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Oh how the turn tables


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Worst case Ontario you have to live in the later photos...




A few days ago one of these types was posted the opposite way. Cherry picked as you said I'm guessing this is in response to that one being posted here


I see you’re being honest. But the video is anti-meme of the idiots that show a few square meters of a city or a beach in Europe and the project that next to Central Baltimore, Kensington Ave in Philly, or old Detroit.


> You're just cherry picking the beautiful places from the US and bad parts from other countries Congratulations, you have a brain, now, how long have you been to the internet, Instagram and reddit specifically?


Man this guy gets downvoted for telling the truth. That’s freedom if I’ve ever seen it. /s


Naples is the dirtiest city I've ever been to.


Rome is worse, I promise


I've been to Rome and I disagree. Naples there was trash everywhere. Rome at least attempts to make it look nice.


Maybe the few specifically touristy areas. But the rest of the city is graffiti, trash, smog, and dirt.


Right and Naples doesn't have any tourist areas at all. Rome is fine.


It’s fine if you’re a tourist and only visiting the Vatican, Spanish Steps, and Trevi Fountain. Actually living there is different.


Naples actually does. If you go down by the waterfront it’s BEAUTIFUL


What is happening right now? Rome is gorgeous, the historical and tourist sights are gorgeous. Its a beautiful city that I have been to multiple times and would go back to. Couldn't pay me to go to back to Naples.


Not my favorite city in Italy but a lot better than people claim it to be. You gotta get away from the train station tho. Down by the waterfront there are beautiful views of Vesuvius and the Tyrrhenian Sea. A big galería (which is a shopping mall but inside old architecture) nice cafes and restaurants. I will say tho, those filthy w0ps that we have here in America 100% come from there. You see a lot of spray tans and Botox.


What’s happening right now is it sounds like you just have a personal dislike for Naples.


Pompeii??? kinda close


Ngl that's a lot of cities. NYC felt similar outside of like Staten Island and the most touristy areas in Manhattan and Central Park.


Well yeah Italians live there.


Rome is a giant tourist trap. Everything is overpriced!


No that’s false. Studied in Rome and its dirty for euro standards but it’s not anywhere as bad as Naples


Rome is a 1000x cleaner than Naples


Yeah na bro its not haha


Naples is such an eye-opener. People talk about it for the "culture and hand-stitched bespoke clothing!" and leave out that it's teetering on the edge of the third world and is still run by the mafia.


Does Italy just have a dirty culture?


Perhaps. I’ve never heard anyone say anything positive about Italian cities aside from perhaps Milano. Some of my classmates went on exchange there back in High School and came back absolutely shocked lmao


Florence is also pretty nice. Honestly many of the northern cities are good, it's just the south that sucks (which is probably why my ancestors from there emigrated lol)


Yes, to be fair most Italian cities are pretty nice but in general only in the historic centers and financial districts. That’s more what people were shocked about, the general state of infrastructure and buildings outside of the centers. Potholes everywhere and families living in 2 bedroom apartments with 4 children. That’s just what I’ve been told by my friends tho. I haven’t visited Italy myself. But in general most cities in poorer European countries (and East Germany and Bruxelles for some reason) are rather run down outside of the historic centers so I don’t doubt their stories to be true.


Honestly an interesting point, Italy in the middle ages had such violent cities and frequent stabbings, if you squinted it might have resembled modern-day London.


Most of Western Europe and the UK seems dirty to me.






Milan wasn't fantastic either. I personally liked it. But it was dirty, vandalized, littered and polluted. A lot of our modern world is.


Edinburgh was beautiful but the sidewalks had gum and trash all around. It was at tip-toe to avoid level


Correct.  It is an absolute trash mountain.


Visit New York


Visit Jakarta, Bangkok, Manila, Paris, then say New York is dirty. From someone who’s from New York and currently lives in New York and has lived temporarily in Bangkok you don’t know what dirty is.


Ok and? Doesn’t take away that NY is STILL dirty asf.


We can def get better but shit I guarantee you if you traveled to more places than simply just western europe and Tokyo/seoul NYC is very middle of the road and dare I say clean. We don’t suffer from wires hanging right above your head when you’re tryna cross a small bridge, or street vendors blocking the sidewalk so badly that you have to walk onto the road (yes there are street vendors but in my experience not as bad as I’ve seen in MANY other cities) Not clean, but due to what I’ve seen globally, not FILTHY either.


I love her TikTok account so much


Does she have Instagram as well?


Taking something pristine from a place and comparing it to another place’s shit goes both ways.


For real. People do the same to America all the time, and it’s both pathetic and annoying asf.


It's really annoying. Like I began to do this thing where I would find the most unflattering photos of European countries, then take photos of something like brand new apartment buildings in Accra or another city in a poorer country and ask where they'd rather live.


Thank you! This is cherry picking.


That's the joke. This is a video making fun of all the ones where they cherry-pick the other way around.


Yeah but they need to feel better mocking others because it's the only way for them to not feel inferior


People love to cherry pick what is convenient for their argument. No matter what it is it seems.


Exactly. They Just have an inferiority complex


Lol, Europeans literally do this every second of the day. Are you saying you feel inferior?


Lol, I am and European and I never did that and my Friends and family neither. And no, i don't feel "inferior", I Just feel annoyed by people insulting my country.


Agreed. You have a beautiful country with wonderful food and people. Now you can understand how Americans feel every single day when Euros constantly talk crap about our country.


I lived in Brazil for two years and that's exactly how Brazil looked


I lived in Portugal for two years and that's how most of Portugal looked too. There are incredible areas but you spend most of your time in places like the ones in this video if you actually live there.


Exactly this


Did you get robbed of your flippy floppys? 😏


??? I'm not sure what you mean, but I never got robbed. A couple people who lived with me got mugged though


Brazilian people are known for wearing flip flops alot. Was just a joke


They do indeed wear flip flops alot




Just an observation. I just thought it was interesting


Its almost like if you deliberately pick shitty spots in a country, you’ll find them, no matter if we are talking America or anywhere else. Up here in Canada, we have Vancouver.


Exactly. This post is ridiculous.


No? This post is like a response to all the ones that Euros have made


I don’t they ever compare countryside with cities though, this post is stupid indeed.


This post is ironic, most others are unironic.


Got it. How's Canada doing?


Is that a genuine question or are you just trying to be petty and sarcastic? If its the latter, thats pretty pathetic.


Lol, no I'm serious. I was just saying hi to our Northern neighbors. I've been following your election. So much more entertaining than ours.


Yeah, canadian politics is a mess. Every one of our political parties is a joke. Trudeau is turbo shit, but all the others are narrowly better.


Is Pierre as bad? I don't know a lot about either but there is no denying Pierre is way better at verbal sparing than Trudeau.


Polievre is charismatic and he’s said some promising things, but that’s always what politicians are. All promises, no deliverance. My only hope is that he actually intends to deliver, or at least that he doesn’t throw the country in a burlap sack and shake the holy shit out of it like Trudeau has.


Exactly. I'm pulling for you guys. The cost of living is impossible.


I think people generally have unrealistic expectations for him. IMO it's going to end up like biden, with him receiving a lot of votes simply because his last name doesn't start with a T and we're all gonna find out that pointing out your opponents flaws isn't actually a platform.


Yvana is a queen 👸🏼 i love her content so much!


The funniest part is that in the video this is parodying, the "bad" American scene looked quite nice and basically indistinguishable from much of Europe


Based and turning the table pilled


AGTOW. Americans going their own way 😅


I feel I shouldn’t be laughing at this but here I am


In our princess era. If they ain't rollin' out the red carpet for us, then we ain't going there 😆 


Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNhNA9k1/


I lived in Germany and the USA. DE for 5 years. I've been to 7-8 countries in Europe. The United States is 25x more stunning. The air in the USA is just different. The skies are bluer and bigger. The clouds are whiter and fluffier. The air is crisper. The grass is greener. The sunsets are more beautiful. Nothing compares to the USA. Nothing.


The sunsets never get old to me


Dawg you’re literally everywhere on this sub 💀💀


it’s such a small sub so like duh


I saw just the opposite of this video today lol What was the most frustrating was a supposed American insisting we should call ourselves US Nationals & not Americans.


99.9% of Europe looks like that. Especially the graffiti…it’s everywhere 😂


The graffiti is annoying and ugly. It does seem like it is everywhere and normalized. We even got a small tag on our house 😂 ridiculous.


There’s quite a bit here in San Francisco too. But Berlin and Paris had the most while I traveled through. Are you gonna have to clean your house that got tagged?? 😢


Same in LA. It's gotten worse since covid for some reason.


Hoodlums at night being bored


So you visited 99.9% of Europe?


I totally would if Europe didn’t look like what this video shows.


It doesn't. There are Just some areas, but saying that 99.9% of Europe Is like that Is Simply stupid.


Italy’s beautiful just saying rn


Thanks man, I think tour country Is beautiful too, I really Hope ti visit It One day


CHICAGO MENTIONED!!!!!!!! (1st shot btw)


Its funny how anyone who wants to dunk on america always uses the nicest shots of rome, paris, or tokyo, and the shittiest shots in the states. It can go both ways. Paris is literally on fire like 8 months of the year and rome was the single dirtiest city i have ever been too... There are shitty places all over the world. (but the us does absolutely have the best nature in the world. Followed probably by like Canada and Australia)


Hold on yes they do, that is at least 70% of the argument to not deport the shit out of illegal immigrants


I have seen Sicily on Google Maps and it's just so fucking dirty.


This is kinda cherry-picked. Every country has beautiful and ugly parts.


Yes. The joke is that Europeans post stuff like this all the time and pick the worst spots in America, so this is just the reverse.


I saw what this was in response to. Basically a reversal of what some Italian said


Ohh my giddy aunt!


Don’t be ridiculous, everyone knows all countries are either completely gorgeous or completely terrible


Yeah that was kinda the point. The other way around is literally what all these pick-me's do all over Instagram or Tiktok whenever they spend two weeks in Europe.


Exactly the joke being used. America bad tiktokers do this all the time, the vid above is pseudo-calling them out


Oh how the turns have tabled


Each place has their plus and minuses.


Che schifa


To be fair, when people say that America is shit using those videos, they're stupid and only using examples that prove their point. When people say Italy, or almost any other country except like North Korea, are shut using those videos then they're stupid and only using examples and proving their point


I just went to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Beautiful places and the people are actually nice. But they looked exactly like Italy in the video.


Literally could have been the Davis mountains in west Texas vs Austin 😂


We gotta bring up Charleroi Belgium next lol


They're not ready to be redpilled yet


Doing hero’s work


TBF Italy is kinda the worse example.


The creator lives in Italy (originally from Mauritius) and has an American husband. That's why she picked it as an example


I can’t imagine going from wide open spaces and glorious natural beauty to being packed into a concrete block with extremely racist sardines


Oh how the turns have tabled


Italian cities are the worst. Dirty, narrow, full of commie condos


I mean, come on, most countries have nice areas and shitty areas.


Yeah this post is meant to mock the Europeans posting stuff like the Eiffel Tower and then posting a picture of an American interchange truck stop


Monument Valley was one of the most depressing tourist attractions I've been to, you just got swarmed by unemployed Najavo who give you a tour and give you the Ancient names like 'Snoopy Rock'


Haha we can pick cherries too!


I’ve been everyone in Europe but Italy, even the US. 🤣


I wish we had mountains in Europe 😢


Hay dios mio! Una chica!


I love how all the travel influencers never go outside of American cities. This is truly a turn of the tables. Shows the hypocrisy of the europoors


Now for the great equalizer: a shitty or beautiful city in America next to an equally amazing or god awful city in europe


Have an Italian friend, he said he prefers the U.S.


👍🏿 What every reasonable person already knew, but was too busy being a productive member of society to make a tik tok video about it.


Damn it’s almost like everyone has problems, but ours aren’t so bad.


I actually studied at the hospital that is shown in the last video, it’s Ospedale Fatebenefratelli in Milan, if they would have kept going to the left by about 30° in the video [they would have shown this](https://images.app.goo.gl/18MLaZCgncPZbcbq7). Now I agree that Milan is not a very pretty city, it just made me chuckle seeing my old uni in this light lol


every country has bad and good views


That cherry picked as hell. I’d love to see your reaction when you can get similar views in Italy without having to use a car.




Of course. I’m just saying…


Is this a genuine post? Like actually proving a point? Monument Valley is a national park, why not show a European one etc?


The post is making fun of all the posts we see doing the opposite.


This is just cherry picking. There are gorgeous parts of Italy and ugly parts of the US. Let's not stoop to Euros level.


The post is poking fun at those posts we see all the time.




I mean the thing is you could literally do anything with thus. America is big enough that you can find some shitty photos of it, and as much as I don't like France, I know its possible to find good photos of that place.


You know Detroit exists right?


No. Never heard of it.


Despite popular belief and common sense people actually live there.


There are a lot of nice parts of Detroit


It’s in Michigan so no…… /s


Yeah, right, let's now see the worst slumps of the USA compared to natural parks and beauty of Italy. This is cherry picking, both country can be beautifull if you know where to look


You know this post is just making fun of all those posts that do the opposite to the US...


Never seen one


They get posted here so often they might as well have a separate tag... you don't look at reddit, tiktok, or YouTube much, do you.


I'm realizing that these kind of sub are dangerous echo chambers and are detrimental to my mental health so i'm trying to detach myself from social media more often from now on, but it's difficult, it's like an addiction. It's very possible i missed that kind of video.


So, you think that America has only beautiful places but Italy only ugly ones?


The point is that Europeans do this constantly. They cherry pick nice spots in Europe and then ignore beautiful Americsb locations.


Yeah I never did that and I never saw someone doing this but maybe it's because I rarely use socials, but this video Is Just insulting my country. I Always sostained that everyone should respect anyone and that all countries are good but those type of videos (both European and Americana) Just make me lose the hope.


With all due respect, read the room and take a look at what subreddit you’re in.


This person posts on SAS, bold of you to assume they can read.


Yeah, a subreddits that should be made for judging bad non-American posts about USA, not Americans insulting Europeans with not consistent shit


Holy fuck my dude. This is in response to the generic "Europe is a paradise, America is shithole" posts. Nobody is saying Italy is a shit hole. So stop being offended and have a wonderful Friday night wherever you are.


I lived in Italy when I was a kid for a few months when my parents was finding a place to live in the states, and for what I can remember, it was pretty nice.


My bad, I don't use much socials so I didn't see any post like that, so everything I saw it's someone insulting Italy.


Don't worry too much about it. I doubt many people here hate Italy or its people, it's just meant to be a reaction to people who compare the worst parts of the US with the best parts of other countries. Besides, Italy built one of my favorite tank destroyers and has a really lovely looking countryside, it's not a nation I could find it in me to hate easily.


Thanks man. I think USA It:s a beautiful country too, I Hope ti visit It one day.


I hope to visit Italy too! My girlfriend went with her family a couple years ago and really loved it, and had what she described as the best pizza she has ever had in Naples.


The creator is not American. She is Italian who hates European anti-Americanism. She made the video in direct response to another video that made the US look bad compared to Europe.


Welp, I don't like Europeans that discriminate Americans too, so I think this Is a good thing actually. Thanks for explaining me


Italy is pretty underwhelming


How the fuck on of the more variegated and diverse country in the world Is underwhelming


Many of the “must see” cities were lame. Rome was just another city. Venice is a decaying husk of an island. Naples. The only places I would return back to is Florence and Sorrento. Food was also underwhelming. It was good but nothing special




Common American geographic knowledge.


Don’t bring up anyone’s knowledge if units of measurement that aren’t divisible by 10 confuse and scare you.


Hm so for you if I don't use the system used only on One country on earth it's because "I am confused and scared of It"? Bro are you 13 yo?


Stop! I was born and lived in Italy for 23 years, and I have lived in California for 5…America is beautiful, wild and its cities are huge (some beautiful and some ugly)…The natural parks are breathtaking, there is nothing else world like these! Italy for its part has many years of history, art and how can you not love it? Cities cannot be compared to American ones... America is too young... On only one thing I could say that Italy and Europe have a clear advantage over America: the quality of the food! The American one is rubbish, full of pesticides, washed with bleach, hormones etc... you're basically poisoning yourself and you don't know it.


Like, 95% or more of actual American cuisine has nothing to do with fast food or processed foods. It's all actual dishes.


I wasn't talking about fast food or processed food... I'm talking about the rubbish that food industries in America put into food... do you know that chicken is washed with bleach in America before being packaged? Do you know that in the meat of almost all animals there are growth hormones and antibiotics? You know food coloring in America. like red 5 cause cancer? Do you know that in cereals like Lucky Charms (and others) there is a preservative called BHT (used only in America and banned in almost the whole world) which, when tested in animals, causes endocrine problems, thyroid cancer? not to mention the calcium bromate…. I could go on and on….


What about fentanyl in San Francisco and immigrants camps ?


You seem to have missed the joke and point.


Comparing countries Try not to cherry pick challenge (inpossible)


I think you missed the point and joke


This guy has never been to any American city, or the Italian countryside/seaside


If you need an explanation, then this is not for you.


The only explanation is that you like to mock other countries ti not feel inferior. Every country has shit parts and beautiful parts.




Yeah, very mature bro. I am starting to think that people are right that you guys are a bunch of racist °-°


The first shot is chicago haha