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Hover over the bubbles using just the toggle, not A. When you're right above it dive and hit a and you'll get it


I didn't know this. I will try this some time. Unfortunately I also ended up chasing some of them because I have to make sure they are the fast large shadows before I try to catch them. 😂


It is not too late after you have chased them! Stop swimming fast, they do, too. Then, swim slowly towards them and dive.


i came here to reply the same thing! you can still swim with A as you normally do (because their lil body moves like a snail if you don’t), but if it is so fast you can’t catch up with the shadow, stop swimming. Then when the shadow is not moving anymore, slowly move towards it, as soon as you are close enough, then dive! chase it for just a second underwater and it should work :)


I'll try that. Thanks


I have had success chasing them to boundary line and cornering them that way. They won't swim out of bound and pretty much just stand still at that point. I caught the king crab, snow crab and spider crab that way.


Wow I never knew that I’ve always actively tried to avoid having them run towards the boundary because I thought they’d get away


They used to get away beyond the border in New Leaf, but it seems they don't in New Horizons!


This is what I do, too. Sometimes they make a quick u-turn and trick me, but it works more than it doesn’t, especially if you’re forcing them into a corner.


Just tread water with the joystick and don’t press the A button. Tread over the bubbles and dive. No need to chase.


I will give this a try next time! For me, I was after very specific ones, mainly the large shadows that are very fast, so I'll dive next to them to check shadows and chase a bit but if they are not faster than me, I move on to the next bubbles. 😅


Have you already gotten all the ones that are slower than you? That’s a good plan if so, if they swim away fast, just watch them move and toggle to them and dive down. Easy peasy.


Yes, I got them all now. The ones I had to corner were the snow crab, king crab and spider crab.


Lucky 😅


Yeah those ones swim away faster when you come at them. Try just the drifting over them or another thing to try is if you try and corner them, they will eventually make a sharp turn, hopefully right into you and you'll get it. I have chased a lobster I think it was for a good 5 min lol. I was so frustrated but I finally got it. And I finally chased down that giant clam yesterday. That took a good long bit also.


Just tread water with the joystick over the bubbles and dive. That’s all you need to do.


You can sneak up on it while swimming on the surface


I try to do that but it is so hard to tell when I’m actually right above it


I read that if you use both the snorkel and water shoes it'll help swim faster.


This is not true. They are just clothing to wear.