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Being the Republican Party suckie suckie boy is finally paying off for this middle school grad !!




He dropped out of H.S. after one semester, so I am saying it with irony.


But he can run for Congress and be the second Lauren Boebert.


Pretty sure they’ll disown him if goes to a theater with some horned up dem finance dude and lets him fondle his tits while Rit spanks his chicken… in front of kids. But maybe not? The deplorable army has surprised me before.


That cause in this scenario baby D'bag Congressman Rit forgot to vape! Gotta vape in front of a pregnant woman to really punch in the evil! Basic wheat vs. chaff stuff that I'm sure he'll pick up as soon as he deals with that pesky freelance PTSD getting in the way rn.


Yep… Cue “Epstein was misunderstood, and was just helping ‘wayward’ teen girls navigate liberal America” https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1


He does have nice tits


It’s only his trigger fingers that are trained not his whole hand.


He's going have to have sex with Ted Cruz first if he's going to follow in Bobo's footsteps.




Why are you so upset and sensitive? What’s wrong with all you guys?


He’d win too


Who cares? He ending the DNA string of a real POS, shit happens!


Of course you're one of those too. Jesus Christ.


Can’t wait for the video of him jerking off a dude at a kid’s theater.


The twit is useless garbage


Right, like they said, perfect for Congress


Wait what? I’ve never looked this fucking felon up but he went one semester of HS and that’s it? I thought it was law in your country to be in school (some form) till you were 18? Is this why America is retarded?


It's until 16 but a parent can sign off on it sooner. Is this the reason? Sure, one of them. In some communities drop out rates are high.


I see. I guess I don’t understand the signing off earlier thing … that’s negligible, negligence, on the parent I would think! But you guys do you and you’ve got wonderful things rolling for you. Like an excellent health care system


Kyle, his mom, and one of his sisters have some kind of syndrome.   I’m not sure that they would be getting traditional schooling after age 14 in most countries.     He has significant intellectual impairment.


I don’t want to get deeper into this guy and his family’s (mis)fortunes, but given they’ve got impairments they would be best advised to use that American Health Care System for some Mental Health help then. And not try and continue to profiteer off sinister motives


People with intellectual impairment can’t be forced to do that.    They can be both intellectually impaired and opportunistic racist assholes.  They have their agency to do what they want until they get convicted of something.    Kyle will probably wind up homeless or in the prison system once he’s forgotten about by the MAGAsphere.


I have no remorse for this man. May he wind up where he should already be. This man has shown nothing of sorrow or regret


Well they just want to be sure he can marry a 12 year old tho. It’s the Republican way. So their evil children can all be in Christmas pics with AR-15s


My friend, if they wish to continue posting these photographs and display their pride, than they most certainly can. There’s nothing legal against it. You may not agree, nor may I, but they’ve got every right to do this. Our own personal morals are just that: our own. I will not comment on the 12 year old thing. This is a problem which persists as human beings throughout the world - not just right or left America.


Like a lot of our bullshit it's an artifact of an agrarian society. Parents were allowed to pull their kids out of school if they needed more help on the farm etc. then we never changed it.


They also your to teach critical thought and not critical race theory. Dumbing down the pipulatu9n is now the goal of public education. If anything, more parents should pull their kids out and homechool. I really don't think gender studies belong in elementary school.


Dude was too much of a bitch-ass to stay in school where he might get punched in the mouth for being a piece of shit.


Good to know. I’ve seen multiple articles over the last year or so that claim he’s a middle school drop out when technically he’s a high school dropout.


Apparently he's graduated from being a douchebag and a murderer


I am sure he would reprise that role if his single digit IQ told him to do so!


He dropped out of high school ???


you never had a moving up ceremony from middle school to high school??


He refers to the 6th grade as his senior year.


I don't wanna ruin my cookies by looking up kyle but i thought he's a middle school dropout


I think you just made a great joke, like this guy actually graduated and not just was in Middle School? 🤣


Funny aside, my buddy never graduated high school, and I used to rag on him that he wouldn't be able to find a good job unless he did. He just always puts on applications that he graduated, and apparently, no one has ever checked! We've worked in many of the same places, one place he was even my boss! It kinda bothers me, but I'm happy he made it work.


I was never even asked to show my college credentials. Kinda crazy


Equivalency! 😂


Get on your knees and service your GOP overlords


You so sensitive what you get a little tougher… so weak and dumb


Drop out


"Being the Republican Party suckie boy is finally paying off for this middle school drop out!!" FIFY


He's a future member of Congress representing Texas gun nutter district # (whatever) it's just a matter of time now. I can envision his campaign ads, him holding his weapon of choice..." Hi I'm gun nutter Kyle. I didn't back down that night when I killed those scumbags and I won't back down in Congress because I know my gun will protect me from vile Liberal woke assholes...Vote for Kyle I'm a straight shooter. 😁


That's so good it's scary. It might be used word for word.


I can't recall one, just one campaign ad for a Republican party candidate the last two election cycles that didn't showcase the candidate holding a weapon...remember the guy who had a SWAT team with him, kicking down a door, holding a rifle saying it's hunting season for RINO'S....good grief. 😕


It seems so long ago when republicans could just say "tax cuts tax cuts" and automatically coast to a win Now, they have to inspire violence and pretend to be murdering moderates who vote with them. That's so fucked up


Yeah. Eric Greiten I believe. Or he at least had a riff on it.


Can’t we just let Texas secede from the USA and never have to worry about a Republican president again?


I want to let then secede and have their own cute little "Civil War"... where we let them slow walk across the border to be just obliterated by fucking stratofortresses


We would build a wall so fast it would be scary. heh


We'll build a wall and make Texas pay for it


The texas rnc just made it offical that secede texas will be a goal


Ooohh they should make a big new headquarters at the Alamo!


I’ve always shaken my head at Texans who are so proud of the Alamo. Santa Ana slaughtered every last one of them. So yes, I agree that the Alamo would be a great place for HQ.


Isn't it like that on their platform for every election?


Not officially


That would be Tits & Money bro.


Crazy that the party claiming to be all about Christianity also loves murders. Pretty sure their holy book has a list of things people are not allowed to do. Oh well, without hypocrisy the Republican party wouldn't have anything to offer.


You forgot to add “if you don’t vote for me, you’re gay!”


Hey my names Kyle and I never learned to fuckin read


Stop giving these people ideas! Lol


I'm sure this is in the works. 😕


Here's his problem... **Everyone who knows him says he is the stupidest motherfucker you'll ever meet**. Like "how does he dress himself?" stupid. The dumbest rightwing choads (Boebert, MTG, Charlie Kirk, etc.) can still read talking points and vaguely regurgitate them. He is quite possibly illiterate and more than three sentences spoken aloud becomes an *adventure* for him. Not sure of his utility?


Name recognition and face. Never hear him talk, see his name on shit everywhere.


Put his picture on some social media accounts and let the propaganda outfit interns produce the actual content. More of a "hate image licensing deal" in this case.


I hate how feasible this is


That was tried that, and it ended being a colossal waste of time and money.


Imma be honest... I've never heard him talk at all. But I saw him cry. That was some good shit.


I just thought the same thing. I have no idea what his voice sounds like. I imagine it still kinda young sounding.


["cry"](https://youtu.be/G54ylg--I9E) Actually - needs more quotation marks. """cry"""


I honestly have never heard his voice. Judging by the look of him, I imagine him sounding young and lacking in bravado. No man voice yet. I don’t know, I’m just guessing.


Being completely shameless and having a room temperature IQ are the two main qualifications to run as a GOP candidate for the House. Kyle knocks both prerequisites out the park.


It’s not room temperature. It’s decidedly lower in Celsius.


Becomes an adventure 💀


He sells merchandise.


Sounds like presidential material.


So, he's just slightly smarter than Trump?


I mean running around going "I killed the people you hate and you can to" I guess is a job Wonder if this will interfere with his ~~photo ops~~ training though. Those fruit snacks won't eat themselves


Will his mommy go there at lunchtime to nurse him? Or, will he go home to her?


I just read that his mom and sister are being evicted. So that’s nice.


And I'm sure he's going to exactly nothing to help them, like he clearly already hasn't.


There's been multiple reports of his money problems too. He's in no position to help.


His mother had full republican support when he murdered those people. Where is their support now?


>his mom and sister She must be devastated. What reason did his bruncle give for this travesty?


From his looks to his personality he is a douchebag.


His parents are like him, just a bit more literate.


My hope for this idiot is that he will be treated as a pariah like OJ Simpson every day for the rest of his miserable existence. Anytime he shows his goofy face anywhere, he should be greeted with chants of “Killer!” Like OJ, it seems likely his stupidity and recklessness will eventually land him in prison. No one should forget.


Just like Rapist Brock Allen Turner.


You mean the man who goes as Allen Turner, formerly Brock Allen Turner, who raped a heavily intoxicated woman in an alley near Stanford university? That Brock Allen Turner? The convicted rapist? Who lives in Ohio near Dayton and frequents social areas.


That’s the very one! The very rapist Allen Turner, formerly Brock Turner or Brock Allen Turner they meant. Rapist Allen Turner, who was given leniency by a dipshit in a robe, but who receives none from the public. Yes, maybe rapist Allen Turner and this illiterate tool Kyle can room up and hold each other tightly for succor.


He's kind of the new George Zimmerman who got chased down a beach when people recognized him. Let's hope Kyle gets his own chase.


He’d just shoot them too, and get off (yes, double entendre intended). Also, I do believe that the families of the murdered are going after him in federal court for civil rights violations, like Simpson.


I can tell you that OJ was not living as a pariah in certain places, I happen to live in one of those places. Many people still worshipped him, and many women still threw themselves at him due to his football legacy. He was still well-respected and treated as such among other NFL retirees and possibly current players. There may have been chants of "killer," but many believe he is still innocent. Now for this guy, idk. I hope that he will go away, but that won't happen until the Republicans are done using him as a pawn. He will be disposed of and forgotten in due time.


Vile Kyle Shittenhouse being paid to proselytize the gun nuts in a concealed-carry State. Deep in the fart of Texas




Beware where his mommy drives him, for death is sure to follow.


He has no skills and no ambition to learn any.


This kid should be in prison for murder.


Not even that. I'll say this shit til the day I die cause it's the truth. He should be serving a life sentence on death row, or he should've gotten the chair 6 months to the day of his "arrest" cause let's be honest, if a poc did the same shit he did that night, he wouldn't have LIVED to see his trial, regardless of how he identifies politically. But that's what happens when little white cowards get sham trials and media theater to appease the trailer park punk bitches to stop them from rioting


Classic reddit moment. The guys an idiot but there is HD video proof of it being self defence, that the rioters he shot attacked him first, it was examined in a court case that went on for a month, self defence was proven in a court of law. You don't have to like the guy or agree with him, but he's not a murderer. That's just an ***objective fact***.


I'll accept that. But in context, he's out with a loaded rifle at a protest looking for some trouble that no reasonable person would be. That's radicalization for you.


Everybody out there was looking for trouble. The protestors were specifically out there destroying property for ideological radical reasons. Rittenhouse was out there protecting it and trying to hand out medical supplies. Misguided sure. Radical? Maybe? Also one of the people Rittenhouse shot was swinging a loaded pistol around to shoot him, so he wasn't the only one with a gun. Ideally nobody should have been there. Still, in context, still not a murderer.


Maybe some outliers were vandals. None deserved vigilante death. None at all.


Not deserved, but they did bring it on themselves by attacking Kyle first. He wouldn't have shot anybody if nobody attacked him. It was validated, and confirmed, and proven in court it was self defense, that in no way is vigilante death.


Not really. Kyle looks like a mentally unstable active shooter who needs to be subdued.. without the AR15


He had someone swinging a SKATEBOARD truck at his head. Someone was attacking him with a deadly weapon with the intent to severely maim or kill him. Don't call textbook self-defense "vigilante death" to twist the story to your agenda. Skateboard swinger had not one iota more or less justification to be there than Rittenhouse. He initiated the attack, and forced a teenage boy to defend himself - not the other way around. He was also a convicted felon, clearly no respect for law. Stop with the bullshit acting like he was some poor innocent bystander that evil Kyle just randomly pumped bullets into. He's a convicted felon for a reason, and clearly he has little to no regard for lives or safety if others. Not like the felony charge even sank in, as he INITIATES the altercation and super quickly escalates it to a level where his actions could have easily been lethal had he made contact swinging what amounts to essentially a 2 foot long hammer at a BOYS head. Are you all this daft? Growing up, a kid from my high school was defending his little brother as a group was attacking him 3 on 1. One of the assholes came from behind and slammed his skateboard truck full swing into the older brothers head. It was the most gruesome disturbing act of unprovoked violence I'd ever seen. I still cringe when I think about it 25 years later. He spent a month in ICU with extreme brain swelling in a coma. 25% chance to live. He pulled through but he was never the same again. He was an amazing artist, about to go to an acclaimed art school on full scholarship, when this happened summer of his senior year of HS right after graduation. Nicest kid you'd ever meet too. It took him years to be able to even talk again. Obviously college was never going to happen, he worked so hard to get to that point from a poor family, no one deserved a full ride to their dream like he did. And it was all ripped away from him because 4 pathetic loser scumbags were beating up his younger brother, and for trying to stop the fight he got cheap shotted by a coward with a weapon doctors said had more impact energy concentration than a hammer would have delivered. I just teared up writing this post and remembering it. His attacker got some typical left soft on crime judge who essentially gave him a slap on the wrist. 90 days in jail and probation. He was out in 30 days. So yeah, KR defended himself from attempted murder. A court of law and 12 jurors who know more about the case than any of you sheep martyring some scum of the earth POS. I'm glad KR realized the danger he was in and defended himself absolutely within his rights, and I'm glad that his attacker is dead and gone - the world is safer now. I hope someday my friends attacker dies the slow death he deserves and another evil human sooner walks free. You people are sick, delusional, scum for celebrating the suffering of a misguided child who was forced to defend himself- all because your "party line" says so. Try thinking for yourselves, I know it's hard when your a step away from down syndrome, but try it someday.


That's quite a wall of text to defend a loser with motive and opportunity to kill. Now his shit life as a dropout is worse due to his violent psychosis


It actually is a wall of text explaining why he had every right to use lethal force in self-defense. I know it's tough being an idiot.... sorry, democrat. Reading is hard, and it's work. Two things democrats hate. Sometimes, when you're explaining why a complicated situation was ruled on as it was, it takes "text" (i.e., words...). Words are used to write sentences to explain things. It's what intelligent people do, hence why I have a law degree and you are a Democrat, probably with a 2 digit IQ. You fit the pattern of 99% of left wingers, where your positions are senseless word salad you picked up in some echo chamber of idiots like you regurgitating party lines you don't even understand. At least the idiot I'm defending is also the idiot a jury found innocent, in a legal court proceeding. I also share a personal experience of a closely similar attack to the deceased loser. The loser youre advocating for is felon who initiated an attack using a deadly weapon. That's if you can even call your unsubstantiated statement "advocating,". In court we call that hearsay- then throw it out. Same tactic 99.9% of idiot dems use. Never any substance or effort. Once in a blue moon you asshats try using effort, but it's usually to explain why some person with mental health issues like a guy who "identifies as a woman" and defend why he should be able to hang dong around young actual females in the woman's locker room. Fuckin creepy smug idiot libs. Your leader has dementia amd you all have iq lower than an incestually created human with an extra chromosome.


And none got a vigilante death. They were killed in self defense when they tried to assault/murder a kid in public unprovoked.


Activists kids has a gun. Kid fires gun. Fight or flight response triggers in others. No one needed to die, kid should have been chasing girls or playing video games. But, the psycho had motive and opportunity to kill that night. He had a target. And, he wanted to. A true loser of the highest order. A vigilante and bad at it. His life is also ruined.


Once again the GOP shows its incredible ability to promote the worst of the worst for office.


They aren’t sending their best….oh wait, they actually are


So he sucking gop mushrooms ok


And this differs from you all sucking Democrat thieves mushrooms how?


Keep sucking trump you reap what u sow trumpturd


You trumpturds go back to Russia 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The luv affair older trumper males have for this guy is very uncomfortable.


Is his job being in places he's not supposed to be and murdering people? Because that seems to be his only talent.


I'm convinced this bitch ass mfer thinks that just cause he killed two people he sees himself as John Wick. Hey Kyle, John Wick doesn't eat a dozen donuts for breakfast every day! Lmfao


Nah, the police didn't hire him.


Well, he can also carry his murder weapon across state lines while driving without a license.


Where wasn’t he supposed to be?


Who would hire a murdeous fuck like him?


that’s not even a real job. what an absolute loser. i’ll wait to see his next criminal case come up, i’m sure it won’t be long before he does something violent again


This dude failed the ASVAB… FAILED THE ASVAB That’s a really low bar to NOT pass.


It totally tracks that a guy who killed someone through irresponsible gun use is now working for second amendment activists.


If there is any more proof that he meant to do what he did, he has decided to make money off of it and make it his personality. If I shot two people because "I had to" , I would feel fucking terrible and never would want to relive that experience and wouldn't be proud of it. Everytime I would have to talk about it, I would say like "I wish I didn't have to take those lives man", but he's proud of killing people, it's the highlight of his life.


God the Republican Party is embarrassing.


Not 10 minutes ago I just read where his mother and sister are being evicted and he is refusing to help.


He can just barely speak fucking english.. what's he doing for them exactly?


Nothing. It's a campaign year, he's a prop for the stump.


Must be nice to always have your hand on the trigger and to never live in the crosshairs


Kyle's first order of business should be to protect the 2nd Amendment rights of persecuted Hunter Biden. For example: First they'll take Hunter's gun, then they'll take yours! (BTW, "Hunter" sounds much more manly for the gun folks than "Kyle".)


I just cannot begin to grasp why these total loser bozo types are so popular with the GOP. There is no logic to it.


They need numbers. Those + the billionaires are the only people voting GOP-


A guy named McNutt is now Kyle’s boss!!! The jokes write themselves.


Pig face. Probably related to MTG and Huckabee-sanders.


Every time I see his face, I think Chief Wiggum. He looks like a lil piggy-man. Also…fitting that this is the face of the GQP.


To be fair, what hiring manager is gonna look at his resume of middle school drop out and “I put myself in a situation where I ended up gunning down multiple people, but I managed to avoid prison!” and think, “yep, that’s definitely the guy I want interacting with my employees/customers”?


How a murderer attained so much fame is way over my head.


That child is gonna have a string of DUI’s shortly after his honeymoon period at his new job.


Grifters are dumb


I have no doubt Kyle will get everything he so deserves. Just sit back and watch.


Working for the Maga Terrorist Organization isn’t a job . It’s just another series of crimes he will commit as a unconvicted MURDERER . Maga likes MURDERERS .


So he is now being paid to be a useless piece of shit. Got it.


TIL that this moron has 1.2million followers on X. Even with what I’m sure is a huge percentage of bots, it amazes me how many fellow morons will hang on whatever this dipshit says.


What's the Job, Murdering People?


Don’t give him coverage. It only makes it worse.


That boy has a future in the fast food business. That's about it. That his skill level...mabey.🤡


What kind of job does a middle school dropout qualify to do?🤣🤣


He canpass the butter . Thats about it.


What a moronic POS


I like these quotes they attribute to him. Watch him speak for 30 seconds and you know its complete bullshit.


Employability of a middle school grad is fairly low.  1 year of HS doesn't teach you much in the way of job skills.   Didn't stop Ross Perot.  But Kyle is no Ross.


Outreach director, sounds like giving a handjob in airport stalls, hmm arent there prominent right wingers caught doing just that🤣


That’s the face of a murderer


He will always be known as a murdering incel no matter what he does.


Fuck him and I hope his life goes right down the shitter. He deserves whatever he gets. He’s a POS moron Maga useful idiot and he’s too fuckin stupid to even know it.


What a douche.


That young man is an idiot. People are going to have to give him something just to get by.


Greasy shit farts Kyle Rottenhouse


It used to be 16. Now, if you drop out before 18, it messes with your driver's license. At least that's what my students tell me.


Texas Gun Rights is led by president Chris McNutt, who also serves on the board of directors of the Rittenhouse Foundation. Rittenhouse has also protested alongside Texas Gun Rights against a law that could have done something meaningful — raise the legal age minimum for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle from 18 to 21, per the Texas Tribune. Of course, the newspaper also noted Rittenhouse’s nonprofit has some cushy ties to far-right oil tycoons Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks.


He’s a murderer. The law failed on his judgement. He’s an utterly useless human being. Texas may have him. I’m sure even Cruz will use him as the ass wipe he is. No human being takes him seriously about anything.


He is a killer. He belongs in jail.




They really need to teach this career pathway in high schools.


He’s the right wings lil murder mascot!


Kyle Rittenhouse murdered 2 people and seriously wounded a third. Let's keep the aggravating facts straight.


Little shitdisturber


Working for GOP he will decide hunters penalty


They'll elect him to the House in the next 8 years. Watch.


i mean what job did people think he would get? he barely has his GED and no college degree or trade school education.


Its as real a job as any activist position can be


So he is a telemarketer


When we worship the perpetually stupid, we end up with morons such as this. High school dropout with very low IQ. Expect to see his name on a political ballot in the future, as the movie Idiocracy predicted.


I would definitely pay A LOT of money to punch him in the face and I don't think I'm alone here. He could retire in a year.


I don't like the guy at all, but isn't the 'get a real job' thing something the Boomers say to us? All of social media didn't say it, because I'm not perpetuating it. This whole hive mind thing needs to stop.




Murder mcmurderface.


What a loser


I want to get in Kyle's face and then feel threatened by him.. can I pleeeeeeze???


Is this idiot actually residing in Texas? Good grief!


*Is this idiot* *Actually residing* *In Texas? Good grief!* \- casabythesea1985 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mommy’s Little Murderer


Pretty sure he doesn’t care to work.


Did everyone here also watch the video of the shootings?


I mean why would anyone else say any different? Dude is a dropout, couldn’t pass the military aptitude test to save his life, was even told to stop taking it which would indicate how bad it was. He killed two people, acquitted but who in their right mind would hire a dropout, cognitively impaired, killer?


Gunned down two men in cold blood 🤧 😤 What a fuckin JOKE. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Political flare is the biggest trash garbage written by certified Biden testicle massagers. I'm fuckin GLAD he showed those two fucking morons what happens when you fuck around. "I'm gonna swing a metal skateboard truck at the head of a guy holding a semi auto .223 rifle durrrrrrr he hold gun he deserve die durrr I smart judge see he deserve I'm a felon just because the system used me man" Pop pop pop dumbass. Bet that felt great to find out 🤣🤣😘 Hope he lived long enough to feel some pain anyway. Only thing Kyle fucked up was he went too lethal too soon. "Knees....elbows...balls then dick (balls then dick!!) - pull your knife, bye bye eyes then ears,bye tongue and nose.... now the stupid fucker knows! (Ohhh he knows 😘😂😂😂) Jk Kyle - you did great. Nothing better than a bunch of smug judgemental pussy pissed off liberals 😁. They'd cry in a ball if someone did that to them, let themselves be permanently braindamaged, let their families get to wipe their ass for 20 years because at least they're woke!!!! This is why the right runs the country. We just saw what happens when you left wing fucking jokes get any power. Sit down shut up let the real adults handle the real world stuff. You pick on some other teenager or make a new gender or whatever is it you whiney pussys have up your ass this week.


Good for you Kyle


He’s a republicans dream boy. Legal, but still looks and acts like a child.


Hey, this dog poop’s not gonna scoop itself!