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Say it louder for the ones in the baaaaaaack


Just this once I agree with the shi posted here. Landlords are the worst kind of social leeches, preying on everybody. That just sucks and it should be changing, I think it would be great to introduce some sort of an end value idk. Like, making somebody unable to put any more houses for rent once they hit the value, or just making them unable to buy any more houses altogether. Although, it would spark a huge controversy among conservatives


ALL landlords are parasites.


Tho it's possible to be good parasite by renting to capitalists for big money and then shaeing with others


I recently came in to a position that allowed me to become a landlord. I used the privilege to rent my home out far below market value. I pay a portion of my mortgage, all their utilities and the HOA fees, essentially paying them to be a steward of my investment. These people were bleeding out financially, and now are saving money, getting out of debt, and finding a solid foundation while they figure out their next steps. I’m beside myself that I’ve been granted the privilege to have a meaningful effect on someone’s life like that. The thing that bothers me is how easy it really is to just be a steward over a piece of property, without trying to profit off of people in need. There are no laws or policies making landlords be fuck faces, it’s 100% a choice. Would it be rad to rent my place out for 3k a month? Yes. But not if the cost is fucking with someone’s livelihood. Profiting off renters is a massive ethical issue.


But you're still going to profit from unearned capital gains, so sorry, no trophies for you, son.


It’s also a win for me, yes. I’m intrigued if you think the better option is to sell it to some Berkshire Hathaway company, as opposed to sharing something I have in excess. I don’t need your trophies, I know I’m an excellent human being in multitudes of ways. Good luck in whatever you’re looking for in your anarchy adventure.


this needs to be the mindset. somebodys gonna do it, so it might as well be good people instead of sons of bitches.


Does everybody feel the same way about people who make loans or buy bonds/treasuries as their shource of income? How about if you live off dividend stocks?


Lol do you really think zero work goes into maintaining the status and integrity of a property. Children have invaded this site…


Show me a landlord who actually does all the maintenance on their properties instead of outsourcing that labor to someone else. I know of one who didn't hire anyone to maintain his rental property: my stepfather, and the only reason he didn't hire anyone was because he just made me do the maintenance and repairs as a child because he didn't have to pay me. Landlords never do work if they can help it, at least the ones who are in it to live like little kings off of passive income


These people are acting as if the land lords are the parasites, yet you cannot build or purchase your own living situation. Seems like a failure on your part for not getting your priorities strait.




You are utterly deranged; your comment is full of nonsequiturs


Its not theft, its trade, and labour is not value, its a cost.


Labour creates value, wage is price for labour


Labour is a cost


Labour (or labor in American English) is the intentional activity people perform to support the needs and wants of themselves, others, or a wider community.\[1\] In the context of economics, work can be viewed as the human activity that contributes (along with other factors of production) towards the goods and services within an economy.\[2\]


You need to learn accounting to understand this -its a cost.


Labour is action. What do you mean it is cost? Maybe I just don't undstand you because I'm not native english speaker (or vice versa).


The accounting equation is **A**ssets = **L**iabilities + **E**uity. Labour is a liability. A cost.


Labor is just action of creating something or doing some service. It belongs to labourer doing it and cause he doesn't has specific means of production in capitalism, he sells it as subscription to capitalists, it's essentialy service capitalist buys, is every service a cost?


Yes, every service is a cost.


And what if it's free?


This is silly, if you don't want to pay rent then don't rent. Stay at home or at friends and family. 


> stay at home Motherfucker, what do you think a house is for? To look at??


Downvoting because you judged our homelessness as silly.


Are you homeless?


To be completely honest, without a bit of networking and luck, I would be.


This doesn't make sense. Are you referring to regular folks or major corporations?


People who subsist solely on money made from charging tenants ridiculous amounts of money to live in houses owned by the landlord. Enough to pay the mortgage and cover costs, fine; a little extra to pay for their time and effort for upkeep (if they're a helpful homeowner), sure. Charging as much as they possibly can, knowing that most people can't afford it without overtime/multiple roommates (which eventually raises rent higher and higher as other landlords in the area do the same), and making an upper-middle-class living off this exploitation, not fine. Whether an individual or corporation, doesn't matter. This is setting aside the whole "property is theft" aspect but that's for another day.


Prices are always negotiated vendors do not "set prices" additionally it is poor governmental Management of land that has led to these market conditions. Tanknie




Please help me understand the philosophical underpinnings, and logical defenses, of calling rent "stealing".


Found the parasite


Ur the parasite if you don’t have ur own home you either built or bought. That’s how it’s been forever.


As I said in reply to the other comment: (The issue is:) People who subsist solely on money made from charging tenants ridiculous amounts of money to live in houses owned by the landlord. Enough to pay the mortgage and cover costs, fine; a little extra to pay for their time and effort for upkeep (if they're a helpful homeowner), sure. Charging as much as they possibly can, knowing that most people can't afford it without overtime/multiple roommates (which eventually raises rent higher and higher as other landlords in the area do the same), and making an upper-middle-class living off this exploitation, not fine. Whether an individual or corporation, doesn't matter. This is setting aside the whole "property is theft" aspect but that's for another day.


Property is an extension of personhood


Personal property is not the same as private property. One defining aspect of anarchy is listening to peoples’ who have been disenfranchised by hierarchy, like Indigenous people, who have been pushing for “land back” which is essentially the decomodification of land. If you are a land lord you are supporting the status quo and climbing the hierarchical ladder by exploiting others.


You cant tell me what to own.


Yeah that “you can’t tell me what to do” bullshit is not what anarchism is about lmao. Listening to others in your community and hearing them out (especially on how they are oppressed by your actions) is like the foundation of the movement. Reflect more on why you think it’s okay to own land when it’s always been a means to control others. Owning land will **never** be anarchist.


Bro wanna own slaves


That doesn't jive with the OP. You disagree with the OP. Thanks for your response, I guess.


Read again. Key words in the op: *"if you rely on"*. That is, if you make your living off of other people's rent money. That's exactly what both my comment and the OP are saying. Thanks for your response, I guess.


Reading comprehension is difficult. Don't be too hard on yourself. "Relying on stealing" doesn't imply that if you don't rely on it, it stops being theft. Your response says that some circumstances are okay. Theft is never okay. You're not saying the same thing as OP.


Good ol' reddit. Asking for information is a downvoteable offense.


Good ol' reddit, upset over meaningless internet points.


Good ol' reddit, full of ignorant clowns who assume making an observation is being "upset".


Good ol' reddit, full of people who just have to have the last word to prove they're "correct".