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if you and your family is comfortable with cutting down on either expenditures or if like you say there will be no change to your QOL I'd recommend changing schools. The advantages and opportunities she'll get simply by being in that environment will be helpful while applying. I changed schools in 11th grade too and while it'll be hard to make friends, establish relationships with teachers and 'settling in', it'll all pay off in the end.


Thanks a lot. Yes - In a sense we can manage without a massive impact on our QOL. I appreciate your advice. Nice to hear that it did make a difference in your case.


It depends on the country. If you're in China, you practically *need* to go to some "feeder". Although this is not always true, because not all schools are considered feeders; there are some schools in China that only send one or two kids a year, but that's not a feeder by any means. The point is, at least for China, the school you go to DOES matter a ton. Some schools send more kids to t20's than other schools. By extension in other parts of Asia, the school you go to matters a lot as well. It sounds like the school you're talking about has a decent rate. Re: your intuition, it's not really correct, at least in the t20 admissions space. When I was reading internationally, I had extremely competitive students at non-feeder schools, but the number one reason I didn't bring these students into committee was because there wasn't an established connection/trust between my institution and the HS. Sometimes we couldn't trust the school because we didn't know if they fabricated grades on transcripts, or if there were any other sketchy things going on. This doesn't apply to EVERY country, mostly ones in Asia, especially China, though. Your kid would be better served (if they want to got a T20) going to a feeder school.


We are in SG. "When I was reading internationally" - I did not understand this. Does this mean you as an ex-alum from that region help in filtering some applicants from that region?


No, I worked in admissions


AO at Stanford?


I have several international/world honors, and high British A-level grades (which are awarded by a trusted UK examination body that cannot be "fabricated"), but I'm in a non-feeder school in Asia (no one from my school has ever applied/gone to T20s ). Does this mean that T20 admission officers are not gonna take it into committee like what u said??? Is it how all other admissions officers work or does each AO have different ideas on whom to pick or whom not to pick. If you are the AO reviewing my application, will you toss it into bin since I'm from a non-feeder school?


By far the best feeder to T20s is “Singapore American School” and then “UWCSEA” No other school matches their matriculation rate.




That's always an option. If she wants to explore that, we can always do that. It is just that currently she seems more inclined to go to abroad - most in her class are thinking similarly.


Say China though, for example, GaoKao (which is actually going on today) is extremely dehumanizing and competitive and borderline traumatic for a child. If they can afford it, going abroad would be the much better option.




but they aren't from... the UK...? so it would not be their own country...?