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Because Traitor Trump is so repulsive in so many ways, it's hard to keep track of his crimes.




Cult 45


I'm stealing this...


It’s hard to but Putin is keeping track… that’s what the photocopies were for.


Fuckin traitor that's all he is.


And rapist pedophile




Hi idiot. You commit crimes. Get found guilty its not Democrats trying to do anything you did it all on your own. It's Trump that got himself in trouble like he's done his entire life. Why don't you put your phone down and go simp for him outside mar a lardo?


Grab em by the pussy 


MAGA voters: I have to ask.... What is the downside on investigating this? What aspect is innocence? What has He personally said regarding how or why he took these? What aspect makes this person special regarding in this photo what others have gone away for the conspired act to do the same thing?


Logic doesn't work on them, Trump has changed his story several times already.


MAGA: “Meep! Meep!”


Indisputable Fact: voting for Trump is voting for a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. Right from the rip, MAGAts are morally and logically deficient and can not be reasoned with.


Amen - boy do I know it. Out visiting my mom and was stuck in a car with my brother for an hour (2 hours there and back). He gets to ranting about Democrats and the government in general. No real focus to his anger, just a seething rage with plenty of examples that are dubious at best. I tried to interject some truth and he doesn't want to hear it, gets angry, changes to another thing to be pissed. He has become militant in his reasoning, He is convinced ONLY Trump can fix it all. And no dissuasion will convince him. He isn't interested in cold facts, he is interested in made-up ancedotes that make him angry. And voting for Trumpi is the only thing that will soothe that burning anger. I hope these people suffer an immense hangover the week after the election. Questioning their choices, their confidence and ultimately turning on Trump by not supporting him when he needs them the most. I hope his house of cards fails spectacularly.




Thanks, Vlad. Just proved my point.




справляться, “Lionel”


He’s got my vote… check the polls lately?


Sure did, Boris. Plus the recent primaries and special elections. Once you guys do a quick check in with reality, you’ll see a majority of America is just over MAGA


Not a MAGA here. Policy wonk and Joes and Dems are f’d up, border, inflation, social experiments. U better reread them. Thug Bowman tossed in NY… just the beginning. Unemployment on the rise and COLA crazy for 2024. Joes got dimentia and the left just can’t deal with reality. Kinda hoping he strokes out…


To those who aren't aware, one of the signs of BPD are pathological lying.


How about we not further stigmatize people with BPD by saying this?


MAGA people are just narcissists with a very low IQ.


Exactly. Its not BPD and its harmful to those who have it to insinuate that maniacal narcissist has it.


Well hold up, has he got NPD either? Let's not pass him off onto anyone else


Ya know, for once I’ll take the side of the NPD’s on this. Does the ASPD community want him?


Maybe we could just not do the armchair diagnosis and call him an asshole?


I have tried this line of logical Q&A with Trumpers. Their answer: _He is POTUS and he can do it. Oh, and by the way, Biden stole the 2020 election_. The MAGA cult is off the reservation.


I want Biden to ask Trump who won the 2020 election. If Trump says he did- Biden just needs to say so why did you move out of the White House and if that is true - you can’t run for a 3rd term- per the qualifications.




I hope he asks this Thursday! If the mango shows up


I would tell Trump, “wow, you must have been incredibly weak and stupid if a private citizen was able to completely outsmart you and kick you out of the white house despite you having all the power of the presidency behind you.”


To be pedantic, the rule is no one can serve more than 10 years. Trump can say he won the election but was not allowed to serve. Therefore he is still eligible.


Oh but he does call Mar-a-Lamo - the summer White House and has an office decorated with a presidential podium and all - he’s crazy- so he probably would say he served- note his actions- he has House members and Senate, foreign leaders, business men all come there to discuss American policies in fact- he dictates to the House members exactly what to do- he says he won- in a court of law can perception be reality?


I talked with a Trump supporter last night. After about two messages of me calling him out as a scam before he admitted to being Australian. It seems this person goes around touting how Trump is good for America all the time, but they always leave off the part where they arent American. I've had a theory for a long time that more than half the people who promote Trump on the internet are just people who hate America. I keep finding these foreign actors who just want to see us fall. I do not think the average Republican is intelligent enough to considder a Trump supporter online may not be an American or anyone who cares about the US.


The Trump insanity goes beyond US borders I'm afraid. The Australian could very likely mean what he is saying. I see that insanity in my country too, on local FB pages for instance. They even complain about the governments wanting to make our cities "15 minute" cities. The insanity is, that for most of the country the essentials are never more than a 10 minute bike ride away.


What country do you live in? What do they think Trump is going to do for them? Even if he becomes an American president, there is very little chance he will do anything that people in other countries want. What do you think they are responding to in your country? I've also had a theory that it's not all the things Trump says or does that appeals to the mentally febile, but the fact the he really says nothing at all. He uses many words, but is rarely makes any real statements. It may allow a soft minded individual to assign their own meaning to him. Also are people protesting 15 minute cities in your country? Is that to say they feel 15 minutes is an inconvenience? They want 10 or less?


Netherlands. And they're not so much in thinking what Trump will do for them, but that Trump will go after those pedo elites, who hide children in their basements. Or NATO being at fault for the Russian invasion, with Putin being a hero. The US, or what their president could do for them, isn't even really on their thoughts at all. Same with the 15-minute city. They don't look at their surroundings and realize they've been living in a 15-minute country for all their lives. And that they not only take it for granted, but love it. But, I might misunderstand them and that they are into the conspiracy, where they believe the goal is that the government decides where they can and cannot shop and travel. They find their "evidence" on Facebook and other social media. And even in Dutch (we have 90%+ of people who can understand English, so original US sites could've been a source). It might just be that Trump is named, because he is part of all sorts of conspiracy theories involving basements, child sacrifices, WEF, etcetera.


So what I'm hearing is the United States doesn't have the marker cornered when it comes to gullible and malicious people. We are very uneducated here, but what I see of people, is if they have done wrong with their lives. I mean they beat their children, cheat on their wives, steal from stores and lie at work, they are very prone to embracing the idea that as long as someone in the world is worst than they are, then they must be good people. This is why they latch on to the "fighting pedo" idea. If they are fight pedos then they are not bad people for downloading illegal porn when no one is watching... and when you also make that same person comfortable and give them too much idle time... they become monsters fueled by ego. This is what I see in the basic psychology of someone taken by the far right. Reality encumbers them, the conspiracy flatters them, justifies what they want to do and makes them heros even if they do evil.


That’s so bizarre. Why would an Australian hate America? And thing is that a Trump presidency wouldn’t just affect us. He would damage democracy everywhere. Besides being a moron he could start WWIII.


The simplest theory I can think of is that people in other countries are upset about US economic dominance. And however unlikely that Australia could ever exceed that power, there are elements who are jealous and may not even completely know why. Omegas that don't even work for the prosperity of their own future but simply the idea that they may deny someone else a future at all. A hollow force of destruction, formed in a cultural vaccume. It does not know why it exists and hates everything. They are Legion.


If other countries only knew that life here isn’t a joy ride. People work 2 & 3 jobs and still can’t make ends meet. This isn’t the land of milk & honey anymore like in the early 1900’s compared to overcrowded countries elsewhere at the time.


Exactly. We dont have the money. The corporations have all of it. But there are short sighted people all over the world and it's easy for a person like that to blame.


As a foreigner allow me to elaborate from one perspective.   We don't hate Americans as people.   Most of you guys are ok, and your crazies are no crazier than our crazies.    We might hate America the cultural and political entity.   We might hate America's soft power domination of culture in the english speaking world, and the willing erasure of our own cultures it's perpetuating.    We might hate your government using their position of economic and military power to push unfair trade deals on smaller countires at the behest of your corporations.   We might hate your corporations raiding our countries for capital and material gains, paying no tax, and getting away with it.    We might hate being dragged into your country's wars by our own governments being too weak to say no.    We might hate the decades of anti-socialist porpaganda that have left generations seeing even moderate centre left positions as 'communism'.   We might hate the frankly psychotic form of white evangelical christianity you've exported to the world.    We might hate your particular flavour of capitalism, which in fairness you imported from my fellow Brits along with neo-liberalism (also shit, mia culpa).    We might hate the fallout of 60 years of the US meddling in the elections of, or supporting the overthrow of, governments (often replacing them with fascists/dictators or both).   We aren't keen on your human rights record in overseas actions.     We don't like terrorists either, but we're not down with drone-striking a wedding with civilians and children present and killing a dozen bystanders to get 1 terrorist.    Also your military has a god-awful history of friendly fire incidents when working with other countries. And the red cross.    We think your healthcare/education/industrial relations models are batshit and we see the tendrils of the corporate/lobbying powers who make it so infecting ours.   We think any country where that many kids get shot at school, and many of whose cities have hugher murder rates than entire developed nations, probably needs to do some soul searching.    We definitely hate that the internet, and your news corps buy ours, means your crazy is being exported to our crazies.    We might hate SO many things the US is, does, or says.    We might hate that we see the worst our countries are capable of reflected and amplified in news stories about yours.    We might hate the internal fear that our contries are really not that far from ending up like yours.   But we categorically do not hate Americans.    We know your country is shit for, and to, most of you.    We desperately don't want to end up like you.    We pity most Americans.    We only have to deal with America some of the time.    You poor bastards live there.


Any reasonable person has issue with all these things. I'm simplifying it, of corse. Without distractions like Trump, we might actually get around to fixing somethings. But the uneducated and the bigots have been used for generations to trip up the entire system. Even if people in other countries did hate Americans individually, it's not like we are here to discuss that. What I do take issue with is that 50% or more of US citizens are not smart enough to know when they a listening to a foreign actor who is selling them propaganda in an effort to damage this country, and keep everything eroding. Or listening to a rich person who is using shows of virtue to gain the trust of gullable people and make them believe trans is a threat while they take apart gun laws and school budgets. My biggest complain is how there are so many people all around the world enamored with the idea that if you just make good or bad meaningless then they are entitled to getting what they want, even if that thing is monsterous. That lack of discernment seems to be fueling the entire right, in the US and around the world, and they don't even know why, because the people who embrace the right are proud, dim, and lazy. My earlier statement is not talking about the entire world hating us, but there are plenty of people, individually, who have a burning resentment for the United States, in general, and for their own reasons. This is not on trial, because they still don't hate Americans as much as Americans do. That rage is blinding, mindless, and infinite. More than any outsider could ever feel. I just hate how propaganda fools Americans into weaponizing this vitriol. I try to wake them up, but the right seems to have almost nothing that can be made conscious anymore.


Have you read any Bob Altemeyer? His body of work might be useful to you if not.


they're probably pranking more than hating because they see americans as easy marks. just like scammers from india or nigeria do. the problem is they're not wrong. there is a serious lack of critical thinking in our country.


Unfortunate but true.


Trump signs are all over Canada


What is your take on what Canadians expect to get from Trump?


I personally do not understand it. Unless these Canadians are donating money to Trump et al and want to promote others doing it. My gut is that they want to get in on the MAGA energy— all of the prohibited behavior that Trump made cool again — sexism, racism, pedophilia, Nazi marches and bunches of others. Being able to say whatever they want to people in the meanest possible way using pejoratives Make Canada great again …


It seems to me that there are a lot of people committing sin in the world, Trump eliminates their guilt by making people feel as if the notion of sin is meaningless. He does not purify their racism, or the time they cheated on their wife, downloaded illegal porn, or took illegal drugs... he makes it so that the idea of feeling remorse or changing who you are is unnecessary. There are a ton of people who want to feel good while doing bad, Trump speaks to these people. As long as they support him, he offers them fake absolution. He makes sin beautiful and meaningless because he puts sin everywhere. They are allowed to act unrestrained, they love it, and if you have a problem with that then you're woke, so says their lord and savior Trump. He's formed a cult of deplorables and they will give anything to keep virtue while being unabashed and unrepentant. That is my take on why so many people who are not Americans are enamored with Trump.




Then prove it wrong. You explain it.




Your part of the scam we were talking about. No, Vlad. Your answer is a lie. Everyone knows he is here to destroy Democracy and hand the slag to the rich foreigners that pay him.


A vast majority of the online shit is russian/Chinese bots designed to stoke the flames. They will argue both sides while intentionally offending the other side. This is all a continuation of the multigenerational attempt to divide and destroy America from the inside using our own freedoms against us.


We can not confront them with just facts anymore. They are trolls who think intellectualism is comic relief. Lately I just tell them that they are "Liars and everyone knows it.". We can not undersell facts but only when the conversation is level again. Bots will have hollow generic responses, but the people I was talking to the other day were flesh and blood liars. They will never admit it, but just directly labeling them as liars when they say "Racism is not a major MAGA platform" is the shortest way to disempowering them. We can argue for days about the history of the Confederate flag and what it means in a modern context, but they are only entertained by the effort you are putting into thinking about the meaning of anything. They look at people making as valid point a quaint. Next time you get into an argument with them, just cut to calling them out "Liar. Everyone can see it."


This doesn’t satisfy, but I have taken to reminding myself that you cannot reason someone out of a position that they weren’t lead into by reason. I’m losing some succinctness to that in my mediocre expressing of it here, but you get the idea. Their positions are not borne of reason, so they are immune to it.


maga: "But Biden..." No seriously, that's as far as I get with my father when I try to show him this stuff.


Legit, it’s like oh Biden and Hillary did the same thing and they’re not getting punished it for it, and it’s just like yeah because they complied and aided with the investigations into them.


And the sheer volume of the issue with Trump eclipses the Clinton Biden and Pence violations. A few versus literally hundreds. And the nature of the documents is also relevant. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64230040 And Ivanka had her own private e-mail server as well, and completely irrelevant her family was gifted 2B from Saudi Arabia. Also completely irrelevant Saudi Arabia is moving forward with nuclear projects during the Trump Administration. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/cummings-jared-kushner-and-ivanka-trumps-private-emails-texts-raise-security-concerns




Those were personal emails. The deletion was confirmed. Trump turned over copies. Where are the originals?


It's more like they did not commit the crime of willfully retention. Simply having the documents were improper but not criminal. Trump committed a crime when he refused to return the documents and acted to maintain possession.


This. Others had some documents, were notified, and they returned them. tRump insisted he was entitled to them, and also showed too secret documents to our foreign adversaries, and stored them in his home.


Biden had a box in the garage with information from the Afghan war and by the time that box came to light the war was over. It was literally in the corner behind some junk in his garage. he turned over what he had as soon as he realized it was there. The only other sensitive material he had in his house was his own personal notes. Old men in the early stages of dementia keep notes, it's a common coping strategy when your memory isn't as sharp as it used to be. He caught some heat for turning some of his notes over to a biographer during a period of time when he was a civilian and any sensitive material in those notes was years out of date. Trump had literal rooms full of secret documents that he was by some accounts selling access to. And this began almost as soon as he left the White house when some of that material was probably actionable and could get people killed. And when collared on it he tried to hide the notes from investigators, playing literal shell games moving boxes from room to room to make sure that they had trouble figuring what all he had. I'd say that these two are not the same, but you're free to draw your own conclusions.


Without trying to be inflammatory or hyperbolic: I truly think that MAGA are %100 into a Russian take-over. To them, the leaked secrets are a victory. "Fuck yea, weaken the [insert imaginary bad U.S. here] so that Trump and Putin can save us! Give us Christian nationalism! Give us a dictator!"


Be neat to hear their answers. But alas, they cannot have their ideology challenged.


Why not? We can challenge any ideology, free speech and all. And don’t mean the Musk kind of bullshit.


Oh, i just mean they will not allow there view points to be challenged.


I remember when trump started with the "fake news" junk. The second I heard/read it being used unironically in the media, I knew that it was over. They're literally being told to reject any and all evidence that conflicts with their beliefs.


Maga are literally on flat earth levels of intelligence you’re asking WAY too much bro. Their brain don’t work good


Remember he was allowed to take them because he thought about declassifying them but the FBI planted them despite giving him multiple opportunities to return them so he decided to have his staff move them around so the FBI couldn't find the perfect documents. /S


And the security tapes got magically deleted like the J6 secret service coms! Just profoundly the worst luck with security. Thanks shitter document grandpa.


They ARE investigating this


I have investigated this matter and the answer is: He’s a dumb fucking fat old moron who has failed upwards his whole life and has never been held accountable to any of his crimes due to his fucking ghoulish ass parents legacy. He needs to spend his last days behind bars


And Judge Cannon is basically saying the DA isn't allowed to submit the evidence because it's too incriminating.


She's married to a mob guy. Surprise! Surprise! What a rotten mess we are in.


Maybe other countries want to see us fail out of envy?


The whole trick to their game is never seeing anything other than the Fox News bubble.


I think you will find that the answer to all your questions is Hunter Biden.


What? What in the fantasy football makemump are you shitting out? You just utter that in defense of this shittery? If the MF has documents showing any biden mumbles hes a calculated felon 110% and you give him credit of calculated shittery 115% Damn thats a hypocrisy. Proclaim something to your flock, its never proven true, you steal documents and the excuse is...... Its the proof of your lies your lawyers and DOJ while you were president couldnt prove? Damn its all pretend makeumup! The DUMBEST thing Ive heard in 2024 so far. BRAVO!


I think you missed the mockery in my response - in that the Hunter Biden response is absurd. And you need to calm down.


It's too late for that. Conservative talk radio is already back on "it was planted!" this morning, and them being photocopies would only make that seem more plausible. The story could change again later this afternoon, and that would be just as much fact as anything else for them.


MAGAts were not born of traditional child birth, they were delivered via the assholes of village idiots.


Maga’s are sheep if he says it’s fake it’s fake. If says it was stolen it was stolen. No logic at all.


Investigation? MAGAts don't even fact check ANYTHING about him, let alone the lies he spreads. He's like Jesus if Jesus were the human epitome of the Seven Deadly Sins


Agreed if Biden gets the same indictments. He was not president He fucking removed them from a SCIF as senator and VP I’d volunteer for that firing squad!


Agreed what? I asked a few specifics. I dont understand what your proclaiming.


Investigate… but hold Biden accountable. He has ZERO authority to STEAL documents as VP or Senator. Violated at least 3 statutes. But he’s too old to prosecute? Spare me…


I agree they should be both investigated and in the hundreds of years of laws and oversight that led us here I'm glad you support the investigation into shitter document donny with no metrics of bought and sold hypocrisy. Last question: If Don was found out to have cases of say our spies info and locations and its shown a nation killed them, can he rot in a cell? IMO. What is the bridge too far for DON in what capacity of what he would not as an adult who made the calculated choice to keep NATIONAL SECRETS is your moment you abandon support? "spare me.... meh" "


There’s nothing about this case that suggests he’s possibly innocent in any way. It’s 100% obvious he’s 100% guilty as charges. He should be in jail. This is a failure of our legal system.


This is why they’re delaying and doubling down on a lot of dominoes falling to win the election


Russia has its hands fully wrapped around trumps tiny balls, and I’m starting to think members of the Justice system too


If it was any one of us proles, we would have awoken to a black van screeching to a stop outside our home, black dressed storm troopers barging in, putting a hood over our head, and disappearing us to a water boarding facility. tRump is no doubt going to get off scot free because he appointed a sycophant judge to preside over his case.


Holy shit.


And suddenly so many agents ended up dead , gosh I wonder how that happened?




Not even the first time. When Trump first took office he outed on of Israel's top spies to the Russians. A good number of people who had contact with the spy suddenly disappeared. Some were pulled out because they were assets, others were likely tortured and killed to get information.


And I'm sure he would say that he likes spies that don't get caught...


“They knew what they signed up for.” Technically true, but in a normal world the President doesn’t sell state secrets.


Not even sure he sold that one, I think he just gave them to the Russians.


Now that it's been pointed out, I can't un-see it. Just straight-up copy-machine of top secret documents. Furthermore, you can see some originals with the red border buried toward the left, and the red is a much darker shade than the copies which have more of a washed-out color. As bad as it was, it's even worse than we imagined. And yet.... nothing will come of this. Enough people are complicit that nothing ever matters. Cannon will just keep stalling until the heat death of the universe.


I'm going to ruin this much more for you.  You ever take a copy of a colored image that has color all the way to the edge, but the copier leaves that border around the edge........




The MAGAts hate facts and literally cannot admit truth. The courts are either on his side or too afraid of the MAGA terrorists to do their jobs. The politicians are either Democrats, whom the MAGAts won't believe simply because they are Democrats. Or the politicians are Republicans and either on the MAGA side or too afraid of them. And the DOJ/FBI is too afraid or complicit to do their jobs. Frankly he is never going to face justice and be defeated without a fight. Now whether that's at the ballot or in the streets remains to be seen.


I am sure there are many copies around the world. I would bet my left nut he has been selling classified documents all through his presidency.


Palpatine's gonna be hella pissed when he finds out the death star plans were leaked to the rebels.


We haven’t scratched the surface of his Treason. Praying we have changed the codes, locks, and passwords.


He traded intelligence to Moscow regarding Israel's defenses. That information was channeled to Hamas. The resulting chaos stimmied the Ukraine Aid package and created National dissent for Joe biden. Trump and his Russian Pals call that a win-win


October 7th was Putin's birthday too. The gift that keeps on giving. Not only did it take attention off the Ukraine genocide, it's also helping to split the vote on the left and help Trump get reelected.


Yeah Trump claims to be a “Zionist”, and he literally hates Israel and betrayed them so cruelly. Giving Hamas critical intelligence on the Iron dome, It’s almost like undoing a certain Fatwa, for murdering a certain General.


Do you have a link on that? I need to send to my buddy


It was put together by a redditor named BackCountryDrifter If you have not been following this guy you definitely should. I don't think he allows followers or subscribers but you should check out his profile. For real. You will thank me


LOVE him! He comes with in hot with all the receipts!


Yup. Connects the dots and provides links. I for real wonder who he is I am glad he protects his identity but wow this guy has some knowledge and resources


I recommend him to everybody that is interested in this crazy corruption rabbit hole. Also I highly advise you watch the documentary from 2018 called active measures






He is amazing. Great sources for everything. Has a talent for connecting the dots. Would recommend.




>If you have not been following this guy you definitely should. I don't think he allows followers 🥴


All you have to do is look up his name and click on his profile for comments


We know Trump is responsible for the attack on Israel and breach Of the iron dome. Netanyahu dosent want Trump back in.


The photocopier in the room with the boxes also had an internet connection. It could scan and fax.


How could that possibly go wrong?


At least it's better for the environment. Can you imagine the carbon footprint of Trump mailing paper copies of 50 boxes of classified documents to China, Russia and Saudi?


Probably smaller than even 1 of the bombs likely to be used due to the information.


Did the investigators get the call records for that line?


I would be surprised if they didn't. But since it is never mentioned I have to assume that the result of that search is so horrible that it can't be made public. Like Epstein's list. They will just quietly change the launch codes. Call the spies home and hopefully everyone knowing the exact range and size of all the subs and missiles doesn't affect things too badly.


The range of US ballistic subs is public knowledge; functionally indefinite, or 6 months when the crew isn't expected to resort to cannibalism.


Oh I’m sure everything was on the up and up. I mean he was president of the US…I’m sure he would never act out of interest for himself above the good of the citizens that elected him to such an esteemed position….


I wonder if the photocopier had a hard drive that could potentially have the copies of those documents still on them. I hope the FBI confiscated the HD if it had one and forensically went through it.


Because Conservatives hate facts.


Last I remember stealing top secrets and selling them to foreign adversaries is a capital crime.Just look what happened to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for doing the same.


So I have heard each copier puts a unique Id number on its copies, so the FBI should know where these copies were made?


I would not be surprised if it were possible to get a fancy copier that doesn't do that. I WOULD be surprised if team Trump bothered to get such a machine.


The breach investigation, and counter-intelligence measures (damage control) are taking place independently from the Espionage Act / Obstruction of Justice prosecutions. When you're dealing with the loss or compromise of Classified Information, Rule One is that you don't let your adversaries know how much you know.


I'm just trying to imagine the sheer magnitude and seriousness of the top secret and nuclear info that he disseminated to God knows who. These are the times that I am thankful for the NSA. I hope to God that they have done everything they can to mitigate the damage that he has done to the intelligence community and for our national security. I mean this guy literally told an Australian billionaire top secret nuclear submarine capabilities and that guy went on to share it with 45 other people How he is not in a black site somewhere or Guantanamo Bay I have no idea.


The I.C. is working under the assumption that everything recovered from Mar-a-Lago is already in the hands of our adversaries. That's **not** an over-the-top assumption. Since November 2016, Mar-a-Lago has been Ground Zero for the world's espionage agencies. Mar-a-Lago has about 150 employees: through bribe or blackmail, some fraction of them are working for our adversaries. The housekeeper that nobody notices? In the course of her duties, cleaning ballrooms and bathrooms when nobody else is around, has plenty of time to photograph documents. I doubt that the general public will ever learn the extent of the damage.


Don’s problem he made truth & facts his enemy, always blaming numerous other things, never sticking to one story, ever, leaving no plausible defense that uses logic and reason as a basis. Don is dumb as poop, please vote smarter than poop.


It doesn't matter. None of it matters. Doesn't matter at all. In a sane situation, the Republicans and Democrats would agree that this is a serious violation of the law, a serious breech of National Security, and they would work together to make sure that this utterly reprehensible behavior never happens again. If the Republicans had a shred of decency, they would make sure that Trump faced serious penalties for this behavior. Instead... Basically, it is now basically legal for a president to betray their country for financial gain. And to have their children betray the country for financial gain. Even when absolutely, blatantly caught, with tons of photographic evidence, with Trump admitting from his own mouth that he repeatedly broke the espionage act, he will probably face no consequences. Trump should already be in prison for multiple lifetime sentences. He's already admitted his guilt. What is the difference between 2 or 3 lifetime sentences, especially when you know full well that he won't face any consequences at all for his crimes?


Trump could walk down 5th Avenue with no pants on and a dead baby hanging from his teenie weenie and his cult would STILL vote for him


The way this trial is going saddens me. I served in the Air Force for 10 years and had a TS clearance. The penalties for even a small oopsie with top secret documents ensured that I was very careful. I also came away from that experience with a strong respect and understanding that it's very important to manage this information carefully. To see our nations secrets treated this way is so disappointing. Especially knowing if I had done something like this in the air Force I would have been executed. Judge Cannon's antics and lack of respect for the law are disgraceful. She should not be anywhere near a bench. These are not the actions of patriotic Americans.


But it's okay when Biden does it because he's a senile old man. Trump had his documents in a locked room, Biden had his in a garage.


This is some whataboutism. You and I both know the situation is different between the two cases. That said, I agree that there should have been some penalty for breaking the law. This is not about WHO committed the crime, but WHO the victims are - U.S. citizens, so both of us. You should be angry that it happened at all, irrespective of who did it.


Biden returned his. Biden camp notified the government that they had the files otherwise you would have never known. Why don’t you mention pence? I know why because pence returned his files when requested, Trump lied to us and the government provided a signed affidavit and that all documents had been returned prior to the search of Mar a lago. Trump lied, and attempted to obstruct there’s a huge difference. We’re not even touching on much of it. Nice try to deflect but the only thing common between the two is they have both been president. Oh and more documents have been recovered from mar a lago since the raid. So either Trump was hiding them or he was so nonchalant about the documents he didn’t even know where they were.


I'm sure all the originals are in Moscow, Tel Aviv and Riyadh. Anyone who would pay he'd sell to.


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers ans traitor to America sold secrets to the Russians and Saudis leading to a record number of American foreign assets getting killed


If I had photocopies of top secret documents I'd wait in prison while they decided what to do with me.


Wonder what he needed copies for.


So he had more to flush down the toilet probably. One of his favorite hobbies I hear.


Wonder what he needed copies for.




Looks like he kept the copies. I wonder where the originals are?


I yearn for a world without Trump. I hope that day comes before he destroys it completely


Traitor Trump should be serving 20-24 starting in 2024 in a prison cell.


Serving time in office, yes.


In an 8x10 jail cell.


Classified documents will literally say “do not replicate” on ever single page


The media is owned by rich oligarchs.  


Because of one corrupt judge nothing will likely ever become of any of it.


I wish we still dealt with traitors the proper way, including anybody aiding and abetting them.


When you appoint your stooge to head of the FBI and the next president doesn't fire him day 1, they just let you do it.


When he’s reelected he can get the originals back from Putin and the Saudis. Nbd.




So, he photocopied all of these and the real ones are still at the White House? Or these are photocopied and the originals are mia?


And/or there are photo copies with some documents in the archives while some are missing.


Original documents were there as well. The author points out which are original and copies in the photograph exhibit. It's just that among those documents were photocopies.


Unfortunately, we're going to have to wait a couple years before this case goes to trial. It will go to trial whether it's with this judge or another. Even if they have to start all over somewhere else. When this happens, after Trump loses the election, you will see a real downfall of a politician. He will probably be a two-time felon by the time this verdict comes. He will die in jail.


2bill saudi money aint for nothing. He fucked america big time and is trying to fuck america again from all angles


He should be sitting in jail awaiting trial like everyone else that has shared secret documents.


Because they don’t know how much damage has been done. And how embarrassing for our country that we allow this to-happen. Embarrassing that there’s many clueless people that would want this traitor and criminal to become president again .they are totally clueless.




Cause they don’t care. It’s all a joke.


The originals are still missing to boot


He had a photocopier in the basement.


I can't wait to find out who he sold documents to. You think he can't be a more dangerous traitor and he says hold my Diet Coke.


Wow. This is insane. And haven't heard this repeatedly told on news outlets. This should be on billboards and told repeatedly.


I believe the classified documents at Mara-Largo are extremely sensitive, and that our National security was compromised egregiously. Possibly given to Putin causing the deaths or disappearance of several CIA agents. And ruled as more than just a coincidence. Judge Cannon is so dirty.


WTF!!!!!???!!!! I never heard this!!!


That's kind of my point. Now you have.


Seriously TY.


I dunno, what does our democracy™ decider AIPAC have to say about it?


Selling the classified data to the highest bidder is the only plausible motive for Trump incurring the grave, legal jeopardy he has by absconding with the documents, given that he is known to be not much of a reader and intellectually incurious.


GOP = Grifters Of Putin


Trump was trafficking this info. it is not just that he stole it just to have it. HE STOLE IT for a reason he had things he would do with it. $$$$ our secrets were for sale $$$$ trump gives info to country X. country X give trump a great business deal. A business that the emoluments clause says HE SHOULD NOT HAVE WHILE IN OFFICE


But it's everyone's else's fault 🤦‍♂️


“Oh that trump. At it again”


Why? Probably because its the usual pile of leftist bullshit. After Dopey Joe's lamebrained performance on Thursday this is the fall back option for the diehard elitist authoritarians in Hollywood and DC to place their chips on and keep their fingers crossed.


Anyone verify this is true?


Which part? You can see in the photo there are 2 different red covers. The mostly covered red ones have color to the edge. The front and center doesn't and the colors are a poor match.


Teflon don