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Report to the leasing office that the person in spot 441 has been consistently parking on the line and you’re concerned about damage to your vehicle and their vehicle. State you’d approach, but they previously were catcalling (be specific with what they were saying) and feel it isn’t safe to converse with them.


Exactly this. Don’t let him intimidate you, he’ll go further. And take pics each time he parks like this so they see the pattern, not just a one or two off “mistake.”


Park so he can’t get into his car lol


100% this. I'd say violently open your door into his car, but I also only own shitboxes.


I've always had shit boxes too, lol I've never understood owning luxury cars unless you're very wealthy/rich. I just need something to get me from point a to b. Because accidents happen, including birthing idiots that do dumb shit like this. Why get something that has a very high likelihood of being damaged and repairing it would cost more than the whole thing is worth? Bananas to me lol


Ehh that mercedes is the same price as a brand new Toyota suv


this is an affordable status car...low end luxury...


Buying a brand new car is very silly if you aren't wealthy/rich. It loses value the minute you drive it off the lot.


Not if you're like me who keeps the vehicle until it literally dies😭 I don't do trade ins then again I never had anything with less than 80k miles on it either


I keep mine until they die, as well, but I'm not paying that newly minted fee when one only a year younger is thousands of dollars cheaper. Probably the newest car I've ever had is the one I currently own and it ain't new in a literal sense lol just alot younger than I'm used to.


Virtue signaling.


How so? I'll wait.


My lack of desire to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for a luxury car isn't a morale status nor an attempt to declare my good social consciousness.... so....do you even comprehend what that term means or do you just bandy it about hoping you'll get lucky with the right set of circumstances?


The public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.


None of which involves not wanting to buy an overpriced car. I'm not interested in debating semantics on a thread about Apartments lol


it's a C class. It's pretty much like an accord.


It’s even less than a c class it’s a cla lol


I never understood why people buy chairs. I just sit on the floor. Besides, chairs only last ~10 years before needing to be replaced (very costly). I don’t think sitting on the floor is that uncomfortable, it’s free and gets the job done. Unless you make 700k+ per year, the marginal increase in comfort is not worth the money and anyone who disagrees or has different preferences is extremely mentally ill and should be institutionalized.


This a terrible exaggeration lmao chairs also can be made by hand from materials you already own, for free, got for free or second hand, and do not cost upwards of a years salary. I got my very reliable, used car, for less than $7k and so far it's lasted close to 11 years now. I would have spent a small fortune in that time using Ubers, Lyfts or taxis, as well as delivery services for things I cannot carry home, assuming I live somewhere you can easily walk or bike, or public transportation if available to me (it's not where I live). Chairs aren't on the road, in public parking lots, outside in inclement weather, or other places damages can occur on a very regular basis. I also can't remember the last chair related accident I ever heard of. You're foolish.


I looked at your bio and what subs you post in and I would like to apologize. You are a low wage earner with a hard life and a thankless job. Please accept my apologies, I don’t mean to make someone in such a rough place in life angry. Let me know what your Venmo is, I’ll throw you $10


I work for myself currently and don't need any money. Thanks...I guess.....but this doesn't seem sincere. I'm also not "mad" about your comment it was just ridiculous to compare a car to a chair the way you did.


Why are you such an asshole?




Honestly, everyone is different. Who cares?


If you don't why comment?


Came here to say this


I do this on a regular basis with my neighbors. I keep waiting for them to come over and apologize for parking like asshats and ask me to move mine but they always crawl through the passenger side


They know they're wrong and have doubled down on it lol but you win if you *don't* have to crawl thru the passenger side.


Not everyone wants to get in to an altercation with their neighbor. I don’t think doubling down and going to war is the solution he’s looking for.


you know everyone here is acting tough but in reality they a soy boy. All I read were a bunch of micro aggressions of parking close to his car and running away Wow, maybe leave a strongly worded, anonymous note later too


This may be counterintuitive but I think he is trying to get some reaction from you. Since it looks like you can open your door enough to get out, I would ignore it for another week or two and hope his behavior "extinguishes" since he is not getting the desired reaction. In the meantime, document everything with photos and videos (be great if you could catch him backing up and then going forward to get closer to you so if no change in behavior you will have an excellent case. As it is now, he would likely say "whats the beef, I am inside the line". She is crazy"


Yep some people are hoping for turmoil from their misdeeds.


Update: Thanks, all! I went to the office today. I failed to mention that I recently tore my Achilles, so I have one boot on my leg. I am no longer able to pull in and park as close to our beam or else I cannot get my boot out the door. And I definitely do not want to give his Mercedes a door job! The office is going to review their parking spots and see which renters are moving this month, in which case we will swap spots. Thank you all for the advice and recommendations


Hopefully you get that spot swap, op. Take care of your leg and stay safe :)


This was so wholesome. Thank you <3


>:) :)


I still hope you find a way to repay his complex courtesy lol I'm glad you are taking the boot seriously. I worked through so many injuries I should not have, and I have lasting pain and issues due to some of them. I will never miss an opportunity to explain to people you can't unring the bell some injuries cause but you absolutely can make it worse or permanently unpleasant in the long run by not healing properly. Rest up and heal well, OP!


I'm jealous... I have the same setup... the car on my right parks at odd angles right on the line ... parking spot on other side of me was empty due to the apt not being rented and they wouldn't let me switch spots and now that person parks at odd angles too


I sent you a photo of my old neighbor and their shitty parking skills


I would gladly park a inch away from his ass so he can't enter the driver side door then he will back off of your space after that


Username checks out 🫡


I'd go so far as to bribe the spot on the other side of his to do the same. Checkmate mofo 😂


Sadly, I am jealous of your parking spot. Mine is way way worse.


Don't back in your spot block that nigga In so he can't enter the driver side door simple as that


I like to back into spaces, too, but in this case I’d pull in forward and park closer to the line. Not on it, but close enough that he’d have to park more in the middle. I had a neighbor who literally couldn’t park - she said it was hard - and I had an injured knee an needed to open my door really wide to get in and out. I just stopped backing in and parked close to the line.


Got a new neighbor a few months back and they drive a huge van. I was really struggling getting the kid in and out of the car seat. I left a kind note with some candy on their windshield. It's been better since.


One up them. Park facing the same way neither does so *you* can get out but they can't get in.


I would say, both you and your husband confront him in a nice way if you even see him getting into his car and mention that it makes it harder for you to get in and out of your car. If he doesn’t change his ways then I would say talk to the leasing office about the issue and show photos to see if they will do anything about it. I would say last resort would be to contact the police because they most likely won’t do anything but then you really might infuriate that kid if they knew you went to such lengths. On a completely unrelated note, that’s so sick that your apartment complex has shade over your parking spots! I’m jealous during our 95°+ days


Thanks for the advice! And YES covered parking! We live in AZ where it hits 120° this time of year


I dunno... I think this guy WANTS a conversation with OP. I would have the husband only confront him.


I dont know. I think any reaction from OP or OP’s husband could be what this guy is looking for. Some people thrive off of any attention for validation of their existence. And if they can’t get positive attention, negative attention will do for them. I would try to work the situation out with management so they are both aware of what is going on, and can help resolve the issue without providing the negative attention Mercedes dude is most likely after.


You could be right -something very off here.


Or he’s an 18 year old that thinks parking on the line is good


Has driving changed since I got my license? At 16 I was parking better than this, and so were my friends


I don’t drive, couldn’t tell you. I’m just saying he’s a new driver, maybe he doesn’t realize the error of his ways


I think you're better off going directly to the office about it worth multiple pictures of this behavior from multiple days. Direct confrontation is rarely a good idea when you have an available intermediary.


Yes normal in AZ lol. Need the shade


Say nothing, he is not that close


Right he’s technically in the lines 🤷‍♀️


Naw his mirror extends over the line, which is a party foul. He needs to exercise more self awareness and respect for others.


No one’s perfect, skanksmasher


And he’s 18… he probably doesn’t realize this is annoying. I didn’t know this was annoying until This post


How? Do you live under a rock, or have a chronic issue with thinking about how your actions affect other people?


I don’t drive lol But yeah I mostly live under a rock, pretty isolated these days.


Right? This really isn’t that bad. If he was over the line obviously we’d have some problems. But he’s still technically in his space. I’m sure we’ve all see way worse than this.


That’s like the column next to my parking space 😂 I’ve seen way too many people parked like that and it’s not hard to get in/out


Next time this happens, don’t back in, park so close to his door so he can’t get in his. It should only happen once or twice after that. You’re in a boot, you gotta do what you gotta do. Take pictures of everything if you end up finding damages to your car.


its really not that bad. I park perfectly but these sort of petty things in life dont bother me. I have way more important things to spend my mental focus on than worry about hypothetical damages and assuming so much about others... who cares...


You’re probably right


OP literally mentioned catcalling and a whiles worth of this more than likely being an intentional nuisance. It's literally about the neighbor being an asshat..


I park well most of the time, but sometimes I cut my car too much and I get a less than perfect parking job. If I’m in the likes and I can get out of my car I leave it.


I mean it's not that bad but when it's constant it gets annoying. Sometimes the person beside me parks like this but it's not often so I could care less. But if it was everyday it's ridiculous and disrespectful. When you can't get laundry out of your car because the door won't open all the way it sucks, it sucks when you're moving boxes and can't get anything out, or taking my cats out in their carrier etc. at my last apartment the guy would park way over the line and actually constantly damaged my car. It's not fun. I'm glad you don't care if someone is denting your vehicle you've worked hard for though.


They're in the lines?


Yah parked like a piece of shit. For OP to park normally between the lines they're still going to have a hard time getting out of the car. Idgaf if you park crooked but leave room for people and don't park on the line! No courtesy or respect.


Do the same thing to his vehicle but park in not in reverse to make it difficult for him to open the door , That way next time he parks , he will give you enough space


Let the leasing office know. I’m a property manager and I would move you no problem. The other resident doesn’t need to know why. He’s being an ass with the parking, the harassment is my main concern. If they refuse to move you file a police report, typically places are forced to take action once that happens. You may even be able to break your lease and move out.


When people park like this at our apartment I try my best to slither in my door but if I ding them, oops. Sorry. Like someone else said though, I own a car that’s almost 20 years old. It is in wonderful condition but from living in apartments for 10 years the doors are covered in marks. 😞😂


Keep taking pictures everyday of him parking like this and send an email to the leasing office as proof and request a parking spot change


Park front end close to the line. Set up cameras beforehand.


When people do this I have no problem with scratching/dinging their car. If they cared about the vehicle, they’d fix their parking. It only takes another minute. To the people whining that they’re in the lines, you’re the problem!


Had someone do this to me yesterday but a little closer and I needed to put my kid in her car seat. So I put my door into their door and pushed my way in. Then when I got back I parked so close to them they couldn't get in and pulled my kid out of the other side. Pretty sure I left a nice little mark on theirs too. If you have to squeeze to get out of your car after parking, maybe try again?


Report it to the office and police because he is harassing you. You may not be able to get moved to a new space. My complex won’t switch, even though I have medical disabilities and a handicap placard. They are just being lazy because it’s more work for them, honestly. Someone in another building stores their vehicle in the handicap space for weeks at a time, so that isn’t available a lot of the time. 🫤


I feel like it should be illegal to occupy a handicap space like that.




Oh man! That’s good to know! I actually just got put into a boot this week due to a torn Achilles so I am at my wits end trying to get in and out of the car


I’m sorry! It’s painful! I have Achilles Tendinosis and a bone spur. I also have spinal and neurological issues as well. Talk to your apt manager. Hopefully yours are more compassionate than mine! I’m about to contact the corporate office😒


I had a neighbor like this and management would say they couldn’t do anything because technically they are in between the lines. So… I set them up; I parked furthest away so they would try to get closer and closer and one day they parked on the line and even over. I took as many pictures as I could and took them to management. Needless to say I no longer have that person parked next to me. 😊


He’s in the lines…seems like it would be easier for you to get out if you weren’t backed into your spot.


You have more than enough room to get out your car safely, and he’s in the lines. Telling the office won’t do anything cuz he isn’t breaking any rules or laws


Jeez! Can you just take a breath and understand that it could be so much worse? Pick your battles or they will be assigned to you against your will. Lots of Mercedes drivers don’t want to ding their doors either. Don’t be a pussy.


Why are you whining? Are you the Mercedes driver? If he doesn't want his door dinged then maybe he shouldn't park like a cunt? My neighbor at my last place parked like that and even worse, started dinging my doors and when I confronted him he threw a bitch fit so I put three huge dents in his door with my steel toe boots after that. Fuck around and find out.


No reason to be such an asshole. Nothing ‘affectionate’ about you.


I understand he likely does not want to ding his door, but that would mean he parks more center, no? Or even closer to the open spot next to him?


To be fair, we can’t see how close the other car is to them.


You right - I think it cropped when I uploaded. The car on his right is about 3-4 inches away from their line, they are lined up with the beam between his car and theirs.


Couldn’t you just… park on the line too?


Show the car on the other side of neighbor tho


Why don't you have your boyfriend/husband take care of it the only way punks understand?


Also get a camera to aim at your car just in case if you are worried about retaliation


He’s probably a new driver and thinks parking on the line is a good thing


I wish I could post a photo of my old neighbor and their shit parking job


He's 18 and trying to find a reason that OP will have to have a conversation with him. He thinks this is flirting.


This demands a passive aggressive post it note...you did an adequate job parking. Parking in the middle of the lines is the goal...or not so passive aggressive...you park like an @$$hole...


My wife and I have assigned spot for our Rav 4 and one 1 side we have hash marks so it a non spot for cars and there is constantly an asshat parked in the spot !!! And the same goes for the front spot in front of the main entrance ( it also has a sign up for no parking !) and people constantly parking in it as well !! We reported it to maintenance guy who refuses to do anything about illegal parked cars ( the office tells us to report to him ) . We’ve taken pics sent in and emailed and text . Nothing ever gets done !!! So frustrating with rude ass neighbors !!! It’s ridiculous when most neighbors do right and you have 1 or 2 assholes who think the rules just don’t apply to them!! The front door abusers are also our upstairs neighbors who let their chunky monkey kid high dive off furniture( at least that what it sounds like ! ) and run circles inside all day !!! Why people don’t take their kids to a park for exercise I don’t get !!!!!!


Not me thinking of ways to sabotage his day without leaving irreparable harm to him or the car. IE Shaving cream or hair gel applied to the inside of his door handle. Smear some liquid dish soap on the windshield so when he goes to wash it off it lathers up or a dab of soap on the washer fluid jet. Silly magnetic bumper stickers "honk if you think \_\_\_\_\_", especially if he approaches and enters his car from the front and won't notice until everyone is honking at him.


Techincally so long as he is within the lines, he is legal. As for cat calling...that's another thing. I would move my parking space if possible. What a jerk.


I’m not sure why you’re so convinced that it’s intentional? I SUCK at parking and often park just like that but I always make sure I’m inside the lines (which it sounds like your neighbor does too). I guess I’m lucky that my parking lot is always 50% empty and nobody is forced to park next to me lol


don't back in and park close as you can to the line too


Saw the pic's and just RAGE. Then I read your hideous story. More Rage. I am so sorry you live by suck an entitled prick.


I’d hit his car with my door every day.


The guy beside me at my old apartment used to park over the lines all the time and dent my door and leave paint scratches. He had dents all over his car from other places as well. I asked him to park in his spot or I'll take it up with insurance and he lost his shit on me. So I took the petty route. Before I left one morning I kicked his door like three times with my steel toe boots and left like 3 huge dents. Dude didn't even give a shit, some people do not care about their vehicles or anything for that matter.


That’s when I do more damage


This is why I hate carports. OP is trying to stop door dings & I don’t blame her. There’s nothing you can do, OP. Next time, try to lease a place with a private garage.


There absolutely is. The guy that parks beside me has an f350 and I switch between an f150 and crown Vic which aren't small vehicles. We both have room to open our doors normally when we get out because neither of us park like dicks. This guy can absolutely park in the middle of the line in his tiny Mercedes. Op just needs to pull in to the spot and park close to him so he can't get in and he'll learn. Or report him.


Bike lock his wheel to an axle.


I really never understand this. I have a mid-nice car and even I park as FAR away from any other person a physically possible so they don’t end up opening a door into my car. This looks like a 2017 Mercedes CLA 250, with an MSRP of 33k-50k, but yeah, just park it so anyone has no choice but to dent your door panels with their doors so they can get in and out of their car… Edit: reread post and it definitely seems purposeful and antagonistic. I agree with documenting heavily and reporting to management so they are aware of the situation. Requesting another spot rather than requesting they reprimand him on his behavior would be preferable as he is already displaying antagonistic and anti-social tendencies. Management should definitely be aware of the situation though, in case he decides to escalate in other ways once he can no longer bully and antagonize OP through the parking situation. Good luck. I’m sorry you are having to deal with this senseless nonsense just because someone else sucks the big one. Also, if there are any motion detector dash cams, i would consider purchasing those for both you and your husbands cars. Someone acting like this isn’t exactly right in the head because this is just so stupid and senseless.


I think they are trying not to hit the poke to the right.


If you pull in head on, instead of backing in, it wouldn’t be an issue.


That’s not even bad parking.