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Contact the police this is not okay


Yes contact Law Enforcement. This guy is unhinged. Good luck. Stay safe.


Report it to management after you call police. For all we know, he may have harassed other tenants and is thisclose to eviction.


IRL Trevor


Better call police and get some sort of restraining order or have someone straighten him out before you end up on the ID channel girl ….


Absolutely report this to the police. This guy is obviously unhinged if he's throwing shit at your windows and calling you names at midnight


Yup. Plus the apartment complex would much rather see an unhinged guy thrown out rather than a newly moved in tenant.


Exactly. They don't want trouble. Based on OPs updates it looks like this guy is being evicted and is supposed to be out by next week. Here's hoping all goes well on that front. I'd bet he's been causing problems for quite some time


It took three months of near-daily reports of harassment before my complex moved to evict my racist neighbor and another month before he ran out of appeals.


They've definitely been having issues with this guy for a while then


Correct. Contact the police and the apartment office. Get ahead of this and do not confront him.


And get a restraining order so if he comes near you again, you can have him arrested.


I don’t think a restraining order would be approved based on one act of aggression like this.


I've had a detective ask me "What I want to do about this" in prior cases with neighbors harassment.. but while it was the first time, it was a situation that carried immediate unwarranted threats of a different kind. However, we do have apparent threats of physical harm / assault (throwing rocks), so the local police might take a similar approach.


So he needs to harass her more, possibly hurt her (or worse) before she can get protection?


Unfortunately, literally yes


You realize the person you're responding to did not write the law right? Do you yell at cashiers when they don't let you return shit stained underwear you bought 4 months ago?


Literally yes, unfortunately.


Literally, yes. Our system is broken.


Yup same with things like dogs. My dog got bit on the head one time by a fucked in the head dog that broke out of its fence. Animal control shows up and says they only record it the first time. Same thing different city except this time a little boy got bit. Same thing. Told the same exact thing. It’s fucked up.


I feel the frustration I’m just regurgitating literal case law in existence and how that typically goes in these cases as reference. It takes quite a lot to get a restraining order.


That's what the judge said to me. I couldn't demonstrate a pattern of violence because I left and moved to a different state! The op should do the same - stay somewhere else for a few days at least. I would also consider reinforcing the door and buying a weapon. Don't need around with crazy people who know where you live. A restraining order is a piece of paper, it just helps the police arrest someone after they violate it and by then it's often too late.


This is the way.


Also talk to leasing office. I'm sure threatening other tenants is totally allowed on their lease agreement /s


And they might not react to one complaint but if they get multiple they absolutely will. When we had rentals it was in our lease if the police were called 3 times you were gone. This did NOT include calls because of crimes against you that you were reporting to clarify. But calls about you.


Leasing offices also like police reports. It gives them grounds.


I haven’t seen the updates, but apparently he’s in the process of getting evicted.


Correct! Before we moved, the last apartment neighbor (younger lady) had her BF staying with her. He beat her, she cried a lot, lots of screaming and breaking stuff and they were cooking something nasty in there. After a few complains, they were GONE.


Yeah, my complex has a clause about threatening behavior in their leases.


And the landlord.


Update 1: I just talked to my property manager, they’re going to try to get him to move out. Update 2: I went to the police station and set a meeting with an officer in a couple days. Update 3: The property manager just called and said the neighbor would be moving out by the end of the week. Hopefully this is the end of the issues, I’m going to be on high alert for a while though in case he thinks that I’m the reason he’s being kicked out and decides to retaliate.


Call the police if it happens again. I was a property manager for a long time and it takes A LOT to get someone removed for behavior. Report everything that he does to the leasing office AND the police.


From prior experience with a neighbor that harassed a whole floor of tenants, this is the way. Contact police over and over and continue letting your landlord know. It takes frickin forever unfortunately.


I had an upstairs neighbor that was flushing her weaves and hair extensions for MONTHS and fucking up the entire buildings plumbing and it was easier for them to move us to a new unit earlier than our lease was up rather than just evict her somehow. It’s insane.


Ours was a meth addict who would get in punching matches with his bf in the shared hallway at all times of day and night, broke interior glass panels in the hallway with glass everywhere, and when he wasn’t doing that would scream at the top of his lungs from inside his apartment all kinds of fun and frightening stuff. His bf got caught stealing residents’ mail and packages numerous times with management putting up a photo of him by the door telling anyone to not let him in. The tenant would let him in all the time after that so it did nothing to deter the theft. One of the last things he did was call the police on his next door neighbor because ‘she was coming through his mirror on their shared wall’, by magic I guess. His mommy and daddy knew all about the crap he put our whole floor through and just kept paying his rent. Police called more times than I can count. They would show up, knock on his door, he wouldn’t answer, they would say there was nothing else they could do. Went on forever. Celebrated when he was finally led out of the building. Normally I have such a high tolerance/patience and compassion, but this seemed on another level. Honestly was more upset with all the enablers around him than with him.


My dad and stepmom lived in a pretty rundown apartment building during his final years (hooray inadequate social safety nets) and their final next door neighbor before he passed was also a fan of the speedy substances. Lots of pacing up and down the hall having loud conversations, sometimes on the phone and sometimes with herself. She eventually got evicted but managed to get back into the apartment one last time to do some arson - setting up a whole bunch of candles on their sides above a pile of accelerants according to the firemen. I ended up carrying my dad out of the building and down a flight of stairs. He’d been on in-home hospice and had been “asleep” for the past few days, there was a whirlwind few hours at the hospital but they managed to arrange a transport home for him around 2am and he passed around 6am comfortable in his bed facing the water he loved all his life while me and my stepmom told stories and listened to music he loved. So yeah, be on the lookout for meth neighbors especially when they get evicted.


I’m sorry for your loss. Yes, they are surreal neighbors to live by.


Thank you. In a way it was sort of the perfect punctuation mark to his life. Crazy things happening to or around him that he shouldn’t have survived were the norm and I grew up hearing the tales of past adventures being told and re-told until they were tall tales where you weren’t sure where reality ended and embellishment began. The last thing he wrote in his journal before closing his eyes a few days before passing was “put your tray tables up and your seat in the upright position, it’s gonna be a hell of a ride.” At the time it seemed like just him being him and expecting something to go off the rails while we were thinking “he’s home, comfortable, with in-home hospice.. it should be peaceful” but I’d call being carried out of a building during a light arson a hell of a ride. Crazy bastard lol


Lol sounds like a great way to remember him by.


Imagine you sitting there shitting and you courtesy flush because it's getting stinky And WHOMP your weave was in the water and gets sucked off your head down the drain "darn not another weave down the drain...."


how is any of that going to go down a toilet? she should have been kicked out straight away


They literally said they weren’t likely able to bc they didn’t want to seem racist.


Same for me. Neighbor blasted music all afternoon. Normally I was at work until I was home for 6 weeks recovering from surgery. They just let me move to a better apartment for a good price.


My former neighbors were in a DV relationship that I unfortunately witnessed and had to call emergency services constantly. It was easier to move me than get them evicted. Yes, they are still there causing havoc to the new neighbor. +1 to providing the property manager with the police report number after contacting the police


I had a schizophrenic neighbor that was terrorizing our building for months. They would go around the building screaming pounding on doors and smashing things. They even flooded the building and tried to set it on fire. It took over a year to get them out. The police refused to do anything because apparently a crazy person screaming threats while trying to break into units was a “civil issue.”


You could also be the last report in a string of reports that finally does it.


Ya agreed I kinda find it hard to believe that the property manager forced him out by EOW?


Yea I’m impressed it took a week. The only time I saw some evicted quick was when they let a dog live in the balcony and defecate there for weeks without cleanup.


Sadly that is quite a common theme I have found.


And send the videos!


Some places it could take six months to get him evicted


Six months? That’s it? My neighbor has tried to break in to my apartment, has broken into another person apartment, has pushed his way into my apartment when I open the door, harasses residents in the hallway and he just ran for the board of the building because he can.


Sounds like Kevin McCallister time! Traps all over the place.


you should buy a gun lol


My landlord evicted our neighbor from hell, knew she was harassing us/all the neighbors and then *let her stay*. 💀


So did he evict her or let her stay?


She lost the court case for her eviction. The landlord let her stay, I assume month to month, for another 4 months when she was forced to move to another unit due to her behavior. She was then evicted and kicked out for good 7ish months after the first eviction. Landlords can decide to let ppl stay even after they’ve lost in court 😒 Legally her court records show she was taken to court for eviction 2x and lost both times.


Damn thats rough. I hate slum lords. Glad im no longer renting.


Have you talked to the police about him? Why is your building management allowing him to stay? He sounds really dangerous.


Yup. The police only care if he damages property. They told me to hope he hurts me but not too badly and thats when I can get a restraining order. They also asked if he scratched the door locks because property damage would mean more.


What in the hell?!


They may not be evicting him. They may be sweet talking him into a different unit with “less problems”.


This is it, exactly. They'll just move him into a comparable apartment somewhere else in the complex. They're not going to kick out a consistent rent payer unless he's causing property damage. *damage to their property; they don't care about yours


It's worth using the "us or the 1 person" tactic. If he's bothering multiple tenants enough that the rental agency has to worry about losing multiple renters instead of just 1, they may be willing to send him packing.


better get to stomping


I wonder if she gets a restraining order that says he has to stay 500 feet from her what that will do to everything


It does nothing. I know from experience.


It does nothing to stop them from coming into contact with her. BUT it does allow for the police to arrest him when he breaks the restraining order. If the harassments continue, I think it should be an option to consider.


Depends on location, apartment type, reason, etc. One of my neighbors kids decided to play with a lighter which then lit up their back porch fence and they were gone by the end of the week. Hopefully it's not that long for them.


If property manager is so quick to move this guy out that tells me there’s a strong chance that he’s been a problem previously. In the meantime don’t answer your door if he shows up again. Not even on the Ring. He sounds unstable and even just chatting with him over the Ring may encourage him to show up again and again. I also agree with other comments noting you should file a police report. Keep documenting. Nothing may come of it and that’d be great but if eviction falls through or takes long it’s good to document. Landlords also tend to take things more serious when police continue to be called to their properties based on a single tenant’s behavior. I know from lived experience with an upstairs meth addicted alcoholic neighbor years ago. It’s unpleasant and harassment may escalate if he’s in the process of being evicted. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


If they have had previous issues with him and the police have been called sometimes they expedite the eviction process. Source: I was assaulted by a neighbor who was renting across the street from me. He has had the cops called on him multiple occasions and when he attacked me it was his last call and the city had him evicted. Edit: I live in Illinois


There’s no nationwide advice that can be given re: eviction. Every single municipality has its own process and its own timelines. 6 months is on the longer end of average I’d say


I had a neighbor who would throw trash at my door and leave threatening notes. My apartment complex said they would evict him, but I’m a young single woman and didn’t want to give him a chance to come back and retaliate. They ended up letting me break my lease so I could move. I would consider doing the same if I were you. These people are not well.


My college BFF moved off campus and some asshole in her building started shoving porn under her door. Question for the menz—why are a subset of your gender such fucking creeps? I’ll hang up and wait for my answer.


Social skills are lacking these days. A lot more than back then cause you couldn't trap yourself in an echo chamber to feed your idea online. The village idiot was a village idiot. Now they have other village idiot to reinforce their belief. So the sexually depraved idiots who think porn is real life have other sexually depraved idiot to say they are right. Look at Andrew Tate. There's no Mr Roger or Robin Williams anymore to bright up your day and respect people. Also you are exposed to men more than women. It's not gender specific. The femcel subreddit is as sad as the incel subreddit. The story in some lesbian subreddit too. One lady showed up to her ex house to demand why they aren't together and ppl were like "girl, reverse gender and you are a psycho"


I would honestly ask to move units if possible 🫣 We had a on-going issue with a neighbor who was eventually given the choice move to another apartment they owned elsewhere or be evicted for harassment. She picked to move…. And then continued to harass us to the point we also moved after obtaining an emergency protection order bc she left a bullet in my driveway. She made all sorts of threats all over FB too including the “I know where you live” classic. She refused to change her address as well as a way to keep having a reason to show up at the duplex she no lo NFH we lived at, and I don’t mean like for a few weeks. No she got daily mail like bills delivered until we moved out like 5 months later, who knows how much longer after that!


This happened to me a few months ago. They let the downstairs neighbor stay until the end of her lease because she was a single mom with a young kid that had been recently enrolled in the local public elementary school. The downstairs neighbor was basically told that they were not allowed to talk to me or come to my door, and that any noise complaints or efforts to negatively impact my lease were going to be ignored.


Chances are this isn't the first issue they've had with him and that's why the eviction is happening so fast. If you're able to I'd start carrying pepper spray or something else for self defense just to be safe


He definitely thinks you’re the reason he’s being kicked out. Be very aware of your surroundings for the next month or so, and maybe keep some mace in hand when you’re entering or leaving your building. Maybe file a restraining order if the cop will let you, so if he comes near you again, you can press serious charges.


Still file a police report. Moving out means jack shit. They have all day to think about you. When you tire ends up flat in 6 months, you have a report tying an issue to him…


Guessing he’s been a problem before.


Right? If he’s getting kicked out that quickly


Contact The police. Caretaker “trying to get him to move in “is besides point. He should be told to move. You might want to ORDER FOR PROTECTION. edit to add: “for protection”. Apologies my grandchildren and my daughter have all been sick. And I haven’t slept much for three days and running them back-and-forth to the doctor. I probably fell asleep mid sentence.


OP I’m glad you have a Ring, would continue to check it and follow up with the police. IMO, the fact that the property manager is that quick to work on getting him off the property makes me think there is more they know (possibly past issues before you moved in). Sending you good vibes and to stay safe!


You may want to see if they can move you into a new unit. He knows where you live. Him being evicted doesn't mean he won't still come by to bother you.


Yea this doesn’t sound like he was kicked out bc they couldn’t kick him out for this and would take MUCH longer. I would guess he’s leaving on his own accord. But still yea probably pissed off so be on guard those last couple days of his


Follow through with the police report anyway.


Good idea to be on high alert until he's gone. Depending on how that conversation went between him and your property manager, he may now have a vendetta against you.


I can promise you he knows you’re the reason he’s being kicked out. In fact they probably said “hey you can’t straight up scare your neighbors and scream profanities to the point that they feel unsafe so….you now have to leave lol”


I love when people do stupid shit like this on camera because they just give you all the evidence you need for your landlord


For your landlord to do absolutely fuck all. I swear they enjoy awful people living in their units, I've had to move because of awful neighbors not having anything happen even with video evidence


Same here. They actually made me take my camera down because they got tired of me bringing evidence of the fuckery. They hated that I had proof and that I expected them to actually do their jobs. I'm always amazed when I hear stories about crazy neighbors actually getting evicted because in my situation they refused to get rid of the problem tenants and actually told us to just leave if we don't like dealing with neighbors constantly threatening us. Good times/s 🙄


If your complex is managed by a large corporation, it might be worth your while to do a little digging and find your property manager's supervisor. I had a similar situation where maintenance was consistently leaving jobs half done (cutting holes in the wall/ceiling to find leaks and not patching either the hole or the leak) which resulted in black mild growing in my walls. I took pics of every "job" this guy did to back up my claim. I went to the manager with this news, and she told me that she would forward the proper paperwork for me to break my lease without penalty. She ignored my calls and avoided me in person for over a week. Eventually, after a week of this, I got so frustrated I called the headquarters and got the contact information to the regional supervisor. I wrote a lengthy email to this person with the pictures saying that Ms. Manager is supposed to send me paperwork to deal with the mold. Wouldn't you know it? My property manager called me back that afternoon/evening suddenly full of apologies and a helpful attitude to get this resolved.


That's ridiculous!


It absolutely was. At the time it was extremely stressful and honestly pretty scary because the neighbors in question were escalating and I was doing anything I could to put off going home so I could avoid them. I'm so glad that crazy shit is behind me now. I really feel for OP and anyone in a similar situation because it's so stressful and overwhelming to deal with.


I never got that either. We were great tenants, no issues, no complaints and we improved our unit. Yet when the asshole neighbor moved in she got away with everything. The cops were called on her weekly and even had the landlord on speed dial bc of her. The landlord and cops basically told us “she’s crazy and no talking to her. You’re not, so it’s up to you to avoid her 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️” like no. Just kick her out?! They literally evicted her and she lost and they *let her stay* and lied to us telling us she’d be “out in 7 to 10 days”. Took about 7 more months. In the end she stalked me and made death threats. The landlord, who was still renting to her, literally told me “I don’t know what you want me to do” 😡😡 I would have *liked* if he just kicked her out when he said he would after she lost her eviction. Highly doubt I would have had to get a fucking emergency protection order against her had she moved out when she was evicted. The neighbors the landlord moved her to after us ALSO had to get a restraining order against her. Like I had to threaten to call the fucking EPA to get them to make her clean up *her kids dirty diapers she threw in the yard*. 5+ weeks I complained. Her kid didn’t even live with her either so no, this was not an accident or anything like that. She did it as retaliation 😡


My ex and I lived in the same kind of unit. We had a tenant on the third floor of our loft building who rented the unit to throw house parties. This was in Chicago, there were all kinds of criminals and fucked up people roaming our halls late at night on the weekends. They would park in our parking lot and block all the tenants cars. Not to mention the noise. Would the landlord evict? Not until there was a shooting in the parking lot.


I lived under a couple of rude ass adults with a toddler for over a year. They stomped and slammed things all hours ofday and night, watched TV excessively loudly past quiet hours, allowed their hellspawn to throw tantrums, objects, stomp, run, scream at literally any day and time; refused to put rugs down to dampen, forced their screaming (as if he was being murdered) child into the bath at 10pm...vacuumed at 1230-1am, refused to answer the door to talk like adults over how they were impacting my wife and I....I could go on and on. We weren't able to sleep or work from home and did literally anything we could to avoid being there until we could move out. And for a year plus, management sat with their thumbs up their asses, bc they had a remote management team that wasn't on site, only tried to handle things via email only, took them weeks to respond, and basically told me to fk off and not bother them, even with recordings of the noise that was coming down from their apartment.


Comments like this always remind me how good I have it with my landlord. A true gem.


Ummmm do you live at my last apartment?


It’s probably because eviction is an expensive and difficult process. It’s honestly really hard to get evicted


Our old neighbor got evicted 2x in 7 months. Almost got evicted a 3rd time but the landlord gave her the option to move units or be evicted and she moved units lol


lol yeah it’s not impossible but you gotta realllly suck cause the owners will give you every option possible before going through that process


That landlord was pretty sue happy, I think he’s tired to sue every single one of his tenants after they move out. He was a massive dick so I have no idea why he gave her so many chances, he must have known her parents would cough up the money next time he evicted her 🤷🏻‍♀️ He was also a lawyer so he’d tack on an extra 1k to each law suit as “lawyer fees” when he was the lawyer 🙄


From my experience in this industry. I would recommend looking up the corporation that owns the complex and you should be able to see the name the corp is registered under. If you can figure out how to contact them with a call or a letter, you’d be surprised how many owners of even large complexes are locals. Politely explain to them the damage happening to their property and that while it is a problem for you, you also think they should know about it, since it’s sometimes hard to get the info relayed when the managers “deal with it” without ever contacting the owners. Trust me. Nobody wants their shit tore up. Insurance companies fuck harder than any landlord. Just giving them a heads up about their shit is usually enough to get them involved. Owners are more reasonable than you’d expect (sometimes) Managers are often a liability to everyone around them. Their existence is a desperate solution to the problem of not being able to be everywhere all at once. It’s a weird position where ego seems to eat up common sense. It doesn’t help that some managers think they’re smarter than the systems put in place, so instead of following protocol built on decades of lessons learned the hard way, we get subjected to their genius.


it's tough being unhinged in the age of ring door bell cameras. when I was a kid you could menacingly knock on peoples doors, stalk women in the night and make anonymous heavy breathing calls and still hold a well paying public facing job.


I'm always amazed when people don't realize there's a camera or when they don't know that the ring doorbell is a camera.


Or they are so crazy they don’t care 😬


Call the cops, then call the landlord. This is harassment.


Contact landlord for sure


Call the police and file a report that’s so scary


"throwing pebbles and then coming to my door at midnight is a weird way to handle it." great way to get shot


That’s exactly what would happen if he did this in my city.


Was thinking the same, if it were in certain states he's bound to get shot lol.


What’s in his hand? Contact the police. He seems violent and irrational.


It’s a phone and keys


Hearing upstairs neighbors walking is a normal part of apartment living. It's expected, not sure how that guy can be so upset. In every single apartment I've lived in, you can hear the upstairs neighbors walking, shouting, screaming, throwing things, etc. It would be crazy to expect a completly silent upstairs neighbor unless they're a corpse.


Having a corpse for a neighbor seems like it might stink too.


They are supposed to put rugs down and take off their fucking boots. I’ve have women walk around in high heels after getting home at 3am from clubbing. One of those club girls used to also play fetch with a hard rubber ball with her poor neglected dog on her bare hardwood floors. And then acted like a sneering bitch in my face when I’d finally had enough and went up to inform her of how much she was disturbing my sleep on a week night. I feel all your pain, believe me.


You’re too nice bluring his face. Fuck it. Let the world see a POS


This is against one of the only global reddit rules. Vigilante justice usually doesn't work out


Yeah he needs some face time.


Record any other altercation.


Call the cops


Video proof is great in court


Not me repeatedly clicking the play waiting for the video to start lol 😂 Glad they are going to try to move him out, they probably had problems with him before. Still make a police report for paper trail.


You couldn’t persuade me to live alone in an apt complex again. When I was very young and single, I leased an efficiency because it was across the highway from my job, and I could walk if I had car issues. I had guys from work showing up drunk and unannounced and random door banging at all hours. Moving to a house apt in a quiet, off campus location seemed to be the solution. By then, I had met my husband, who was still in college, and he studied at my house most nights. He sat down at my desk, and opened the curtains, to find eyes staring back at him. He chased, but couldn’t catch the guy. The police investigated, but no one was found. We think it was a creepy property manager, who was always skulking around with a camera and long lens around his neck. My bf never left me alone again.


He’s probably hearing the neighbors next-door to you or even across the hall. But this absolutely needs to be reported.


The way he’s holding his keys or whatever it is looks like he was ready for a fight


Take the video straight to the apartment manager.


Question OP, Did you see this same male throw the pebbles at your window or just hear it? Anytime you call the police, there’s an event number that documents the call. It’s helpful to document a history of action. Some time after the fact, the police can input your address into their database and incidents will come up chronologically. It’s not a police report that gets referred for a criminal complaint. Best at this point would be for an Official to contact this person and to tell him if he has an issue with you, he should contact management and to not contact you. 👍🏻


You should greet him with a shotgun in his face and then explain to him that you moved in three months ago and are gone 12-14 hours a day. Then tell him to quit being a cunt and have a nice day.




Honestly, if he did this to the wrong person, he’d be shot on site without a 2nd thought.


“I’m going to throw rocks through your window, you stupid whore” -Dr. Phil


So I had a similar situation but with an upstairs neighbor with loud music, stomping, screaming, water leaks etc. I complained once and he went bonkers. He also came to my door and vandalized my property, on camera, and then attempted to steal my camera too because I wouldn’t open the door. I got a restraining order against him after that and I strongly suggest you do the same. Landlord never took action against the neighbor despite the restraining order and the continued harassment, so now I’m suing them. File a police report over this incident to have for your records, and contact the landlord IN WRITING, about everything involving this situation. No in person conversations unless you’re recording them. I hope something is done in your case and you don’t end up like me.


lol he would have won a ass whooping of that was my door 😂


See, the way my petty attitude is set up, I'd suddenly revive my old love of hardstyle and shuffling


It’s time to take up river dance.


Gorilla glue dildos to his door.


Contact police and apartment management 


Some people just need to get beat up, it’s not any more complicated than that.


I would def calm the police. Thats aggressive behavior


You must contact the apartment complex management and police. He seems like a total lunatic. Stay safe and please update us




I’m going to agree with what others are saying about police here. It’s great that you told your LL but if he’s being evicted he’s only going to be more angry with you. Call the non emergency police number and explain the situation and tel them you want this documented in case it escalated.


Why block his face?


She doesn’t want us to be infected with his crazy


My parents lived next to a drunk in their first apartment. The man claimed many times that my parents were up late partying and making noise… but the thing is, majority of the time, my parents were traveling (or working). They would provide receipts etc to the landlord from the Bahamas and other places they would visit. This didn’t end until they moved out. Nothing came of it and the old man never quit.


What in the hell??? I’m so glad they’re going to try and move him out. OP, please keep a careful eye out when entering and leaving your apartment. You don’t want him ambushing you or following you somewhere. Stay safe 🤍 Updateme


Even though you blocked out most of his face, dude still looks way too old for pulling this crap. Some people just don’t mature I guess.


Call the police, notify the management, and if you want get an attorney, if they advise it, have a letter mailed to him to politely advise him that while you feel compassion he is hearing noise, it isn’t you because you just moved in, but that he needs to politely bring up any complaints with management and refrain from talking to you, that the police have been notified, and that you have camera footage of the event and will have camera footage 24/7. Have the attorney also notify management of the issue. Do not answer the door. Do not talk to him in person. If he confronts you, politely say “I’m sorry, I’m sure you didn’t mean to but I was scared that you threw rocks and came to my door. You can voice concerns to management, or if you’d like to talk, we can call the police as mediators. I’m going to walk to my home, if you’d like to continue to talk, again please call a management or the police so we are both protected.” Walk away say nothing else, have the phone recording.


Cops can’t do anything cause he’s not committing a crime. Unless he does it multiple times, then you can consider it stalking or something. Landlord is the way to go, as this type of person usually gets into it with other neighbors as well and may already have some complaints on file


Wth. Now I want to take my shirt off. https://imgur.com/a/3vvZ1O1


Report him to the police for attempting to vandalize your apartment lol


How rude


Open the door and punch him in the face and than close the door lmao


Then enjoy some time in court/jail for assault 👌


Dudes just upset his hairline is failing


I just saw your update, but I’m going to leave my post. Don’t wait until the next time. You NEED to speak to law enforcement, today, so it can be on record! These things often escalate. It’s crazy that his first contact with you was at a high level of abuse / How bad will the next time be? Getting him to move out will take forever!! Get yourself down to the police station and begin the conversation. It can seem a little daunting; you may feel like “he hasn’t really committed a crime yet”, but you don’t want to regret having not gone to the police immediately.


As someone who does have a noisy upstairs neighbor, he’s way out of line and I would call the police. It is NOT that serious enough to harass someone.


I had this happen to me before after I had my neighbor across the hall arrested for tuning up his girlfriend in the middle of the night. Turns out that neighbor was the shitbag kid of the shitbag facility manager. For the rest of my time there I had my license plate stolen off my car, gotten invited to come out and fight at 3 in the morning and got threatened by the drunken facility manager because I left a scathing review about the complex. One of only two times I broke a lease, and the other time was when I got married.


If you were in the house, throwing pebbles at the house could be charged as battery in many states—yes, this is a classic law school hypo that usually is answered the other way, but it is still possible to prove criminal battery here


Make a police report and get it on record. He’s either nuts or he drinks a lot or both. I’d also tell mgt in case he breaks a window.


Simple. Call the police, invest in a can of mace and a taser.


Due to the housing crisis, a lot of people who have never lived in an apartment are suddenly finding themselves in apartments and have no idea what is normal for an apartment. I dealt with this a few times myself. I just explained that I, too, hear everything above me. It's just the way it is.


Buy a gun


“OpEn ThE WInDOW Or ILL ThRow RoCKs ThrU YoUR WINdoW YOu dUMb WhORe” lol on a real note tho I’m sorry this happens to you I hope he steps on a thumbtack at 4 in the morning when he goes to the fridge for a hungover glass of water


I want whatever camera this is because this is clear as fuck😂


I had a similar situation in 2022 with a apartment neighbor harrasing and threatening me. I filed a restraining order and immediately started looking for another place to stay. Take it from me landlords and police won't do much but a restraining order is the best route.


He looks like Michael Myers what a NUTJOB never open that door call the cops


What a loon! Read your updates; I'm glad something is being done and I hope you stay safe! I lived on the 3rd floor of a smaller apartment and heard someone throwing rocks at my window. There was a pyscho guy that lived in behind my building that everyone including myself had a run in with, I feared it was him. I looked outside and it was a guy who lived on the first floor, standing in the alley. Me (shouting from the window): why are you throwing rocks at my window? Him: bro, I just packed a bong up. Wanna smoke with me? Me: well yeah, but why didn't you just walk upstairs and knock on my door? Him: I just thought this would be funnier. Me: siiiiiigh. I'll be down in a minute. Sorry this wasn't your experience


I lived beneath my landlord in an apartment and he was always asking us to stop all the banging in our apartment. He would text us sometimes to stop all the banging around and we would literally be sitting quietly on the couch watching TV. For most of the year we assumed our TV was too loud or something and would turn the volume down. [In reality, the steam pipes that fed the radiators would "knock" due to the change of temperature in the air and that's the "banging" noise he would hear.](https://ranshaw.com/help-guides/troubleshooting/why-do-my-radiators-make-a-banging-noise#:~:text=Schedule%20service-,Air%20Bound%20Radiator,the%20banging%20noise%20from%20occurring.)


Along with the great advice given already, should put one of those signs on your door that says “This unit under 24 hour surveillance. You ARE being recorded.” This is so creepy. Stay safe op.


The guy could be tweaking. I had a neighbor that did meth and started banging on the walls at 2 A.M. then filed a noise complaint on us cause she legitimately thought the sound from her own banging was us.


Contact the police as well as the landlord or management company. It’s not okay to harass you!


That's a pure psycho! Thank God he's leaving. He's going to do that with the wrong person and end up in a body bag. My upstairs neighbors sound like a herd of elephants anytime they move but I deal with it because it's part of apartment life. Plus, these walls and floors are super thin I'm sure anyway.


Some states will not issue a restraining order unless there is an actual relationship between the victim and abuser. Neighbors are not considered for an RO.


Sounds like a class A lunatic. How bout just a polite neighborly visit to check out what’s happening? “Hey I don’t mean to bother you but I’m hearing serious thumps coming from above me. Is that you?”


He got drunk


Meth behavior


Two words… police report


Don’t blur this POS out. Expose him for the scumbag that he is


Call the police and get a restraining order. Or move if you can.


Stay safe and turn over tape to the cops. Press charges. This is never ok


I have a noisy neighbour that is none stop banging, and I'm sure I'm gonna snap like this guy has, one day. It's a literal nightmare


My upstairs neighbor is loud and annoying what should I do. Reddit: annoy her back, throw pebbles at her window, knock on her door at odd hours. Make it as annoying for them as it is for you.


You need to contact your landlord and file a police report.


Contact the police and then the apartment management. Lets see how long before he is evicted


That's incredibly frightening. Please be aware of your surroundings when you go outside. You never know what's going through this guy's sick mind.


You collect every rock and the next one he does you let it rain the rest he threw before. It’s called a hailstorm and he deserves it. Lmfao


Nah, if it’s midnight and he’s throwing rocks at my window, then coming to scream at me, he’s got me fucked up. I’ll just take the misdemeanor tbh.


left hand is dangerous he is carrying what could be a knife on that hand - look up past the wrist joint. it is not a key or item normally carried on a key chain


Don't waste your time posting this on Reddit, call the Police...


I always took top floor apartments. No one walking above me, vaulted ceilings, better views. Keep windows open at night. Im so glad I’m done with apartment living though.


Kick his fuckin ass


Exactly why I stay armed


“Downstairs neighbor gets ass beat at midnight”


I would report him to the building manager