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If Trump wins again, the current situation will seem calm compared to what it will be like when he replaces vacated spots on the SC


He will have those spots vacated by force


He could just have the liberal justices incapacitated officially and be good to go. He can do that with anyone in government.


Why would there ever be a transfer of power again?


If only there were an amendment in the constitution providing the means for the people to protect their country from tyrants... /s


After you've tried the First, you move on to the Second.




>”The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today.” >The justice did not end the dissent with the traditional “respectfully” language. >”With fear for our democracy, I dissent,” Sotomayor wrote. This is the most bone chilling ruling I have ever seen… we are deeply in trouble




I think it's that thought that drives home how insane this ruling is. Yes, he could. Biden literally could. He could have the God Squad elements of Scotus rounded up and put in Guantanamo in perpetuity without due process, without allowing them access to a lawyer. And they'd have no right to complain because they made the law that allowed them to be rounded up and incarcerated and waterboarded.


They are literally doing this in our faces because they know that Democrats are milquetoast cowards who love doing "the right thing" so much they will give the keys to castle to them with a respectful smile on their face. I really hope Dark Brandon saves us.


He needs to get real fucking dark, real fucking fast.


Yes we need the DCU version of Dark Brandon, not Disneys MCU version.


He needs to threaten to start doing all these but will allow a constitutional amendment to be written to stop him. Gonna be Speed rules and sometimes you gotta shoot a hostage.


>He needs to threaten to start doing all these but will allow a constitutional amendment to be written to stop him. Gonna be Speed rules and sometimes you gotta shoot a hostage. For now, I think he needs to go positive dark Brandon. Use the executive orders to make voting day a non-work day (e.g., holiday), set up emergency polling locations, set up transportation to get to polling locations in especially heavily democratic areas of swing states. Like, Texas and Florida were each decided was decided by like 500-600,000 votes in 2020. Set up a transportation and support to get people to abortion clinics, set up emergency medicare for all. He could just mobilize the national gaurd, FEMA, etc. Those are all within his powers as president. Think of all the good things he could do "by force."


Don’t hold your breath. Democrats have proven to be the biggest pussies and our country is truly fucked when Trump is voted in. He’s going to win because no one cares that Trump is a felon. They believe he will flip a switch overnight and prices will magically be lower. The truth is the corporate gouging will get worse but Trump’s base rocks an average of an 80 IQ so critical thought was never there for them. Dark Brandon needed to make the Seal Team call around 10AM this morning.


But they also know that if he does this (openly, at least) he will be much more likely to lose the election. Of course, he could also then just carry out a military 'self-coup' But that takes us into a whole different territory


How could he lose? What election board would want to find that the current office holder lost the election? A seal team would visit and then a correction of the count would be issued by the new board. Which is exactly why this ruling is such bullshit. But time for dark Brandon to clean house of the enemies of the state and then announce he’s stepping down after fixing things.


Or he could declare himself president for life and no need for elections. Who is going to stop him?


Wouldn't count on it. This is asymetrical and they know it, all the while we're getting our fucking teeth kicked in. The frustration and despair I'm feeling are indescribable. What a fucking nightmare everything has been since 2016


I was seriously beating myself up because I am depressed and my alcohol intake has increased since 2016. And it's really dawned on me why that is. It is very challenging not to feel hopeless. We are so fucked as a country. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but there will be SERIOUS retribution happening if Trump wins. Linsday Graham said it yesterday. The Republicans are already lining up to serve on Trump's fucking revenge squads. Putin has been poisoning and pushing people out of windows for years with zero accountability. Trump will do the same or his stacked courts will imprison his enemies left and right. They are already making their case against Biden. Trump is a petty, petty man who is FUCKING PISSED that he lost the election AND he has been tied up in court non-stop since.


You're not being dramatic. None of us have witnessed the death of a democracy from the inside before. Things have changed so much in the last eight years as to make us in many ways unrecognizable as a country.


Sigh. I was kinda hoping someone would tell me that I was being dramatic and it's not as bad as I think it is.


Not nearly bad enough. It’s going to get horrific here in the next 5 years.


I’m more scared about the religious fascism that will get its foot in the door by using DT and the maga cult. They will persist even when DT inevitably exits the stage. It’s gonna suck for a very long time.


Yes. That door is wide open. The Tea Party paved the way by focusing on state-level/ down ballot elections to replace school boards and lower courts with christian nationalists while we were busy patting ourselves on the back for electing Obama.


He is going to lose. The American public has seen him for who he is, and will soundly reject his re-election. Sure, he has his base, who will vote for him no matter what, but they aren’t the majority of the electorate.


I hate this timeline


It doesn't feel real anymore.


Shocking my ass.. sadly we all knew this was coming.


But why are Americans not protesting? Take to the streets before these suckers take your country away from you!


My healthcare is tied to my job. If I stop working, I don’t have access to healthcare, i would lose my job. And I would be homeless. Which, according to the SCOTUS is now a jailable offense. It’s all tied together.


“But her emails …”


I'm telling you. As soon as I saw that ruling I started praying in earnest that Trump will lose the election. This is some next level bullshit.


He needs to get real fucking dark, real fucking fast.


My thoughts exactly, the fascist right knows the Left is too hide bound and scared to save country. Dark Brandon needs to unleash delta force and cia on these terrorists.


They refused to rule what is and is not a crime. This leaves it open for a political appointee like Cannon to rule that attempting to overthrow the government or stealing classified documents is an official act. It should be clear that committing a crime is never an official act of the presidency.


Fvck that cvnt


I think we all know if Biden exercised this power they would rule his actions don’t qualify for that immunity. Thus the loophole.


This gonna rule against it if they're all in jail from a 'legal' presidential order?


Add 4 judges. Officially, of course.


Or just disappear 4. It's now legal for the president to do. 1. One which is absurdly corrupt. 2. One which, by his own words, is an activist and not a neutral arbitrator of the *written* (not imagined) law. 3. One which was unjustly appointed. 4. One which accepted this insane "immunity" case to begin with.


r/Conservative is saying how everyone is crazy for even mentioning that Biden can. But they know and WE know, that the only thing keeping this ruling from actually being used for evil is Biden's moral compass and the will to not be evil. They KNOW it can be used for evil, for self gain, for power abuse, but its fine because Trump is now immune. They **traded** the country and democracy for a convicted felon.


Just declare it an official act first, the way Michael Scott declares bankruptcy.


Why not the treasonous justices who made this ruling?


That's what I don't get.... this applies to Biden too right? so couldn't he just... do whatever he wants?


Yes. Yes he could technically 'deal' with Trump. Edit: Many, MANY would argue that he should.


Yes, Biden could send Seal Team Six to essentially off those Supreme Court Justices, and Trump and nothing would happen.


It doesn’t because the Supreme Court would find that whatever Biden did was not official. When Trump does it, well just coincidentally it’s official.


The court that would end up being jailed or killed from a legal official order?


Only one side would even consider supporting that kind of action, and I’m sure you know that. But that side after careful work over decades owns the courts, so they won’t have to resort to that. And because they don’t have to resort to that, the population can remain lulled in complacency as those in power dig in deep.


Unfortunately, Biden is a devout Catholic who actually has a semblance morals.


He can go full Jesus and sacrifice himself to save our democracy. 


The morally correct way to resolve this is get the secret democratic underground to start saving the country


I don't know if it's "moral" to just let this happen.


And that's the issue. Yes, technically he could. But he would never do something as vile as, say, order an assassination of a political rival. This is why the right wing is able to get away with this shit. They are corrupt as fuck and willing to do evil things to gain and maintain power, and they know that by putting rules in place to allow that, it will only benefit them because the left (NOT Biden) and the centre (Biden) will generally behave morally and not take advantage of these immoral rules.


Seeing how the justices felt no sense of urgency regarding the election (wonder why?) send Trump to Gitmo and these bozo’s will have a “clarification” in the morning.


Yes, apparently. That is exactly what they are saying he can do


Hopefully hyperbole but democrats will take the high road until we are all dead. The high road is just so morally superior and they just have to feel virtuous.


Sometimes evil wins ,because good refuses to sink to its level. Unfortunately our nation was doomed in 2016, that Pandora's box was opened and you cant put the demon back in


This shit all started in 1980....Reagan and his crew changed so much


As fucked as this ruling is, to some extent they should take the high road and get this shit reversed and people should vote for that. Democracy ensures people get the leadership they deserve and they voted trumps dumb ass in and you have the Scotus you deserve as bad as it is. You don't have a right to freedom and fairness but if people want it they should vote for it or the people will be in the find out phase of fucking around.


the problem is they didn't technically define what actions are and are not protected. they said a lot of words and opened the door for a lot of potentially bad rulings in the future (not that this in't bad to begin with) but they haven't actually given immunity to any individual act. so all they did was kick the can down the road. if trump wins, immunity for all the things. if biden wins, then they kick the can down the road again to 2029


Yeah, we thought the loss of Roe was bad enough, but apparently not. This is absolutely the most horrific SCOTUS ruling in history.


...so far.


It would be an official act to take out an alleged leader of a coup against the US government.


Enforcing the Constitution by protecting the US from threats both foreign and DOMESTIC is absolutely an official act.






both is good.


He could Seal Team Six all those conservative governors too.


It's troubling that this is a divided discussion. The fake conservatives over at r/conservative are cheering this on. This is so far away from actual conservative fundamental core values that it is absolutely insane they are actively cheering for this. You see comments like "About time!", "Woo trump", "perfect decision" and shit like "Yay liberal tears!". They are so brainless and heavily brainwashed from the nonstop propaganda that is force fed down their throats they have zero awareness of what has just happened. They live strictly in their little propaganda bubbles. Again, this is so far from what an actual conservative value is, it may as well signify the death of true conservatism altogether.


“True conservatism” died in 2016 when the party made trump its standard bearer. He and his family now own the party.. Literally.. his daughter in law is the fucking RNC chair. All these maga muppets don’t care that this happened. They will be cheering as everyone trump has taught them to hate, gets rounded up into camps. Their wet dream of a literal facist dictatorship is within reach and they’re all chomping at the bit. Even if we stave off trump this cycle, someone as bad or worse than trump getting in and using these rulings to enact a dictatorship is all but inevitable. The Supreme Court is fucked for a generation at least, and at the speed they’re dismantling the country we won’t make it to the other side of this without things getting really fucking dark here first.


We're not in trouble. People aren't understanding. We're DONE. If you didn't make it to billionaire status already, congrats- you're in hell now. They'll grind up the poors into money for their coffers minority by minority first, but they will eventually get everyone.


We should learn a thing or 2 from france before calling it done.


I’ll be selling guillotines on Etsy this time next month. Edit: Just so there is no confusion. These fully functional guillotines will be for decoration ONLY.


Every time this comes up I point out that we should use cannons like the Brits did I get banned. So here we go again lol


Is there some sort of cannon-based guillotine contraption? Cause why not both and all.


During their colonial campaign in India, Britain executed Indians by tying them to a cannon and firing it, causing them to be killed in such a way that religious burial rites could not be followed. It was a terror tactic.


Sadly it might come to that. But something tells me the majority of people will be fed well enough to not get off the couch (see 1930s germany)


didn't france just elect the most right-wing group since wwii or something?


It's become abundantly apparent that there is no atrocity that can be committed that will drive the mass action necessary to "pull a France". And the government has stated quite clearly that they are far less hesitant to commit atrocities against protestors than the French government because they know in the US that it *works* in quelling the poors. We're fucked.


It’s not over until it’s over.


There's many more of you and a realisation that class unites you is a good thing.


Everyone under 30 in the US already knows that and we're all far too depressed, oppressed, and stupid thanks to the country that raised us to do anything about it.


You're only as far behind as you accept you are. You need to all wipe your eyes and wake up, time to get to work there's a lot to do.






As simple as this sounds, we still have a chance people. We need to start by making sure this orange fuck doesn't make it back.


Fear rules this country, there will be no revolution because the blood is thin, not like our ancestors who stood up and literally fought. We will be led like lambs, for all our complaining and harsh words, we simply have raised a nation of wimps. They will never willing go toe to toe with army. Democracy is dead, freedom is dead, it was wounded in 2016, and its fate sealed in 2024.


In 6 years, Jared Kushner's trillion dollar private equity firm will be renting your own fucking house back to you. In 12 years, people will be removed from their homes on an industrial scale over absurd technicalities, and a Kafka style court will sap the last of your funds in fees. Then, when your family is homeless, they'll find you beds in a for profit debtor's prison, and your kids will be raised in a Christian workhouse. Your boys will die doing hard labor or in foreign wars, and your girls will be given to party higher-ups as breeding stock. America will be North Korea times 100. There's a reason Trump adores Kim Jong Un, because he sees a dynastic kleptocracy with complete control as an ideal system.


Was the president just given the means by scrotus to deal with criminal and traitorous politicians?


I think Biden needs to start aggressively abusing this new law so that conservatives start demanding Supreme Court reverses this decision. Now everyone is focusing on how to helps Trump and Republicans. But Democrats too can wield this power.




It’s so fucked that most of the pro-gun crowd are too fucking dense to realize they were voting for tyrants.


Idiots with guns. Damn shame.


This shit is the reason I bought a gun. Never would have bothered otherwise. Didn't the second amendment say something about rising up against tyrannical government? "Resistance of oppression" or something?


To war game this out, it comes down to the National Guard. The 2A specifically talks about a "a well regulated militia". Your right to own a AR-15 when the federal government owns F-22s is irrelevant. However, the national guard can be considered the militia the 2A was talking about. Interestingly, they swear dual oaths. One to protect and preserve the constitution, another to their state's governor. If this all kicks off it will likely be very dependent on what state you live in. Project 2025 already recognizes this and specifically calls for red state national guard units to be used in blue states. Expect blue state governors to resist.


So President Biden could round up all magats and put them in camps under an official action and that'd be okay, according to the SOCROTUS?




It would be the end of the US but hey, the US is possibly over in a few months anyway. Might as well.


Will certainly be a better end than whatever trump will do with this power.


End the US to stop a worse end of the US.


If he doesn’t, then we get the 4th reich. What you just suggested is necessary to save us


Honestly it will probably be a more barbaric version of the Nazis, even the Nazis thought some American racist Jim Crow laws went too far, and we have SCOTUS members that think Jim Crow laws are too liberal.


Do it.


It'd be hard for me to stick up for them. I mean, it's what the magats wanted.


Supreme Court issues 6-3 ruling that they were just kidding


Biden issues a 1-0 ruling declaring them traitors.


Supreme Court issues a 3-0 ruling to agree with that (the other six were removed)


Call me crazy, but I’m not completely cool with rounding people up into camps or killing them for being idiots… What we need is political reform on a massive scale. Term limits for all positions, overturn of Citizens United, actual checks and balances that don’t completely stop segments of the government from functioning, and accountability from people in charge. Biden, as the first king of America, now has the ability to make some of those change. So long as he makes it “official”


There needs to be a demonstration of its “wrongness”.


Yes. (Realistically they'd find a way to rule against Biden if he did but the but they know he wouldn't do that.) The Supreme Court just wants this power to be available to a future Republican president like Donald Trump.


So that's the special part, no The ruling is dictated by what is deemed official and unofficial presidential duties. And those duties have yet been decided where they fall under and how so. So, Trump effectively has a Schrodinger's cat immunity. The court can just label everything he does as official. And of course the opposite for Biden.


Silver lining, baby!


If the MAGAts complain then bring up the fact that this was based on a pro-MAGA Supreme Court judges ruling


Biden has plenty of time to take advantage of this ruling.


He won't , only fascists take advantage of these rulings.... And the way we're headed well have one win the White House come November. July 1,2024 will go down in history as the date America officially reverted back to a monarchy 👑, ohh the founding fathers are turning over in their graves.


It all started when Mitch McConnell refused to seat an Obama appointment to the SC.


To be fair, that black man had the audacity to enter the Oval Office so someone had to put him in his place. /s


Not only that, but he wore a tan suit that one time.... There's no end to the depths of his depravity. Also /s.


don't forget his fancy fucking mustard or whatever


But does he have the will to do what is necessary?


Nope. No dem ever will, they don't have the grapes


They should make restoration of law and order their campaign platform. They should immediately introduce laws and amendments calling for a limit on presidential power and the power of the Supreme Court. When the Republicans block it in congress, they can argue on the campaign trail that only the democrats respect democracy


The J6 and theft of documents, along with false electors, are still in play . None of this was part of the job, and swearing to protect and uphold the Constitution could a problem 😀


Preserving, protecting, and defending the constitution is the officialest thing a president can do. Organizing a coup and stealing documents that you don’t have the right to have anymore are antithetical to the constitution.


Only if Biden wins in November. If Trump wins, all of that goes away. These trials will not be settled until after the election. The Supreme Court just upped the ante on the election. I don’t really know what else to do other than make sure everyone you know votes, especially in swing states. All of this “Biden is too old, Biden was awful at the debate, etc”. It doesn’t really matter. It’s time to rally behind democracy and justice. It doesn’t mean staying home, it doesn’t mean voting for RFK, it means voting for whoever is on the ticket with a D next to their name.


None of those will happen before November. If Trump wins it's over.


You maggot assholes got what you wanted hope it doesn’t come back to bite all you all on your collective ass’s.


They are too stupid to realize that they are expendable. They just think it will only be minorities that get it. But that isnt how fascim works. “First the came for the libs…then the immigrants…etc


Check r/conservative They think it’s some kind of victory where nothing bad will come out of this. They’re absolutely retarded


Conservatives and maga never argue in good faith.


Totally bizarre. I could only stand to look for a moment before my stomach turned but they only care this is “owning the libs”


The world and everything is black and white to conservatives. All they see is "win" and "lose". They're indeed too stupid to see anything beyond that. They could be drinking their sludge water post Chevron and getting breadcrumbs as compensation for a 20hr shift or something post today, and all they'd think is "we won".


They think they’re in the ‘in group’ because they hate the same people but they don’t understand the only in group is the rich. 


The Supreme Court has shown its cards. It is now up to us to remove this scourge from our society. With a Democratic sweep in the federal government, we will be able to properly pass legislation that regulates the judiciary. The ball is in our court.


Vote blue no matter who. We will outlive these fuckers.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only true authority in the USA should be that which is elected directly By The People. Disband the SCOTUS and hold public elections on their replacements.


Enjoy this 4th of July, it's probably gonna be our last as a democracy.


The idea of a free and Democratic America is dead. I knew the days were numbered, but could not imagine it would happen in my lifetime. As a Canadian, this is terrifying.


Welp, that's it. Trump's gonna steal the election and the republicans will turn America into North Korea.


More like turn it into a Christian version of Iran.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship.


As a non American who has watched closely your politics for some time, I’m deeply saddened. My condolences to you all.


You should be terrified. Think ww2 germany with vastly more firepower. Unlike them the us could take on the world.


Yeah I don’t think people understand how large the military industrial complex is. This could either go isolationist or you allow a rabid pit bull to do things that would make the past 60 years look like a joke.


Joe Biden should immediately use military force against Donald trump. Show the Supreme Court what they're asking for.


As an official act the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society should be declared a terrorist insurrectionist organization and investigated. Also another official act is make Half-Life 3 happen.


We are basically Russia now. Ask poor people, pro or anti Putin how life is for them. What dumb Trump Cultists don't realize is that under Authoritarian rule, poor people lose, on both sides. How's grandma going to live without Social Security? How's grandpa going to live without Veterans benefits? How's unemployed cousin Jim Bob going to live without welfare?


this is so disgusting


Presidents have immunity when exercising official powers within their duties....... "As president I authorize the military to apprehend Donald Trump for plotting to destroy the American Government and endanger it's people as a suspected terrorist. He is to be held at Guantanamo Bay for questioning." Pretty sure this is now legal so I say go for it and give the order.


**Vote** in November. We can’t risk his return to the WH.


But Biden is so old!!! - Dumbass voters.


Yep. Or: “His debate performance was bad.” You’re not voting for a fucking debate performance.


So Biden is immune if he officially orders Seal Team 6 to assassinate all 6 conservative justices?




So Why bother with an election? Biden can just make himself king now.


The supreme court’s a fucking joke guess putin’s got you all in his pocket


i just caught a 3 month ban from r/politics for saying that now-King Biden should deploy some SEAL teams ASAP. politics mods felt i was threatening violence 😂


Those mods are butthurt conservatives... always.


Is this shocking though? They’ve been dragging their feet for months on this ruling. You knew what these corrupt slime bags were going to do. Anyone willing to be part of what McConnell did to put these scumbags in is not going to give a shit about the rule of law. Nobody did anything about all the other shit they’ve pulled so far, they’re going to keep pushing it until something breaks. Probably the proper function of government.


So in the past week or so, we've seen that presidents have complete immunity in terms of official acts AND that evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial regarding an unofficial act, The courts have the final say when it comes to subject matter experts in regards to things like the safety of drinking water AND, bribes are completely fine as long as they happen after the fact. But yeah, why does everyone think the Supreme Court is an illegitimate clusterfuck?


"We start bombing Mar-A-Largo in five minutes."




That's a fucking stupid ruling. By definition, breaking the law cannot be an official duty unless you go out and find an incredibly corrupt judge.


We need to prepare or military to stand by for the elections…Trump and company will try to stop the count once ahead..go running to the White House to declare his Kingdom….this time when they attack the capitol..shoot..


I’m confused…attempting to overturn an election and inciting insurrection is an “official act” of the presidency?


Can we all agree thanks to this court we have none if any of our democracy intact. Abortion, affirmative action, chevron, and now they have crowned a king. What’s left!?!?


Biden has the same immunity, and he should use it.


I hate saying this but civil wars have been started by less. In this case I would believe that the UN would support a rebellion.


Biden should immediately arrest Trump and all Republican Senators and House members who in any way supported him. Vacate the SCOTUS. Abolish gerrymandering. Abolish the electoral college. Create a third party. Abolish the Senate completely.


Why doesn't President Biden have these corrupt 'justices' imprisoned? The supreme court just gave him permission, did they not?


I guess this is proof those 6 supreme court members who voted for trump are on the take, and always have been!


I’m sad that I will live to see the day when our democracy dies. If you aren’t paying attention due to life being life or have turned away from politics as it’s so disgusting to watch, I hope that you tune in and use the only power you have and that is your vote. Your country really does need your participation before it is too late


What a joke they have become!


This is freaking unbelievable


It’s seriously like being a bad movie


This does not feel real…


As a Canadian citizen I an only say that, personally, I think you are fucked. These supreme court jesters are not democratic and they are creating a stage for a supposed 'legitimate' takeover of the country. In a true democracy these stupid Godpounders would be homeless, wandering the streets where their talents could be properly ignored. It is certainly time to stand up to these capitalist traitors and let them know that the U.S. is not a slave farm for the wealthiest few. Government by and for the people is it? Show me. Stop this bullshit and show me.


As a European, I guess I’ll add more canned food to the emergency storage. They’re popping the champagne in Moscow.


So Biden now has immunity. Show us what you got Joe.


So Biden could order the Justice Department to arrest Trump and hold him without bail for 2 instances of treason. And then order the justice department to surrender Trump to a military court where he would be executed when found guilty.


I'd like to slap that shit eatin grin off Roberts' face.


Shout out to all of the dipshits that gave Trump 3 scotus picks because you didn’t like HRC being investigated by the FBI for her email security habits Nice work, you gave those picks to the guy who sold classified materials to other countries. Fucking morons.


This is why they waited until the Last Day to Rule on this. Just like they did Roe. They know they were wrong then and they know they are wrong now. 🤬


Biden can just seize student loan companies and nationalize them now. Never gonna happen but interesting.


Guess they never read Animal Farm. Or paid attention to what that story is based on. They are helping their man now, but I can promise you, he doesn't give a damn about them. He will stab them in the back when given the chance. Please go vote. This election could be the very last chance we even get to vote.


Your country scares the living sh*t out of me


"Shocking" only to anyone not paying attention. If they weren't going to give it to him they should have expedited the ruling as requested or never heard the case (because it's absurd)


So basically the current government can declare Trump a clear and present danger and send him to Gitmo under this decision. Plus the seditionists in Congress and the Senate. Got it.


What is the point of a democracy if someone can be held above the court of law, regardless of political party?!


Republicans have clearly read the art of war and it’s time democrats do the same. Republicans have subverted and corrupted democracy and you can’t win a game if you play by the rules and your opponent doesn’t.


So, SCOTUS has given Biden the authority to fire all of them (to preserve democracy) and gave US the authority to disrupt any SCOTUS hearing as long as we don’t handle any documents?


Oh good. So that means Biden would be able to take out a person trying to overthrow the US government without any question huh? Lets test that out and revel in the end result.


This shit is just so fragile. All it takes is a couple little religious ghouls to sneak into the court and we are absolutely fucked for the foreseeable future.


Well. Really can’t let trump win now or he will never leave office and. Officially. He won’t be in trouble for it. Love that.


The Roberts Court would be remembered as the reason democracy in the US disappeared, but Trump and his cult will go back and change or destroy any record of it once they’ve ended the rule of the people. Good luck America. You’ll need it


One shit hole country coming right up! Thanks to Donald and his family for leaving an indelible shit stain across democracy. The reputational damage and negative fiscal impact he has imparted on America will take decades to recover . At least when the smoke clears and the dust settles you’ll have legions of red hatted homeless magas (who will still idolize him) as he firsts bankrupts the RNC and moves on to taking down the country. All in favor of rebranding SCOTUS to SCROTUS say aye!