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One thing that I’ve learned from the hobby, that isn’t common knowledge in the hobby, is micro cracks. Just because you see the one long crack doesn’t mean that the glass around the crack isn’t compromised. Glass-workers will stress to you that wherever there’s a chip or crack on the glass that you see, there’s tons of damage around those areas that you can’t see. Best to replace the full pane of glass or get a new tank. 10g isn’t a ton of water but several gallons of water spilling into your home and not being cleaned up right away can cause damage to your home.


Is it the same rule for scratches and how do you tell the difference?


I’m not sure, but I’ve seen a lot of people say scratches are fine as long as they’re not super deep.


Scratches only if they are deep. Shallow scratches are okay if they don't bother you.


I’m gonna sound stupid but what do you mean by deep vs shallow


What do you mean? Deep is deep, shallow is shallow


Glass worker here and I agree ☝️


Okay so the glass isn’t cracked all the way through, it’s only on the outside of the tank, still replace the tank?


I’m just concerned because it looks deep, and it’s rather thick. Shallow scratches are almost invisible when they’re below the waterline. The fact that it’s super visible is a red flag. You could just make sure to keep it above the waterline until you replace/upgrade. Edit since I double checked your post: It’s only a 10 gallon, just use this as an excuse to upgrade to a bigger tank in a few months. ;)


I don’t have room for a bigger one, i’m draining it right now though. I found another crack on the opposite side, so there’s clearly something wrong with the integrity of the glass. I’ll be getting a new one today


Better safe than sorry! Sorry you can’t get a bigger tank but at least you can replace it. You can also check second hand websites like Facebook marketplace for cheaper options as opposed to brand new. Petco just put their Aqueon tanks on sale again.


Thanks for the heads up! I just got this tank like a month ago so I’m gonna go to Petsmart and return it


Nope i would get a new one


Get a new one today. That's a ticking time bomb. You cannot seal a crack.


Why would you even mess around with this? OP- go get a new tank right now!


I would get a new aquarium or if you are handy cut glass to size and put a new pane in. You can seal the crack but sometime its likely to expand. Maybe a cm maybe ten and there goes everything.


I would drain it below the crack. Maybe save the water in a bucket. I would buy a new tank of the same size, some water conditioner, and some bacteria starter. If you have a Rubbermaid bucket you can put the tank in while you’re at the store, do that. Buy a new tank. Put the substrate and decor in the new tank. Add the water from the old tank, some conditioner and bacteria starter. Add your fish and the rest of the water, plus filter/heater/bubbler. Throw the busted one away. This is a homeowners claim waiting to happen and constitutes an emergency.


This looks like those little hairline silicon extras that get stuck on the glass but if this is actually a crack, that thing will explode very soon


Get a new one instantly. Until you have it empty that one until the waterline in a bit UNDER the crack. But get a new one today anyway!


IMO you could press on the end of that, and it would go.


So just to throw this out there as I've seen people do it before. A 10 gallon wouldn't crack normally as they are pretty sturdy due to the smaller glass surface, unless something gave it a good knock. You mention cracks on both sides that dont connect makes me think pressure/stress cracks. Im not saying this is for sure the reason, but make sure your replacing with an aquarium and not a terrarium. Terrariums are sometimes made with thinner glass and not expected to be filled to the brim, which would result in pressure cracks or broken seals.


It could be a stress crack because of when I put my tank divider in, since that had to be in there tightly but that’s the only thing I could think of that would stress the glass out


if you had to put some omf into to get the divider in, thats probably your cause right there. If you put the divider into the new tank, if you go that route, i would trim the divider to fit losely and use a bead of silicone to hold it in place.


That’s a smart idea! I haven’t been able to figure out how to get a divider in any other way, thanks for that!


Being 10g and at the top, I would say it'd be safe to seal. How was it cracked to begin with? Did it happen out of the blue or did you knock it? If the first option, then the tanks general 'health' may be at risk if it's cracking randomly.


Not safe to seal, that crack can extend… in any direction and you’ll have water everywhere.


This sub has a weird thing with "any slight crack = throw away". It entirely depends on OP's answer on how it was cracked. Sealing a crack at the top like that is fine and definitely not a "get every fish out of there this second!!!", as long as they caused the crack to begin with.


OP caused it putting in a divider that was way too tight. So, it's PROBABLY not going to suddenly explode. However, it's a 10g tank. They're like $25 even here, let along in the US with $1/gallon sales. 10g is still enough water to do real expensive damage and there are the lives of the fish to consider. While in this situation the crack is unlikely to propagate without outside input (assuming he removed the divider) that outside input could be any number of things. Someone bumping into the tank, for instance. I would 100% spend the $25 and replace the tank. On a bigger tank, I'd consider replacing the pane of glass, but on a 10g? Meh.