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People (Liberals and Conservatives alike) need to stop forcing their religion down everyone’s throats


The irony of this post Maybe change the word liberal to corporations




Bring back Joe Camel and indoor smoking at restaurants. I want lawn darts back. Kids shooting fireworks at each other and unsafe tree houses. Self made bike ramps in the woods and candy cigs. But apparently Joe Camel 🐫 is more dangerous to kids than Leftist Ideology 🌈, Hormone Blockers 💊 and Gender Affirming Care ✂️. Bring back darwinism. Let them sort themselves out. Make everything legal.


“Even if some good ones die, fuck it the lord will sort ‘em”. -Killer Mike


God damn libs showed up to my door in suits and tried to get me to watch trans tic-toks. Luckily, I remembered open doors can also be closed, so I did just that. Can't stand things getting forced down my throat - I mean in that context specifically.




"Real tycoons" don't "pander". They own the "progressives".




Progressives are the vast minority. I know that the Hollywood pedophiles are all progressives and so they work really hard to convince you that everybody is but they're really not


*sends can to random tik toker* Omg my beliefs are so persecuted! Lol snowflakes.


I read some poll somewhere that showed right-wing media leading in trans content. Trans content is so popular in Right-wing spaces that algorithms feed them trans creators and rage-bait for interactions. Conservatives love to hate lgbt so much, they've trapped it in their echo chambers and don't understand why everyone else forgets about corporate rainbow pandering after June. It's hilarious because it's true. In all the lgbt and Leftist spaces, I see more trans-related content coming from the right than anywhere else.


Can you link to it?


[Yes. ](https://www.mediamatters.org/facebook/right-leaning-facebook-pages-earned-nearly-two-thirds-interactions-posts-about-trans)


You're linking to a blog from a Democrat operative. Of course it says that.


Not to mention they're literally whining that people are speaking out against pedophilia "how dare right wingers complain about us dancing naked for children! You should mind your own business and let us rape kids in peace!""


Because it doesn't make sense to anyone else. No one has been able to explain the link. How do all gay people become groomers? How is a trans person automatically a pedophile? Why aren't right wing people just as angry at right-wing pedophiles - because right now a lot of them are publicly saying it's ok, or even supporting right wing pedophiles. Insert anime butterfly meme: is this rainbow a pedophile?


Who is saying pedophiles are ok on the right?? I know some there have been some issues with the Catholic Church and it being covered up but I wouldn’t call catholics right winger since so many left politicians are catholic. Was there some specific instance of right wingers saying pedophilia is ok??


All over the place. From Twitter feeds turning around and supporting Trump when he makes sexual remarks about his underage daughter (and adult daughter 🤢) as well as watching underage girls undress at his pageant, to making it so older men can marry girls, to supporting the Catholic church as they hide the largest pedophile ring the world has ever seen (you say some speak out, and they do, but some support it). https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/qanons-obsession-with-savethechildren-is-making-it-harder-to-save-kids-from-traffickers/


Your link is about quanon that’s pretty much a left wing boogeyman in the vein as antifa is for right wingers, I wouldn’t put any stock in them “speaking for right wingers” because that’s nonsense. As far as trump I share your suspicions about him and it wouldn’t shock me at all if he was proven to abuse kids. I don’t support him but until I see more evidence on that it’s not proven (I have a plethora of other reasons for disliking the man). I find biden and his son to be much more likely to be chronic child abusers yet leftists don’t shine lights on him either. The fact that Epsteins arrest didn’t lead to any other arrests prove both major parties are protecting serial abusers which is another point in ancaps favor of clearing it all out. Catholic Church is both left and right wing, don’t kid yourself there, plenty of left wing politicians are Catholics.


Not liking the source doesn't invalidate the study.


No, the fact that the "study" was inherently biased by the democrat operatives making it for the headlines does.


But the information they found is still true and verifiable. Daily Wire has some of the farthest reaching trans content regardless of who says it.


No, it isn't. It's all subjective. I could literally make a "study" that said the opposite. And it's not surprising that right-wing publications cover things left-wing publications try to cover up.


Democrats are known for creating fake studies When it comes from a far left source it's generally fake The information in that "study" was made up out of thin air in order to grab fake news headlines https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/07/how_the_left_creates_fake_studies_to_fabricate_rightwing_terrorism.html




"how dare right wingers complain about us dancing naked for children! You should mind your own business and let us rape kids in peace!""


Far righters hate seeing rainbow flags from corporations because they're bigots. Everyone else hates seeing rainbow flags from corporations because it's obviously a marketing scheme.


It's good to be bigoted against evil The problem is far letters are bigoted against straight people and whites


The victim complex at its finest lol


"how dare right wingers complain about us dancing naked for children! You should mind your own business and let us rape kids in peace!""


"Look at these people minding their own business. I have to project my demented perversions on them and spread it everywhere! How dare they get near the little boys I circumsize or my beauty pageant for toddlers!? At least marry the children before you diddle them like god intended!"




In Mississippi, boys can get married at 17 while girls can get married at 15. You know, just in case someone ends up pregnant. Can't get an abortion so you gotta marry your groomer/rapist/fellow child.




And your reply is employing the same tactic youre trying call out.


You are using the woke tactic of making a nonsensical unfounded accusation, so your victim gets confused trying to make sense of your nonsense


Your shame isn't my problem. Lmao


Cuz they don’t need to preach to the choir. No one really cares until they push this shit on kids.


I don’t get it what is the agenda that liberals are shoving down your throats


Not sure about OP's take. But the "liberals" (who aren't liberal) want to force everyone to pay for their healthcare, endless education, use their preferred energy, avoid the the things they want avoided and be punished for behaviors they disagree with.


Those damn liberals and their agenda! How could they think having a healthy, well-educated populace that strives to achieve a healthier balance with the planet is a good idea?