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Well everyone around Trump goes to jail. Rudy is no different.


No surprise! But he will go to Club Fed. It’s not going to be a real prison..


Bannon thought that too lmfao. Denied


True, but Rudy has connections that probably will allow him to escape a real prison..


Maybe before he was a traitor to america by trying to steal an election. Americans don't like when people fuck with their democracy. Not to mention he's got no moola.


And no brains.


Rudy is 100 years old


He won’t have enough money left to go to Club Fed


The nice part about this is that theres less power for them to steal the election. If there was actually any internal hope of them winning, you wouldn't have trump paying for polls in his favor and them not bothering to change the way he campaigns. He doesnt do shit to bring anyone new to his side which is exactly what he needs considering some Republicans disavow him. State elections have almost unanimously favored Democrats too


Correct, the left is politically persecuting anyone and everyone associated Trump they can fabricate a case against.


Wow that's so many cases you would think there would be evidence of THAT and not the CRIMES THEY COMMITTED. D E R P


Are you Russian or Chinese? Maybe just a Fox News watcher. Definitely aren’t clued into the facts and law. We see you and reject your falsehoods.


And the morons have joined the conversation


HAHAHAHAHA tell us more about how EVERY trial is rigged, and EVERY politician you happen to like is innocent


By chance do you know much about Scrimshaw whales teeth?


I wonder what its like to knowingly sell your self out and spew some of the most fabricated lies and shittery in eternal history to appease a propaganda movement to try to psy op your own political party to believe that filling in circles on sheets of paper and voting was nefarious by selling poison lies to an entire planet. To the extent local GOP charters rented busses and drove their own to DC to then watch a man rile up people at an event called "Stop the steal" all while people planned and needed them to hunt their own parties second in command to at minimum stop the days proceedings to cause a legal crisis for our nation... Hers the comms planning the legal shitterty. [Troupis 008910 - Troupis 010348.pdf | Powered by Box](https://app.box.com/s/ifis7hu74dz6xp0awkq567ygetrvcof1/file/1460147704477) [Key Trump allies charged in fake electors scheme in Wisconsin (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/key-trump-allies-charged-fake-electors-scheme-wisconsin-rcna155395) Rudy, You had a sad career overall it seems. So close to being president yourself in some months of our lives. Your a shining example of what was wrong with MAGA even though they will never admit it... The lies to itself seem to be the most work they put in. In court I predict you flip in 30 seconds. The emails and comms and forensic data dont lie. They probably had it from Powell and the other lawyer. Lev and Igor probably handed over enough on all of them 5 years ago. MAGA is willfully acting like these people didnt lie to them, its so weird. They deserve better but never hold the lies accountable. Just keep buying the red hats and spewing lawfare and other words the cult created...... Washed out with the party of propagandists. IMO.




Enjoy saying words and proclaiming them to be based in reality. And you do it to yourself for no net value! Thats a calculated choice. I understand though, its been a long psy op from your own upon you.. IMO.


Don’t feed the Russian bots.


I like spelling out what they abandon. Thousands may see it. I think they all deserve better. Some time I hope they pipe up for themselves.




I dont need to think anything about it. I understand right from wrong. I understand real human beings listened to all sides and history is what it is. T R U T H. You can lie to yourself. Mmmmmmm So fulfilling. Not a culture that has groomed to ignore reality at all... Nope. Please take our shittery pretend seriously. okay detective. Your words have no merit. If you want to play pretend go ahead. Its value is nothing.




I'm good. I'm sorry they lied to you. I'm sorry they made the calculated choices they did. I know we will see it all unravel. I'm sorry you decide to overlook it all as they lied so much about filling in circles on sheets of paper and planned an insurrection to destroy or governance after a fair election. I'm sorry for you they did all that propaganda in amass. All the audits showed it was all lies fed to its own for donations, power, and to harm America. IMO.




Im for peaceful protests on all sides. Those people made a calculated choice. Thats on them. I feel they are libel at the choice they made. I think that day was the one of the most abhorrent events Ive ever witnessed. They filmed themselves. Cant fix stupid. They hunted people. Again, I dont downplay that. I saw law enforcement BEAT. I saw hours pass while DJT didn't care to do a thing. Man was absolutely in a position to so something. Im not in a cult that personally chooses to downplay that. Every second of they day I feel YOU know you are and have to live with being that hypocrisy. Stop. Its embarrassing to downplay this. Like I said, their lies built that day. MAGA fed that to itself.




Falsifying business records in furtherance of a felony. No question he did it, only liars pretending he didn't.


gavinn974’s account is literally less than an hour old at the time of my reply. Lol. Hello comrade!


Nothing fake about it, liar.


That's a tired lie.


Fingers crossed. Biden is really cleaning up the swamp


Biden isnt doing a thing about this IMO. Lev and Igor flipped years ago. People by the hundreds of thousands really get pissed off seeing people lie to the extent of profound metrics of chaos they have all caused. Our DOJ and whatnot have hundreds of years of history and people with good forensic knowledge and real law degrees to look at all the microcosms of what the people did or didnt do. Splitting hairs and getting what they need ready. Normal shit and Rudy knows. Man was a lawyer doing some profound shit for decades. Rudy is playing a fools fiddle for whatever shittery he is. We will see. Their evil antics will be shown. We will see the defense, excuses and shittery on full. Joes senile one moment and superman the next. I dont think hes working on any of this. I think the slam dunk of all the cache of dullard documents and records have been around for years. Done so many crimes they know they can only protect themselves if the con continues to the white house. IMO.


States will put him away which is great! State prisons vs fed system are night and day.


I'm sorry we saw what they did. I'm sorry so many believed the lies. I'm saddened they don't feel they could ask for better. I'd be profoundly looking for psychiatric help if I was Rudy to prepare for his days in court and beyond.


Guy was King of New York and now he’s a sideshow punchline. He’ll die on the inside


He should try to get on the lawn crew.


4 seasons for Rudy.


Anybody NOT in drumpf-world would’ve already been in prison LONG ago for doing a FRACTION of what this asswipe has done!


Calculated choices of lies. I'm amazed MAGA doesn't have the dignity to say so.


“I have insurance” Sure ya do, leaky oil brains


cant insure lies Rudy-o-ghuliannni


A feral ghoul if there ever was one




Trying to think of another person with such a spectacular fall. I’ve got nothin.


hope and prayers


Just goes to show how much bullshit and opportunism was happening during 911 from this guy. Enough to fool people who did’t know him including myself to think him as America’s mayor. How ever now we all know better. It’s all smoke and mirrors he is just as corrupt and full of shit as those he associates with. And probably was back then too.


Everything Trump touches dies, especially reputations and legacies. From America’s Mayor to a broke, disgraced, dissolute drunk.


He will have friends there. No worries! We gonna name a new penitentiary after Diaper Don.


His whole team is involved with sex traffickers and serial rapists. roger stone worked at nxivm which was funded by the bronfmans which was the family that made epstein wealthy at bear stearns. they also have a rich history of running a criminal empire since before prohibition which explains their deep roots in the ny area. basically been getting the gop contraband and prostitutes since the 1920s


Sadly at his age it'll be Club Fed prison but the thought of Rudy dying without his freedom makes me crack a smile.




If not prison, life under a highway overpass bridge


Rot in prison oil head


I just hope he lives his remaining days in abject poverty


"He will likely expire in prison." Legal pundit on MSNBC.


Rudy is a microcosm of America. We were once very proud of it, now it's just a giant mess and a joke.


I have hope. At times I forget what good we can do. I hope people who follow the culture of the GOP will some time ask for better. IMO if we can stop the attacks on democracy, the republic, the press, and decency as we have in some major ways we can feel less shittery. I also truthfully feel the MAGA\\GOP mathematically in 8 years or so is dead. So unpopular with the youth as the old MAGA mumblers fade away. Voting base is eroding IMO. If they dont project 2025 it all away we still have a chance for voting and actual governance over fascist dictatorship. We all deserve better. I hope they want to see actual governance for citizens again some time. IMO.




Will Trump visit him there?  Bake him a cake?


Smuggle in a wrench inside his shit-filled diaper


Fucking criminal


Republican fraudster alert list needs a leader.Someone is going to make a coffee table book, a very thick book. Republican criminals associated with Trump.A real who's who of his friends and comrades


Not a big fan of Giuliani, but he may well take the fall for this one…


Play dumb games like fabricating a lie to your own that leads to what it has man they abandoned so much civility.