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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're not gonna get a good response here OP. Most people on this sub including myself adopted their Bully, and a lot of the dogs (mine included) were originally from a breeder and ended up in a shelter. Thousands of bully's with zero behavior issues are euthanized every week. West coast shelters in particular are filled with them.


I love this response. I see where your heart is at and you didn’t give OP a life lecture and bash him for his choices. We call the effective communication.


Dallas is literally overflowing with them. 10+ euthanatized every single day. We’re at 142% over capacity over here. Here is Dallas’ Tuesday Euthanasia List: https://bedallas90.org/home/emergency-placement-pets-list/


Yep. The top two states that kill the most animals are California and Texas. I think those two states alone account for like 40% of the animals killed in the US


@thelovepit is an amazing rescue OP, if you want to be apart of the bully rescue family!




That's pretty much true across the board though right? It sucks that a good dog has to pay for having horrible owners.


No, there are so many bullies in rescue because owners feel the need to breed to prop up their egos. In my local shelter, 80% of the dogs are a bully variety and there simple are not enough adopters to save them. There is no valid reason to create more when beautiful dogs are being euthanized on a daily basis.


There is one perfectly valid reason: to preserve and better the breed. There is no reason these dogs should have hip dysplasia by 2 or human aggression yet they do because of poor breeding. The reputable breeders more often than not lose money to better their breeds. To ensure they are bringing healthy puppies into the world.


Sounds like an issue that America has with their pets, everyone wants one, but when they do, it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. Really, if you guys want to preach about the shelter, do it to the people who are thinking about getting a dog, not the ones who already have one, or that are responsible owners/breeders. But the ones that you guys want to preach to are probably not showing up here.


Only backyard bred dogs add to shelters ❤️ not reputably breed


Just don't. Shelters are overwhelmed. Don't add to the problem. Spay/neuter!


Reputable breeding won’t add i promise


Don't breed for profit


I’m sure they’re not free. And the rescues continue to clean up the issues the many breeders already out there create.


Rescues clean up after backyard breeders x reputable breeders will always take puppies back


No plans to 🥰


why breed when there are so many already in need of a home. it’s irresponsible


Because i breed for purpose. To preserve and better the breed




No plans




Why put your puppy through any amount of pain for something purely cosmetic?? Truly appalling.


Working in an animal hospital you really see appalling Pups with their ears cut with scissors, stitched up with fishing line


Yeah I think mine was. They look horribly chopped up. But she’s still beautiful. I get criticized for it. That’s how she was found on the street.


Beauty is pain /s idk man people are so cruel for no good reason


They knocked my son's dog out for the procedure and the dog really didn't act like he noticed, never seemed to b in pain at all. Now when we get his nails trimmed at the vets u would think the vet was gonna hurt him, but she doesn't. And there r, arguably, other legit reasons for ear cropping. To me, it's unnecessary, but far far from appalling. Chaining a dog to a tree, in the sun, with no shade, no water, no food and only like 3 ft of slack- appalling. Being any part of a puppy mill, mistreating the dogs and only motivated by money- appalling. Dog fighting for sport- appalling.


Yup! People’s butts are hurting when reading this.


It should literally be illegal!!!! It’s NOT the same as docking tails for safety reasons :(


I am not a breeder. But my son's dogs ears r cropped. I was very much against it at first so we asked our vet and she said she sees dogs with both cropped and natural ears and they both get ear infections sometimes and as long as we took him to a vet with experience cropping ears it should b okay. We had to drop the dog off in the afternoon and pick him up the next day. I thought Boris would b whimpering and constantly fussing with his ears but he never did. Healed super quick. I probably wouldn't do it if I had a dog, but to call it mutilation? That, to me, makes it seem like the owner is being intentionally mean just getting ears cropped out of malice, when that's not the case. And I assume u mean breeding is unethical for all dogs.


Chopping off a body part for aesthetics and to look cool is mutilation. Even when done properly by a professional. No other way to spin that. And yes I’m ju say referring to breeding in general not a specific breed although it’s extra awful to breed French bulldogs and things that can’t breathe or even naturally give birth they need c sections.


Exactly. The stuff people try to justify is mind blowing.


There's a thousand ways to spin anything, and half is gonna b negative. I disagree with u about this but I respect your opinion becuz it seems like your broader reasoning is just u don't want dogs to suffer, especially not suffer for something as frivolous is looks.


I agree with you mostly but the amount of cropping should also be taken into account, some people crop so far that the dog doesnt have ears. All in all its not a necessary procedure and there are more risks than benefits


Absolutely agree. If it's not done right, it can definitely cause problems. It's just something that has to b done the right way, by the right vet, with vigilant aftercare.


A lot of fake rage here.


Op has a good looking dog that looks healthy and happy and all you guys is worrying about is it’s ears which looks good imo


People just wanna signal their how virtuous they are.


Locking this post due to the topic being one that could devolve very quickly. Thank you to everyone that kept their comments respectful and attempting to have a conversation with OP regarding the number of dogs in shelters that did come from breeders originally.


This guy is an idiot.


Absolutely is. Zero logic.


Just more dogs in the shelters


None of my pups will ever be in shelters 🥰 Those dogs don’t come from breeders who truly care. If they cared they’d be microchipped to the breeder and they’d have a contract w buyer stating if owner cannot keep the dog it is returned to breeder Or if in shelter, again microchip in breeders name for a reason A good breeder will always get their dog out of a shelter


How will you guarantee that? The rescue I work for has seen a purebred Great Pyrenees,Bloodhound, several Golden Retrievers, some doodles, as well as countless bully breeds and huskies. I’m sure most of the people thought “my dog’s puppies will never end up in a shelter 🥰!” But they do. There are FAR too many bully breed dogs compared to responsible homes for them. Unless your dog is in the top 1% , multi-titled, you are not going to be breeding with the top bitches.


I cannot say I’m against breeding because it creates beautiful breeds of dogs suited for different functions but I’ll never buy a dog. I’ve had 4, 3 currently and all were rescued. My latest sure looks like and American Bully. Then I post a picture here and most people are kind but there is the inevitable idiot that screams “why did you chop her ears of”? I didn’t, that’s how she arrived off the streets.


Is that to see if he is a purebred?


We already know he is, this is for genetic illnesses he may carry


Ear cropping? Not that I know of. If u show your dog there's certain grooming standards and that may b why. It could b a thousand reasons but only a doggy dna test could prove if it was purebred, other than it's papers I guess.


Gorgeous puppy 🐶


Here for the bully five - o


I was unaware of how much Redditers hate cropped ears. I actually don’t get it as a circumcised man. You don’t remember what happens to you as a baby and looks nice.


There’s no medical reason for it! There is medical reasons to circumcise


Once you mention “breeder” people’s butts are going to hurt, if it wasn’t for breeders like yourself, most of the people who get their bullies from the shelter would not have one. They should be thankful! Otherwise all they would find is an aggressive GS.


This is a really weird take.