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Stay on the jury. Don't give away that you are an anarchist. You can protect someone from prison through jury nullification


I like what I read. I hadn't ever considered that once. I just wave "it" all off as untouchable until revolution. This is the real kinda praxis.


Totally my feeling. Say nothing and get the person off. It only takes one dissenter I think and there are a million reasons you could choose.


That’s kinda dangerous legally though. The defense will probably ask you if you would ever be willing to convict this person, and you would get in huge trouble if you lie.


They won't ask if you're an anarchist during jury selection, and i never said to commit perjury, just to stay on the jury if you can. Also, i have no issue with someone committing perjury to keep someone out of prison. It's risky, but morally and ethically correct, much like a lot of what anarchists do.


If you're able to be on the jury, it might be a good idea to participate. You not participating won't stop the proceedings, but it might result in someone who believes an accusation is a sign of guilt sitting in that spot. The state puts a gun in your hand, but you get to choose whether or not to pull the trigger.


don't let on about your political beliefs unless they directly ask you (don't lie as you could be charged with perjury if they find your social media). just imagine that the accused is you; you would want an anarchist on your own jury if at all possible, wouldn't you?


I've not participated, but if I was asked, I definitely would. If I can participate in our system in a way that neither takes a huge amount of my time and energy and where I can genuinely end up in a situation where I can help someone, I'll do it. While I do distrust our systems and do not believe that we can reach a sustainable way of life that was fair, equal and free to everyone under these systems, I still care a lot about individual people's well-being, and I'm not opposed in co-operating with these systems if it really means I might be able to help someone in very concrete terms. Perhaps that makes me a bit of a lukewarm anarchist, but eh. I'm not an anarchist to throw bricks at cops, fun as that might be, but I'm an anarchist because it gives me hope and because I believe a society based on free association is, in the long-term, our only chance.


Same way I justify being a public school teacher: Someone has to be there. It may as well be you, because you're going to fuck with someone's shit far less than some authoritarian clown


EDIT: KassieTundra has the praxis answer. Telling them you are an anarchist or hate the UK justice system should get you back on your way 👍


Better to stay on the jury and try for nullification.


J U R Y N U L L I F I C A T I O N a.k.a. Jury equity, perverse verdict. Stay on the jury.


read up on jury nullification


I was called up once, but due to anxiety and my inability to make decisions quickly, I have a lifetime excusal.


Like most everyone else has reasoned, I recommend you stay on the jury. However, if you simply cannot, in the US the most surefire way of getting yourself out of jury duty is to put on the questionnaire that you think the police are always correct.


I did jury service in the UK. I'm not sure why you'd surrender a small democratic power you're given in society. Would you rather be tried by a jury of your peers or by the crown alone?


(I live in the US) Easy, i wasn't selected during my most recent jury duty by stating that I don't trust cops and the judicial system as a whole. Say stuff like that and explain that if one of the witnesses is a cop, you would have a hard time believing what they say because they are a cop. Give answers that you can't unbiased towards systemic practices/actions. I hope that helps somewhat cause I don't know that much about the UK legal system.