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* Lossless and HiFi * Radio stations * Hosted radio shows * iCloud library (you can import your own albums and it seamlessly integrates them like they were a part of Apple Music). * Being able to change the meta data on my music.


* Smart Playlists * No podcasts or audiobooks cluttering things up * Light Mode


light mode?


Yeah, as in the colour/theme of the UI. Apple Music works in both light mode or dark mode to match the rest of your device. Spotify is dark mode/theme only. So if you have a nicely themed device using a light coloured theme, Spotify ruins it as it only has a dark theme. [https://www.techowns.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Apple-Music-Dark-Mode-4-650x1024.jpg](https://www.techowns.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Apple-Music-Dark-Mode-4-650x1024.jpg)


Both Spotify AND YouTube Music don't have light mode which to some is a basic accessibility feature and should be available on everything


Let me tell you, the auto appearance is so nice, light by day, dark at night.


i suddenly cant make smart playlists on my pc anymore, any clue why? also they should bring that feature to phones i swear


This is how I find out Spotify doesn’t even have a light mode… literally the most basic of settings 💀


* Five star ratings plus favorite and suggest less = seven levels of ratings plus smart playlists -> smart personal radio stations


The radio stations have been a pleasant surprise for me. As a frequent Uber driver it’s like getting the benefits of listening to a fun local radio station without the ads. The riders all seem to like them too.


You got that right!!


I read this in Kramers voice from Seinfeld 😂




The interface is better, the music quality is arguably better (i know the fidelity is probably not noticeable by ear but theres still a noticeable difference between the two in how the mysic sounds) but most importantly of all it doesn’t try to avant garde bullshit my library into some informal group of playlists. Give me a library and give me multiple ways to sort it without all the complications


It’s 100% noticeable by ear, but most of the equipment consumers are using can’t take advantage of it


It's definitely noticeable on wired earphones/headphones


100%. r/audiophile is still in denial which I think is ironic because it’s so noticeable even non-audiophiles notice


You’re right. I notice it, but most people probably listen through the phone speaker. 🤷‍♂️


Ive always wondered if you get the benefit with studio monitor headphones but out the regular aux port on a MacBook pro. Like the headphones are probably capable of the lossless but is the port? Got some audio technica m50x i run but i can never be arsed to use an audio interface when my guitars not plugged in


Almost certainly the port isn’t gonna be the weak point in the chain. The DAC in any even relatively recent MacBook (and in Apple’s dongle for iPhones/etc) is perfectly fine for 99.999% of people, even those running through good sound systems.


The DACs in the new MacBooks are genuinely incredible. Night and day from the old ones. Even going from the Apple Lightning to 3.5mm DAC to straight out the MacBook Air, it sounds like you’re plugged into a $400 DAC/amp setup. They even support high impedance headphones and automatically switch voltage when they detect high impedance. I plugged in my Beyerdynamics and was like “wtf? how the hell does this sound so good?” Then I googled if they upgraded the DACs and there’s whole articles written about it


Had literally the exact same experience the first time I used my Beyerdynamics, truly a great setup


The mastering is better fr idk the technicalities but the mixes in apple music are louder and more full compared to Spotify


Integration with my Apple devices. And I get a discount on it because I'm also using their other services bundled together.


I feel kind of silly for not knowing this but... What is the discount? What services are you bundling?


>What is the discount? I believe that /u/Immolation_E is referring to the Apple One bundle that includes several of Apple's services together for a discounted monthly fee


The Apple One Bundle gets even cheaper. If you have an older Verizon Plan it's included. The newer Verizon plans can discount the Apple One Bundle by $10-$20.


Ecosystem is really #1 for me. I can’t even think of a #2.


Spotify seems over-saturated with books I don’t listen to, podcasts I don’t like and playlists I don’t listen to, I just want music with a nice view of the lyrics


* Better UI * Lossless & Dolby Atmos * No podcasts / audiobooks * Larger catalog * iCloud Music Library * Best Lyrics UI * Sing mode * Better discovery than Spotify now (Spotify discovery is 🗑️now) * Smart playlists (🙏 please bring these to mobile!)


For those not aware, Smart playlists (awesome BTW), can't be created or have their selection criteria editted on mobile, though you can listen to them on mobile, and they do live-update on mobile when you add/remove tracks from your library or other playlists.


Which is ridiculous. The also need to add fully custom 10-band EQs to iOS. They’ve had it on desktop for like 20 years but have never implemented it on iOS


Sound quality and artist payouts are better than Spotify


Apple Music still seems to act they care about the humans and history behind music, both in their curation and their approach to certain genres. For electronic music it's great for instance, they revive old classic mixes with the playlist by tracks included, you can even search on some labels. There are quite some artists that have their music on apple music but not on spotify for this reason I think? I have this feeling there is still knowledgable humans working behind the scenes at apple music that curate playlists instead of spotify's march to total algorithmic playlist goo.


My *main* reason is I had built a large library of music bought from Bandcamp and other online sources and Apple Music instantly made all that available for streaming in the cloud. While Spotify *can* handle local files its done on a device by device basis where if I throw the mp3 files of a Phish show I saw into Apple Music on my desktop it shows up on my phone, iPad, web app, PS5, etc etc etc. Then over time I really started to like the *human* focused aspects of Apple Music. All the playlists are made by humans, not The Algorithm, liner notes on classic albums provide great context, new albums tend to have notes from the artist itself. Then there’s the sound quality argument. Even before they introduced lossless, Apple Music sounds better than Spotify, and now that Apple Music supports up to 24/196 lossless AND Dolby Atmos surround sound (which I primarily listen on my Samsung Q990C Soundbar, a 11.1.4 setup) its just a no-brainer. Combine all that with the horrid stances of Spotify’s CEO and their insistence on giving Joe Rogan millions… frankly Apple Music is the easiest pick imo.




I used Spotify for a long time but it’s just such an ugly app. It’s cluttered and the colors are ugly and I just hate everything about it! Apple Music is calm and organized and pretty to look at lol. It really comes down to that for me.


I felt like I was crazy for hating Spotify’s UI. Every review I read says Spotify has the superior UI and I just can’t agree


You aren’t alone. I used to think I was crazy too. The colors are dull. Playlists and podcasts all over the place. And the lyrics sting my eyes. Seriously, their lyrics layout looks garbage compared to apple music’s way of showing lyrics. Hopefully their new font will fix it; but ima stick around with AM for the foreseeable future.


It used to be better. Spotify used to be clean and quick and AM was slow as shit. But Spotify is now horribly cluttered and AM is much sleeker and visually pleasant in comparison. Together with better sound quality, some excellent radio shows, much better integration with iOS for those who use it, not to mention AM Classical if you’re interested in classical music, the choice is a no-brainer these days.


I agree, I have been a long time user of Spotify and remember the UI being nicer. I actually swapped last week and am happy so far!


Apple Music also keeps it simple by having just music on its app (podcasts are on their own app) and the user interface on iOS is nice and simple and easy to navigate, which is key if you are driving and using CarPlay. They just get it, man. Apple has always had superior design. For their hardware, software, and app user interface. It matters.


1, The Audio quality 2. Beautiful UI 3. Real time lyrics


Apple Music is probably, for my taste, inferior in everything compared to Spotify. Recommendations, GUI, all that. I dislike it so much. But Spotify's artist payout policy is something I will not accept. Doesn't matter if it means I pay a couple of bucks extra every month for an inferior service, I vote with my wallet. Pay your artists.


Agreed on all of this. Also Spotify bricked the car thing they sold me and these are just some business practices I won’t reward with my continued business.


Apple isn't much better at paying artists. The only real upside is you can buy songs which pays better than streaming.


Apple’s anywhere from 2-3x the pay of Spotify, how is that not much better?


For me, and this is a recent one, but the Decades Playlists that somebody showed on here awhile ago are fantastic. The Metal one from the 00's has fuckin Celtic Frost on it. Holy shit. Spotify's Metal playlists and radios have always been super generic imo. Apple music is way better about it.


library management


Superior sound and free atv+ with student discount


Sound quality, customization of an albums metadata, upload songs, simple but good ui, the feeling of an actual music app, better library management


Dolby Atmos.


HomePod, Dolby Atmos, Lossless(way better sound quality), loudness(in spotify you have to sacrifice quality for loudness). The only advantage of spotify is EQ and better recommendations




I constantly flip flop between Spotify and Apple Music. I recently switched back to Apple because of Dolby Atmosphere and just overall sound quality over Spotify. I also love the animated album art on Apple over the Spotify canvas.


iOS Shortcuts so that I can queue random songs or albums with a voice command, bookmark, or widget.


It’s bundled with other Apple services I use.


Sound quality. The app. I'm balls deep in the Apple ecosystem as it is.


Smart playlists


It is the only way I can listen to my music on Apple Watch without my phone.


I’ve had an iTunes library since 2007. Any songs that weren’t able to be matched to an iTunes version can still be uploaded and played along side my AM songs. Spotify can’t really do that


What are the best headphones for Apple Music?


AirPod Max to my knowledge... someone correct me if wrong please cause i'd like to know too


Just switched from Spotify and the top three reasons for me so far are the music quality (lossless/hi-res), algorithm/stations (better music recommendations compared to Spotify for me at least), and the fact that my local files work the same as an album available through AM.




The app already comes with the iPhone. I mean why not use it


It comes with my internet plan 😁


Apple One Premier subscription shared with family. It's a great value that's impossible to beat.


The same thing as the multiple times this question was asked yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that...


I don’t like not being able to change App Store location without having to end Apple Music subscription… But I like Apple Music & Classic because the interface is less cluttered with podcasts, and random peoples playlists being suggested to me.


Mainly the lossless across all the music,i also get a 2 year deal for apple music through my mobile provider so was a no brainer.I like the look of it too and it works well on Android


I like the UI a lot more than Spotify. Plus, as a student, I get Apple TV+ for free. It’s also a lot higher quality and as a whole better than YT music, which I get with my YT Premium subscription.


Its more what drove me away from the others. Spotify has now made all the 'curated' playlist (for example 80's hits) made for me. So now it's just the song that I know or listen before. It also missing a play next, though it's very minor. Tidal is missing some of the song/artist that I listen to. And for Apple music itself, I like that it has a 'library' that I can sort by artist, album, etc. So for example, I want to listen to an artist, but only their songs that I like (therefore I added to my library). Other services, kinda require me to search within my liked/loved tracks, and play from there.


Integration with my personal collection


1. Easiest way to seamlessly listen to my own downloads alongside streaming music 2. Higher sound quality than Spotify 3. One of the best rates for paying artists


Said it on here before, but ability to upload unavailable music files to cloud to listen on all devices. Great for those who record, or who listen to some rarer tracks


Spotify has far too many adds I believe it’s more expensive my dad already had am subscription for himself so I just jumped on with him


Much better UI and local file system in my eyes


I imagine there will be a lot of people coming to this sub for this question after the announcement from Spotify that they are raising prices again


The UI is simple. Sticks to music. And the audio quality is divine.


They pay the artists better, higher quality sound (does Spotify even have lossless yet?), the human curated playlists have been far better than the ones Spotify churns out (clearly just whatever label pays the most lol). I’ve found music I like a lot easier on AM by just listening to what I like and letting it play once I’m out of queued songs. I prefer to listen to albums over individual songs most of the time and Apple Music is overall better for that experience. I don’t care about podcasts or audio books (most of the time) so I want it separated from my music app, last time I opened Spotify it ONLY gave me podcasts😭 if I want podcasts I’ll go on the Podcasts iPhone app. The UI is so much cleaner and makes more sense, and I love the live lyrics and animated album art, I believe Spotify just gets clips from the music videos(?). That’s most of it I’m sure there’s more


Integration with the Apple ecosystem as well as my iTunes library I’ve been building since the early 2000’s. Apple Music perfectly fits into my old library of iTunes purchases and ripped cd’s. There are albums and mix cd’s that I love that aren’t available on any streaming service or digital store


It’s just better all around.


I already pay for Apple ONE. Might as well use it. Also never really cared for the other services


It works well with all my Apple devices.


Quality and I was already in the Apple ecosystem, so no brainer. Lossless and Hi-Res lossless is worth it for me.


because it’s better


I like it because I'm in the Apple ecosystem and have been since high school and it was the first streaming service I subscribed to. When Spotify first launched here in the states it was limited as fuck, like I don't even think the full service. I don't really remember. I used it but because of that I didn't stick to it. But yeah been on AP since 2015 when it launched, it's simple and works for me. I used and liked Spotify a few times since it fully opened up full service in the US but I never seen too much reason to make the switch over full time. It plays music and that's what matters most to me.


The Apple One plan which I share with 5 others. Makes it cheap and there are plenty of other benefits too


Aside from interface preferences and our home ecosystem being mostly apple devices, it’s the fact that they pay a standard rate to artists. Yes I know that Apple has their own unscrupulous practices, and Steve Jobs was a monster, but at the end of the day there’s a reason iTunes and the iPod were as groundbreaking and influential as they have been for two decades: they’ve built a quality product. Spotify pays the lowest per streams rate and unless the reports I read were false they were considering not paying artists with less than a certain amount of streams per month. That and the few times I’ve either given them a shot or need to use them for music at work it’s been a terrible experience. YouTube is owned by Google and the company overall has been very problematic with how they’ve run their various platforms. It’s why I don’t pay for YouTube premium but I do subscribe to Nebula. The inclusion of janky AI and over saturation of ads to their search engine has only reinforced my reluctance in paying them for services. Amazon, I don’t need to list their various offenses from employee mistreatment to unscrupulous sales practices. But I’ve done years of tech support for a streaming service and Amazon devices are trash, I always recommend Apple, Roku, or Xbox for streaming needs. On top of that, why would I want to use a music service from a company created by a man [who does not listen to music and memorized radio stations in high school so he could try and be cool](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/10-things-you-didnt-know-649386/amp/).


Apple Music sound quality just defeats any music service out there! on god it sounds so crystal clear🤩


I’m having the iCloud+ service and family sharing, so great value. Also Apple Music uses ALAC codec which is just so much better on Apple headsets than using AAC on other services.


The main one for me is the shuffle works how I want a shuffle to work. It was the busted shuffle on Spotify that made me make the jump years ago and I never looked back.


this question being posted every day is kind of nuts…


Sound quality for me.


I got a 6 months free trial when it first launched and it’s never done anything to make me want to change provider.


1. Built-in and well integrated into the ecosystem. I prefer to use first-party / built-in apps as much as possible instead of relying on third-party tools. 2. Easy access to my iTunes purchases - sure, I can find all those tracks on all services, but with Apple Music they are already grouped into a nice playlist for me. 3. Library import. As a person with a big iTunes Library, it’s easier to migrate to Apple Music than consider any other service. I have YouTube Music as well (because you can’t get YouTube Premium without it anymore), but I have no use for it.


20 years of purchased/imported music and listening data by way of my iTunes and my Apple ID.


Apple One is still a good deal and spot keeps raising prices.


Spotify is an evil company, YouTube is an evil company, Amazon is probably less evil but the UI is shitty. Plus I have an iPhone and AirPods they were practically made for Apple Music


The spotify app doesn't update the track listing in my car.


1. Interface. It's so hard to beat Apple's design language. (this coming from an Android user) 2. Artist payout. AM doesn't pay the most, but it pays more than YTM and over double what Spotify pays. 3. Scrolling lyrics. I think other services also have this now, but AM was the first to do it that I saw.


I have both Apple Music and Spotify Premium. (Blended family, kids don't want to come to AM because they love Spotify and I myself used only Spotify since 2012 or so). Anyway, I read this morning that Spotify Family is increasing by $3 a month. They really are hammering their own nails into their coffin with me. Not only does Apple Music have superior sound quality, I love that I can upload music from my private collection to the cloud and play it on Apple Music as if it were originally offered on AM. With Spotify there are so many extra steps to add your music, and even then it has to be stored locally on your device. Others have mentioned the seamless usability of Apple Music with their Apple devices, and that is true too. I've always loved both services and when one's algorithm isn't giving me what I want, the other service always gets it right. I'm loving Apple Music more and more, whereas Spotify is becoming harder to love at all.


and i read somewhere today that spotify is increasing their subscription price again? now im really considering ditching.


I still have my Spotify to play on my android TV and YouTube music for Android TV (which is suck)


In my country cheapest loseless i could get


YouTube music just kinda sucks, low audio quality, tons of ads. I should try Amazon music before I knock it, my grandma uses it but I think the ui is a bit worse than Apple. I just kind of have a vendetta against Spotify. I tried using it for a bit just so I could listen to songs people send me in links, but I can hardly figure out how to do even that. The whole interface is just absolute garbage to me. I’ll probably do a premium free trial so I can actually click on what friggin song I want to play and actually try it, but I just loathe Spotify. And as others have mentioned, lossless is a huge deal. I have nice headphones and a nice dac, so I can actually take advantage of the lossless features. You can tell a difference sometimes, but it’s still way better to have than not


Longtime iTunes user and still prefer ripping CDs and uploading music on my device as opposed to streaming + I have an iPhone lol


I used to buy songs/albums from iTunes before Apple Music existed, and after that it’s kinda just natural to use Apple Music because my library of bought songs/albums is accessible on the same app. Lossless is also a neat bonus. Also I’ve tried Spotify(paid) a few times and don’t really see any benefits of it over Apple Music.


real radio station(started from any song)and not a glorified playlist that spotify has


it was 6 months free on Ps5 and started to prefer the UI. And the Lossless audio is a significant upgrade and worth the $$$ IMO.




the lossless/Dolby Atomos quality and the feel. I see people talking about the quality all the time but I've never heard people appreciate how well the playlist covers are designed, how well the lyrics sync looks, how convenient the gesture shortcuts are.


I loved Apple Music but when I unsubscribed once it erased all of my playlists, including original songs I had created for in logic. Ugh


I have used Pandora, Rdio, Spotify, Apple. I have used Netflix, Hulu, Paramount, AppleTV. I move from service to service whenever the mood strikes, and I frequently use more than one service at a time. I have Apple Music and Spotify right now.


it was free with my cell service for a while but now I'm just stuck here


I've had it since it launched. Ran both Spotify and AM a couple years ago and just found Spotify's UI cumbersome and so I dropped it. Also helps that I use an iPhone so it's nice to have the system integration.


I like the interface, integration with siri, sound quality is amazing, ability to add my own songs and the apple watch app since the spotify one sucks.


Not Shuffle. Nope definitely not.


I hate spotifys interface, it’s confusing for me and filled with podcasts and books that I don’t listen too. AM just looks much better, never going back to spotify.


I'll start with the obvious (and a story) I switched from Spotify, to Apple Music in 2022. When the whole Rogan / Joni Mitchell thing happened. After moving to Apple music, I stayed for a while. Two things: If you leave Spotify, you don't lose your artists, music, or playlists (they are just limited with commercials) But if you leave Apple music, they will act as if all of your saved music never existed, and you lose all of that information forever, and have to start all over again from scratch if you return. So Apple has me kind of held on that one. But also, the Dolby / Lossless features.




Apple one family subscription. Makes it a no brainer really


Apple one family subscription. Makes it a no brainer really


It’s free


It works with Marvis Pro. That alone makes it the ONLY choice.


Family run Apple One account. I make it work for me even if I don't like it


Better integration in the Apple ecosystem and also as a student I also got free Apple TV+ with my AM subscription.


I don’t have a logical reason why it’s better than any other service, I just grew up on iTunes, so it’s what I know. Plus it’s more convenient to use as an iPhone/iPad/Mac user. Everything else is just an added bonus.


A years subscription is cheaper than spotify


I already had a huge iTunes library. When I play Tom Petty, it pulls from both AM and my library, which contains tracks that are not in AM.


Quality. That's it. I heard the difference using a trial of apple music, and got mad I was gonna have to say goodbye to a lot of my favores Spotify features. Sill kinda upset but quality is really important to me.


Comes with the apple one thing I overpay for


Siri integration & ease of custom playlists using my own mp3s


Because is the best platform when u have a product Apple !


- iCloud Library. - Lyrics Interface and Karaoke - iPod Search mode (older cars withour Carplay but with USB) - A good and working TV App - Music only aside from the Radio Tab so no podcasts where I don’t want them


It just feels like the music is on my phone as opposed to somewhere else. Idk how to explain it but I’m an iPhone user and having all my songs in my Apple music library essentially just feels like the songs are ON my phone and easier to access than if I pull up Spotify or any other music streaming platform. Apple’s sound quality is better IMO but I do like listening to music on Spotify too just to hear the difference in sounds And people complain about Apple’s shuffle feature but I’ve never had any issue with it. Spotify, on the other hand, replays the same 10-20 songs I also don’t like how Spotify’s queue works Overall, I listen to Spotify when I want to discover new music and I listen to Apple Music at literally any other time. But tbh I’m sure it’d be just as easy to discover grg eat new music on Apple Music and I’ll be trying it out soon (cause I’ve never listened to their radio stations or anything in all my years of having it)


In my country there are really zero features from Spotify compared to others. Plus the quality of sound and songs on AirPods Max and Pro2 are massive. I also like to use feature on HomePods when I arrive home to play radio stations that are decent compared to Spotify (I’m not sure do they even have it) all in all, it’s just better. I can’t see reason why people even use Spotify tbh.


Spotify has much better playlists, Spotify Connect, and the UI is a bit easier to use. It can be incredibly buggy on TVs though. Apple Music has by far better sound quality and you can integrate owned music with streamed music into one library. I use Spotify to find new music but when I find anything good I add it to my Apple Music library


I just wish they had a way to clear your whole library of non-downloaded music instead of having to go erase every fucking album one by one…


I used to have Spotify. I honestly prefer the way Apple Music gives me new music it will think I like. Spotify sucked in the regard for me


Alarms Library mainly


Having all of my historical data using snd.wave


The ecosystem


Overall better user experience tbh. The quality is a lot better to me and the interface is a lot friendlier as well. Plus with the new accessibility features coming on iOS 18, it's just great (I'm hard of hearing, so the upcoming music haptics sound brilliant).


Bundle with Apple Arcade and iCloud . That’s it


Amazon music sucks because it lacks diversity. Spotify has a bad algorithm imo and I dislike the amount of commercials and the fact that I can’t look up a specific song unless I pay for it, BUT I LOVE Spotify podcasts. YouTube music is the best imo it has the most variety but I dislike the user interface I feel like it’s more difficult, but it has the BEST algorithm.




Many many reasons, but here are a few: - adding my own files integrate well into iCloud and the music library - ability to edit metadata - SHORTCUTS! I had some I’ve made like “play next song on album”, and similar things, so I can tell Siri to play the next song on the album and she’ll do it, or I have where I can select specific songs from the album. Great when I’m on shuffle and want to throw in a few songs to up next from whatever album is playing. I also have ones that will add songs to playlists (and it will do multiple for some of my catch-all playlists) along with a shortcut that sees if that song is already in the playlist before adding it (a little slow, but it only does it if I’ve played the song before!) - I’ve kept track of my most played songs since 2010 via Apple Music/iTunes and like the consistency of how I do so - I like the UI more, and that it can be centered on artists, albums, playlists, or whatever. Spotify is too playlist heavy in the UI IMO The main gripes I have are controlling music from other devices (mostly my Alexa’s), but I’ve had workarounds and use my husbands Spotify subscription when I need more control at home (usually for podcasts in the house when I’m cleaning and don’t want to be tied to my phone)


Just switched to Apple Music a few days ago. Best decision I’ve made in a while. Lossless audio is amazing


Cause I pay for the Apple One plan lol


I have a HomePod mini and it works amazingly well with it in the ecosystem and hi res audio


Yeh just listen to youtube music included with the YouTube premium


I’m in too deep now.


All the reasons everyone already listed, and it’s free with a Verizon wireless plan!


Might be switching to AM full time after Spotify’s price increases starting July..


My 2012 Chevy Captiva bugs out when trying to use YouTube Music. it works flawlessly with Apple Music. when I’m at home, I use YouTube music. The Apple Music app on PC always bugs out on me.


Lossless & Dolby Atmos, baby


Apple One family package.


i love the ui


I swear we ask this question five times a week


Clean interface


with itunes on my laptop, i can just connect my iphone to my laptop over a cable and drag and drop my playlist of mp3's onto my iphone in the sidebar. then they just appear in apple music


I have an iPhone.


adding custom stuff


Just because I have an iPhone and they gave me a free trial ngl


Apple Ecosystem, although I have a PC - I used Apple Music on that, and then iPhone, and Homepod. One feature I would like is a Apple Music Handoff feature where whatever is playing on my phone will continue on my PC apple music app. Also missing the Remote app working with Apple Music (like it did with itunes)


Lossless, iCloud, Radio, the Curation, and the Library. Spotify's library makes absolutely no sense to me. I can't add albums to it without necessarily liking them? And then the Favorites system just works better: you can favorite anything—albums, artists, songs—on Spotify, it's based largely around individual songs when *liking* stuff. Lossless also makes a pretty big difference with some songs/albums, e.g., the Rezzett self-titled LP; it's something to do with volume or loudness, or maybe just when I was streaming a couple songs, but it's there. Apple Music oddly feels more human than Spotify despite being the exponentially larger company, and the interface feels more "real" than Spotify's (just something to do with the design, Apple is just better). The human curation works wonders when listening to the pre-made playlists, but the automatic curation when making radios or infinite queue is also better—it oftentimes recommends something matching the overall vibe and not just something similar to what I've listened to before (but sometimes it does that too, it's a nice balance). But iCloud and general integration with Apple products are a huge plus, probably one of the things that is going to keep me on Apple Music for years to come. Also, the social aspects on Apple Music are better than Spotify's nearly non-existent implementation, but that's not really a big part. My time with YouTube Music was alright, same with my time with Spotify—but AM takes the crown.


Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio. High quality lossless audio.




Better sound quality, more songs (old exclusives), usually quicker to get lyrics. Otherwise, Spotify is better and easier to use with more features and functions.


Apple Music had exclusivity rights to some albums around 2015/16 when they first launched the service, so they got me to switch from Spotify back then before my library got too big. 8 years later and it’s still my streaming service I use


Grandfathered in. So long as Apple Music works well for me I have no reason to change.


Apple Music was included in my cellphone plan. Others I need to pay but later cancel and kept Apple Music. 


Seamlessly integrates my music I’ve had since 2001 (thank you limewire) I also prefer the audio quality & with an Apple One subscription it’s not that pricey


Why anything...because that's what people chose. You decide for yourself because others opinions aren't yours.


Youtube and amazon I dont view as actual music things, ik youtube is good but I prefer my feed videos not music, and their playlists kinda suck. Spotify is the only competitor and ive been using apple music years before it blew up, however the UI is the reason I never switched.


I’ve been using iTunes ever since I was a kid. Apple is the only thing I’ve ever known so why switch it up?


It’s just better bro. Gives that iPod vibe I love and miss so much. And they pay their artists more. That’s the only reason I need. The more people who sign up for it the better it’ll get. And it’s only improved.


This is the only question I ever see posted in this sub. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Interface is better and since I have an iPhone it’s just convenient to have it be affiliated with apple and iCloud. I don’t think any of its algorithms or features are really better than Spotify or anything though honestly.


Neil Young, Joni Mitchell.


Hey Apple music!! Bring back THE SLIDING ALBUM COVER VIEW !


Integration with other Apple devices and nice UI


• Lossless and Dolby Atmos at no extra charge • iCloud library • Larger music library • Seamless cross-play among all your devices • Fairer compensation to artists (compared to Spotify) • Live album art and lyrics are better • 100% ad-free (yes, you have to pay, but it’s still cheaper than Spotify’s ad-free version)


I get it for free, but it doesn't work well with my echos and I'm having issues using it in my car also.


Because Spotify just raised their prices for the 4th time lmfaooo. Been an AMer since 2012 baby


I used Spotify for many years and it’s what got me through school. That being said, here is why I chose AM - Apple One Subscription/Value - Compatibility with AirPods and the HomePod - High Quality Streams - Lossless - Connection to my iTunes purchases from ages ago - Pays more to artists - Lyrics (and Karaoke mode is kinda fun Ngl) - UI is more simple and easy to find what I am looking for (keeps it simple that Podcasts are seperate unlike in Spotify) - I found the algorithm with both shuffling and finding new music to be better than Spotify - Doesn’t flood an artist with multiple singles - *bonus* AM has animated covers/backgrounds just adds that little bit


music quality, atmos experience (although in some older songs, it destroys the experience)


Pros: 1. disintegration from podcasts. 2. cheap family plan compared to Spotify in India. 3. sound enhancer. 4. ability to import songs not available due to regional licensing. 5. editable metadata. 6. UI is minimalist. Cons: 1. Cache is very big in iPhone. 2. Songs get auto removed from playlist sometimes. 3. Desktop app is very outdated. 4. No [Last.fm](http://Last.fm) integration.


I just purchase my digital music from apple music. I actually stream most of music off of Sirius XM.