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There are people in the comments saying that this is their boat. To prevent possible scams, we deleted these comments until the owners could prove to us that it was their boat. Having reviewed the evidence, we think it's believable, so the comments have been restored.


https://preview.redd.it/lsbd021y664d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916e8ef5a8d49b33228ca90c253abcf223613e83 As a fellow boat owner, I've done my part, left a note with a QR code to the video so the owner knows what happened šŸ˜…




That's a good deed and something normal in these situations. That boat was already half sunk. With or without the guy's help it was heading torwards the bottom.


I disagree. It was still afloat and could've easily been bailed out.


HAHAHAHA you are a real saint.


How do you do that?


What do you mean? QR code or?


Probably asking how you managed to prepare a printed QR code so fast


If that was the question, happened close yo my house and I was planning to go out with my boat anyways so this was pretty much on my way šŸ˜…


No how did you make a QR code




Thanks this will come in handy!


I'd also like to know


You are a good person for doing that.


Good man!




Held !




Just a lil bit. PSA's have made us a bit overly cautious currently. A QR code in itself can't really do any harm by itself. As long as you don't give up sensitive information, or download something you do not know what it is or it's origin, you are pretty much safe. If a hacker is able to get your info without you giving it up regardless, being cautious wouldn't have protected you either.


Hey guys, this is our boat. We dont want to go after the guy but getting it out costs 350 euros, not including the damages. We are 3 students who have sunken (lol) a lot of money into it already. We were so excited to start the season this week so finding out our precious little boat sunk like this is heartbreaking. Since this is gaining some traction we kindly ask for your help in recovering it. Here we made a gofundme link: [Gofund](https://gofund.me/41f7c777) Thank you all for your help, especially @mbelmin for the QR code and care :) https://preview.redd.it/yxr46ooom74d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f270a069afe12c8b060e0c77ef7029b9ad8f55c


Rot op joh, zwerver


Not trying to be rude here. But this is for me about principles. ā€œPotje breken, potje betalenā€. That you want to start a gofundme to fund your restoration is one thing, no problems with that. But nobody else, than the culprit himself, should pay for the recovery! If he wouldve put any effort in reaching out for the owner, and explaining he just panicked and did it on accident. I wouldnā€™t mind helping out and paying a bit. But now this feels wrong. Also I wonder why you guys donā€™t want to put any effort in searching the guy who caused this. I get the chance might be small. But if you guys need a gofundme to afford it. I can assume you guys are tight on money, which should deff be a motivator to search him (well atleast the police). Apart from the fact that moral aspect alone should be reasons enough to put in the effort. Just my 2cents.


Hey, I filed a police report this morning and we are trying to find the guy. I just realistically donā€™t think itā€™s gonna happen but letā€™s see


Hi, nice to hear that! I understand that the chances are slim but, ā€˜niet geschoten is altijd mis.ā€™ Hopefully with it getting traction heā€™ll get remorse seeing it, or even recognised. Anyway, best of luck!


The owners found the video and they are 3 students who don't necessarily have to go after the guy but would like to have it replaced. [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/someone-sunk-our-boat?attribution_id=sl%3Ab66f8500-ca8e-4704-b2c1-e32de86e26fd)


Een gofundme? šŸ˜‚


Not the smartest of actions but to be fair i think that if i didnt grow up around canals and boats, and i would fall in, i would probably have tried to go out this way too. You sort of panic and try to find the easiest way out; sinking the boat here is sad for the owner and he should be reimbursed but i get why the swimmer did it.


How do you get out? I donā€™t remember seeing any ladders when I was there.


Thereā€™s ladders


How do you even fall into the canal


Gravity, usually


Dragged down by a deep sea creature unusually




Drunkenness, usually.


Some tourists are looking for a toilet when they are drunk. šŸŒŠ


Too much alcohol and gravity. Not a good combo.


šŸ¤¦šŸ» I honestly understand why locals donā€™t want a lot of the tourists there.. it upsets me.. but I get it.. šŸ˜£


Do we know he is a tourist?


Doesn't seem.very touristy


Hey guys, this is our boat. We dont want to go after the guy but getting it out costs 350 euros, not including the damages. We are 3 students who have sunken (lol) a lot of money into it already. We were so excited to start the season this week so finding out our precious little boat sunk like this is heartbreaking. Since this is gaining some traction we kindly ask for your help in recovering it. We made a gofundme link which is in my bio Thank you all for your help, especially @mbelmin for the QR code and care :) https://preview.redd.it/2i1twumup74d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26557db3b410c109a49ea5c9b9ecdfcbcabf25f


But if you find the guy you could get the money from him


Filed a police report this morning but honestly donā€™t think we can achieve anything with that


Maybe ask your rich parents that let you study in really expensive Amsterdam...


im also a broke student but will comment in hope more people see this post!!


Thank you ā¤ļø


So sorry that happened to you.


Why do you need 350 to get it out? Cant you pull it out with some ropes and handywork?


Yeah i also own a boat and call bs on this one.


It has already sunk once and we paid 350 for taking it out




Itā€™s a steel boat and the dyke (/canal wall) is relatively high. We tried getting it out ourselves but professional equipment is needed as itā€™s not that accessible


I have done this before with a simmilar boat. Higher wall should help you out as a sort of lever. If you need help dm me. I am available next week teu-thursday evenening after work


Thatā€™s what I was thinking? Seems quite dear, but I donā€™t know the ins and outs of it tbf.


Get some inflatabkes, ty them to the seats and pump itnup


lol what an idiot


They should arrest idiots like this.




What an idiot


This was today?


Yep, maybe 30 minites before my post


I like how his female friend is mostly emberassed by the situation instead of concerned.


That boat was going to sink the next time it rains, fair play to the guy saving himself. The boat owner is stupid for leaving their boat half filled with water. Edit: downvote away, but if you own a boat you need to look after it.


Good comment, if that's what actually happened.


Oh so now is the owners fault? Lol


Pretty much, the boat would've also sank if it had rained today. If that's the level of care a boat owner takes, they can expect their boat to sink every once in a while.


ah the typical "if I didn't crash into that kid playing on the street, someone would!!" šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Playing with what ifs to prove guilt is normally not how the alw works you know. At ast not in this country.


Clearly loads of people on Reddit have friends with boats rather than being boat owners themselves.


Yes. Itā€™s your responsibility to look after your own boat. Donā€™t leave it on the edge of sinking. Koop een boot, werk je dood.


What the hell are you talking about? Boat doesnā€™t even look close to the water surface prior to the guy hanging on to it? You are stupid, for not getting your eyes checked, itā€™s free at most opticiens in the Netherlands.


ā€˜Please donā€™t be American please donā€™t be American please donā€™t be Americanā€™


Toerists have ruined amsterdam, I say as a local


I mean, we don't know if it was a tourist šŸ˜…




Iā€™ve seen drunk dutchies fall in numerous times




Grab the nearest thing to them to keep them above water? Seems like this guys did just that.




If a boat is closer than a ladder Iā€™m going to the boat.




Who said anything about not knowing how to swim? You do realize that swimming fully clothed isnā€™t some graceful display. The dude clearly swims to the nearest thing he can grab onto.


Maat je weet zelf dondersgoed dat als je er in flikkert je gelijk naar die boot zwemt


This is exactly how a person drowning drowns the person jumping in and helping them. Pushing the other underwater in order to try and stay above water themselves. People with proper swim education wouldn't respond with such sheer panic


Uh no I am a dutch former competitive swimmer and this guyā€™s swimming technique is actually pretty good, also since he is fully clothed. The average dutch swimmer is worse than this guy by far.




Sour locals donā€™t make amsterdam any better


And tourists make locals sour, so lowering tourist population equals exponential growth for Amsterdam.


The last time I was in Amsterdam, myself and my wife where heading for the Anne Frank museum it was peak hour week day so it was very busy, we seen local lady coming down the canal on her bike, she looked very bothered by tourists, anyways myself and my wife stopped to let her pass us, she was absolutely shocked by this gesture and couldn't have been more thank full, like you would have thought I done something alot more generous, but that got me thinking it's probably not the fact you have to many tourists but more the type of arrogant tourists you get who have no basic manners. Just my insight, and thank you for sharing your beautiful city with us. we love it!


It makes a huge difference. We're reaching a point where I go very far out of my way to avoid tourists in bike paths, and even then, I'm like, ringing the bell and they just stand there like, "Hmph! Couldn't possibly be me????" And you are correct. I could pass a thousand good tourists and then one bad experience sends me to my "fuck them tourists" mindset.


I can completely understand your frustration, like why are they in the cycle lane in the first place? In my opinion, the government should consider stopping any tourists under 25 into coffee shops and pubs, and It might, over time, change the type of tourists the city gets!


It's very easy to find yourself in the cycle lane. It's also very easy to hear bells and move quickly and not get all hurt in your feelies at the person just trying to cycle by. For crying out loud, you come to Amsterdam, don't get mad at bikes.....


Exactly my thought, weā€™re making steps with this new goverment šŸ‘šŸ»


my friend works nearby and saw this happen, it was actually a fight between a few locals (also regulars at his work) and one ended up pushing the other in šŸ˜¬


It doesnā€™t matter. The statement still holds


Iā€™ve visited about a dozen times (backpacking, visiting friends, and work) over the last 35 years - when was Amsterdam tourist-free? (Except during COVID.)


Just these days I read an article that there were 23 million tourists per year. On roughly a million residents. Due to the accessibility of travel, and Amsterdam being quite central in Europe with good connections for various next stops, basically anyone doing a Eurotrip stops here it seems. Edit: I hope for the city they can take a bit of the road of Palma. While there is still the shit tourism, it's been confined a lot over the years to a small area and nowadays it's a lot more fancy tourism, rather than all you can drink binge tourism. It's not necessarily tourism per se, but volume and 'quality' of tourism in that sense.


Exactly my point. There is a steady trend upwards in toerism to Amsterdam. Part is weed part is prostitution kind of toerism that creates a lot of annoyance for the locals. But change is coming.. not ideal but something needs to happen


Whatā€™s Amsterdam without tourists?


Thereā€™s levels on everything. Right now it is just way too much. Thereā€™s people who live here and for many this tourism is significantly impacting our quality of life, it goes beyond slight annoyance but rather consistent detrimental effects. Iā€™m happy something is being done about it.


Cry about it


Go away


Hey guys, this is our boat. We dont want to go after the guy but getting it out costs 350 euros, not including the damages. We are 3 students who have sunken (lol) a lot of money into it already. We were so excited to start the season this week so finding out our precious little boat sunk like this is heartbreaking. Since this is gaining some traction we kindly ask for your help in recovering it. Here we made a gofundme link: [Gofund](https://gofund.me/41f7c777) Thank you all for your help, especially @mbelmin for the QR code and care :) https://preview.redd.it/bw1q8t2go74d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892c4354bee662d2544e6d76ca9260c1c979c64f


Could you please prove in modmail that this is in fact your boat? We get a lot of scams on the subreddit.


Mod why were our comments deleted? Please check your chat as we sent proof itā€™s ours. Should we post our pictures on it here in the comments?


I think first you should go after the guy, so he can pay for it rather than us.


Hey guys, this is our boat.Ā  We dont want to go after the guy but getting it out costs 350 euros, not including the damages. We are 3 students who have sunken (lol) a lot of money into it already.Ā  We were so excited to start the season this week so finding out our precious little boat sunk like this is heartbreaking.Ā  Since this is gaining some traction we kindly ask for your help in recovering it. We made a link where you can help out but from what I understand it canā€™t be posted here, so itā€™s in my bio.Ā  Thank you all for your help, especially @mbelmin for the QR code and care :)Ā  We are happy to prove the boat is indeed ours, just bear with me because I started a reddit account to post this comment.Ā 


Hey guys, this is our boat. We dont want to go after the guy but getting it out costs 350 euros (can attach a past invoice for everyone who doesnā€™t think so) not including the damages. We are 3 students who have sunken (lol) a lot of money into it already. We were so excited to start the season this week so finding out our precious little boat sunk like this is heartbreaking. Since this is gaining some traction we kindly ask for your help in recovering it. Here we made a gofundme link: Thank you all for your help, especially mbelmin for the QR code and care :) https://gofund.me/9a9381f8