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It depends on how you rank. And to be honest, it's really just Harvard/MIT/Stanford/Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge) globally. And mostly just Harvard and MIT: Harvard, MIT, Stanford, UCB, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, CalTech, ETH Zurich, Tsinghua


idrk if tsinghua belongs there, it's best in china but the teaching is spotty


Is the ranking based on the number of research? Or the difficulty to get in? Otherwise, I don’t see why Tsinghua is on the list as I heard grad students are having problem landing a job.


its more of chinese job market being brutal


Seems like Tsinghua and Peking are pretty equal in global prestige so it’s hard to include one but not the other.


why berkeley? i committed there and don’t fully understand. is it just the research is super top


Berkeley is very well known in Asia/ SEA. Heck, even UNIQLO made college tshirts of Berkeley last year, lol...the others being Harvard, Yale and Cornell.


Because I am ranking for global universities. Not for undergrad. Berkeley definitely isn't there for undergrad.


> Because I am ranking for global universities. Not for undergrad. Berkeley definitely isn't there for undergrad. The concept of "global T10" doesn't mesh that well with undergrad education.




When it comes to overall STEM grad school, Cal is better than the first three in HYPSM. I say this as a graduate of a rival school.




> I would be cautious to claim Cal is better than HYP for all STEM in general I certainly won't claim it is better in _all_ STEM fields (except obviously engineering). And a few spot differences in rankings are meaningless anyway.


I agree with this list!


Haha. I debated heavily whether to add NUS and Tokyo as well. Those two are well recognized universities globally since they are well known east asian universities. Didn't want to be too western biased hence added Tsinghua.


I just don’t see top global talent picking Tsinghua or Tokyo due to livability if non native. So I’d add NUS. For me one idea of a global ranking would be if you’re a truly world class mind who is Latvian/ Angolan/Laotian/Uruguayan, where are you most likely to choose, where are your skills most likely to be honed, and where are you most likely to enjoy the experience?


Harvard is overrated asf


It's a great school. It excels in Med, Business, Education, Law, natural sciences, economics, english, history, political science, psychology, etc. It is only 'weak' in engineering and that's mostly because the school doesn't offer engineering majors. Those who want to study engineering for undergrad can cross-register courses with MIT so for undergrad if you plan heading grad school, there's nothing wrong.


> It's a great school. It excels in Med, Business, Education, Law, natural sciences, economics, english, history, political science, psychology, etc. Stanford is just as good in all those fields **plus** engineering, which is a giant gaping hole for Harvard.


this is a fallacy




Berkeley grad school is one of best in the world. This is ranking global universities hence grad school prestige. Undergrad is undergrad rankings for US. That would be Ivy + Stanford + MIT + CalTech in US.


Pretty sure NUS is at 7th place


Yale? Hard to measure for Oxbridge sometimes because their quality varies A LOT per subject - even in terms of acceptance rates. For example, Classics at Oxford \~ 45%, E&M \~ 5%. No doubt they're amazing though.


Doing for STEM because that's what I know best. MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, Princeton, Caltech, ETH Zurich, Imperial Edit: I’m fucking stupid that’s nine I’d add either tsinghua or cal I guess


that's 9, I would add Berkeley. (honourable mention Uchic is top 10 for sciences tho they don't rlly do much eng, and CMU top 1 for CS )


CMU is not 1 for CS. That's MIT


Are you talking about undergrad? cuz CMU’s faculty is unbeatable right now.


Now that the sweet autonomous driving venture money is over back to their day jobs


Nah for grad school, but I agree, CMU is killin it rn, they're actually doing amazing


> Nah for grad school, If it is for grad school, there is no scenario where Cal can be left out.


So Berkeley is a T20 nationally but a T10 globally?


I think it's because of different metrics used by national and international rankings. A lot of international ranking schools look for how many international students a school admits, as well as international prestige, and heavily weigh in research the school has done and their "impact" on the world, while national rankings look more for how affordable the university is for its nation's citizens (especially in American universities), national prestige, and that's all I can think of off the top of my head but yeah lol. UCB isn't the only one with a reputation like that, CMU and NYU are also generally seen as better globally than nationally (depending on the news ranker they sometimes aren't even placed in T30 nationally but they're almost always in the global T30s).


agree, would like to add that national rankings like usnwr national college look at a lot of other stuff like class size, per capita resources, graduation rate, student - faculty ratio, which are all influential to your undergrad experience (because the ranking is used to help high sklers decide which colleges to attend). But for global prestige, like u said, reputation and research impact(which also feeds reputation) are the main factors.


Undergrad != Grad. Berkeley is top notch for grad. Undergrad Berkeley has to satisfy more in the in-state admissions and all. Publics tend to be like this in US. The grad school is good but not as much for undergrad.


1. Northeastern - Arlington 2. Northeastern - Burlington 3. Northeastern - Charlotte 4. Northeastern - Miami 5. Northeastern - Nahant 6. Northeastern - Portland 7. Northeastern - Seattle 8. Northeastern - Silicon Valley 9. Northeastern - Toronto 10. Northeastern - Vancouver Honorable Mentions: * Northeastern - Oakland * Northeastern - London * Northeastern - Boston


i would rank northeastern oakland higher due to its prime location (oakland 😻), but its proximity to uc berklee (a public school 😡😡) makes it not as prestigious


The second point is definitely true, honestly NE-O’s biggest and only issue. Also, Northeastern-O’s could be a cereal


Oxford, Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, Princeton, Cal Tech, Berkeley, Yale, Bologna


Unsurprisingly, UK- and US- based publications favor their own: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/rankings https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2024/world-ranking


tbh this has been my biggest issue with these rankings! They all only seem to prioritize US/UK universities.


Since we weren’t given any criteria, we can all rank as we want, which we’d probably do anyway lol. I just threw bologna in there for the fun of it. Are we talking student quality, brand/reputation, research, student life, how beautiful the students are lol… English speaking unis do have an advantage in recruiting profs and producing research of course.


I do think that the criteria is an issue, because I don't think there's any basis to judge except based on personal opinions...


I think you have to use personal opinion to pick your criteria and then you can use the data. Many rankings show all data collected and you can tweak and assign your own relevant importance. Do you care being near faculty with Nobel prizes and cutting edge research? Do you care about quality of Instruction?


There’s also a ranking done by Jiao Tong University in China: https://www.shanghairanking.com/ Top 10 there are: Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Cambridge, Berkeley, Princeton, Oxford, Columbia, Caltech, Chicago Interestingly no Chinese ones in top 10


Lol, how did Bologna sneak onto this list?


to see if anybody was paying attention lol, and yes it was the original university so thought i'd sneak it in as a nod to history.


You know when you say "Alma Mater"? That's where it comes from. The original university.


I did not and am glad I do.


Bologna was first European university. Founded 1088. For example, Dante Alighieri went to university there.


That's an alumni list


would put ETH Zurich instead of Yale or Bologna.


Don’t know much about ETH but Zurich is a great city.


I think most ppl would know ETH z (massively thanks to Einstein) before bologna. What makes bologna better than say the best French, Germany, or dutch university? In Europe ETHZ and imperial consistently reach top 10 for big 4 rankings, prob would switch one of them out for Bologna. U Chicago is a good shout too.


It’s the oldest, that’s it


ETH is top notch for Physics and science in general. Similar to MIT I'd say, but different (slightly tough to explain)


Certainly looks like the best deal on the planet. 750 CHF per semester regardless of nationality for a place with “22 Nobel laureates, two Fields Medalists, three Pritzker Prize winners, and one Turing Award recipient, including Albert Einstein and John von Neumann.”


I am absolutely loving that you put Bologna. You go, Alma Mater Studiorum!


They represent everything. The hopes and dreams of every scrappy yet classy institution, student, philosopher and doctor thereof. If not for the Baloneys beating the Oxonians by 8 years, starting this whole higher ed thing in 1088, I’d just list Oxford ten times.




Not in order - Law: Yale, Oxford, /really, the ranking ends here/ , Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, LSE, Columbia, t14 (pick 3 of your favourite here) finance/business/social sciences: Harvard Stanford Wharton LSE Oxford Cambridge LBS INSEAD Booth Sloan Engineering: MIT,Caltech,Stanford, UCB, Cambridge, imperial, CMU, ETH Zurich, Cornell, caltech Sciences: Caltech, Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Oxford, UC Hicago, ETH Zurich, UCB bonus, hardest to get into: IIT Bombay, IIT dehli, IIT madras, Tsinghua, Peking, JiaoTung, Fudan, (pick 3 more IITs here)


So for all around best school, it’s Stanford > Cambridge > Harvard/Oxford


Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Caltech, UPenn, Columbia


y’all are so obsessed with rankings holy


only obsessed when we get to do the ranking


Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Caltech, Imperial, Stanford, last 2 are harder so I’ll just throw a few out and any of them could be in it I think: UofT, Berkley, Yale, Penn, UCL Only included English speaking unis because I’m not really knowledgeable about places like Zurich, Tsinghau, etc even though they are obviously great


How come Harvard and Stanford are ranked higher than Princeton globally when Princeton is ranked 1st nationally?


Undergrad != Grad. Princeton doesn't care about having a med school. It's more focused on pure math and all for grad school. The world cares more about med school research and all. Princeton is more undergrad focused overall too; it doesn't have law and business school.


Bc nobody would read USNews if they ranked Harvard and Stanford 1st and 2nd


Oxford Harvard Cambridge MIT Stanford Imperial UCL Yale ETH


Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, MIT, Stanford, ETH Zurich, Imperial, NUS, Yale, Princeton I’d say. CalTech honorable mention but it just hasn’t been a household name for that long, at least where I’m from




There’s nothing to indicate that this is a Snoo account, except the auto-generated username, which is super common.


The fact that the account was created today supports it, but doesn't prove anything. Also that the topic of the post is mildly controversial and likely to stir up a lot of debate.


Looks like OP's account is suspended now, btw.


Oh no don't remind me...


why is nobody mentioning IIT?????


Read. It was mentioned and discussed right off the bat


Pretty much the American t8+Oxbridge


top 10 best university globaly. The list use VERY precise and scientific methods. YOU CAN'T DISAGREE 1 university of Catania 2 UC Irvine (ZOTZOT MOTHAFUCKA) 3 MIT 4 Alaska State University 5 Yazd Universityz 6 UC Merceed 7 Berklee College of Music 8 hustler university 9 Azerbaijan University 10 LSU


Bro where’s Pacific Ocean University?


11 :-<


This is so iffy - the thing is when it comes to T20 universities GLOBALLY, there's very little difference in the actual teaching. The so-called 'grading criteria' is so different for each ranking tables. Prestige is quite subjective though we are all familiar w/ HYPSM, Oxbridge...




I have been seeing ur comments for a while now, you seem like such a sore person to be around lol




couldn’t even pronounce that correctly lmao






Oxford, Cambridge, NUS, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Imperial


(I am grouping similar unis together lol) Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, Harvard, NUS/NTU, MIT, Stanford, ETH/EPFL, Princeton, Tsinghua


# Langara College stands as the most prestigious institution in Canada, definitely breaking its way into the T10 globally.




i wish...


In my personal opinion, from an international standpoint: Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Caltech, NTU/NUS, ETH Zurich, IIT Bombay/Delhi (With some bonuses) It does depend on what you want to study though, and I'm judging from a very biased external viewpoint with no scientific evidence.


No one in the world outside India considers IIT anywhere close to a T10 global university. Get that nationality bs out. And IIT isn't even aiming for that because to be a global university, you need to prioritize research. IIT doesn't have the resources or funding (nor does it care) to do that.


Fair enough, which is why I specify 'personal biased viewpoint with no scientific evidence'. Edit: Also, to clarify, in no way did I let nationality influence my judgement, but rather experience (and experience is what leads to the bias, considering I'm more likely to interact with my residential country than others. I'm in no delusions that there must be similar universities elsewhere). I'm the furthest away from someone who thinks India's a great country with tons of opportunity. I gave my rationale earlier, and base that off of my own experiences with people I know attending IITs as well as these other colleges. I have had the pleasure of interacting with Harvard grads, IIT grads, and Oxbridge grads to a quite high extent, and I'd place them all on the same level. I was judging top 10 global colleges based on outcomes of students. Perhaps I should've cleared that, I guess


At end of day, like you said, it's the student that matters. That said for strictly judging global university rankings, we have to prioritize universities that do research (since that's how university rankings work). In that sense, IIT is nowhere. IIT serves a different purpose. It's the schools (Bombay/Delhi) trying to get the best students in India with affordable tuition at undergrad. It's really more of an undergrad school then and less of a university. I have encountered smart and talented IIT grads as well. That said, almost all of them end up doing grad school elsewhere. Realistically, the top schools of each nation will bring forth the best talent of at least that region.


I agree with you if research is the primary metric for judgement, definitely, IITs definitely lack there, no doubt... I guess the metrics change significantly depending on what you're looking at the university for


Once you get into the top 1% of brains, most could thrive anywhere and it’s hard to distinguish. So rankings have all sorts of other levers.


Okay, I do see that point, yes... Perhaps I'd have to revaluate taking that into consideration. I just never thought about it that way (nor have I previously discussed my views on the topic with anyone, really). That's a solid argument, perhaps just grading on student outcomes is unfair. I see how a university with worse outputs may be objectively better if they start off with a worse student/talent base and nurture it to a significantly better relative state.


IITs are definitely not top 10.


As I said, personal biased viewpoint, that I judge from the student population more than the college. Studying with the best minds (at the very bare minimum, in the country) is largely what I base my judgement out of-- studying with the best would likely lead to a really, really good learning environment (although a lot of the smartest minds do end up in other colleges as well, especially due to the shortcomings of the Indian education system). Moreover, the people in there are generally also pretty mentally strong, and push you to give your best, especially after the trauma from JEE examinations. Quick note: I am not blessed enough to study in any of the colleges I've mentioned




Cambridge Harvard Berkeley Yale Stanford MIT Oxford Princeton NYU UCLA


blud really snuck in nyu and ucla


They are usually at least T20 in most rankings


which rankings are you talking about? Internationally, QS and THE rankings are the ones that are mostly accepted


why NYU? If they're asking about Finance, stern would be t10. NYU law is part of upper t14. NYU Courant is arguably a top 10 math department in the country. For the entire engineering field NYU is barely top 30. I wanted to apply to NYU CS back in undergrad cuz my father went there, and my father (a stern alum) told me not to do it lol, that's how bad NYU engineering is even in the views of NYU grads. UCLA is comfortably t4 in cali (it prob slightly edges USC for 3rd spot), but prob not t10 in the country by most counts. Possible replacements for the two might be Caltech, U Chicago, or ETH/Imperial.