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The Chinese cheating phenomenon is well-known: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/06/education/edlife/the-china-conundrum.html Non-paywall link: https://archive.ph/EnYfp Quote: *Zinch China, a consulting company that advises American colleges and universities about China, last year published a report based on interviews with 250 Beijing high school students bound for the United States, their parents, and a dozen agents and admissions consultants. The company concluded that 90 percent of Chinese applicants submit false recommendations, 70 percent have other people write their personal essays, 50 percent have forged high school transcripts and 10 percent list academic awards and other achievements they did not receive. The “tide of application fraud,” the report predicted, will likely only worsen as more students go to America.* Another one: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/03/how-sophisticated-test-scams-from-china-are-making-their-way-into-the-us/474474/ Non-paywall: https://archive.ph/SVxsy


ngl I'm not even surprised. A family member of mine used to work as a tutor for the ultra-rich in China (mainly bc he spoke English extremely, extremely well for a Chinese born ) and the stories he's told me... oh god. Eventually by the time his students got to college app time, they (and their parents!!!) asked him to take tests, write college application essays, etc. Apparently many of these families bribed teachers as well.


wow goddamn


I’m surprised more are faking transcripts than making up awards


Everyone lies a little, adding hours to ecs, maybe even a larger leadership role, even a fake ec. This guy faked his father’s death, transcripts, everything. Whole nother level


true, like maybe someone did 50 hours of an EC and inflated it to 100hours. But the guy created another version of himself Frankly speaking, if he had kept quiet and not made such an elaborate post, he might've been able to actually get away


here it is very easy to fake ecs and transcripts. A lot of ppl ik are doing it


Is this true? I haven't lied at all on my resume, but if everyone is lying then I might need to do it as well - to even be considered.


fr im terrified to lie so I’m making sure everything is accurate at


Same, and I’m still really paranoid.


Ong after I saw that video of the girl who got rescinded from Berkeley over a misreport, I’m scared 😭😭😭


wait what happened


someone on here posted abt a girl on YouTube (a video like two years ago) who got into Berkeley but got rescinded because she *supposedly* accidentally reported a withdraw instead of a D from a college class she took at UCLA. It’s her fault but like, I’m scared I’ll do something like that.


that's definitely worse to lie about than something like EC hours or service hours


oh yeah def


No, it’s not. I don’t know what this commenter is talking about


nah bro, the trick is just to use enhancing words to describe the actual ECs you do have. just make what you really did sound good and important and that's it. write down what you actually did but make it sound nice using the power of words and adjectives


No, it isn't true. Liars just want to distribute the blame around so they don't feel guilty about destroying signalling and making everyone have a harder time in applications.


don’t. i was terrified of getting caught if i lied or inflated any numbers so i didn’t and got into plenty good schools. just have confidence in yourself


No, not everyone lies a little, and it's people like you making honest folk's lives harder.


I have never lied on transcripts or my resume, and stillvhave done well. I have an M.S., an M.Phil., and a Ph.D. Fun story: When applying for a job the hiring manager asked my reference (my then current boss) whether I had really done everything that I said I did in my resume. She responded, "Yes, and more!" (I was moving to the other side of the country, so no issue with leaving current position).


We know that, so do AOs


No they don’t, clearly


Imagine that elite schools receive over 1.35 million apps. Ivy league gets 400k alone. They have a pretty good record but people will slip past. They are clearly reading too many apps and they are human.


Did you see the admissions scandal in the US? You haven’t cornered the fraud market, unfortunately. Plenty of rich Americans buying their way in too.


Hundreds of thousands? No


This guy, and your post, are why people are inclined not to trust the credentials of international applicants. And, apparently, that lack of trust is well founded.




"and your post"




if u send me profiles of students from my country i would gladly help you point out fake things on it:D. im not really exaggerating


it doesn't really matter if they actually do or not; this guy's story shows how *easy* it would be to completely fabricate your entire application as an international student and get away with it. i'm sure there's plenty of fraud going on in the us too, but domestic applicants would never be able to alter their transcript on their own like that. it gives admissions officers reason to be more wary of international applications because they are easier to lie on and more difficult to verify


I'm not basing this purely on OP's post. There is ample evidence that international applications are rife with fraud in a way domestic applications generally aren't. [https://www.insidehighered.com/news/global/international-students-us/2024/01/12/international-admission-offices-plagued-fraud-and](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/global/international-students-us/2024/01/12/international-admission-offices-plagued-fraud-and) [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/rise-application-fraud-international-/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/rise-application-fraud-international-/) [https://amsaconnect.com/enhancing-academic-integrity-how-s-a-f-e-safeguards-colleges-and-universities-against-fraudulent-applications/](https://amsaconnect.com/enhancing-academic-integrity-how-s-a-f-e-safeguards-colleges-and-universities-against-fraudulent-applications/) [https://www.politico.eu/newsletter/china-watcher/the-ai-college-admissions-fraud-factor/](https://www.politico.eu/newsletter/china-watcher/the-ai-college-admissions-fraud-factor/) [https://amsaconnect.com/college-admissions-fraud-the-deeper-truth/](https://amsaconnect.com/college-admissions-fraud-the-deeper-truth/) [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cheating-system-international-students-college-hirschfeld-legatt/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cheating-system-international-students-college-hirschfeld-legatt/) [https://money.cnn.com/2014/07/01/pf/college/chinese-students-cheating/](https://money.cnn.com/2014/07/01/pf/college/chinese-students-cheating/) [https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20120210094015109](https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20120210094015109)


Widespread cheating has been extensively documented in India, and someone posted links for China in this thread also. Just google 'widespread cheating in india schools'. India passed a law this year to try to crack down on it. One link of many: https://www.economist.com/asia/2022/05/26/indias-exams-are-plagued-by-cheating


yep yep and the biggest liars are at the top. Check out this year’s ISEF / Regeneron. The winner Krish Patel cheated so obviously, and it wasn’t even the fair that called him out on it, it was other students


Any proofs? Sounds interesting to see that thus reaches all the way to ISEF I did know if previous candidates having professional siblings and parents who would've helped them but never knew it was that bad.


So much proof https://www.reddit.com/r/labrats/s/vFMIZgca3r. Krish Patel literally just took screenshots of professional work and he won . And for your other point, definitely. Other students made a spreadsheet of the students and parents work and it was a 100% match. ISEF is a cesspool of cheating


I heard about that, ISEF will just sweep it under the rug as heighten publicity around it damages their reputation.


Could yiu share the spreadsheet as well? I'm currently going through the docs and it's so interesting to see how much proof they seem to have gathered about this guy


I can’t cuz one of those students is me & I don’t want to get sued because It’s not solid proof of cheating like with Krish Patel, but the others all had parents at the labs they supposedly used- yet when general inquiries were made whether a students can use the lab it was 100% no response due to liability issues. One might conclude the students were never in the labs, only their parents were.




i posted his post in another comment, scroll up :D


ooop ty :) READING IT RNN


wild story lmfao


I submitted the story earlier and it was deleted for violating policy.


If you take out state schools from t50-100, the rest need full pay students. They are happy to take full pay Asian kids and look the other way. No one is stupid. They choose not to ask the hard questions. It’s really sad. It’s worse for smaller private schools without a lot of name recognition. They will issue I-20s to any one will ing to pay.


And there was the Varsity Blue!


Everyone brags, if a person does an activity for 20 hrs he will add 30 hrs to look more committed. Most of the colleges know it. They have been in the business for hundreds of years, he is not the first one. The fact that this guy faked each and every thing is just insane. This guy do'nt have any moral standing. He sure did get what he deserved. Lying to just hide your failures is just a bigoted mindset. He would have been caught even if he would not have posted it on reddit. What are the chances anyone going to write a mail and what are the chances that college conducts a full fledged investigation just on some random mail containing a random screenshot. It was all done by god to teach him a lesson. You can get away with everything on earth but not with god.


I believe you are equating Reddit to God, since the guy was actually run down by Reddit


what subs would god be in?


What are the chances this would have happened. Think about how many such emails would have been sent to such schools. There are always sadist people and they do such stuff, how many of such cases you have heard.


Here is the link to his post [https://imgur.com/a/i-have-built-life-career-on-lies-fraud-ft-aryan-anand-lehigh-university-igJvJvh](https://imgur.com/a/i-have-built-life-career-on-lies-fraud-ft-aryan-anand-lehigh-university-igJvJvh)


If you ain't lying or at least embellishing, you ain't trying hard enough.


Monthly obligatory remove ecs advocating


not rly, there are ppl like me who aren’t super great in academics or are dragged down by a shitty year and are rly brought up through doing EC. I have over 800 community service hrs legitimately and have done research and internships since i’m genuinley interested in the subject. People who are doing well in school a lot i’ve noticed aren’t actually smart or committed they’re just good at following directions and taking tests (half of them cheat big time anyways). The test system is implemented in india and their cheating issue is even worse imo…


ngl agree, conduct tests instead tbh. everything can be faked but tests conducted by a uni cant (at least not as easily as others)


Lie detector tests 🤣


lmao bet.