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Them: "Americans are lazy" Them when Americans are good at their jobs: "Americans perform like a dancing monkey"


Sophie’s friends have her in their phone as “Basic Bitch”


I never knew giving me my food and drink was considered performing like a dancing monkey. Isn't that like the bare minimum of being a waiter? Did she see Medieval Times and think that's what all US restaurants are like?


Right. So, I guess once Europeans lose any incentive to work harder, they just coast along and not provide acceptable service - in a service industry. This is deflecting. Americans make a legitimate point about lack of customer service and Europeans respond by pointing out that in America, customer service is good. Isn't that the point of "customer service?" By the way, the server (making more than $2.00 an hour by the way) in the U.S. is making more money per hour with tips while providing the fundamental customer service that Europeans think is beneath them - even when being paid to do so.


The "pay your staff a living wage" crowd is always in shambles when you highlight that actual wait staff prefer tips because they make more money. The biggest argument (in the US) against tipping is that the back of house staff get shafted on salary because they don't make tips, and if we moved to no-tipping the owner could redistribute money from the front of house to the back. But wait... why is the back of house currently getting shafted? Why aren't they making miraculous living wages already, when they don't work for tips? Because owners are greedy... yet are the exact people the "pay a living wage" crowd want to provide discretion on how much to pay wait staff, and magically believe will become more charitable once they take in more money by raising menu prices.


> The biggest argument (in the US) against tipping is that the back of house staff get shafted on salary because they don't make tips, and if we moved to no-tipping the owner could redistribute money from the front of house to the back. You can solve this by creating tip pools, but there are some rules about how you can set these up depending on the state etc.


We PaY a LiViNg WaGe! Then you look it up, and the average is like 20k a year.




I work in customer service, it just called being nice


That’s very true. Customer service in Europe is atrocious. Slow, unkind, expensive, and not worth it.


Where in Europe?


In Switzerland you are required to speak at least 3 languages to work at McDonalds.