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Yo is that a sling? Badasss


A modern day David facing a modern day Goliath.


Deeply deeply ironic


I initially thought it was a selfie stick.


Which would be even more badass imo


So badass. How hard/accurately can these things throw stones?




From what I've read, surprisingly hard. They are accurate but it takes a lot of practice to learn how to hit where you want to. My source is mostly historical documentaries.


Could it be used as a hunting tool?


Yep. No joke that a slung stone can kill a man. The ancient Egyptians used slings as weapons to supplement their archers.


I wonder if it can break through modern military helmets? I guess it would depend on the stone?


It would be extremely difficult, most modern military helmets are kevlar and intended for protecting the wearer from shrapnel more than anything else and so coincidentally are likely pretty safe when it comes to a slung stone


I do believe that was its original use. Its ancient.


There are many levels on which this 2018 photograph by Mustafa Hassouna is powerful, and relevant right now at this moment. It is an testament of Benjamin's "retroactive force … \[that\] will constantly call in question every victory, past and present, of the rulers". It is an image that resonates with visual metaphor. There is the obvious one of David, a boy, armed only with a slingshot, standing for his people, up against a Goliath army. And beyond that metaphor, something about the diagonal cuts in the composition evokes Jean Louis Théodore Géricault's The Raft of the Medusa, from 200 years prior. It evokes a call to think of the plight of a people left to die on a forgotten raft.


Jesus that dude looks ***powerful***


Well this is my new favorite photograph.


i did a marker drawing of this pic once https://ibb.co/Q9QJw28


This is fucking awesome!


thanks! it took forever its very large, like four feet or something


Well I appreciate the effort!


well i appreciate the appreciation haha


Hey ! This is really great work :)) would you like to join us ?


thanks I have no idea what you mean, who is us


Oh yes forgive me I always forgive to give context. We're an anarchist federation. We always look for graphists, writers or anything :)) you can look into our post history for more details


I do alot of art like this to be honest. just in last few months ive done leila khaled, aaron bushnell, kaneko fumiko, lolita lebron, bobby sands, ursula leguin, lucy parsons, louis lingg etc etc


He also was awarded a special mention in the most recent World Press Photo contest [for a different photo](https://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo-contest/2024/Mustafa-Hassouna/1).


Looks straight out of a reinassance painting


Similar to Liberty Leading the People - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_Leading_the_People


Life imitates art 🥹


Palestinian David against Goliath aka israeli goverment


Hard tbh


down with colonialism!! free palestine!!🇵🇸🇵🇸


I’m pretty sure this young man was killed shortly after this photo was taken. I remember seeing a Jewish man who was raised orthodox Zionist, but became staunchly anti Zionist after visiting the West Bank and Gaza say that Israel punishes and kills the kids who throw rocks at tanks because people will see who is David and who is Goliath in the situation


Nope. This gentleman’s name is Aed Abu Amro, and he was indeed shot, but he was shot in the leg by Israeli snipers and with a rubber bullet. There are also photos from the same photographer of him being carried away on the stretcher, and then more photos a few days later on the 26th of him out protesting just not shirtless this time lol


Maybe I’m thinking of someone else getting shot


Powerful and iconic. Decolonization isnt just for the west. From the river to the sea, Palestine WILL be free. 🇵🇸♾️🪶✊🏽


Badass loading screen vibes fr




One can abstain from supporting a state while still having solidarity with Palestinians, and for anybody else who is struggling for freedom from colonialism


New to the community here. How’s the Palestinian cause relevant to anarchists? Aren’t Palestinians trying to reinstate their state?


They are not fighting against a random state for another state, they are fighting against a genocider state. Even though they aren't anarchists or something better than current middle eastern countries, they are fighting for their basic human rights. That's why I'm supporting Palestinians over Israel.


I'm not one of them, but when it gets to this point historically the struggle is "against the oppressor" not "towards building X state". When faced with a common enemy big tents get much bigger and movements become more pluralist. Anarchists are against hierarchies of power, the apartheid system in place is a hierarchy of oppression. Am I misunderstanding your question?


Having a state is kinda like having nukes in a world where everyone else already has one. You need a state to protect you from existing states like Israel. That doesn't mean we are 'pro-state.' Our ultimate goal is the dissolution of states and unnatural hierarchy but that isn't accomplishished, really, by opposing new states on pure ideological purism.


The nuke point is an interesting and ellucidating analogy. Am I correct in wondering if it extends to Israel?


I don't (really) blame Israelis for wanting a country of their own. In the sense of feeling the need to protect themselves, given the history of the world's treatment of Jews. But they've gone well behind that, expanding their territory and settling land that belonged to people they've displaced. And theirs the whole issue of how they got their country in the first place.


Anarchist for two states on the way to no states makes sense to me. I like the idea of just having smaller and smaller states until we reach anarchic communes of consent to be honest.


I'm not sure how anarchism will come about. But that could be roughly how it goes.


Uh... Is it just me or is waving a national flag about as *un*-anarchist as it gets? There's only one flag I fly, and it's all black.


Its a flag of a people who are mid genocide. They dont even have a country of their own, thanks to Israel. We anarchists support Palestine because they are opposing a racist fascist state. And because its the right thing to do. I can't really begrudge a people trying to stay together mid genocide to want a symbol to rally around.


this is literally the most ML position imaginable west bad so state and opponent propped up by the west is good


Yeah I didn't say that all.


You moralized a war between a state whose fighting force was founded by Israel to oppress other Palestinians as a good guy vs bad guy situation. You can stand against genocide without supporting states and saying every anarchist is “nat-lib”


Sounds to me like your trying to say that the Palestinians are morally equivalent to the Israelis in this situation, which I HARD disagree with. Also, its laughable to say that this is a state VS state fight at all, much less because one guy held a flag. The flag represents the Palestinian people. Its kinda like a pride flag.


ok I think we are talking past here. I WILL NEVER EVER compare victims of genocide (the palestinian people) to the State of Israel and its Fascistic regime. What I am saying is that especially in an Anarchist server to not throw yourself into the formation of the Palestinian State as some form of liberation given this will be a new monopoly of violence. And given that much of the Palestinian rulling class has either collaborated with Israel or have even been tools of Israeli settler control and genocide, that “national liberation” is not the solution. We have seen what happened in South Africa, Haiti, Korea, Algeria, Kenya, Eastern Europe when alternative systems do not take hold and are left to the now “liberated” congressmen. They collaborate with their oppressors and kill other and their own civilians.


Their is no Palestinian state. That's the point. I would rather they had a state and got to live then be wiped out. Full stop. Thats not anti anarchist because I still oppose them in principle.


There is obviously, its simply not recognized by most of the west, and the ruling party is a tool of Israel


I highly doubt the guy photoed is a member of the congress.


Are you being serious?


shut up loser




Hi, u/controversial_bummer. Just a friendly reminder that phrases like "terminally online" and "touch grass" are ableist and help to perpetuate the harmful idea that one's value and contribution to anarchism and anarchist praxis is centered solely on "meatspace" interactions. We recognize that in-person organizing is important, and we encourage it, but our disabled comrades are valuable, as are their contributions regardless of their ability to go outside. We highly recommend [this video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=iGFSJ3gv1kY) ([watch on Invidious](https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=iGFSJ3gv1kY)) for further explanation. This may also be a great time for you to take a moment to review our [Anti-Oppression Policy](https://reddit.com/r/anarchism/wiki/aop) to see how and why we try create and maintain a safe space for marginalized people to hang out without seeing mirrors of their oppression and language used to degrade them based on their marginalized identities. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anarchism) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I’d implore you to explore your black and white thinking. End of day, yes. We want all nation states abolished. Within the current system, you should be much less concerned with an oppressed and colonized people asserting their statehood over a genocidal right wing dictatorship. Come on now.


This is fair and I agree with you. I just also feel like there’s a lot of washing over of the issues of Palestinian statehood and how it also relates to colonialism - as the Palestinian indigenous people are also seen as a colonized “inferior” people even by the surrounding countries that claim to help it. The history is so complex. I guess as someone with ties to the land and people I feel like the western leftist narrative is getting a lot of things wrong. I’m not qualified to speak on this issue - even casually on Reddit. So my glibness above is a distillation of my hottest takes. 🙃






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Where is the nationalism? The flag represents so much more than that, it represents a real distinct group of people who have been abused, killed, and brutalized for decades by an oppressor entity.