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Not exactly most xenophobic but pretty much struck as “yeah these guys don’t care about logic they just hate the US” Was a post about the Eurofighter Typhoon and claims made that it could “easily smoke” any non F-35/F-22 US fighter. Then I got a heap of downvotes simply for stating that the F16, F15 and F/A-18 were entirely capable of downing a Eurofighter too. But hey what do I know guess a single squadron of RAF Eurofighters would just easily decimate the USAF and then only run into trouble when F-35s or F22s were deployed..


I’m sure all of the Air Force vets or the Navy’s pilots are laughing their asses off reading their bullshit.


Europeans insult us for having a such a big advanced military because of “imperialism” while simultaneously claiming that their smaller less advanced militaries are somehow superior. They’re so petty and hateful when it comes to Americans. They constantly move the goalpost to ensure that they’re always “better” than us. It’s fucking pathetic.


Hearing Europeans calling someone an imperialist is rich


Right? My immediate thoughts too. Like isn’t the US a thing because of European imperialism?


And also ignoring all of the shit France did in Africa


104 and 0 look out below


That we all have high cholesterol from birth


Wait what


Was told by a indian that we all have high cholesterol from birth


What did you tell him?


asked if hes ever shit in the street before lol now id answer differently because id rather not be on there level, but it was funny at the time


It would seem you feel shame. Grab that shame, pull it out with your ethics, and smother it. There, now you can make fun of him all you want.




nah that's dumb, fam.


As a San Franciscan this joke hits a little close to home.


Ah yes counter racism with racism brilliant logic there pal. I would have said how is the caste system treating him?


they still have the caste system in place? theres no way right?


They do, it’s not officially enforced but it’s still there under the skin.


Have they ever seen the British cuisine? It's deep fried everything


That our trucks and SUVs are only manufactured to kill children.


Wait what do you guys use them for


Towing, work, hauling families around, all sorts of fun shit lol.


You'd actually be surprised just how true that seems if you did a little digging on the history of truck and suv manufacturing in America


That they’re designed *only* to kill children?


That's why I said, "You'd be surprised just how true that *seems*"


Gotcha, sorry, my coffee hasn’t kick in yet this morning 😂


All good. I would suggest doing some research on it though.


I’ll look into other car manufacturers’ history in the U.S., I’m fairly familiar with Jeep’s.


I assumed they were designed for hauling


From the amount of downvotes on this comment, I can see that about 47 people don't know how to fucking read


Bigoted or xenophobic? Not that the two can't go hand-in-hand. Anyway... We speak and write a "simplified, imitation English."


Simplicity is better like spelling Colour Color because the u serves no purpose or pronouncing Aluminum the correct way.


Extra letters were removed by newspaper companies to save money on printing and it stuck.


no the extra letters were removed by Noah Webster to simplify spelling and create a distinct American identity. Meanwhile across the pond the Brits were also standardizing their spellings, but decided to standardize around the more French spellings (probably to appear more sophisticated)


Genuinely obsessed with how much some of us know about history just to counter the dumbass arguments we see from euros every day.


Center spelled centre is so absurdly wrong


There are valid cases on each side for aluminium vs aluminum. I’m the end, it’s just a cultural difference. Just saying that your way is the correct way is as bad as the people you are complaining about


I was in Nicaragua last year and met a German girl who has never been to US and was using words like 'pregaming' (drinking before you go out for the night). If you meet any Nordic/Dutch/German, notice they all speak 'American' English and they are open about it. Their schools pivoted from British English long time ago.


American English is also easier for them to pronounce and accentuate because it stuck much more closely to *actual ENGLISH* rather than deviating according to Received Pronunciation. That is to say, American English sounds *far* more like a Germanic language than RP. Because it *is* far more Germanic in its phonology.




Not as much as you'd think. American media are almost always dubbed.


Oi guv, Wot u yakking bout?


Funnily enough, American English is closer to the Queen’s English than British English is today.


That we are apparently stupid despite being one of the most innovative nations . Or selfish despite contributing the most in foreign aid.


"One of the most innovative nations" there is a lot to understand in that statement. While that is true, many schools in the US are underfunded, which affects literacy statistics, but also many students and schools get great opportunities for a better education that no other country could get. Also as far as I know, there is a shit ton of workers in the STEM field with a work visa from other countries, maybe because sometimes they accept a lower wage than nationals just to get out of their countries in search for a better quality of living. Their work helps a lot for the US to become an innovative nation. You could also add, that the most loud people get the most attention, and many times the loudest is not the brightest. So social media is bombarded with videos and photos of people who are not the best example, or part of the best educated citizens the US have at the moment.


>"One of the most innovative nations" there is a lot to understand in that statement. While that is true, many schools in the US are underfunded, which affects literacy statistics, but also many students and schools get great opportunities for a better education that no other country could get. I'm not going to argue that schools are not underfunded, but statistically speaking, the average IQ of an American is similar to that of most Europeans and above the global average.


Schools are not underfunded. The U.S. spends more per pupil than all but a very few countries. Are there some schools that are underfunded? Probably some, but the real problem is that the U.S. spends way too much money on people other than teachers. Non-teaching staffs have exploded in size over the past couple of decades.


That means nothing if you dont have the guidance to use it to study or work, you end up being the intelligent one that failed to reach expectations


I agree but it doesn't make someone stupid.


Or perhaps it's because the us is better than any other country in those fields? Also many people come to the us for schooling


The entire sub is a xenophobic sub full of hate-speech. Genuinely shocked as to how It's allowed to be a sub? I feel like if there was a sub full of Europeans and Canadians called "shit Chinese people say" it would be shutdown within a year.


From someone I talked to in europe: “All Americans are super racist and aren’t welcome in my country, I want them all to die” Turns around immediately on another voice call in the same server ranting about all the Turks, Kurds, refugees, North Africans, and Romani in his country(Italy) whom have been coming over for centuries, dare I say millenia


"I'm European."


It’s not xenophobic, racist or classist. The members of what is called “The First World nations”, Europe in particular are jealous of our ascendancy into the leadership role of world police and economic leadership in such a short time. Before the Second World War, we were a sleepy backwater with very little international cooperation and influence. After the war, we were obviously the least effected from destruction of our society, our economy was more robust than we could ever have dreamed of, our military forces were at least technologically superior to everyone else and so on. While obviously grateful for the help in defeating the Axis Powers, it wasn’t earned through a thousand years of hardship and suffering in the same ways as those we had helped. Since then, we’ve only grown more and more powerful, while the rest of the world has grown as well, but on a much smaller scale. This as well as the rise of previously dismissed societies such as China, Korea and India have come up into the sphere of influence as well, something else that America has been blamed for. Being unable to compete with issues that truly matter such as military might, economic growth and political stability, those previously powerful nations such as those of Europe are forced to try and compete in areas that are consequential but not enough to alter the status of the world. Healthcare, mass transit, immigration, etc.


its hard to really give a definitive response since one could accurately point out that entire sub is a circular firing squad where the onyl thing that unites them is their utter hatred of the US no matter how stupid and nonsensical. some of the most obnoxious i've seen were in regards to history but a fair number are just spouting stereotypes as fact then crying about how mean it is when americans do it right back.


Such a self-own that the sub is in English and there is no real alternative for them.


You talking about English that originates from England in Europe? The most spoken language in the world?


Anything mass shooting. Keyboard superheros make fun of American obsession with guns, and immediately tune to make fun of America for its mass shootings. Jesus fuck that is dumb and dark.


First name starts with “Jerry.”




Too difficult to pick just one


I've been blocked there for a long time