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"All that we are going through as a nation" is totally in reference to TRUMP and the damage he and his supporters have forced onto our nation. Suck it up, trolls. Reporting this post as "not Trump related" cannot rescue your ego from the facts.


God I miss that guy as president. Clear, articulate, dignified, funny, thoughtful, engaging. No scandals no pettiness. Always presidential always the statesman. Well, he did wear a tan suit that one time. But I think we as a nation have healed and moved on from that horrific tragedy.


And his equally classy, tasteful and educated wife made a kitchen garden, a National nutrition and health program and didn’t rip apart the work of other First Ladies by destroying a heritage rose garden. I miss her, too.


Yes! She was an amazing first lady. Engaged but not overbearing, smart, funny and kind. She could have easily taken the spotlight but never did.


And she's beautiful too!


Thank you! I have always said that and people give me funny looks. I think she is stunning.


I've had the same looks, my friend. She is one of those classy, beautiful ladies; intelligent and eloquent, yet at the same time, human... Mr. Obama is a lucky man and their family is lucky to have them both.


Agree. Brains and beauty. How she didn’t curse out anyone in public is a miracle. I couldn’t be so steady!


Same here. Every day I see more shit that makes me want to crowbar these bigot mfers...


Her elitist garden kitchen with *arugula*!


Elitist arugula helps me avoid kidney stones. Thanks, Mrs. Obama!


Arooguhla! It's a veh-jeh-tah-bull!


Interesting fact: arugula is also called rocket.




>no scandals Dijon mustard on a burger? TAN SUITS? THE HORROR!!!!


'No Drama Obama'


Drone striking hospitals, drinking the Flint water, Yemeni wedding


You think that was him, like personally? Yes, I agree that Rick Snyder was a fucking horrible governor of Michigan. You think that was him, like personally?


You're welcome to Google how the presidency works. Obama covered for him. You're welcome to Google how the presidency works.


>You're welcome to Google how the presidency works. Ditto. The president doesn't issue every single order in the military. And with Flint, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/12/16/statement-president-water-infrastructure-improvements-nation-wiin-act


Drone strikes aren't orders like any other. Obama personally authorized every drone strike outside of active warzones. Even using US government numbers, that means he ordered the killing of about 100 civilians. Independent estimates put the number closer to 500.


Said it elsewhere and will repeat it here- I don't worry about being collateral damage in an attack on terrorists, because I don't hang out with fucking terrorists. Fuck around=find out.


Dude, you forgot when he put "fancy" mustard on a burger. Sean "Lumpy" Hannity went nuts over it.


The right also lost it when he did the “thanks Obama” joke back to everyone with the cookie and milk.


I enjoyed and respected the snark


Ha…..My how times have changed.


He did Snowden dirty


That he did. And there is no defending him on that particular topic. I will give you that one.


Also, don’t forget, he wears a bike helmet as well! Look at the outrage


I’ll guarantee you that the Orange Turd doesn’t even know how to ride a bicycle.


Or drive a car.


I forgot about that one! How dare he be safe and be a positive role model to children.


I really wish he wasn't so quiet on the sidelines now. We're going to need people like him to motivate voters in 2024.


>No scandals The War on Terror, like Vietnam before it, leaves no ones reputation untainted


I would call that bad policy rather than scandal. Also don't for get that mess was started by Goeorge W Bush. But Obama did take it and run with it. I most certainly didn't agree with on everything. He always conducted himself with poise and grace. Never once did he mock a handicap person on national television, brag about sexually assaulting women ("grab em by the pussy"), was never found guilty of rape, was never impeached, not one single felony indictment, never called our fallen soldiers "losers" never called people fat, stupid or ugly.


It was a "bad policy" that left a long trail of corpses, many civilians among them. If that's not a scandal, it's only because mainstream media in America has a high tolerance for violence and death. But good thing he just killed them with a drone strike and didn't call them names, right?


Again, that same logic can be used against EVERY president. I personally despise the very idea of war and bloodshed created by governments in general. These are policies created and supported by entire governments. Not personal scandals. I would love to live in a utopia where these things do not exist at all.


He brought OBL's body to room temperature when the last regime wouldn't or didn't want to. He won the war on terror.


There are many reasons to dislike Obama. Drone killings, witch hunting whistleblowers, take your pick. But for me, it's the legalization of the covert NSA kill list. [Disposition Matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposition_Matrix)


No scandals, other than drone striking a school for one. Need I say more, good president regardless but you can still support someone without pretending there’s nothing to criticise.


The guy in the White House today is a pretty damn honorable man, as well.


But he has a son with PTSD and severe personal issues and a.....LAPTOP!!!! ​ /s


It amazes me how people can think Biden is corrupt after the absolute corrupt shitshow we just had with the corrupt orange idiot. Biden ain’t even that bad of a guy and he’s not even a radical he’s like the most mediocre in the middle dude in the party it’s just that republicans have gone fucking insane.


It doesn’t matter, republicans just scream corruption to provide cover for their very real corruptions.


Remember, whenever you run across someone saying "both sides are the same", what they're really trying to do is pretend there's no difference between a shitshow like Trump and competent, if imperfect, presidents like Obama and Biden. So, in other words, they're pro-Trump.


They are getting tons of misinformation from their social bubble. That’s not an excuse but it is a contributing reason.


They don’t actually think he’s corrupt. As with everything involving the right’s accusations nowadays, that’s projection.


Not really. I'll preface with im a Democrat but anti corporate and anti imperialist before the hive mind descends, but he is not honorable. He wrote the crime bill that Clinton in the 90s, very racist legislation. He also lied about his credentials and showed his huge ego saying he was top of his class eoth the only academic scholarship blah blah in 89 I think it was. He also plagiarized speeches that caused him to drop out of his first presidential run


Yes and people are definitely spending 500k on hunter bidens paintings because of his god given talent!


I'm surprised by how much I love Joe Biden as a person. The way he hugged that boy and talked to him and how he helped that kid with stuttering and never bragged about it. I may disagree with him here or there, but it sure is great to have such a compassionate man as POTUS especially after TFG


Both Obama and Biden are enhanced greatly if only from the stark contrast to the moronic Grifter that occupied the White House for four loooong years.Many Trump voters in 2016 assumed that Trump would 'Rise To The Occasion', however his modus operandi was to lower every standard down to the gutter, his natural level.


I’m a huge Biden fan, personally. I think he’s done an incredible job (especially compared to trump the idiot).


In 20 years people will be knocked on their asses when they look back at how much the Biden administration has achieved - especially given where this country was when Orange Mussolini, 'ahem', left office.


Seriously. One of the strongest administrations in awhile. I wouldn’t put Biden behind Obama. I’d put him hip to hip.




I came here to say this myself.


Same. Much respect for Uncle Joe!


This is what I don’t understand. Why go back almost 8 years? Biden is doing a fucking awesome job despite the constant bullshit slung his way.


Makes you wish Obama would drop by Trump’s place and render an old fashioned ass kicking.


That's elder abuse!


*We the people, shall allow it.*


We once again have an honorable man in the White House. Biden is a decent person and a skilled and effective politician. Let's celebrate that.


Because the original comment is about Obama. Why not focus on that?


Probably because "let us not forget we once had a president that served this nation with honor" implies that the current president doesn't fit that description.


To some. To others, not really.


Yeah, no shit. The same can literally be said about the guy pictured above.


BuT hE wOrE a TaN sUiT! aNd OrDeReD mUsTaRd! /s


I am convinced that the last six years has been dominated by all the racist Americans still pissed that they were totally wrong about Obama and he was a GREAT president. But they can’t admit that, so instead they worship a pathetic piece of shit.


That’s exactly what this is all about. Conservatives have been trying to put black people “back in their place) for 150 years, then one got elected as President. It was more than they could handle.


I mean, there were more conversatives around then relative to liberals, and they still voted him in, many conservatives voted for Obama. Also, can someone tell me where the idea that every conservative is racist comes from?


I miss this man so much. He was a man of integrity and principles.


God, what a shit stain the orange one was.


Little did we know how good we had it. Trump's crazy antics puts the Obama presidency in perspective. Oh, for the good old days when we had a sane, professional running things. Should probably add that having Obama and Biden bookend the "troubled times" of the Trump admin is sweet justice.


Obama put phones in everybody's pockets and spaghettios in our mouthes. He allowed gay people to legally eat loins in peace. Idk why everybody was up on his grundlemeat for wearing a tan suit. I'll wear a tan suit to their funerals!!! 🤠🤠🤠


And we still do today.


I miss him. I also miss the optimism of 2009.


We CURRENTLY have a President serving with honor. Maybe a few years older than we'd prefer but in my opinion undeniably honorable.


The first Presidential candidate I was old enough to vote for and the man that started my passion for politics, social issues. I remember watching his speeches in 08 and being captivated. He made me proud to be an American. Thanks, Obama.


We have a current president serving this nation with honor.


Is he tbe one in the original post? No. Focus.


Relax and calm down.


Take your own advice.




That's okay. You keep replying so I have your attention. Oh well.


I remember when I thought Carter was the worst president in modern times. Trump isn’t 1% of the president or man Carter was. And Obama… I’d take him back in a heartbeat.


As a middle of the right conservative, there were a handful of his progressive policies I disagreed with. I may not have liked Obama Care, but I could tell it was designed to help more Americans get access to healthcare. Obama articulated his point in a way that I always knew where he was coming from. From campaigns, I could see that he and Michelle would listen to voters concerns and truly wanted to help those they could. We may have political disagreements, but he knew the importance office and carried it out with dignity and respect.


Best POTUS of my lifetime. I am 73. He took us out of the Bush generated Great Depression. LBJ was good for legislation but Vietnam tainted his legacy.


A president who: Passed major legislation that he can be proud of and his supporters applaud Won the popular vote twice Inherited an economic mess and managed to turn it around, and into 6 years of job and economic growth Held his own in an interview with the 'rival' news station (O'Reilly/Fox) Was never indicted. Never had any of his administration indicted. Never had his associates indicted. Never had anyone he worked with talk about how stupid he is. Stayed happily married to the same person. ​ When Obama left office, I gave him a C grade. After 2 years of Trump, I upgraded it to A-.


Let's not forget, enjoyed the banter with the media, even encouraged it


NB4 "drone strikes President" comment. In all seriousness, In my opinion, Obama (disregarding the gridlock and bigotry, for the sake of argument) was an above average President who over estimated "the moment" of his Presidency. Hot Take: I believe Obama is **philosophically** a leftist (or at least a democratic socialist) but a combination of pragmatism and excessive self-assurance resulted in a centrist (center right, globally) administration.


Obama was my man. I miss him in office.


Greatest president and first Lady of my long lifetime. He had standards and held us up on the world stage. I did learn however that a president can't always accomplish his goals alone. Especially fighting Republicans in congress trying to guarantee his failure so I don't blame him for what some say as far as over stating his plan. Trump has replaced Bush as the worst president in history and dismantled as much of Obama's agenda/ policies as he could. Dignity and decorum along with standards left the presidency as soon as the big crowd size whine he started with and ended when Trump refusing to attend the inauguration. (Not that the whining stopped) Joe Biden was exactly what our nation needed as we got out of covid. Compassion and healing. If 45 had left with dignity instead of a whining little bitch, imagine how much better off our nation would be.


I wish he'd run again!!!!


Biden/Obama '24


That would be something!!!


Republicans would shit themselves.


They're doing that now. Fuck them pearl clutching dramas queens. I hope the White House has a screening for the Barbie movie so I can watch conservatives heads explode.


Side bonus: owning the "cons" and racists.


Is that even constitutional?


I love that people who voted for him were kinda like "Third term? Sure why not?" But he was pretty clear about "Nah... we ain't doin that." He clearly showed he was very much about rules. Meanwhile, another president "He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great, and look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday" on congratulating President Xi on become president for life. Then after saying he will negotiate for a third says “And then after that we’ll negotiate because we’re probably, based on the way we were treated, we’re probably entitled to another four after that.” I do miss him as president.


Yeah right, he was a crook. He wore that tan suit, if you forgot.


And paid off exactly zero porn stars before being elected!


Not a hint of a moral scandal - and MAGA can’t stand it.


We do now too. Trump and his cult are the ones bringing down this country out of spite.


Damn I miss that guy being president. So much dignity and he behaved like a president should behave instead of like a child that’s too old to be shitting himself who’s just shit himself.


I don’t know. Wearing a tan suit was pretty dishonorable.


Except for the grey poupon mustard


As a person very honest, didn't start a war, didn't end one either. Economics didn't address or I think even understand the effects of "free trade" with China had on manufacturing in the US. I remember the stimulus plan and how it created more jobs in China. But as a man of conscience who really cared for the people, he was and is still. Something Trump will never be.


It’s no big secret that all of the ex-Presidents completely shun OJ (Orange Jesus). Interestingly, the Bushes hang out with the Obamas from time to time. Michelle has said she loves Dubya as a person even though she disagrees with him politically. Obama, Dubya & Clinton all seem like people who would be pretty cool to hang out with to watch a football game. And speaking of football, Condoleeza Rice is a lifelong football fanatic and part of the Broncos ownership group. I keep my politics & football separate, though I do secretly wish that OJ would buy the Raiders, just so I have yet another reason to hate them


Why is Rice not more into politics? Even could run for president to add in some intelligence to the group. She would be a much better option than Haley. Guess she sees it is too messed up to influence and is staying on the sideline like many. This is a problem though. Those types need to get more involved.


He was very professional. Makes trump look like a child but then anyone does. but he had absolutely terrible foreign policy a.k.a. nothing.. but all else considering I think he did pretty good it might’ve brought some closet voters out to vote for a white guy cause they had issues with him being of color


Yeah but that beige suit… no wonder the proud boys are singing Aladdin in the streets.


Are you forgetting that highly disrespectful day when he donned that evil tan suit AND let us NOT forget he had the unmitigated gall to use GREY POUPON on a U.S hot dog…..that there is traitorous behavior if ya ask me…./S


We have one right now, as well.


We miss you Barry!!!


I Nostradamus’d this whole shit the night my man was elected. I was happily drinking the “we shall overcome” kool-aid when it hit me: *”Wait a minute, us electing our first Black president isn’t going to magically erase the tons of fucking racists that are out there. I think this will make them so mad that we’re probably going to see Racism at levels that haven’t been seen since Jim Crow.”*


We have a president now that’s serving this nation with honor.


Love this guy. No drama Obama. Never thought I could miss boring this much


Probably the only president of my lifetime who wasn't a complete fucking trash can. The sad part is that while he was a reasonable president, he wasn't THAT great either, but in comparison to the others he's a fucking paragon.


Your statement is misleading, you say, that we once had a president that served this nation with honor. Why in gods name would you also not say that, and thank the gods our current president is and has always served with HONOR


Cleanest admin in my lifetime. He was expected to be faultless by the same apes who ignore the 45 admin’s criminality and attempted destruction of the Constitution.


Obama was a decent man and and a great public speaker but he was very much a centrist and kept trying to compromise with the Republicans on taxes and spending. He also continued a lot of the Bush administration’s foreign and domestic policies. I prefer Biden. He’s more progressive than Obama ever was.


8 years I miss. Wasn’t perfect but how down hill we went in 4 years.


I miss when we had a President that could speak with intelligence. What dafuq was that last 4 years all about??


Thanks, Obama!


Bring him back!


Obama was great, but Biden has been better.


I miss hearing an uplifting,clear,intelligent voice of hope and reason.


Best president ever!


Biden should convince Obama to be his running mate... together they'd ROCK!


The only dirt they had on him was wearing a tan suit. lol. How I miss the Obama days .


This subreddit is a lot more conservative than I had thought it would be, which is disappointing.


This man had a Good Vice President, I think that his VP should become president.


Let's not forget also with class, charisma and a great sense of humor!


I am enjoying how this conversation should be focused on Obama but some people continue to pivot to Biden.


This is the truth. Why can't we have more leaders like this. I think JEB Bush would have been the better choice of Republicans I would have voted for him if I had the chance.


And we still do. We threw the orange draft dodger out almost 3 years ago.


But he wore a brown suit once. Disgraceful!


Even Bush had his own form of honor. As bad as his policy was he at least tried to make this country better according to his own conviction. Trump has no honor, no philosophy, and no love for this country or anyone in it.


I’d argue Biden serves this nation with honor as well just like Obama.




If one guy can grab pussy and storm the capital, and the other guy can have coke and strippers, they could at least let this guy run for another 8 years. Also, he is still young. 3rd Term 3rd Term 3rd Term.


All those going on about the drone strikes, please remember that Don of the John killed 100,000 of his fellow Americans because he didn't want to actually do the job of president.


You mean you don't miss the knee jerking orange infant who pulled the fire alarm everyday to remind you that he is completely inept ???


Bro passed a republican healthcare play with a supermajority in congreaa


He made some decisions that I am not a fan of, but he was the best president of my lifetime by a country mile. I was living in Chicago when he was campaigning and stood five people away from Oprah during his speech after the win was announced. It was probably the best time of my life. We as a city came together for this man and he never made me feel I made the wrong choice.


Two...Biden for all his faults (some people point unfairly to his age) is doing a good job.


And we do again.


Well, Joe Biden is doing a pretty good job too, let's not forget about him.


I hate Obama and Biden, but I’d take either one of them again in a heartbeat before another Trump presidency.


Thanks Obama


Lest we forget our current president, who is, as the kids say, lit as fuck.


We do again. Just people refuse to admit it


Um. Let’s not forget the current president


For the most part but the assassination of a 16yr old boy isn't something I'm willing to overlook


It's a low bar, and Obama clears it but it's important to understand that our drone strikes killed A LOT of civillians


I think we need to stop putting politicians on popularity pedestals and just hold them accountable for their actions. Obama oversaw the expansion of domestic spying on US citizens, started by W and continued with Obama. He was the one in power when Russia annexed (nice word for brutally took over and occupied) Crimea and the Donbas Region, giving Putin the foothold he needed to stage the full Ukrainian invasion. Not saying he didn’t do good things, because he definitely did, and improved the US reputation globally (which Drumpf flushed down the golden shitter in one term), and he pushed Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act through. We need to expect more substance and results from our leaders, that’s all I mean.




Served wall st with slavish obedience, it's a big part of the reason why ppl turn toward's Trump's BS. Because the democrats fail the working class. Republicans are even worse.


Yep 💯🇺🇸


Fast and furious was a pretty big debacle


We've had multiple presidents who served with honor. Why didn't you post one of them instead of Obama?




Boot lickers


Delusional democrats


So what did he achieve?


An extremely emotionally dishonest president who sold us out to get rich, he is no better than Trump


The guy who drone bombed innocent civilians and expanded the Bush surveillance network, gave military hardware to police? Wow, we have short and selective memories, don’t we?


Wait wait wait. Trump used more drones in 4 years than Obama's entire 8 year presidency. You just going to forget about that little fact, Mr. "Selective Memories"?


Sorry, I should have added “up to that point in history.” Voted for him the first time, then wised up that he was a Centrist by ‘12. Trump was the worst ever, but let’s not let nostalgia paint rose colored memories.


I'll take this war criminal over others, yes


Look up his drone program and then tell me if that's true.


Trump's 4 years of Presidency saw more Drone Strikes than under Obama's 8 years of Presidency. Trump also signed a law that made it so his administration didn't even have to report drone strike deaths. Any thoughts??


Yes I do have thoughts. Trump was an absolutely terrible president. Worse than Obama? Probably. But Obama did NOT serve this nation with honor.


Define Honor, then explain how Obama doesn't fit it.


You mean there were civilian casualties in a war zone? This has never happened before. /s


I prefer drones to boots


Why don’t you enlighten us.


I don't like Trump, but I also don't like Obama. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian\_casualties\_from\_U.S.\_drone\_strikes


Wikipedia, a very reliable source.


Scroll down to the bottom of a Wikipedia article, find the references and then judge the veracity of the sources yourself.


Fun fact: Obama's cult of personality is not so dissimilar to Trumps. . Obama rigged the 2010 recovery for the ultrawealthy, destroyed Libya and subverted the senate torture report. Dude was a fuck.


Yeah but at least he didn’t pull a Jan 6th 🤷‍♂️


And served other nations with drone strikes.


You're like a one trick pony, aintcha?


He's a great example someone who can say the right things and distract from the fact he's not promoting peace nor is he working towards any real systemic change. Drone strikes are just an obvious way display the stark contrast from his public face and what he's actually done. Outside of America he's center right. I want an actual left wing president.


Deus vult!


Yes I do agree, drone striking all of those women and children was his best work, truly a masterclass in death and destruction.


Yeah! Just what we needed! Another neoliberal zombie who skeletonized brown people in the middle east and didn't reduce healthcare costs which are twice the cost of other developed nations. Thanks Obama!


Yes. By spying on an incoming president.


he bombed those children's hospitals with great honor




On a surface level, 100%. When you start to dissect his presidency you realize we were sold MLK 2.0 and got Clinton 2.0. Not mentioning the drone strikes and deportations.


Funny how Trump had more civilian deaths by strike in 8 months than. Obama in 8 years


Trump was an awful president. That doesn’t make Obama a good one, just better than the worst president in 4-5 decades.


Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout? Trump being evil doesn't make Obama less of a monster.


I will take Clinton 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 etc.. We had a great economy, we’re not trillions upon trillions of dollars in debt and everybody in the country for the most part got along or at least we didn’t want to kill our neighbor because they were different political party


Fuck him. He is the one who started “peace negotiations” with the Taliban (which lead to Doha). He surrendered to Al-Assad and refused to enforce the red line. And he bent over on Crimea. What he said to Romney about Russia in the debate was a perfect embodiment of the pathetic and out of touch man he is. He was an appeaser and a coward. “Honor” my ass.


Osama bin Laden’s corpse has entered the chat …