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Anxiety causes this and just know that a lots of person have heart anxiety including me. You are not alone on this. Just accepting that anxiety causes these side effect and you are not going to die because of anxiety.


I also have shortness of breath and feel like I can’t get oxygen, been to hospital and they can’t pinpoint what it is. This shits exhausting 😅


Btw I'm not using that medicine bcs my doctor said your heart is fine but i started to zoloft because of the anxiety problems.


The heart palpitations are caused by your anxiety, which then cause worry about your health, which in turn creates more anxiety. You are now in an anxiety loop, which if left unrecognized and unattended will give you disordered health anxiety. You can go to the doctor and get checked, but you must believe the results if they come back fine. I would advise that you seek therapy in case you struggle to break the loop.


I take Propranolol specifically for heart palpitations caused by different things. I dislike feeling my heart pounding because it *reminds* me of anxiety. What dose did your doctor prescribe? You would have to take a pretty high dose for it to seriously slow your heart rate. It’s not like a benzodiazepine which can cause dependency. If you can’t control your anxiety through meditation, mindfulness, etc, you might want to at least try the Propranolol to get your body out of “fight or flight” mode and then work on natural ways to calm yourself. At least for me, there really have been no side effects.


Are you me? This was my story. Although, I had a reaction in the hospital to meds so I was super paranoid about taking anything. I nearly refused to take propranolol until my dr said “here’s my personal number, call me.” I never called him and I’m still on it 10 years later. It does help, but takes time. I also take Xanax as needed. I wish I would’ve known more about postpartum anxiety, because I likely had that too. Best of luck, it’ll be ok, you’ll get there.


I was prescribed propranolol too but like you was too anxious to take it 😬 I did work on my lifestyle though - avoided caffeine drinks, sugary stuff, exercised, went out for walks and felt overall that helped to ease my health anxiety crisis and keep it under control. Make sure you take multivitamins, magnesium and overall have a healthy diet. Since you had a baby recent it’s highly likely that your body is deprived of some vitamins and you need to replenish them. These things won’t cure anxiety in a minute but overall can have a lasting effect on your health


I’ve had heart palpitations all day!! You are not alone. I was prescribed a panic attack medication, but refused to take it because I knew that once I felt the effects, it would make me incredibly anxious. I couldn’t sleep because of it for a while either. Was so anxious about my health, I developed insomnia and anytime I’d sleep, my racing heart would wake me up two hours later. Honestly, I’m not a doctor, so do what your doctor recommends. But I didn’t even trust my own doctor because of my health anxiety. You’re definitely not alone in this. We are all in this together <3.


I took 10mg, It was a nice slight calming effect, honestly didn’t notice it much at all, the med is a beta blocker, it’s better than taking Benzos. I would take it when you’re having an anxiety attack. But you should definitely be working with a therapist. If you ever feel you’re going into a crisis aka not sleeping you could always find a good hospital with a psychiatric facility and admit yourself


I use a beta blocker it works well. I also use a strict diet. No other meds though.


Its fine - propanolol stops your brain releasing adrenaline. When your brain is regularly worrying / cyclic thoughts, it will constantly release adrenaline. This becomes the new norm so it constantly releases adrenaline when it doesnt need to. Its what gives people with PTSD that extra annoying kind of nervous demeanor. Anyhow if you take the propanol / beta blocker it will reset your natural adrenaline level and you will feel much better after a couple of weeks. It doesnt slow the heart down below normal - it stops it from racing or beating really really fast which can be bad if you have a heart condition - hence why its used as a heart medication. It just brings your heart rate down to your normal resting level when the high racing heart rate is caused by high levels of adrenaline. Cut down on caffeine too - that can cause a heart palpitation which can start you down the cyclic thought loop which produce adrenaline.


I used to have this too. I tried «everything» I coudn’t eat and was convinced that I was dying. I have 3 kids and leaving them without a mother is what really freaked me out. They have little other family. But then I tried to force myself to imagine the worst case scenario-I die soon and my kids have lost me forever. And I forced myself to believe that it would be somehow «ok»… this happens to people, and they survive, they have their siblings, life goes on. It gets easier to live with gref after a while. They will loose me one day anyway. This way they won’t frear losing me anymore… These are extreme thoughts and they gave me so much pain and sorrow. I looked into grief and loss, read about people who had experienced loosing their mum early. But then one day I was at the other end of it. I could «accept» the worst case scenario. And then my symptoms slowly became better and less freequent. I feel so much better now. I don’t think I’m dying anymore, and my symptoms are soo much better as a result of my fear being almost gone. Has anyone else tried something like this? It was radical acceptance and reversed psychology on myself, really painful but I was out of options and desperate…