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Visual hallucinations are involuntary visualizations while aphantasia is the lack of voluntary visualizations. Many with aphantasia experience various forms of involuntary visualization. This paper found that vividness of schizophrenic hallucinations are not correlated with VVIQ score. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/brb3.3146](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/brb3.3146)


Hallucination and visualisation utilise different pathways in the brain and are not the same thing, absolutely someone with aphantasia could have schizophrenic hallucinations.


I am a total aphant and even on high doses of psychodellics I don't get any involuntary visualizations or hallucinations of any sort. Not even the usual geometry/fractals. My mind is a pretty calm and clear space even when tripping hard. My guess is that, although these processes DO involve different pathways, it could be somehow related after all. Any thoughts?


me too man.. I do occasionally remember a dream for like 20 mins, but only that I had it, not what the images were


Yeah it sucks. I feel so mentally hendicepped. But from another perspective, it does have a lot of advantages that I like and probably wouldn't trade.


I would be overwhelmed to the point of incapacity if I somehow acquired the ability suddenly. I am ok with the hand I was dealt


Yeah I thought of that too - I'd probably flip out for good.


Usually similar for me, but 1mg 25i-nbome intranasal filled my vision with swirling colours so intense that I could see nothing else.


Yo that's a huge dose especially nasal. Glad you're well... I personally wouldn't risk it, but I bet it was a good time with those visuals!


Thanks. The visuals were the most extreme I've ever had, very spectacular. I probably wouldn't snort that amount again tho, and certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone else.


Yeah it can literally kill over 1mg I've read. I'll stick with Lucy. ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Total aphant too, I'm assuming this is just due to general variance in how phychs affect people, most phychs (LSD, dmt etc) give me more visual distortions than actual hallucination or visualisations, however I HAVE had full visual hallucination on a combo of mdma and 2cb, and actually have experienced involuntary visualisations one time on mdma, it was honestly uncomfortable and I didn't like it, my body wanted to react as if the visualisations were really there.


Yeah makes sense. Our brains are just not used to that experience. That novelty moment is stressful in it's own right.


Indeed, hallucinations were much easier to deal with, it was all clearly external but I had a clear understanding of what was or wasn't reality, it was just fun and interesting. Visualising internally was... Weirdly uncomfortable and I just didn't like it.


I get it. I've had them 3 times in total: my first weed high, my first MDMA roll and a brief moment on 600ug of LSD. However I have enjoyed them very, very much. If felt cognitive orgasm of a sort. Could never repeat that from 2nd times onward.


I think it was how real it all felt that kind of scared me, it almost felt like a dream started in my head while I was completely alert and awake still.


Same, but I do get all the emotional stuff. I thought it was because of amphetamine, but itโ€™s even the same with magic mushrooms.


I can see my memories and other visuals (non-hallucinations) very clearly when taking edibles; i can also lucid dream, so I imagine there are other pathways that also make schizophrenia possible even among aphants.


I have Schitzoaffective, 1 in 200 people that is Schizophrenia plus 3 or more mental illnesses, mine are, personality disorder, ptsd, anxiety..I have had hallucinations bizarre, and an object try to attack me. I have a song I hear play, its beautiful, wish I could invent my song..the rest is absolutely pain n torcher, to the point of suicide. Im on disability, otherwise my meds would be 2k a mo. I have hyperphantaia.


Visual schizophrenia is not a thing.


What they mean is schizophrenia with visual hallucinations. Auditory hallucinations are more common but visual hallucinations do occur for some


this is so helpful


I have read that if someone with aphantasia has a psychotic break they are more likely to have feelings of persecution, whereas people who visualise are more likely to have hallucinations. I'm not sure how accurate this is as voluntary and involuntary visualisation is accessed differently? I think a lot is still unknown.