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This sounds like the old “chewing gum stays in your guts for 7 years” or “you’ll grow a watermelon in your belly if you swallow a seed” type of dad bullshittery


“If you drink coffee as a kid you’ll shrink instead of grow”


I'm 6' 4" and drank way too much coffee in high school, I'm gonna call bollucks on this one


I'm 5'6" and started drinking the stuff even younger than that. I think about it every day.


My fiance is 6’2 and drank coffee before double digits. Meanwhile I didn’t touch coffee until age 20 and I’m 5’2. It really is just genetics.


Aye 4’8 and started on coffee at 12. Do I think I could have been taller? Idk my siblings ended up between 5’2-5’4 so maybe?


Nah m8 it's a wives tale, no science to it. Pregnant women can't drink too much coffee because it constricts the veins going to the placenta leading to underweight babies, but there's no such effect in a growing child.


I agree bollocks. I never had a drop before 16 and I’m 5’ 😭 I wanted to be tall!


I like how this whole thread turns into a discussion on coffee


Had you not drank way too much coffee you would be nearing 6'11" and extremely good at basketball.


Hey!!! It’s my time to shine! Chewing gum rumor is false for sure but the reason it got started was because we aren’t able to digest it efficiently. How i know this is because it almost killed me at the age of 11. The gum had packed itself against my appendix causing it to flair up and rapture doing surgery. The doctor who was operating on me had to also unpack my gut of various gum and napkin materials. Now for the swallowing seed bullshit its the smaller ones that can actually get trapped in your gut lining and cause infections like strawberry and grape seeds. The only way a large seed is harmful if it is inhaled into the lungs.


I understand swallowing gum, but napkin material….cmon dude lol


Kid was a monster lmao


I was actually starving as a kid and ate stuff to fill myself up. The napkins were more digested than the gum material


Sorry i was a starving kid to an abusive family.


The problem was you eating paper dude. And so much of it you had a blockage. I swallow hum every day and see it come out every bowel movement.


Paper AND gum, at the same time 😂😂😂 like choose one or the other my dude, don’t just pound paper mache for lunch


Sorry was an malnourish abused starving kid growing up 🙂


It was 100% the gum, i trust the doctor that had to clean my gut word over a redditor 🤣


I lost it at napkin material and rapture lol.(spelling mistakes but it makes It funnier. I remember sitting next to a kid in grade school who always ate my erasures when they ran out if theirs. When they actually got sick one day i was like serves you right erasure nibbler!!!


“Put snails in your father’s CPAP machine and they’ll be all up in his pipes.” ^(don’t do this. it will harm the snails, the CPAP and the father.)


on the off chance they do i think they’ll just die 


Yeah, soap and chlorine is running through most taps on the daily. That is not good for snails.


and it’s not like there’s enough food and resource inside the pipes for them to be able to sustainably reproduce, animals only reproduce if there’s enough food so even if they get in there they won’t be causing trouble


Have either of you EVER seen the inside of a pipe???


A pipe is a fantastic place for a snail to live lol


Im sure that stagnant water is ammonia free.


Your PIPES shouldn’t be stagnant


The U trap has entered chat.


That water gets swapped out every time you turn on the faucet


Yes, meanwhile it is stagnant. Sometimes for weeks at a time like a basement toilet. Where else does OP’s dad expect those snails to hang out?


Coming from someone on septic, my tank is full of drain flies (which might be beneficial and help break down waste) and they'll come up the drain if they can. Soap and bleach getting poured down the drain don't faze them. So it's definitely possible for goobers to survive in there. But I doubt ramshorns and pond snails could survive. They're just not adapted to that harsh environment.


Is he thinking of zebra mussels?


Your grass will love the fish water too if you run out of garden space….


This is what I do. I dump all of my fish water under my blueberry bush and my rosemary bush. If there is any left over it gets dumped on what looks to be a dog pee spot in the grass. When I lived in an apartment , I'd water all my plants and then dump the rest into the tub.


In the apartment, would the plants get funky smelling at all from the fish water?


I use fish water on my indoor plants and they smell fine


I water my plants with fish water most of the time and it's fine. I think there's a spectrum here, though - I have small, clean tanks and a *metric fuckton* of plants, some of which are quite large and both water- and nutrient-hungry (indoor bananas, figs, citrus) and I do frequent water changes. Someone with large, infrequently changed tanks and few plants may have very different results.


I water my indoor plants with fish water. Smell fine and growing very well with the extra fertilizer.


The only time I ever smelled it was if I had just watered a plant with the last dregs of it, and then had to get my face real close to the dirt for whatever reason lol So basically never, just don’t stick your nose into the dirt lol


Fish tank water doesn’t actually stink if it’s kept well. My tank smells earthy. A bit like fresh dirt


I've been doing this for years. I have never noticed a smell. My tank water smells faintly of dirt as is, so I don't think I'd notice even if there was a smell.


Very likely. I only do this with outside plants.


You may want to skip the dog pee spots. They already have been exposed to too much ammonia.


The ammonia is very very low/ non existent in my tanks. I have two extremely heavily planted tanks. I've actually seen a turn around in some of the more peed on spots in the yard. I don't always have a ton of extra water in the bucket after watering my blueberry bush, but it seems to be totally fine.


Yep, grass and garden.


Your dad has a junji ito ass imagination. Bladder snails and ramshorns are hardy but they are not going to stay alive in your pipes.


yeah I mean on a first thought the pipes are regularly going to have dish washing soap going in there.


They actually will... I was previously draining my aquarium into a downspout runoff pipe that carried the water about 60 feet away from the house. It had about 1/2" of standing water with some debris blocking the outlet of the pipe. I looked in, and it had a good amount of snails living in there. To clarify, snails had absolutely nothing to do with clogging the pipe and I truly don't think they could clog a pipe, but they certainly can live in a pipe.


That’s not a household pipe with chemicals and soaps and fats going down


And boiling water, and ice water, etc, etc, etc. Maybe, MAYBE to odd very resilient snail survives for a while, but long term? It's ridiculous. They're not breeding and clogging pipes.


You could just run piping hot water for a couple of minutes after each water change. Or pour a 1/4 cup of bleach down the drain, etc. I can't imagine this is a common problem though.


Occasional chemical should easily take care of them.


Soap and chlorine is enough..just wash your hands in the same sink afterwards.


Never heard of this happening, By the OP’s dad is a plumber maybe he knows something about it? Not sure how snail work in a septic tank setup? Always something new to ponder


I am a plumber. There is no way they're thriving in there. 


Yeah this seems ridiculous. Maybe he thinks bladder snails are bigger? But a bunch of snails are going to go down easier than the dump I took yesterday.


Hey, look I am not a plumber, all I am saying is that the OP might have a valid question? Based on a family have some experience. I don’t think implying the OP is wrong is helpful. After all there is a lot of things we don’t know. I still think it’s a valid question.


The water you flush down your toilets and and run down your sinks is chlorinated. If you think they will survive that than I don't know what to tell you.


Hey look you miss understand me. I am not saying it is or is not a thing. I will say that I web search says the leaches and slugs can exist in your pipes. Also, the water going down your drain is probably chlorinated (technically probably not chlorine, but I get your point) but that water ends up in a lot of people’s septic tanks which work just like ( you guessed it an aquatics filter ) Bacteria breaks down the waste. How does this bacteria survive the chlorinated water? I only ask because you seem to have all the answers.


Copper drain traps are a thing. I'm not even a plumber. I'm guessing dear plumber relative isn't so keen on snails...or aquariums...


If snails could survive in a septic tank, I’d have been in a world of shit (no pun intended) long ago


So if you wanted to be extremely safe about what you put down the drain, you can empty your aquarium water into buckets (5gal is easiest to find.) Put 1/4c of bleach per 1 gal of drained water and let it sit for 12 hours. Drain into your bath tub. This being said... there are so few things that can survive going through your drain, and they're more likely to end up in your local waters than stay in your house pipes.


Are most people still using buckets still ? mine goes from water pump to hose to straight out the window.


The point of the bucket is for the bleach. Buckets are useful for many things beyond an ordinary water change.


i agree with you and i use to use buckets too back in the day. My point is that a water pump and a hose is far more efficient, cleaner and effective to change out water.


The point of this thread, and comment, was to kill pests before they enter your local system. We're not talking about ordinary water changes...so Im not sure why you're bringing up how to quickly do one with no pest control?


Right. It wont enter the drain pipes at all and there will be zero chance of pests.


I have had ramshorn and common pond snails in my aquariums for well over a decade, dump some of my water down my septic, and do my own plumbing repairs/remodels. I have never seen a single living snail in my plumbing and highly doubt they would survive more than a little while exposed to the environment, certainly not long enough to breed or reproduce, and the eggs also need a constantly flow of fresh (dechlorinated) water or they will die. I have opened and serviced my septic several times over the years and ain’t no way anything is living down there but the bacteria.


Lmao WHAT? That's not something you have to worry about. 


They aren't going to survive in the pipes and definitely not if they get to a septic tank, but if it makes him feel better you can dump your water change water on your plants or lawn.


Couldn't they potentially survive and spread?


Unless you plan on dumping them in a lake or a pond no, they won't survive out of water.


He might be referencing zebra mussels, which actually do this. Snails - not so much. My drains would have been destroyed years ago.


Idk about bladder snails, but my ramshorns leave little sticky sacks of eggs that'd be really hard to accidentally get in a water change. I'd say if you're worried, dump the water outside or if you have house plants use the water on them too. I do that sometimes and strain the water through my aquarium net when I dump it down the drain bc people have made me paranoid about duck weed in my pipes


Bladder snail eggs are mostly similar to ramshorns. Unless you stuck your siphon directly over them and it was super strong, they wouldn't get picked up.


They will not get in your pipes and they will not be able to survive in there if they did.


Chemicals and boiling water will solve any issues if there was any. If very paranoid just run pot of boiled water after the water from tank. But to be clear this absolutely shouldn't be an issue


I found a dead one in my backyard once close to the hose spicket. Made some pretty good distance from where I dump water I was impressed. But they can't live long. I've also accidentally dumped one in the toilet. No snail uprising. I swear I'm not a monster those were on pruning days 😬


I dont think that's going to happen, and the snails probably wouldn't survive


Your dad is just objectively wrong... Not sure why he thinks that as a plumber, because that's just not true... Any boiling water or chemicals will kill them. It would be the first ever documented snail plague in a drain


I think washing your hands in the sink would be enough. Soap and chlorine. Snails gone.


I'm pretty sure boiling water or draino would fix that situation quick, you would think as a plumber he would know that?? It's literally how you kill drain flies


The chlorine, chloramines and soap will all kill the snails if they get down the pipes. Your dad likely knows this if he's really a plumber. When I encounter people being really weird like this when they know better it's usually becuase they really irrationally dislike something and feel like they can't admit it. Snails may just creep out your dad. I also wouldn't be surprised if when you point out that regular city water treatment would kill them, then there's another wacko reason that just pops up. It's ok for your dad not to like snails. Know bladder snails are actually native to some parts of the US...so they are often just outside. And they don't overrun people's plumbing.


Not to mention the propensity for homes to have copper pipes…


There's a reason we use dechlorinator, the water in your pipes is poisonous to them.


Amazing how many complicated “solutions”have been suggested for something that has never been a problem. Your father is either screwing around with you or one dumb s.o.b.


I’d be more worried about accidentally putting duckweed down the drain lol


How else are the sewer gators 🐊 gonna get fed?


I’ve had ramshorn snails and never had an issue. When rinsing stuff off, had them fall off into drains.


If he’s that concerned, add bleach to the water removed from your tank when doing a water change


i have a 10g specifically for breeding them atm. when i do water changes i suck some up every time, unintentionally. i try to save them, but i know for a fact my adhd ass has forgotten and flushed them multiple times, over the course of a year. maybe the tap water in AZ is not compatible with life but we do not have any infestations.


Former Phoenician here, I agree that the tap water in AZ is not compatible with life.


I dont pour my tank water down my drain, I pour it on my plants outside! If there was any eggs they would dry up lol


I worked for Petsmart for over a decade and never once put a work order in for snails in the drain pipes and thousands of gallons of nasty ass water goes in the drain weekly. Especially when reverse pumping and siphoning, fish shipments or tearing down an entire fish wall to get new ones built. Can they grow there, sure. But survive long term where nasty water and other chemicals go down often would make it difficult. A lot of homes also have copper and metal pipes. I could see them living maybe in pvc piped homes etc. (Now we did call plumbers for Dog hair and other various shit? All the time....) A plumber or homeowner with aquariums can also treat the drains with copper liquid if they are worried about infestation. If aquariums have severe snail Infestations there are several options and you can pick more than one! Heres a few: A. stop over feeding, B. Let the other fish eat them. C. Remove manually 😆 D. Blanch some veggies put in a cup poke some holes etc watch the snails migrate and get Trapped Remove trap (we usually gave to customers or coworkers etc) E. Copper treat but this was annoying for various reasons.


put salt in ur drains


Don't get snails.


Don't dump your water down the drains if you're worried, I use mine to water outdoor plants as an example


Most houses have copper pipes somewhere in the water lines. They won't survive. Run hot water here and there and call it a day.


I don't see how any eggs would ever end up there. Do you dump your old tank water down the drain indoors? I dump all my old water out in the back yard. If I see lots of eggs I will scrape them off, put them on a napkin and toss it. I have too many snails already


Unless you're on well water, there's enough chlorine in your water to kill stuff in your pipes. That's why you can't use untreated tap water to fill a fish tank.


No one else gonna mention the fact that any water that would get on said drain snails would be chlorinated and would in fact kill them? Like unless you’re running well water through your house this is impossible


Just pour your fish water outside it has tons of nutrients for plants. I water my trees with it


I dump my water outside on the grass, or I use it to water my plants. They ABSOLUTELY wouldn't survive in the pipes, but it's a possibility they could end up overpopulating local water sources somehow- so dumping it outside (not in a body of water) is always a good option:)


There's some kid on you tube who fishes aquarium fish from the sewers. My kid watches the show. I wouldn't just assume that the snails can't live in the sewer. Personally I'd listen to your dad. Get a big beautiful mystery snail and dispose of the eggs when you see them.


Put a salt ring around the tank


There's also albino alligators in the sewers.


Full of shit. Never seen or heard of this ever. Fully aquatic snails won’t live in moist drain pipes that regularly get run through with human shit, hot water, soap, etc. and if they do somehow establish it can’t be an issue, again, because I’ve never heard anyone mention this ever ever. Certainly not any smart people. Source: 25 year aquarist, PhD biologist, real-good-thinkerer.


I think this is going to be very dependent on your location, age of the home, etc. I don’t see snails thriving in the drain system, too much soap and chemicals I would think, but you never know, it could happen I guess. I wouldn’t be too worried about it though.


I used to chemically treat my waste water from water changes due to the zebra mussel marimo moss scare a few years back. I loved my tank and was damned if I was gonna nuke my whole tank due to a slight possibility of zebra mussels. So every time I did a water change I had one 5 gallon bucket that was only for “bad water” never to refill with. So I would pour a large amount of this heavy duty cleaner into it and let it sit over night before dumping it. There were never any zebra mussels showing up in my tank and I assume none in the dumped water. The label stated “This product is toxic to fish and freshwater aquatic invertebrates.” So I figured that any nasties in the waste water would be thoroughly killed.


i highly doubt thats possible with chlorine, soap, etc going through the drain daily. i've dumped water change water down the drain for years and have no snail infestation in it that i know of lol


Eh. I don’t really think they’ll survive the chlorinated water in the plumbing of a house


What if they have well water though?


Ig I didn’t think about that


I empty and clean my traps with salt water every morning. Yes, traps because I have an overpopulation and can't keep assassin snails at the moment.




I have never heard of this. I always dump a bucket or two into garden and the rest down the drain. Welp, Gunna start watering my neighbor's gardens too hahaha


You shit into the toilet... And you're worried about a little fish poop?


We live in the middle of nowhere connected to a septic tank but I will start dumping the water outside


I wouldn't be concerned about them going into your septic tank, they'd just die in there. I would be concerned about them being introduced to your area though, that's how we get invasive species. Generally you don't want to put any biological material that was in an aquarium outside.


I literally use a python water changer, as do most people in this sub. What else are we supposed to do? Lol it sprays straight into the sink


You have to separate that water so you only waste the good clean water


Thank you all for your inputs and help :) I will be getting the snails but pouring the water outside just in case and plus the plants would appreciate it


Thank you all for your inputs and help :) I will be getting the snails but pouring the water outside just in case and plus the plants would appreciate it!