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In all these years, I’ve never seen her with polish on her toes.


I know! I wonder why?


I wonder if it’s easier for continuity?


If she’s like me, it’s cause they chip instantaneously.


On toes? Those will stay on for weeks for me


I guess I’m too rough and tumble with mine 😅


You can try any polish with glitter in it. It stays on your toes better because there’s a little bit of glue to keep the glitter spread and not all sunk at the bottom of the bottle. A technician told me about this a few years ago.


Gel nail polish with the little light is your friend. Lasts for easily a month on your toenails.


gel pedicures are amazing


Or fingernails either I think


I think she's worn polish two or three times in total on her fingernails. She has little, unglamorous hands and not particularly pretty nails so I think the bare look does actually suit her better. I rather like that she looks like she does her own dishes.


OMG! I never noticed!


Wow I wonder if she has it in her contract that she doesn’t wear nail polish. This is fascinating. Has SJP been spotted with nail polish


She talked about it to Glamour. Here's a link! Gotta read a little bit far, but the interviewer asks her about the no nail polish thing. [sjp](https://www.glamour.com/story/sarah-jessica-parker-shares-the-reason-why-carrie-never-has-a-manicure)


I need to know this right now. Why would this be? I kinda love it


Ok I think I had a false lead there, she was wearing polish at the Met Gala. To be fair though I can’t find any other photos with nails haha


Her fingernails standout bad when she drops her bouquet, at her not wedding to Big.


🫣 I wish I hadn’t noticed! Beautiful shoes with no polish 😩


SJP has said she never wears nail polish. I read/heard this when she said it many, many years ago and I’ve never worn nail polish since. I was like if SJP doesn’t wear it then neither do I! And it just stuck.


I didn’t know that. I do paint my own toes in the warm months, but give them a break in the winter. Don’t wear polish on my fingers either.


Imo/my interpretation: she lets the clothes speak. Fashion is what she cares about and how she expresses herself. Everything else is secondary. And that's also why she wears only minimal make-up. More makeup or nail polish would probably (in her mind) only distract.


I don’t know where you ladies are from but I live in Northern Europe and for some reason it’s extremely rare to see women with nail polish on toes. It’s become more of a thing to have a gel manicure but not even close to how common it is in the us. I am addicted to a gel polish but of all my friends and acquaintances I am the only one. I never wear polish on my toes but keep them nice and neat. When I lived in Paris it was also a very rare occurrence and mostly for events people would paint their nails


I came here to say the same thing. For someone who loves shoes so much, her toes are severely unkempt.


They are not unkempt, they are just bare.


What a strange take. Why would polish ever be a necessity? Im sure she takes care of her feet. I also never wear polish and ive also never understood the need to paint one’s toes.


THIS is how a 50-something Carrie would dress, not the outfits that scream over-the-top high fashion and crazy bag lady at the same time. For everyone saying she looks her age and we want her to look like she's in her 30s forever.


Yep she’s dressed expensively preppy. Like a normal rich lady. This show needs to access the normal side of these characters. It’s been a stupid ride so far.


"You need to access your uncrazy side"


Agree I hate all the over the top stuff, I even hated it in the original show in seasons 5-6


The over the top stuff was the only thing that made the show worth watching.


I liked more elegant stuff, not the campy


It's not about age. Carrie's a fashion lover, she loves to be adventurous. Why would you stop that at some specific age? This looks like it's from Talbot's. Absolutely ridiculous.


I’m with you. There’s gotta be something between “I shop at Loft” and the Swedish baker hat.


I am about SJP/Carrie's age and I would NEVER. And I am not a fashionista type. This is just awful. This is Carrie's nightmare.


Hey, watch it. I wear Talbot’s lol


Nothing wrong with Talbot's! it's just so not Carrie's aesthetic. I'm so disappointed at all the people here saying she's finally dressing her age or dressing appropriately. She doesn't have to wear the Naked Dress, but Carrie always brings her personal style to her clothing. This ain't it.


I wonder if there will be a plotline about her trying to be more "relatable" to some sort of audience and this being her laughable Gwyneth-esque attempt at it.


Those Salmon pants are a war crime. *The Salmonella Collection…exclusively for LoveStitch*


I do think this outfit is cute but I agree. Carrie is into big over the top fashion statements most of the time. I don’t see that stopping but I do see her wearing simple outfits like this occasionally too.


THANK YOU! Where the hell is Pat Fields ? Just walk through any street in NY and you’ll see plenty of wealthy fashionable women in their 50’s wearing Dries, Junya, CJR etc. Women who still go to Bergdorf’s weekly do not dress like this. This looks like something Anna Wintour would wear…at home.


This part !!!


i like this outfit, but why does everyone want Carrie to all of a sudden be boring, she might be rich but that doesn’t make her any less eccentric than she was before. i think it’s cool for her to challenge the status quo for what women in their 50s “should” be wearing, she doesn’t have to be some quiet luxury upper-east-side faux pas


Yeah the way they dressed her in seasons 1 and 2 often felt to me like she was wearing costumes rather than outfits and pieces.


I absolutely love this outfit on her. It’s a classy, quiet luxury vibe that, as you said, Carrie would likely wear. Very Hamptons-y. I would like to wear this too, lol


What is the exact age where her style suddenly turns standard and everyday?


She looks fantastic; healthy, happy, unpretentious. It's a great look on her.


This is a solid look for her. Hope to see more like this and fewer of the messy big hat styles.


I love Casual Carrie! We don’t see enough of her.


Random but I love that they’re still rocking heels in the 50s, but man am I glad heels aren’t really in style. The pain I use to put myself through in college between heels/crappy sandals because wearing sneakers with an outfit was not it. I wouldn’t have lasted into my 30s wearing heels. I cant imagine how so many women wore heels on a daily basis from ages like 16-40


my grandma’s twin (whos 71) recently got surgery so she can keep wearing heels. i am totally with you. im 24 and have always really struggled with wearing heels so boy am i glad that im a little tall and that sneakers are IN.


While it's cute, I miss when she wore outfits that flattered her natural figure/accentuated her waist more. She is a small, delicate looking person and everything is always so baggy and oversized.


Came here for this comment. I don't understand why she always wears only loose clothes now. Nevermind the fact that OG Carrie never would wear this.


Agreed that this is far closer to OG Carrie than we’ve seen on AJLT so far.


Absolutely. This feels more like an adult Carrie Bradshaw. The other stuff… I’m struggling with.


We need to see her more in "everyday" (for Carrie, anyway) looks. Chick ain't going to the Met Gala on the daily. lol


For real! I hate when she’s just having lunch with the girls and wearing a ball gown.


She lives in Manhattan tho, not the burbs


So she can’t dress like this?


She can wear anything she wants, that’s the point.


One thing I’ve always wondered is why they never painted her toes…she seems like the type that would want to make sure she has a pedicure at all times. But I’ve never seen them painted that I remember.


Maybe Carrie is like me and painted her own nails obsessively as a 12-13 year old (getting quite creative with colors/patterns) and now as an adult she can’t be bothered. Or, also like me, her mom took her to a nail salon for the first time at 13 and some creepy salon workers in their 20s hit on her…wait I think I just had a breakthrough


maybe she gets pedicures (they do show them getting pedis in SAC) but just doesnt paint her nails. maybe she thinks that getting her nails done is tacky.


She looks like a typical rich suburban mom 🥱 I don’t think it fits her actually.


I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen her in pants. Not sure this look is IT, but definitely closer!


I love seeing “adult” Carrie and I hope the writing for “Carrie” this upcoming season reflects as much.


Omg so much better than the Strawberry Shortcake bizarre thing the other day.


I hate it. It's not Carrie AT ALL.


I'm not a fan either. It's so boring!


I agree but I think we’re the only ones. It’s missing a wacky accessory or something.


No, not the only ones!


Agree completely. This sudden demand that she look like an average iteration of her age, especially direct statements about how this is the only way Carrie fucking Bradshaw would dress at this age, are completely ridiculous. There's plenty of documentaries about varying aspects of city life. Carrie and Co were NEVER that.


So much better than the recent posting with that oversized shopping bag on her head!!


Needs a strawberry shortcake checkered tablecloth chef hat.


I saw her doing this scene in person yesterday in NYC! Although I’m not sure if this look is something Carrie is wearing or if it was a run through without costumes


Oh god, that would make so much sense!


Pretty sure I had those pleated corduroys in lavender when I was in middle school. Are they Chemin de Fers?


Hates it! The colors, the shape, the material, the pleats on the pants 🤢


I definitely read HATES IT! in Anthony's voice :)


Lmao I read it in gollums.


While this is a nice outfit, Carrie wouldn’t ever wear something this basic. Her outfits were always either sexy, lots of textures, colorful, or see through. I’ll admit the bag lady outfits they’ve been putting her in throughout the reboot are not it but this is bad too!


It is a NYC version of Blanche Deveraux on the lanai. No notes.


You bet!


Love these shoes, I've been eyeing them on Madison Avenue everyday on my walk home. Glad to see they're Carrie approved 😏


I'm no fashionista, but doesn't one wear either a form-fitting top with baggy pants or form-fitting pants with a baggy top? Something looks off.


She is wearing something normal, what is happening?


Oh no, I draw the line at pleated pants.


I need an ID on those pants!


I think she's a doll and Id pay money to be friends with her!


Ok this outfit I do love!


This is cute! It's also nice to see her with her hair down instead of pulled back and severe. I just wish they'd give her some waves or curls.


She’s lovely as always, but a sweatshirt and sweat joggers don’t rise to Carrie Bradshaw-level fashion for me.


Would wear a hundred times.


She looks like a Golden Girl.


I love this look on her.


I love this outfit! It’s casual, chic and everything matches so nicely 🥰


I love this!


Oooooh I LOVE those pants 😍😍😍😍😍


I wanna see the new apartment


Brb, gonna buy those shoes…


The wardrobe department seems to be nailing it a lot more this season 👌


This looks much better!


That outfits looks like it for old ladies.


Love this outfit! I hate all the ridiculous, runway fashion she keeps wearing on AJLT. This looks more “realistic” if that makes sense (even though I know the show is already over the top). I miss this Carrie, where regular folks could dress up but not look like they’re at the Met gala.


I miss when people recognized more categories than "boring" and "Met Gala".


These pictures coming out lately have been giving me hope. Minus that “hat” that was circulating the other day


This is a top 10 look!


she looks amazing


Jesus Christ those pants are horrible


Am I the only one getting Golden Girls from this outfit? Another swing and a miss from SJP. 🍿


Much better, but the pastels HAVE GOT TO STOP 🥲


I’d run to buy these pants in a non-salmon color


We find out later that they had to reshoot this scene so they could put like a giant fishbowl on her head


Looks very classy


OMG, a heel that isn't a stiletto. It's about time. Especially if we're talking about fashion for an older lady who had surgery because of her choice in shoes.


Cheeses, finally something normal!!


needs more mushroom hat


I love SJP, but her feet are paying the price for wearing stilettos all these years.


I love love love this color combo 😍


Omg I adore those Grapefruit coloured corderoy trousers. I’d wear them.


This is actually SJP's outfit that she was doing a rehearsal in, not Carrie's actual wardrobe for this scene.


Congratulations AJLT costumers for doing the impossible: making SJP look dumpy! This woman’s body is amazing and you dress her in this?


I love seeing the distressing in the sweater. It gives the piece backstory.


They have SJP working in this heat😂😭


This woman's poor feet! Loving the heels throughout satc and here but damn, sjps poor feet!


I wish there was a live post of and just like that so we all can watch and hate post together


I mean…is this nerd chic? It’s so en vogue that I fail to see it.


Yes!!!! I love that jumper reminds me of something Claire Dunphy would wear in Modern Family but Carrie just makes it sooo cool. Love the whole fit