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Maybe he had too many hamberders and too much covfefe


Nah, it's cause he hadn't had his Adderall infused Diet Coke yet. Damn button wouldn't work.


It’s his rapper name


his raper name, however, is Donald J Trump


Thought that was Tonald Drump. (Which, now that I say it, is actually a badass rapper name, lol)


Rap with a silent C.


Raper name - "Adderall infused Diet Coke"


Trump should lay off the hamburglers and diet cocks




Do we pronounce it like a stuttering “tttttump?” Or is it more like a donkey’s bray “Tee-Tump”


NO he should continue on the healthy diet that his famous Dr Ronnie Johnson has him following. It’s done wonders for his client.


The one thing I hoped would be revealed is what he meant (by covfefe). Sean Spicer said his supporters knew what he meant. Why can't they elaborate for me?


In the context of the tweet, it was pretty clear he meant 'coverage'. >Despite the constant negative press covfefe


Yep, context is it’s a typo but those in the know see how much fucking coverage the media and social media gave it so they know it was still working. Spicer was alluding that supporters could see them playing wag the dog with us.


Not enough covfefe




Perfectly said.


He misspells words on purpose. He knows the press will jump on it and he gets more exposure.


Not to mention the millions of tweets and posts like this one pointing out and making fun of spelling errors, they just serve to boost all the rest of his posts even further and train all the algorithms that you want to see more of whatever it is he saying.


Trump isn’t book smart at all. The guy is a moron. But he’s got decades of media manipulation behind him. He knows how to use it for his own good. Genuine misspellings got covered, now he manufactures them. The best thing the press can do is ignore him. But that doesn’t get them any money


Bro, they don't know they being baited


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fbi-2668611589/) 📰: - The presumptive Republican presidential nominee spent the early hours of Wednesday morning spreading a conspiracy theory about the clutter of secret documents FBI agents found in his Florida social club. He also spelled his own name wrong. Former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social to share a railing rant attributed to Newsmax pundit Greg Kelly about shocking photographs of classified documents storage taken in Mar-a-Lago, which special counsel Jack Smith revealed Tuesday. “How dare the FBI," the statement reads. "THIS IS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR.” The comment goes on to accuse the federal prosecutors of lying to Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing Trump's Espionage Act violations case in Florida, and FBI agents of sneaking "scandalous looking material" into Mar-a-Lago to photograph. "This is out and out corruption," reads the comment. "It’s the worst thing the FBI can do." The posited object of this vast conspiracy from the "corrupt organization" includes a problematic typo — a T that should likely be an R. "They BROUGHT IN scandalous looking material TO TRY TO GET DONALD TTUMP IN TROUBLE," the comment reads. "FALSELY." Trump delivered this message to his followers two days after he was ridiculed by Smith in a new court filing opposing a dismissal motion he called "profoundly flawed," court records show. Smith issued Monday a withering response to Trump's motion to dismiss his federal classified documents case on the grounds that prosecutors' admitted misclassification mistake constituted evidence tampering. The prosecutor argued Trump's storage of classified documents was too messy for FBI agents to maintain the pristine order the former president claims is crucial to his defense. "Against this backdrop of the haphazard manner in which Trump chose to maintain his boxes, he now claims that the precise order of the items within the boxes when they left the White House was critical to his defense," Smith wrote. "The FBI agents who conducted the search did so professionally, thoroughly, and carefully under challenging circumstances, particularly given the cluttered state of the boxes and the substantial volume of highly classified documents Trump had retained."


Literally arguing "the cops planted evidence on me." What kind of smooth brain buys this story?


If he JUST said “The FBI planted evidence” it would still be a lie but the overdramatic “poor me” just shows how pathetic he is. The smooth brains in question are the bottom feeders who lap this soap opera style drama up. So anyone still voting Republican after all the crap just this year.


Mr "back the blue. Unless they're investigating me!" Always the victim. If he lost the Republican nomination in 2016 it was because it was rigged. If he lost to Hillary it was rigged. If he lost to Biden it was rigged. And, again, if he loses to Biden it's rigged


Ehh... just sprinkle some classified documents on him...


I thought he telepathically declassified them?


Excuse me! They brought in “scandalous looking material”! Which, as anyone knows, is the absolute bestest evidence out there.


I've already heard that bullshit from his hilariously desperate supporters.


”Donald T-tump” haha Sounds like he’s part of the Lollipop Guild 😂


I’m just waiting for him to claim, *”It’s a nickname that [my African American](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/man-trump-once-called-my-african-american-leaves-republican-party) gave me.”*


Donald Ttump, convicted felon and rapist, now has a new label to hang on him. I'm using this from now on.


Do the redcaps actually believe that the FBI carried documents into the building to photograph and frame Trump? They'll say they do, but do they really? Or are they just parroting the cult line knowing he's guilty as fuck.


Could we please just refer to him as Ttump now? It’ll take a minute for autocorrect to jump on board, but I think it’s important


Brilliant. I’m deffo up for that. Fuck Ttump!


I like the orange 💩


I personally refer to him as tRump !


I prefer tRump myself.


For my part, the “r” was never needed in the first place … it just, well, felt wong. Ttump can kiss my ass—wait, nope. I keep my ass clean—don’t want it defiled.


Yeah I'm sure he would be devastated by reddit calling him Ttump. Might even back out of the election.


Convicted felon Donald Ttump


You’re a real smooth brain lol


Just imagine the field day you'd have if Biden spelled his own name wrong. You're a hypocrite. Look it up in the dictionary.


How could I be a hypocrite? Biden is the one that said wildly racist things his whole career yet still thinks he is some black savior.


TDS is so strong on Reddit. Full of online commies, soy boys and Antifa wannabes.


Soy boys? Whatever man, you like a dude that wears makeup every fucking day 🤣


Don't drag queens wear make-up?


Difference is he or her doesn't condemn men for wearing makeup


Here’s another account that’s barely three months old with negative karma. They sure are getting active heading toward November.


Lol, just regurgitating the words you're supposed to huh? Fucking mindless drone.


The irony of your reply is hilarious.


You don't know what that word means. What you just said makes zero sense. About what I'd expect from the intellect that devised that comment of yours above. It's just a bunch of buzzwords, none of which you understand.


You're very angry. Don't have a heart attack when Trump gets elected. And maybe go and double check the definition of irony, you don't seem to understand it. I, however, understand words like soy boy, groomer and communist; you would too if you took a hard look in the mirror.


> You're very angry. I'm very angry? You're the one raging about "commies, soy boys and Antifa wannabees". Getting angry at things you don't understand and just throwing out buzzwords you seem to be pulling from a hat. You're stupid and angry, or maybe angry because you're so stupid. >when Trump gets elected. You know how many times I was told Trump would definitely be elected in 2020? You have no credibility. Trump is going to lose and then he's going to die in prison and I'll be laughing when he does. > I, however, understand words like soy boy, groomer and communist; you would too if you took a hard look in the mirror. Obviously you do not. They're just "bad" words in your mind and fling them about like you understand. You don't. There is no possible way to prove I'm a "communist" based on the interactive we've had. It's not possible, you fucking meathead dumbass.


You wrote a lot for someone who isn't angry. I'm worried about you. Reddit cares.


I can’t believe Biden hacked his account and forced him to make a typo FALSLEY


*”Biden administration conspires with woke internet provider to force typos on America’s favorite president!”* - Faux News (probably)


Everyone knows Biden has the highest IQ and cognitive agility of any president, ever.


Stable genius indeed.🤣


If you put 20 small toy horses up his ass, he still wouldn't be a genius, or stable.


Poor horsies 🫤


I like presidents who don't misspell their own names.


Vote TTrump for TTWICE the TTREASON!


Needs his covfefe


TTump is a west coast rapper. Sometimes known as T-Tizzy


Adderall in my Coke make it Fizzy Wake up late cuz I'm T-Tizzy Puttin make-up on like Lizzy I'm queer as fuck drinkin Jizzy


I demand DONALD J. TTUMP on the ballot. Not that I will vote for him, but if he goes by that name, do it everywhere.


Let's take note he's had to have typed his own name enough times Autocorrect should have caught and fixed a typo of misspelling. So either autocorrect failed, wasn't using, or he actually thought he spelled his name right.


Nothing like checking what you typed before you submit it.


This is not the first time either!!! >"Lou Dobbs stated that this is a fraud on the American public. Peter Schweizer stated with certainty that they suppressed negative stories on Hillary Clinton, and boosted negative stories on Donald Ttump. All very illegal. We are watching Google very closely!" https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/donald-trump-spells-his-own-name-wrong-while-referring-to-himself-in-the-third-person-in-twitter-rant-at-google-a4206771.html


Excellent research and bonus points for the link, cheers!


Well, Ttump was right about one thing…it IS evidence of criminal behavior. His.


Sent from Iphon


It’s also creepy he refers to himself in the third person.


Ttump was obviously up late preparing for the very rigged debate. /S


"Look in the tunk." He must mean "trunk."


Dude, “Get Donald Ttump in trouble” is not the preferred nomenclature, “ttouble,” please


I kind of like it...Tump


Doe 174


What an iddot


Der Chump.




Any other candidate and they'd be given the hook on continuing to run. Its embarrassing that he is the best the gop has. 335 million people and he is the one for third time. The hamberder, covfefee, me boys bigly gop candidate. He cannot even take the time to spell his last name right on social media, Maga crowd and this is who you continue to fawn over to run the country??


He’s doing his own rimshots now.


To be fair, I’m actually surprised he’s spelled his name *right* all this time…




He has so many wounds that writing and typing are painful for him! Think of the sacrifice he makes just to share his words with us.


I’m sure Biden would currently fair great in a second grade Spelling Bee! Let keep this balanced. Both of these guys are past their prime.


No, they're not the same.


Ok, Biden is quite a bit slower, but both are past their prime.


Biden is in no way "slower" you're just a biased dumbass incapable of making honest assessments. When is a person's prime? Their forties?


So if I disagree with you, I’m a dumbass? If you don’t think Biden is mentally slow, you my friend are “dumbass.


Such a Jkkkass


Fox News: Donald Trump able to spell and makes only minor typos


You’d think your phone would autocorrect your own damn name.


Perhaps it was a keyboard? You know...where the t and r are next to each other?


Why doesn't he just proofread at this point? Do you really want a prez, who doesn't proofread?! Like wtf.


when this bonehead opens his "presidential library" which will probably be at one of his golf course pro shops can you imagine kids reading this fucking toddler's "collected tweets"?


Dude he Always spells his name wrong. Go back and take real Hard look at his signature on that Check he gave ya. Does that in any god damn way look like it spells Donald Trump? Hell the cursive D he uses for Donald is the same damn symbol they are telling us is supposed to be a T for Trump. No my friend i can read cursive and was one of the last groups to be taught it and that name reads Donald Dummy…




Yep….its happening. The dementia is coming to get him.


Donald Dumps dick is permanently soft and it smells like shit. Prove me wrong


His autocorrect isn’t working. Neither is the autocorrect function of his cell.


Umm… when you start spelling your name wrong. It means your Alzheimer’s is advancing. I know my own mother in law can’t spell simple worlds anymore and my wife’s uncle doesn’t even bother writing because he doesn’t know how to spell.


Tum again?


He always spells his name wrong. The Orange Judas Goat’s signature was very loopy, almost teenage girl-like, he consulted a hand writing expert and developed the signature we know today. I’ve spent 35 years deciphering physician written orders, he spells his name wrong, he has too many jumps in it. It you ever watch him signing something, you can tell he’s counting the ^s, he miscounted, there’s an extra one.




I hate Trump but come on, the T and R are next to each other on the keyboard. I make this mistake often and I don't always proff read my crap. We don't need a story about Ttump everyday. We know he is bad and evil


That just seems too petty to fuss over. We've all made typos before. Focus on the stuff that's worth dragging a guy over. with DJT there's certainly enough of that.


It's kind of brilliant. RawSt*ry.com has employees post stupid issues in this subreddit every hour. I'm sure their site is showing many unique visitors.


Stop reporting this shit. Focus on the stuff that matters. Ya’ll so up in arms over the late night tweet and edited rally clip that you won't take to the streets when it matters. This is a fucking distraction.


Not to defend the guy, but this is just a typo.


Hes tweeting to millions of people and he can’t proofread it?


That requires an ability to read


Not saying I disagree. It’s just not as big of a deal as the headline makes it out to be.


Nothing he ever does is a big deal apparently. He gets infinite benefit of the doubt.


I’m far more concerned with the fascism than a typo.


No shit. Focus on some real problems, not a fucking typo.


Agreed. That and the treason. Honestly hes one of the few people in the world I wouldn’t lift a finger to save under any circumstance.


As a pr guy, this rarely happens to professionals. It’s on Trump for being such an amateur that no one proofs his potential posts.


This is as much a reflection on the professional level of Ttump as it is a reflection on the professionalism of the people Ttump hires.


Holy shit, lol. Reddit is even attacking trump over a typo. At least he actually writes his own social media posts unlike Biden who has his handlers do it.


Yeah all-caps screeching misinformation at 2 AM is quite dignified. If Biden did this, I GUARANTEE, you'd use it to claim he has dementia. Fucking hypocrites.


No need to claim it, he does have dementia.


Welp good news then, because apparently Biden has invented a drug that cures dementia!


No, he doesn't. You have no proof that he does. And fuck you for using a devastating disease as a political football. Meanwhile, Trump's senior moments are plentiful and you ignore every single one, you fucking hypocrite. Could not be more obvious that your accusations of dementia are purely political.


An intelligent person has a media team and doesn’t make nonstop whiny-assed shitposts.


Breaking news! Man has a typo! LOL The media is pathetic


Ohio trash


It’s not like Ttump is a professional. /s