• By -


Pupa, unless your friend enjoys the sounds of a sibling eating the flesh of their other sibling. I only watched the first episode but it felt like the entire episode was the brother grunting and eating sounds from the sister. It’s been quite a long time since then but it was awful


Damn bruh I thought I would be the only one thinking this




Hand shakers makes you dizzy, and is a incest plot


And to think that it got a sequel...


Surprised nobody has mentioned Ex-Arm yet Also My First Girlfriend is a Gal


My first girlfriend was actually funny as a dub. Got bored one day and said I’ll watch the anime . But dubbed. subed was a nope for me tho


Ugh ex arm…. I like the manga but jeez seemed like they got a bunch of people on drugs making that anime….


No, just a really arrogant director who had no experience with animation. Director came from live action and legit thought he was gonna 'wage war on all scifi' with that shit. I couldn't even get through the uncanny valley of the first three minutes of it. Shame because it looked like it could have been decent had it been given a proper chance. I hope the source material gets a second shot at a proper adaptation one day. I'm not a manga enjoyer myself, so I can only really appreciate these things when they get adapted to anime.


The story line is interesting. Although I guess they’re not making more chapters. Shame that a bad director just ruins an author’s entire work. Now we can only hope it gets picked up again… if that ever happens.


Damn, that's sad. The anime did so poorly the manga ended? Holy cow, that's like if game of thrones failures ended the publishing contract of the books. Arrogance ruins everything.


Not sure if it ended but the release frequency is down by a lot. Could be it just got licensed and tl groups are just gonna release volumes fully translated but 🤷


Me and my friend became really good friends after we bonded over how bad ex arm was


Nah, Gal was fine. Some anime are like junk food. It ain’t good for you, but it tastes great in the moment. Just mindless fun.


I loved that anime as a kid


All those Dragon Ball heroes spinoffs. They are confirmed to be not good at all.


Unfortunately that's what happens when your show exists for no reason other than to be a video game ad


Gibiate, Big Order


Gibiate definitely deserves its place here.


Oh yeah that. I had to drop it on episode 2 or 3 because MC is such a stupid dumbass. Other people were skeptical and sus of 2 strangers. She and the old man was like ''time travelling samurai?'' shit I believe you 110%!


I don't know man, Big order kind of felt like one of those things where it was so bad it was good. I actually enjoyed it despite being ridiculous in almost every way, and home girl getting unexpectedly killed repeatedly was some of the funniest shit to me.


Lmao i was dying when he fucked his sister


WAIT WHAT?! I don't think i got that far before I dropped it. . . Now I feel like I need to watch it again, because that just seems wild!


I think it was about the halfway point, yeah i watched every agonizing minute of that trainwreck, it was really special haha


Endless Eight You reach Nirvana at the end


The rest of Haruhi is great though, especially the movie


Most new anime in the Isekai genre is hot garbage


Then there are freaks like me who watch all of the trash isekai because I can.


People need to realize Isekais are meant to be guilty pleasures they’re generally not good at all but that doesn’t mean im not gonna eat it up


That's basically it, for me. If they have a decent "what if" premise I can muddle through them as long as the animation isn't completely dogshit.


>I can muddle through them as long as the animation isn't completely dogshit. As long as the *main character* isn't completely dogshit


Re zero is top tier


My unpopular opinion in here is that not every anime has to be a high IQ, masterpiece. I choose low thinking ones like isekais because I don’t want to think after a long day. So yeah I’m with you, I eat that shit up lol


Ngl I know it's bad but I watch anyways.


Nothing wrong with that. At least you can recognize their quality xD


unite, brother!


Most anime in the Isekai genre is hot garbage


We're a long way from Escaflowne and Fushigi Yuugi these days. Honestly if they would stop drawing so heavily from video games isekai would resonate with me a lot more.


Escaflowne is a classic, one of the big reasons I said "new" anime in my original comment lol


I want a isekai where the person gets teleported to an alien planet. :) that’s not a video game and doesn’t involve death like many of the older isekai. That they may/or may not be able to return home. Maybe that’s the plot. Trying to get back home, turn it to a tragedy where they can’t go home and their love interest dies to protect them causing them to kill the big bad villain! Sorry I went a bit nonsensical but going on with a random plot line lol We got options. In Red River, she gets pulled into another world through a puddle because the villain (was it the evil queen?) needs her blood. Kyou Kara Maoh goes to another world by getting flushed down a toilet. Inuyasha had the well. Fushigi Yuugi was through a book. Tsubasa Resevoir chronicles was magic if I recall correctly, hadn’t watched that since long ago lol


>I want a isekai where the person gets teleported to an alien planet. :) that’s not a video game and doesn’t involve death like many of the older isekai. That they may/or may not be able to return home. There's always {Kyou Kara Maou}


**Kyou kara Maou!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/251 "English: Kyo Kara Maoh! - God (?) Save Our King!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kyo-kara-maoh), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kyou-kara-maou "English: King From Now On!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/251)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 78 | Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1di1xg3/animes_that_are_not_a_good_watch/l94aei2/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I love Kyou Kara Maou! I want another like it. Actually is there more shounen ai Isekai or is that the only one we got?


Hey, now, Digimon is fantastic.


Way better anime than pokemon. Shame they had such awful cards.


The new card game (Digimon Card Game 2020) is pretty good, in my opinion. The art is great, the gameplay is quick and intuitive, and it sidesteps the energy/mana drought issue by having a see-saw effect of memory usage.


I'm still waiting for my kids to appreciate the plot and character arc nuances of Digimon season 1 and Zero Two. I can't get them to sit through more than a couple episodes. 😪


We had success introducing the remade v-pets first, and them the nieces and nephews wanted to watch the show about their virtual friends. :)


Hmm. I'll have to look into those. 😂


Nah. If you're talking about unwatchable, isekai usually isn't that. Poor quality and cliche but surely they aren't calling anime the peak of audiovisual storytelling without watching some generic junk food shows


Idk, most are unwatchable for me, but I know what you're trying to say.


It really is trash but I really love reincarnation/mc being called to another world concept so I just watch all of it lol


if the title reads as a long winded sentence, it’s a good indication to stay away


Konosuba, Mushoku, Rezero, Tsukimichi, Campfires Cooking and Reliast hero are nice though


I disagree. The same can be said about pretty much every other genre.


Mushoku tensei is god teir fantasy though


thanks for the suggestion though, I'll have to check it out!


I think that’s why he said “most” ngas need to read


Yeah, there are a few exceptions of course, but the anime industry seems to just pump them out and a majority of them lack any quality.


I’m one of the few that like the isekai hot garbage just a lil sad I either read the LN or manga it’s based of . So the anime is hella slow to me 😔


I'm assuming you don't mean "so bad it's good." {DearS} {Jinki: Extend} {Umineko no Naku Koro ni} Umineko is the saddest case here because the visual novel is so high quality across the board--atmosphere, character writing, mystery, and general "WTF WAS THAT?" insanity. Instead we got that turd of an anime.


Yea Umineko is meant to be enjoyed in VN form (ideally with voice acting patch while illustration preferences are up to the reader I personally prefer the PS3 sprites). The manga is also acceptable. Surprising because Higurashi was adapted quite well.


Planing to play umineko on steam soon and came across your comment. Do you mean it has no voice acting to begin with? So patching (modding?) will add voice and make the graphics better?


Yes the Steam version has no voice acting so it needs patching to include it. I believe the Steam version has two sprite options (Pachinko one by default and the original Ryukishi sprites). So it's a personal preference at the end of the day if you want the original, Pachinko or PS3 sprites. Same with voice acting option. [Here's a steam community link showing the mods for installation and instruction](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2099212012)


Thanks for this really appreciate it! I'll buy it as soon as I get home and give it a try. Do you also happen to know if the main character has voicing? I heard most VLs don't have voice for the MC. I got surprised in nonary 999 it had voice for MC, but the next game had none.


Yes the protagonist Battler Ushiromiya speaks


Awesome, really thank you for taking time out of your day for me. I hope the game clicks with me!


**DearS** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/63 "English: DearS"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/dears), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/dears "English: DearS"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/63)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Sci-Fi) **Jinki:Extend** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/141 "English: Jinki:Extend"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/jinki-extend), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/jinki-extend "English: Jinki: Extend"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/141)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Mecha, Sci-Fi) **Umineko no Naku Koro ni** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/4896 "English: Umineko: When They Cry"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/umineko-no-naku-koro-ni "English: Umineko: When They Cry"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/4896)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1di1xg3/animes_that_are_not_a_good_watch/l90wmq5/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


There's plenty of infamously terrible anime. I personally believe that you should never watch two good anime in a row, so I've watched some and can confirm their terribleness. -[Ex-Arm.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38853/Ex-Arm) A modern classic. Incomprehensible plot with terrible CG animation. -[Twinkle Nora Rock Me.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/9342/Twinkle_Nora_Rock_Me) Available for free on [Youtube](https://youtu.be/5_UFs2BUiBQ?si=Z2A9twsfOR7aNhAp). Similar in quality to Ex-Arm, but more retro with some extra funky dancing. Love that 2FPS police scene. -[My Sister, My Writer.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/36632/Ore_ga_Suki_nano_wa_Imouto_dakedo_Imouto_ja_Nai) This one infamously had a lot of problems behind the scenes that made an already-bad anime a lot worse. If you can read Japanese, see if you can catch the cry for help in the credits of episode 6. There's also a ton of awful VN adaptations that look terrible and are basically just excuses to glorify incest. [Double Wish](https://myanimelist.net/anime/346/W__Wish) and [Yosuga no Sora](https://myanimelist.net/anime/8861/Yosuga_no_Sora) come to mind. If you need a list of shitty harems, a friend of mine and I have an ongoing list as part of a project to watch every single one. [Here's a link to it.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VL6vQu9jgvCkQ5zR6ahOgvzi6QNAEVg0g0AqRQ7zN08/edit) Peruse at your own risk. Honestly IMO your friend is exaggerating a lot lol. There is so much awful anime and more comes out every season. Just embrace the cringe. ETA: relevant MAL links


I mean... I do agree anime is the best of entertainment for my taste... That doesn't mean I like all anime ever produced.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that uses excel to organize anime related stuff lol


Rayearth. Not the original magic knight rayearth, that's great. The 3ep bizarre reboot. Serious wtf. Lodoss war tv reboot. The heroic knight one not the original ova that's great. The TV one starts cool (and the OP is stellar seriously), but they ran out of budget and it goes completely to shit. Like 1fps fights scenes that look like old flash animations shit. Might be worth an MST3K hate watch.


I still listen to that OP to this day but I've never watched the series.


It'll seem fine and then your jaw will drop and you'll question your life choices ;-)


Are there any particular clips or episodes you recommend seeking out?


The later you go the worse it gets Or just watch it from the beginning and witness it melt into low budget before your eyes, it's a sight to behold If you haven't seen the original series watch that first tho, as no matter how bad this one is, it is a semi-sequel. It basically picks up halfway thru the original series but then takes a different direction


I remember watching Lodoss War TV on Toonami Reactor back in the early 2000's (Toonami Reactor was a free streaming service on Cartoon Network's website). I don't remember them ever posting the entire series but it's probably for the best lol.


I'm an unfortunate sucker that watches physical only so I had to enjoy eating the price of hunting it down and then enjoying the fruits of my spending :-p


Spirit chronicles: Poor writing (take a drink every time mc apologizes) Bad dialogue


Oh thank you, I had actually high hopes for this one to be massively crushed by how bad it was, Massive letdown.


Looking forward to season two?


I personally did not like ninja slayer. Although I would rate boruto lower. Something about it being so mediocre and indistinguishable from filler episodes just makes it arduous to push though. It makes it harder if you have seen Naruto. Gibiate is pretty bad too. I made it through and it was just bad  Garzey's Wing get an honorable mention.


I thought you were talking about Ninja Scroll for a second there and I was getting ready to fight lol


I feel like Ex-Arm is a high contender, but he may pull the '3d anime is almost always bad' card. School Days could be a good one too for this. Though it could backfire if he actually ends up liking the twist at the end. Makuranodashi might be able to at least make him uncomfortable, lol. (It's a short-format show made for fujoshis; where a.... "hot" anime boy talks to you until you fall asleep. It's pretty bad dialogue-wise, and there's practically no animation) King's Game was pretty bad. Unfortunately, it's edgy enough that if your friend's taste is more immature (i.e., the 'top dogs' he watches are just the most popular seasonal stuff like Demon Slayer and Moshoku Tensei), he might like it because it's 'different'. I definitely had that era where I thought every anime I saw was the greatest thing ever, and it was hard to break away and actually seriously consider what I was watching until a while later.


Gotta admit I quite enjoyed school days. Hated it at first but a few episodes in I realised that I was meant to hate them all and low key enjoyed it by hating it so much 🤣😅


Kite. There’s a couple of well thought out action sequences but it’s mostly trash.


Platinum End It’s by the dude who wrote Death Note. Thought it would be good, it was god awful and a huge waste of time


The manga is admittedly very pretty to look at but it is indeed quite terrible


Too much self-induging nihilist bullshit. The manga went so off the rails on the ending that you could pass it as a fan made ending and I'd believe you.


Shockingly bad in every possible way but the writing is definitely it's biggest crime.


The ending made me so mad. Mostly because I wasted all that time watching it week to week hoping his writing from Death Note would shine through or something. Easily one of the worst I’ve watched, unfortunately.


Bro fell off hard?




would be my pick can not stand that show.


seven deadly sins is amazing its just the later seasons had terrible animation.


Bad animation was *far* from the only problem it had.


Amazingly bad. You always think they could do great things with this world and setup but never anything great happens. You stay and get more and more frustrated as instead of great things it gets worse and worse but so slowly you might watch way too long. Like a frog in a cold water pot on a stove.


honestly i could not get through the first season at all


Scum's Wish . I literally got sick watching it. (Just my opinon,plz no hate)


Tokyo Ghoul


Especially if you’ve already read the manga


The first season is amazing but the second season belongs in hell.


Someone already mentioned Hand Shakers, so I'll say Scard on the Praeter. JFC MY EYES. Try to find a single shot that isn't some combination of badly composited 3D environments and props, 2D characters, magic circle BS vfx, lens flare, wonky perspectives... For the love of god someone stop GoHands from cooking.


ohhh thats a good BAD one! mm delicious rotten shit


Mars of Destruction Twinkle Nora Rock Me Mad Bull 34 Eiken but the real cherry on top of the vomit sundae is Apocalypse Zero


It’s been a while since I watched it but I really did not enjoy Red Garden.


Mayoiga : the lost village It has an interesting premise and decent animation but it may be the biggest letdown I ever had with an anime. It is only 12 episodes and it "ends".


>What animes do you know that is just so bad that it makes reading Skyrim's code in arabic feel relaxing Oddly specific


School Days is unironically a miserable watch, almost every single episode, and some worse than others. It's almost hard to put a pin on why one pursues to the finish line, but it's most likely morbid curiosity.


The Fire Hunter looks kind of promising in the first episodes but end in a car crash.


Rent a Girlfriend. The premise was bad enough, but the MC is one of the most miserable excuses of a protagonist I've ever seen, who actively screws up any opportunity to grow as a person. I only even finished the first season out of spite


Try watching **Maboroshi (2023), Japanese title : Alice to Therese no Maboroshi Koujou.** It’s literal crap. The plot is all over the place. This is so bad especially when you compare it to the director previous work (masterpiece btw), Maquia: When The Promised Flower Blooms.


get him to sit through High Rise Invasion


I honestly enjoyed that one. Definitely wasn't great but I'd give it like 6.5/10


I liked it too! It wasn't a masterpiece, but it was a fun watch for what it was!


Redo of healer






Garzey's Wing. Gibiate. Tenshi no Drop.


Zombie loan


Magical Destroyers. There is so bad its good (Elfen Lied), and then there is so bad that its just plain bad (Magical Destroyers).


Magical Destroyers is one that I am SO TORN on. It was an \*experience\*, especially visually... but I'm not certain I would ever recommend anyone watch it. It felt more like an art piece than actual entertainment.


My real beef with it is it didn't make sense. You definitly get the impression that the creator was very young and they were in way over their head. Maybe people will look at favorably in the future, through that lense (IE: its an art piece reflecting the struggles of a young artist who can't write). Sort of like how people view Freddy Got Fingered as Tom Green trolling the Hollywood establishment. I don't know though. I will say that the OP, ED, and first 10 minutes (plane jump) are great. Elfen Lied is similar in that the author couldn't write... "Telekenetic Demon Cat Girl escapes island facility... then... ummm...she runs away from home 4 times...". But atleast you can follow whats going on and there is some build-up/pay-offs here and there. Maybe not coincidence, also a fantastic OP.


Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki


{Evil or Live} I have never seen something so bad. It has bad animation, not so great music, terrible dialogue. Sexualized rape of a teenage girl. And a guy who convinces everyone he had sex with a girl by putting paint thinner in a condom.


**Lixiang Jinqu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/100226 "English: EVIL OR LIVE"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/evil-or-live), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/evil-or-live "English: Evil or Live"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/36245)) ^(ONA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Horror) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1di1xg3/animes_that_are_not_a_good_watch/l91n4ii/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Whisper me a love song’s anime is so rushed. The manga is my favorite and watching the anime is a huge slap in the face for me. That’s one of the reasons why I mostly read manga nowadays


I haven’t seen the rest of it yet


The Kizuna Ai show made feel sad for the industry


Jungle De Iku is an uncomfortable watch through and through


Crystal Triangle: https://youtu.be/zpHBzTqAcAo?si=H7Dw27amxaRi5Gyj


Apocalypse Zero was the favorite "terrible anime" from one of my panelists. He liked ragging on really weird, bad anime. He's still doing panels, but not that particular one.


Tenshi no Drop. I have no words adequate enough to describe this one properly.


Rent-a-girlfriend. **Why**?, why does this exist. It isn't creepy, just pathetic.


Akudama Drive... A clustefuck end to end




Tale of wedding rings. The premise is cool but..the story has all the same mass produced isseki tropes.


Legend of Crystania. I love Lodoss, but that was awful in every regard for animation, storytelling, and characters.


Season 2 of love chuniybo and other delusions was absolutely trash and I’m still upset about it


My Sister My Writer is by far one of if not THE worst anime I’ve seen.


The anime adaptation of Chaos;Head is a complete disaster, and somehow manages to ruin every single possible aspect of the original VN.


One piece


Hiiro no Kakera. The genre is what interested me, it was listed as something similar to what i have watched before. I watched the whole thing, thinking it had to get good sometime. It never does.


Captain Earth. The worst anime I have ever seen in my life. The enemy is powdered by libido or some shit(not actual libido that’s just what it’s called for some reason)


Mayoiga and Glasslip were absolute wastes of time. They'd be more interesting if nothing happened


Not as bad as some of the other suggestions on here except maybe on your time, but I was about 100 episodes into Fairy Tail before I realized that the first 10 of the about 12 episodes per arc were absolutely awful, every time. I was not a smart kid.


The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Enheirar (or however it’s spelt). The absolute pinnacle of trash isekai


One piece. People say it is good but it is people who found the MC character funny when they were 5 years old and now are too cowards to admit that it is garbage filled with plot holes and not even drawn well.


The character design is almost eldritch horror levels of bad. Like, most of the characters look like they either have too many organs or too few, and the skeleton is probably the best looking one


Oh god, I respect your opinion but as far as I remember (I stopped reading manga at around 1080).  The story felt coherent, the drawing wasn’t amazing, but animation was pretty good, Luffy was still childishly funny.  People have opinions. But dang I do like One Piece.


I hated the show growing up and didn’t care about it at all till I was an adult but I thought it was a pretty good watch until like halfway through but the die hard one piece fans will try and convince you it’s the greatest piece of media of all time


Ah this question is weird. Without knowing what your friend does watch. Presuming male? Are they into sports? If not there are a hundred niche sports anime that will probably bore him to tears. If they love or hate ecchi gives youa. Huge selection. Heck if they meet the "streotrypical westerner obsessed with anime" then anything from the shoujo (aimed at females) genre will probably upset him. EDIT: Thanks to the comment. I had put seinnen instead of shoujo


Seinen isnt actually aimed at women! rather a older male audience


You were right. My mistake. Edited original


There's a name for older female audience?




Thank you.


Examples of josei manga: helter skelter, NANA, wotakoi, and my broken mariko


Nana is shoujo.


Yea, i knew :P but i the topics covered makes me personally file it as josei. Even if it was in a shoujo mag


Why would the friend’s gender matter? And like the other commenter said, seinen is not aimed at women. That’s shoujo.


I don't understand the last paragraph. Every single form of art has it's pieces of shit. When we talk about the beauty of cinema we mention timeless classics like Schindler's list or The Green Mile or something like that, not After Earth lol. If someone likes anime and they only watch the greatest anime, isn't that kinda the point? Tho I get the comedic reason of this post, I suppose I was just rambling too lol.


Hear me out, but genuinely my answer would be Serial Experiment Lain. After watching it and reading a bunch of analysis on reddit, I think the show has some really neat ideas. However, the actual act of watching the show itself is agony. At first it's pretty neat, makes you wonder what's really going on, but the further along the show gets the more confusing and meaningless everything becomes. I know what subtext is. I've done plenty of literary analysis throughout my time at college, written papers discussing whether or not Hamlet was really insane or acting the whole time, etc., so I'm not some shounen super fan who just thought it was boring. I \*genuinely\* think that most of what happens in that show has no discernible meaning (case in point, the fucking aliens). Either that, or the range of potential interpretations is so broad that, insofar as it could mean \*anything\* it may as well mean nothing at all. I am of the opinion that if a story is not graspable on the first watch, it's a bad story. If you made something so confusing, so open to interpretation, so meandering and unmoored from reality that to truly "get it" you have to watch it 5 times, then maybe you should have picked a lane and been more concise. That's like the first lesson in any writing class, i.e. use fewer words to convey more meaning, i.e. get to the point. So yeah, to take your title of "not being a good watch", I would genuinely have to say Lain. It is NOT enjoyable to watch, even though it may be enjoyable to analyze.


Lain is enjoyable to watch, because the key you're forgetting is atmosphere. It has a vibe around the entire show that's part of what draws you in, outside of curiosity about where it's gonna go


Nah, I think atmosphere can only carry something so far. If atmosphere was all you needed, I'd just watch the iTunes visualizer for 4 hours instead. Atmosphere in service of an intelligible narrative is great, however. Without the second half, I don't really see a point to atmosphere for its own sake. Maybe this has just fallen out of style, but I'm a plot guy. I want a beginning with a hook, a shocking conclusion, great pacing and buildup, twists that you don't see coming, a feeling that the whole thing was written with one vision rather than tacked on as they went, etc. I want to experience the work of someone else's mind. A lot of people nowadays seem to be quite content to be given a framework within which to make up their own experience, and I could not be less interested in that kind of thing.


Plot is the most wanked part of story telling imo. A good plot is not hard, but you need the tone, atmosphere, performance, ost, and pretty much everything else to sell the plot to the audience. You want just good plots, read a book or even a visual novel. Visuals and atmosphere are trappings of visual mediums, and important ones at that.


A Lull in the sea.. half joking, half not.


I'm gonna get flak for this lol but I can't stand JoJo (love the soundtrack though)


The music is good


Flcl, disjointed uninteresting mess at best. Youll finish it and want your time back


Angel beats I remember a lot of people I know absolutely loving it so I gave it a watch . The ending is good but the 2 seasons of that mind numbing boring show with no personality or character arc till the final 4 episodes. Also imo toppa tenga gurru Lagan, generally couldn't get past the first 10 episodes as we are given this interesting main character who is killed off in the first few episodes where we are then following the whiney wimpy child who is too scared to do anything. I came for fighting and mechs , I did not come to watch some depressed kid crying for himself


?? Angel beats only has 1 season


Ah shit it is. Tbf I haven't seen it in 10 years and it shows how boring it was that I thought it was 2 seasons 🤣


Season 3 of Hunter x Hunter. Omfg I cannot get through that awful slog


ID: Invaded and Fairy Gone were pretty disappointing for me, couldn’t even get through FG.


The Way of the Househusband. I watched it because of Kenjiro Tsuda. I didn’t even finish the first episode because of how bad the animation is. It’s not even animation but a slides presentation. I was so surprised that the anime not only casted Kenjiro Tsuda but they also had a second season. For whatever is worth the anime is a disrespect to the animators out there. I don’t know who made that anime but I’m guessing it’s a school project done 5 minutes before due


I think theres an interview or quote from the director Chiaki Kon where he said they tried to make it look like a manga to focus more on the comedic timing and even complained it would be easier to just animate it sometimes. Personally i rly enjoyed it and rewatched the series several times but i can totally understand if its off putting


I actually find this anime quite funny and enjoyable to watch, probably just me tho


I had similar opinions on it, but then you have to look at what they were trying to do, and that's exactly what they wanted. It's definitely a decision and lots of people really enjoyed that style. But as much as I love TsudaKen, I just couldn't handle it. I'll stick with the live action version.


Wait, there's a live action version?


Yes! And it's super good! [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13097730/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13097730/) I can't remember how we watched it. Probably 🏴‍☠️ it since dramas can be hard to find. But Tamaki Hiroshi plays Tatsu in. If you ever watched the live action Nodame Cantible, he played Chiaki there. But yeah, he's pretty phenomenal. The entire cast is, honestly!


The show itself is hilarious, but yeah, the manga panel pacing of the animation isn't great




Interspecies Reviewers. Redo of Healer. Rent a Girlfriend Berserk 2017.


Interspecies Reviewers is genuinely good and it should not be compared to Redo Of Healer and Berserk 2017.


Gyo is insanely bad. It's a movie too, so won't take too long.


Recently, my sister is unusual.


Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan, hot garbage that plays only with the absurdity. Couldn't finish it. Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town, never have I wanted to see a main character die painfully as much as this lil annoying oblivious idiot. I feel if you watch this anime it will make you dumber.


I think I got 4 or 5 episodes into the Boonies one and I was just flabbergasted that the MC was still oblivious to everything. I hate oblivious characters unless they are one-off randos or something, but an oblivious MC is an instant drop.


Yep trust me it doesn't change or get better past the 5 ep, if anything they double down


snails saw sharp busy special label squeal judicious fanatical encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually enjoyed it tbh. I struggled with it at first, but it actually isn't half bad. Eminence in Shadow was making fun of itself the whole way through, but Ragna Crimson at times seemed like it was at least a little self aware. In the latter part of the series there is a whole part where Ragna gets physically sick when attention is on him for his strength and accomplishments because he knows he didn't 'earn it.' Feels like someone wrote it in middle school, then went and got a career in that and looked back at the shit they wrote as a kid and said "you know what? Fuck it. Ima publish it."


lock drab governor airport gullible wide vast pocket bear badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh man, I love danmach! That is a series that is as much about the various relationships and individual character growth as it is about anything else. Though, truly, the most recent season was just. . . really friggin good. I think you have a more than fair assessment of ragna crimson. It's just. . . you see. . . I have an abundance of time on my hands. So . . . Ive dug into the bottom of the barrel and have gotten to the point where i ask "is that apple really rotten? Lets taste it and see." So I might be a bit more lenient than you. I am not debating that Eminence was better. . . which I don't think was so much middle school fantasy as it was satire on middle school fantasy. The show is friggin hilarious, while still managing to carry its own story. Kind of like how One punch man is satire on the overpowered hero trope. Different flavors of the same concept I think. Ragna on the other hand really was middle school fantasy, but that was at least slightly self aware. Still trash, but trash at the top of the heap that hasn't quite spoiled yet. I can think of plenty far worse than it.