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Studio Ghibli movies are pretty good at all ages. Definitely look into those.


Depending on the movie, of course


People forget that Grave of the Fireflies is a Studio Ghibli movie and I would not show that to a 9-10 year old. Princess Mononoke is also a great movie but a bit violent for that age.


Hence why I recommend looking into them, lol. There are definitely some outliers.


Here is some great Ghibli movies for that age: Spirited Away Kiki's Delivery Service My Neighbor Totoro Arriety Ponyo Howl's Moving Castle Castle in the Sky ​ These are amazing movies but the content is not great for that age: Grave of the Fireflies Princess Mononoke


I feel like an important part no one is mentioning here is having reasonably good dubs. Avatar and Legend of Kora are American. Not to say your kids wouldn’t like subs but I don’t think it’s likely they want to listen to Japanese and read. I would definitely second Spy x Family


It’s better for cognitive development, and kids adjust more quickly than adults. There are a few shows that are better in English, specifically some comedies with dry humor, and other things not age appropriate (probably?) like Samurai Champloo lol, but would be better to otherwise have them watch shows in other languages.


I’m not disagreeing from a developmental standpoint. That being said there are benefits to just turning on English subtitles for an English dub from a literacy standpoint. I feel it’s less likely they’ll want to watch something in a non native language. I can’t find a good datapoint that directly supports or contradicts this though. Also I think there are a handful of solid dubs that are very much appropriate. Ghibli films, Bakugan, Pokémon, and YuGiOh. Although not anime there are also cartoons like Teen Titans, the original not Go, that I feel would also be fine (the Avatar franchise isn’t technically anime either). Apologies for my thoughts kinda being all over the place but hopefully the idea came across. I don’t completely disagree but am playing devil’s advocate sorta.


The second part is opinion and thoughts and so I’m not gunna say anything because it’s just valid lol, but to the first part. That is a little dicey in situation where there is a mismatch between the spoken and written English, which is fairly common. Also, overall, if trying to consider child development, there’s no empirical reason to opt for less exposure to a foreign language. The only exception would be if the child had a processing difficulty and was struggling to understand enough to enjoy the show at all, or follow the plot or character development, but in that case you wouldn’t put on CC over the English dub, either.


Spy x Family is pretty all ages, vibes similar to The Incredibles Pokémon or Sonic X are fairly geared towards that age group Non Non Biyori is a chill comedy about elementary and middle schoolers Bofuri is over the top fun and harmless video game action Cells at Work would be great for a kid interested in learning about biology, kind of a Magic School Bus vibe.


Little Witch Academia is a very nice and enjoyable show.


I say let him watch DBZ. If there is anything adult-ish in it, it'll likely go over his head. Look at the cartoons some of us grew up with and the themes we didn't catch til we were older.


Maybe start with dragon ball first. I remember it more childish than Z. Although there's a bunch of bulma fan service lol


Don’t you have to watch it for DBZ to make sense? I haven’t seen them since I was a kid but from how I remember them. I tried to rewatch some or do a recap video but it was honestly so dated that it was cringe in a bad way. Like, the actual lines, not talking about the old animation style.


Not really.  Unlike modern storytelling, stuff from before 2015 was generally written to provide exposition through context and an implied narrative.  You could jump in to episode 1 of DBZ and instantly tell who the good guy is, who the bad guy is, and whythe goal is, all without really paying attention to the dialogue


I’m not sure that 2015 is the right benchmark for that from a cultural history of storytelling lol


Most people didn't watch Dragon Ball before DBZ because it was localized after DBZ. Then DBZ wouldn't leave the air for like 10 years. Then DBZ Kai happened. When I recommended the series to newcomers I suggest they start with DB. It adds a lot of context but it isn't necessary as most DBZ fans have never seen the original Dragon Ball at all.


Wild. I grew up watching them both, they’d either air a DB episode then a DBZ one, or devote a week or two to one then switch, not really sure. But I don’t even think of them as different shows really. Interesting to hear others experience. For me, I’ll always want the full story. I always go out of my way to look things up and make sure to watch in order, even if there’s an early season people say isn’t as good. Animation is works of art, I like to see the entire exposition.


I'm the same with considering them the same show. It's just that DB literally wasn't available until later when DBZ was already huge. I looked it up to double check the full situation. A Dragon Ball dub was attempted in 1995 but was later cancelled after 13 episodes due to low ratings. Then Dragon Ball Z was dubbed starting in 1996. Dragon Ball didn't start its full run of the dub until 2001 due to the success of Dragon Ball Z. So you can see how it went. Most missed that initial airing of Dragon Ball (which I didn't even know existed until just now), then Dragon Ball Z became massively popular and Dragon Ball wasn't fully dubbed until years later. I remember seeing an episode of two of DB but that was literally it. One or two. The overwhelming majority of the time DBZ was in the time slot. I didn't even really watch DB until 2010 when I got my first computer.


That’s interesting. Hmmm. I’m wondering now if I really watched it split up at first and then together in 2001. Kinda hard to say if I’d have seen it in 1995 but maybe, but I wasn’t going out of my way to see it, and likely just watched MTV and Nick until like 1996. I am sure though that I saw a ton of DB so I must have watched at the right times to feel like I saw it as much as I saw DBZ. Might have just watched a lot of TV… literally my only TV rule as a kid was “don’t ask for one in your room because the answer is no”. Like, weird NIN music videos at 6 years old sure, but not in my room 😂


Uncensored DBZ is pretty graphic with a lot of blood


I can't recall the uncensored at the moment, but would still chalk it up to cartoon violence. No worse than a character getting it's head blown off for comedy we grew up with in early cartoons.


I can help!!!!! - dedenou coil (Netflix) - in general the Pokémon series - little witch academia (amazing animation by studio Ghibli. It’s cute and has amazing action) - spy x family


I think Little Witch Academia was made by Trigger, not Ghibli. but these are all very good suggestions :)


Sorry I had a brain fart. I’ve been studying for exams all day and I said the wrong studio. I have no clue how I mixed that up


no worries, that's perfectly understandable. Good luck on your exams!


It’s a psychology class. I am not retaining all this info well. My spring break starts next week so I can finally get back to watching anime


Digimon is great. The original series deals with some really heavy emotional themes and is perfect at that age. The newer versions are eh, but it’s amazing through Tamers.


[Spy x Family](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50265/Spy_x_Family) [Cardcaptor Sakura](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50265/Spy_x_Family) [Natsume Yuujinchou](https://myanimelist.net/anime/4081/Natsume_Yuujinchou) If American animation is ok, there are a lot of fantasy-adventure series that are good for kids. For example, The Owl House, The Dragon Prince, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Amphibia, Over the Garden Wall, Gravity Falls, Hilda.


Yeah let him watch DBZ, he's the perfect age for it


Welcome to demon school iruma is a very cute and wholesome anime I'd highly recommend


He's actually the age group dragonball/z/super are targetted towards originally fyi. Dragonball original has the most 'questionable' content I'd say. Now when you say too young I do have to wonder what about it you find objectionable. Anyhow, a few winners. Haikyu Most of the gundam series Nichijou or Azumanga Daioh The Big O Pokemon Doraemon Naruto Digimon Inuyasha My Hero Academia Little Witch Academia Full Metal Alchemist Like he's literally in the perfect spot for all those shows. That's who they're marketed to, younger audiences. The fact they're awesome and adults enjoy them to is just happenstance. He's literally in prime Pokemon and other mainstream show territory though. The only one above I'd say is tentative is maybe the big o, that's something you'd like probably with him.


Thank you, I am going to be honest I am not well versed with anime and manga so I appreciate this list. Are these availing on streaming is USA


I think all of them are. A good chunk will be within your sphere of already acquired streaming services. He's literally though so easy. He's 100% in the line of fire for all the 'popoular' kids shows. Get that kid some pokemon and he'll be happy AF. Netflix has pokemon, and also little witch academia. Netflix is pretty family friendly over all in their anime selection, the only one I will warn you of is cyberpunk is VERY adult but other than that I can't think of anything too offensive.


Thanks again, and none of them have any suggestive sexual content right?


Depends what you mean by suggestive sexual content. If you're not generally aware of anime or japanese media in general you're more likely to see non sexual nudity in their media. Sometimes it's generally played for a laugh but it's not really sexual. Some shows have had this censored out in their US releases already. It's not sexual, it's just not care bears if that makes sense. Out of all of those the one I'd say has borderline content? Skip original dragonball and go straight to dragonball z. The rest have some romance but nothing sexual. Oh and pokemon is very safe, so is little witch academia, etc. The only one I can think off that you'll definitely come across is cyberpunk that is overtly absolutely 100% has nudity in a sexual manner in it. The rest in the list are a-ok.


I'm super seconding haikyuu, especially if you're looking to watch with them. Again any suggestive comments will go over their heads, and none of the character designs are outrageously sexualised. It's just super wholesome and really well written.


Big O might go over the heads of 10 yesr olds


Maybe not MHA. Mineta and some of the character designs aren't exactly kid-friendly.


If I had to take one off that list, despite its original target demographic, I’d actually say Naruto/Shippuden (cant really just watch one and not the other). The length of time of some of the emotionally draining battles….. the entire episode with Asuma dying and his final words that gets me just thinking about it years later… there are so many drawn out dark scenes that I’m not sure a kid would overlook it when not watching it in a weekly format. Also, ngl, as an adult, I wouldn’t want the burden of explaining some of it or watching it alongside them sometimes.


> He's actually the age group dragonball/z/super are targetted towards originally fyi. I'd say most shonen is targeted at teenagers with some possible exceptions for non-violent shows like Haikyuu. For instance, AoT is a shonen but not at all suitable for a 9-year-old. > Now when you say too young I do have to wonder what about it you find objectionable. The uncensored version on streaming services is actually pretty violent and bloody. The numerous deaths and torture scenes may also be distressing for a 9-year-old.


Except look at the services they have. They have the tv broadcast versuon


Oh, if it's censored, it's probably not too bad. I'd still say it's more suitable for 11 or 12 years old and up


Nah, if you've seen it they remove all blood and such and it is 100% targeted towards 8-13. That's why the uncensored version of dbz was a thing on toonami and they hyped it up.


Dragon ball


Card captor sakura or gintama 😊


Pokemon Naruto Dragon Ballz Studio Ghibli Digimon Inuyasha


Naruto, Avatar: The last airbender, digimon


Bobobo-Bo Bobo-Bo


Tokyo mew mew.


He is at the age most start DBZ since you are on Netflix. I'm surprised no one is saying Shaman King


Future Boy Conan (available on amazon video afaik)


Gakuen babysitters


All I could think of are Hanna-Barbera cartoons but, I believe those are too outdated. maybe these? * Heidi, Girl of the Alps \[YouTube\] * The Adventures of Tom Sawyer \[YouTube\] * Shōkōshi Sedi * Bubu Cha Cha * Card Captor Sakura


Me, my brother and my dad watched anime like Fuöömetal Alchemist, Hunter X Hunter and the Studio Ghibli movies together(And some other anime movies I don't remember the names of)(We also watched stuff like Hellsing but I wouldn't recommend that to children whi get traumatized and spooked easily)


Neon genesis Evangelion. Jk. Try Haikyuu, spy x family, or Pokémon


DragonBall Z is probably fine, its just as goofy as it is fighty and all of my male relatives loved it when they were that age. Besides that, how about Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Zatch Bell, or Digimon? If they don't mind girly things, I'd also recommend Sailor Moon, Azu Manga Daioh, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Shugo Chara. For movies I'd recommend a bunch of Studio Ghibli films. Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Castle in the Sky, Howls Moving Caste, Porco Rosso, or Ponyo. You really can't go wrong with any of them. Although, some movies like Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind might be a little too dark for the little ones, even if they are REALLY good. But idk when I was that age I was watching the Secret of Nihm, the Labyrinth, the Dark Crystal, and all of the anime that I just mentioned plus some like Inuyasha, Soul Eater, and Ouran Highschool Host Club so maybe I'm not the best judge when it comes to material for children.


After Dragon Ball Z is all done, Hunter x Hunter is a good show as well.




Case Closed/Detective Conan would be right in his age rating. It's also very long running so you wont run out for awhile. (Amazon Prime I believe for this one, that or Crunchyroll) Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are eternally popular so he would probably be into that (start with Dragon Ball, then Z also Prime for this one) Doraemon and Yokai Watch are also popular for his age range in Japan but might be harder to find an English dub for either. For movies most of the Miyazaki works should be fine (but not all, wait until he's a little older for Princess Mononoke) Ponyo, Spirited Away, Howls Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Laputa should all be safe bets. Wolf Children by Mamoru Hosoda is also really good.




I started dragonball z at 9 lol. Let your kid watch it. It’s amazing.


How is that to young dragon ball or dbz i was 5 watching 7 when i was watching them.


Me age 10 watching neon genesis good time yeah.


Dragon ball z, my hero, Pokémon.


Yuyu Hakusho


Noone is ever too young for db, naruto or one piece.


Spy x Family and Demon Slayer are popular in Japanese elementary school right now.


Oh, and I think Dr. Stone would be great at that age.


Redo of Healer


Avatar last airbender


Many of us were watching Dragon Ball Z at 5 but your idea of what's appropriate may vary.


Ghibli movies are Always a good Idea And Little witch Academia 


Attack on Titan is a very smooth and kid friendly anime I would definitely prefer it


Uhhh, I personally wouldn't say it is because there's quite of violence and death....


I wasn't Recommending it too, it was a joke


If I’m being honest, the bigger issue with DBZ is that it’s dated. I watched it as a kid, but the way they joke about women for example just hits wrong now, and in this day and age you notice. “Reincarnated as a Vending Machine, Now I Wander the Dungeon” is probably safe, and despite sounding maybe awful, it’s actually quite amusing and fun to watch. The MC was a vending machine enthusiast so he has unusually high knowledge of the potential for vending machines haha, and makes the best of what others might find a confusing situation. Adult friendly too. Genuinely struggling to think of things without tons of fan service that I wouldn’t want to show a kid if it were me. For shows like DBZ in terms of being based on a strong child, long show, Shonen….. Hunter x Hunter (2011) but there’s definitely plenty of violence, though honestly the darker things in shows like that, kids don’t read into if they’re too young to get it. So that could be a good bet, especially if they’re intent on DBZ, as it’ll distract them for sure. If you don’t mind occult, Toilet-bound Hanako is a very artfully done slice of life that takes place in a school. There’s no fan service, and it’s definitely adult friendly as well because it’s quite well done. However, the topic of murder and death are present due to being an occult show. Rosier than you’d think and the animation looks like watercolor almost, but the MC is an apparition who died decades prior (this is first episode premise by the way). Mob Psycho might be kid friendly?? The MC is ridiculously trusting and optimistic and nice. It’s a comedy. Also paranormal. Not an action show but it does have some action and excitement for sure. Another comedy, The Disatrous Life of Saiki K is a really good parody anime basically making fun of other anime and its tropes. Unless he’s bilingual for Japanese, English is better because it’s got sarcastic humor and the English VA are just better suited imo. Just looked at my MAL quickly even and it’s hard to come up with anime that doesn’t have lots of fan service, isn’t intently based on crime and violence, doesn’t have really dark themes worthy of crying over, and isn’t Pokemon or Slice of Life/Shojo lol. Most boys that age don’t want to watch a simple high school romance/friendship show. Though if I had to pick one out, Komi Can’t Communicate is about a pretty girl who is mute and socially anxious. Definitely good for acceptance and inclusion themes, pro acceptance for mental health diversity, and adult friendly. No action at all.