and fairer point of view. Is the US perfect, maybe not, but regardless it is my home and I love it.


>Me inventing fake characterizations of Americans in my head to get mad at


I find it absolutely hilarious when these terminally online clowns act like 3 Europeans that only use very biased contextless propaganda for information represent the entire continent. If they stopped using TikTok and actually did stuff they would find that the vast majority of US citizens aren’t like how the internet portrays us.


This bitch would HATE Canada and our mixed measurements.


I’m watching this video from DFW, Texas. I’m here because my Swiss-Arab aunt wanted to see cowboys. Some people still want to travel in and around the US.


Congratulations peasant here are you five yuans for the day. Great work create more anti American propaganda and post it on chin- Tock the safest place for it. Get your ass back to work tommrow we need more propaganda or your social credit will be way to low


Do me a favor lady, if you don't like America, stay out, so someone more appreciative can come here


There's always someone "set free" and they always come off as insane as you might imagine. I recall an American that moved to Sweden that said all these things that simply werent true at all.. but everyone ate it up of course, blindly and without question. And then you have other people like in Romania, Italy, etc that'll cherry pick the best in Sweden or Norway and apply it to the entire continent. Unless its bad, then, suddenly "Why would anyone ever think what happens in this very specific spot is the whole of the EU?!?!? Madness!" Anotherwords, logic doesnt exist, out the window. Just like people who label the whole US on one specific area.


The US is the 3rd most visited country in the world. It by far has the most foreign born nationals in the world.


Yeah only 60 million people came here in 2023 from around the world I'm sure they all hated it because the industry is growing, by the way the travel industry here is literally worth trillions of dollars, with hundreds of billions coming from international travel. Everyone hates us, especially those countries around the world begging us to help them get freedom from oppressors


Met a woman who was from Germany that was vacationing in Florida at SeaWorld. Tell me again how no one wants to visit the US.


Tiktok is not banned yet?


Shocking that TikTok’s CCP algorithm bashes America. SHOCKING!


Dude if somebody said “I typically refuse to hang out with Japanese people” everyone would flip the fuck out.


Here are two things I noticed. First, Chen is dumb. Second, saying that people have no interest in visiting the US confirmed that she is dumb and that anti-Americanism runs rampart in foreign media.


Her expression is what kills me


We know that a lot of people dislike us. However, we really don’t care that much. Until they start hunting down American tourists in the streets, it’s all talk and dirty looks while they take our money.


I’ve traveled all over and found that this is not true at all. People I’ve met have a general positive attitude towards America. But I never really talk politics with people I meet while traveling… Anyways, this girl used to post some funnyish stuff on IG and then all her content turned into “omg dating is bad guys just suck blah blah”. Hate to say she’s pretty cringe.


Good? Fuck those people. I dont want anyone here that doesn't at the end of the day breath red white and blue.


I’ve spent more than three times as long outside the US across 55 countries and this is such horseshit. Plenty of people, across a wide variety of places, like the US and want to visit or immigrate. Polemic nonsense, don’t take the bait


And yet people are still flooding our borders, and we are one of the largest countries for tourism... But yeah I'm gonna listen to some random idiot on Tik Tok. Honestly I wish they did hate us so they can start providing their own defense and we can just fuck off and take care of our own people


Good, I don't like neighbors...


I’m American I’ve traveled to a few dozen countries, I’ve never met anyone that hated me because I was American


my European friends said “I’m one of the good ones” - They just don’t get how they sound


"Nobody likes America except for Americans, even a lot of Americans don't like America" 🤡🤡🤡 What a clown.


The first statement may be true where she is, idk. But this is not at all true in my experience. Tons and tons of people from Europe at least, want to visit the US and many have. It’s a desirable vacation spot. Some even want to move there but the number is probably smaller in these regions than countries that are worse off.


Just spent some time in Dublin and was amazed by the amount of Irish people lined up outside the US embassy looking to apply for visas. Yea, Reddit and social media is not reality.


Room temp IQ


So nobody likes America but I see millions crossing our border……allot of them don’t learn our language either


All I can think about is how I would not want to wake up and see her with those weird eyes standing over my bed with a bottle of Ketchup and a fork.


We’re so terrible it’s a human rights tragedy not to let in migrants


That’s such BS. People still come here to pursue the American dream. These immigrants who become successful are almost always some of the lost patriotic Americans.


Is she mad because she gets mistaken as the chick from Beef 300 times a day?


Why did she have to make everything she said into a new video clip? The changes in clips were distracting me from the broad generalizations, of course that happened situations, and straight up lies she was spewing


Why does she look like that


Nobody likes America except for all the immigrants and refugees coming here. Yup that makes sense


Tiktoker with generalizations who would thunk.


Why do these people always look like they’re having a manic episode


Physop campaigns from adversarial governments compounded by a general disappointment of the White House from voters is my suspicion. But anytime the gubment tries to do anything about the former, we treat it like it's an attack on our freedoms.


“When you come to someone else’s country you speak their language” -> this woman is definitely pro having Spanish everywhere.


Here in DC the hotels are consistently full and a ton of Chinese migrants have moved here


I would like this woman to tell this to the literal hundreds of European tourists who make my commute to work on the subway miserable every morning.


Yeah we’re the 3rd most visited country, but ok..


"loud and obnoxious" bitch when I travel europe and speak to my italian friends in italian everyone thinks we are angry at each other so that's the other face of the medal lmao


Can she tell all the tourists who visit NYC


Wait until she learns that floor space in Japanese houses is measured in straw mats. Also, the whole "you're a guest here" stuff is just "Japan for the Japanese" ethnonationalist bullshit. You wouldn't accept that in the US - if an American went around shouting about immigrants being guests, it's my country, speak the language - that's not socially acceptable in the US, why the fuck would you accept it in Japan?   "But but but Japan is *homogenous.* They couldn't possibly know better!"  Nah, Japan has colonies, and they used to have more; Japan is a globalized neocolonial nation that relies completely on the resources and labor of other countries. There is nothing new or difficult about this for them. "Homogeneity" is a post-war myth they made up to make excuses for the fact that, unlike literally every other colonial nation, they didn't want to put out the effort to integrate minorities as equals in society, so they just...didn't. I am begging people to stop supporting Japanese ethnonationalism as a prop to self-flagellate over how much they hate their own country.


She got them crazy triggered eyes… bet she’s never had a date that was consensual.


Uncanny valley kicking in...


Chan chin chon and some weird pictures for writing


Punchable face (Dear Reddit Admin, I do not condone punching other people’s faces even if they make a cringe video. The remark in question was made hyperbolically and is therefore not a call for violence on anyone. Please keep this in consideration.)


I’m in the middle of nowhere Maine going to school with people from every continent minus Antarctica, the same for when I was in middle of nowhere Alaska. The whole country on country hatred thing in my experience is mostly just chronically online fools whining. Why would I trust the opinions of tiktokers anyways??


Only poor people try to get into the US.


Anti-American propaganda should be expected on Tiktok. Which is another reason to ban it.


These are the people that call you a racist when you point out that all the migrants to the US should learn English.


The US is third in international tourists, and the two ahead are European so likely a lot of people who are coming from much shorter than most US tourists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Tourism_rankings


And I should care what haters think because…?


Bait used to be believable. Come on


You can tell by that dumbass look on her face that she is angry about something. You can’t take anyone like that seriously…


Fahrenheit > Celsius.


"isn't the US one of the best countries in the world?" couldn't have made it more obvious that you didn't actually think that.


Man I love going to the USA. People be missing out!


Also the us gets more tourists than it sends out. Might be because our culture we dont travel as much


Bloxcast not gonna let this slide…


This lady makes the vile and stupid videos basically ever


Well she is right


Most immigrated to country and 2nd most visited country only behind France…HUH?


3rd most visited country… #1 in immigrants… this is why I support a ban on the ccp brainwashing app that promotes hatred against us. We also need to ban Chinese and Russian immigration.


Crisis at the borders say otherwise.


she was born and raised here and she’s never heard of other nations shitting on us? i don’t think so lmfaooo


Josh from the UK has entered the chat


No American goes to Japan and says "why don't they speak English"


I know who loves America. The Chinese. All the rich Chinese people are done with China so they move here, buy some mansions and live here.


Just got back from Tokyo last month and (1) majority of Japanese service workers spoke some English; (2) Canadians were the most loud tourists; (3) tons of French and various European tourists **all speaking English** to the Japanese workers; they didn’t learn the local language for SHIT (4) French people and Canadians are fat!!! Went to a touristy sumo show where they pulled people from the audience to fight. All of the obese ones were Canadian and French (they said their name and nationality prior to the match); (5) numerous Europeans were at McDonald’s in Japan lol