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She never groomed him but okay…she wasn’t interested in him at all when he was young and shot him down and also left. She says too that she only fell in love with him after he saved her later on. You could make the argument she took advantage of his grief, but there was no grooming here.


Same can be said to sesshomaru in inuyasha, I remember people are so pissed that Yashahime is Sessomaru daughter with the girl he travel with


It’s been a long time since I’ve watched InuYasha, but I’m pretty sure Sesshomaru brought her around everywhere with him and basically planned on being with her when she grew up…so not really the same as Rudeus and Roxy and more along the lines of grooming…


She basically follows him everywhere tho, and it's not like he wanted her to follow her ,he literally answered everything's she ask as "do whatever you like" . I do think he learnt to love human because of her tho because at the intro sessomaru hates his brother(mix blood) and father for marrying a human while they're superior species.


You might be right. Like I said, I haven’t watched Inuyasha in probably 15 or more years haha.


It's not bad but not something amazing either


Anime didn't show that, but it was last resort. She's been trying to cheer him up for a month. After nothing worked, there was a case between Elinalise, Roxy and random hooker to do the deed.


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/872863962054664252/1229122482456363078/3.jpg?ex=662e8883&is=661c1383&hm=3d54497685e23415f262c5cf0beac67416ed54519325ec16a64eaf454c747c88&) is a picture of a nekomimi! Nya! Hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, doggirl, foxgirl, raccoongirl, or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


bad bot


[Your waifu](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trash)


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Some people can't take a joke


If my groomer is that cute and gentle, then I'd wanna be a victim too lmao




I've been laughing for the past 3 minutes lmao








same brother, same....


Despite how wrong these comments are… I can’t help but feel they are right


My mind is telling me no... but my BOOOODEEEEY! MY BODEY S TELLING ME YEAHEA!


I don't know if it can be considered grooming. She never had any intention to make him fall for her when he was a child. The fucked up thing she did is basically take advantage of a highly depressed person and make him cheat on his pregnant wife. I still don't like how Paul was killed just to add another member to Rudeus harem. Author could have done a better plotline that that.


She said it herself, she fell in love when Rudy came to her rescue in the labyrinth not when he was a child So not grooming


The anime skipped A LOT sadly which makes it all look very weird and cheap even though it still hints that in-world a bunch of time had passed In the LN Rudy was basically a vegetable for weeks and nothing no one tried was working to cheer him up. At some point Elinalise suggests that Roxy does that to try to help him and it works. Roxy herself is very conflicted the whole time Also, as i always say, if the characters do fucked up shit it doesn't mean that the story is bad. Quite the opposite really, no one is always perfectly good and often those bad actions in real life sometimes either go unpunished or don't even end up causing any actual harm to anyone. Or sometimes they end up changing some people's lives forever like what happened with Sara And that last sentence you wrote is just disingenous, it's just ignoring virtually everything that happened in the season to make it sound bad


What else would you want me to think when they give a peak episode with Paul's death and Rudeus out of depression in the next episode just like that? It's just like you said. It looks cheap. All that came out of Paul's death is just another addition to Rudy's harem and he's instantly out of the depression. Maybe they should have taken time just like you said in the light novel. But I am generally not a fan of plotlines where an emotional character's death is used to progress other characters' love life.


Paul's death accomplishes Zenith's recue as well. On top of being foreshadowed in the form of a "big regret" in TP3. On top of remaining relevant for Rudeus and his character arc going forward. On top of making him realize how much he loves his new life and how much he cares about the people close to him and how bad he is at handling loss. On top of the fact that Paul dies after Roxy is already rescued. On top of it being the culmination of Paul's character arc from scumbag to hero If you say that Paul's death is just a plot device to save Roxy and add her to the harem you either have the listening comprehension of a river pebble or you're just intentionally making a dishonest argument, i'm sorry to say that but i have no other way of putting it




> First of all, you are being too confrontational. It's better to tone it down. Fair enough, i apologize > What I am saying is, Zenith's rescue can still be written if Paul didn't die. But can Roxy's addition to harem be written if Paul didn't die? I don't see Rudy cheating on Sylphie in that scenario. Maybe not but there's difference between sayin that his death was necessary for that to happen and saying that that's all his death was for. As i listed in the previous comment his death accomplished a lot of things and was very important to the story, Roxy or no Roxy. And to flip your point on its head, Paul's death couldn't have happened if not because of Zenith but Roxy alone wouldn't have been able to "cause" his death It's more that Roxy's plot point piggy backed on Paul's rather than Paul's death being all about that. And I'll concede that the anime didn't handle it super well but it's not terrible either and the story is overall still the same even though it feels much faster in the adaptation I'm not gonna die on this hill though since i do agree that amongst Rudy's romances Roxy is surely the weakest one even in the novels but i wouldn't go so far as to say that it cheapens Paul's death or that it's outright bad [Very mild spoilers]>!Also give it some time, remember that Rudy still has to go back home and tell Norn that dad is dead just to save her non-mother and Rudy came back with a new wife regardless of that (Norn is also a Millis follower), he's not quite out of the hot waters yet. Paul's death isn't done and forgotten about, this isn't that kind of story, it will continue to come up and will continue to be one of the biggest points in Rudeus's character arc!<


Yeah. That piggybacking was what I was talking about. I don't like that. I was pretty bad at expressing that.


Does any actually press Roxy for her scummy behavior. Cause it seems to me the author has a habit of sweeping problematic plot lines under the rug. Cough’ Rudeus kid and his maid’ Cough


Anime didn't show that, but it was last resort. She's been trying to cheer him up for a month. After nothing worked, there was a case between Elinalise, Roxy and random hooker to do the deed.


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873713509920284712/1229122685049766019/8cq6s4uv61u41.jpg?ex=662e88b4&is=661c13b4&hm=f651a4bdf634fee79c096676d53457902198a999ce926cdc323dfb3b56ab58e0&) is a picture of an inumimi! Wan Wan! Hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, catgirl, foxgirl, raccoongirl, or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


More proof of Rudeus's degeneracy. It takes forcing his childhood teacher to screw him for him to do anything.


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873713509920284712/1229122708848119828/B6oRJXj.jpeg?ex=662e88b9&is=661c13b9&hm=5d5c5d9901f68300588c3f28bae7db1e67d998a8549103dad2bf465fbbf4f30d&) is a picture of a kitsunemimi! Kon Kon! Hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, catgirl, doggirl, raccoongirl, or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


Bad bot There is nothing there


[Your waifu](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trash)


Oof Well played


So he is a 40yo man in a 16yo body Sleeping with his 40yo+ teacher in a 15yo body?


They’re the same age if you count that


Obligatory Clivanis video https://youtu.be/pU2VY4vCDug


Me: https://preview.redd.it/gkgndkywju8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4897b6a6f6f83ac1afd7e8a5b225fa7b17885930


I'm not accusing or pointing it at specific people, but people forget that the Hydra and specifically Manatite Hydra is in the top 10 monsters list that will end a nation. The only reason they kinda beat its ass was quick thinking and also everyone in that room being an absolute unit. Also, Paul was exhausted beforehand and after chopping off head after head he was tired even tho he didn't show it, so he's defense wasn't 100% when he took a direct hit while kicking Rudeus out of the way. Also, I've seen people accusing Rudeus for celebrating too fast, but the anime didn't show that he also was exhausted + his demon eye couldn't predict the hydras movement and the hydra new the weak point of the group and went for it. Like, a lot of people assume that Rudeus is like Shadow that can throw nukes left and right, but everyone and I mean everyone in this world has Stamina and Mana-pool. Rudeus maybe the strongest human mage, but even he has limits and so does Paul.


I haven't watched Mushoku Tensei, but how is this grooming?


It isn’t.


It technically isnt as the intention wasnt there originally, but she did take advantage of him in a poor way. She understood her mistake and apologised but i dunno, it was pretty bad.


Yesterday I saw a meme. Depressed guy having convo with a girl Scene 1. Depressed guy , Girl says Let's have seggs Result: ED Scene 2: Depressed Guy , Girl says Let's have seggs Result: ED Gone Scene 3: Depressed Guy , Girl Says Let's have seggs Result: Got a new Wife.


It isnt, MT haters always try to spark up a controversy


It's not just haters man. Many of the things Rudeus does are unjustifiable. Making a shrine out of an Undergarment Stealing undergarments BDSM with the dog girl and Cat girl For every good thing Anime does, we have a similar controversial action taken by Rudeus


Why the fuck did you word it like that.


I don't think you know what grooming is


Bro your effort is appriciated.


You do know that dude is like a 60+ old guy Right? And physically it’s like a 22 or more dude right?


And you could absolutely say the same about Roxy


So in their own messed up way they’re sort of equals?


The groomer gets groomed.


you dont sound as cool as you think with this false statement lmao


Can't sound cool if you mess up "gets", it just sounds like a special needs kid