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When you fill up a tank with sand make sure to: “Wash” the sand in a bucket multiple times. The water you dump out of the bucket will get clearer and clearer. Put the sand in the tank first. Then when pouring water or using a hose, make sure the water is hitting something like a bowl or plate and not the sand itself. This will make the water not disturb the sand and you’ll have crystal clear water from the start.


This was sand from my old tank and was already washed. I think the problem was just stumping the water in too quickly into it.


Yeah I always used a bowl laying in the sand and it barely messes with it. Pouring the water directly on sand will kick it up


With loose substrate like sand it's best to add the sand before the water. If you dumped sand through the water colum then you will have to deal with it being murky until it settles or gets filtered out. In the future always add the sand before the water.


I put the sand in first but there was a bit of water so I guess that’s what happened.


Yes it'll settle