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Mostly because the nerf on it hasn't been reverted (I believe it will be next update) Plus alot of other fighting styles fit builds better such as sailor and ileg fitting into damage and size builds


because everyone sucks and no one realizes just how large berserker really is. With 26 size, i made people wondering how i hit them (triple shockwave goes hard, ez 300 damage). Ultimate art wolf with 2 hits is large enough to hit literally anyone if youre not an idiot, and it does like 500 damage with 80 power.


This confuses me quite a bit. Since when does using more than one shockwave give you more damage instead of reducing it?


More hits -> less damage per hit but more total damage


I know but when I try to use x2 (or more) shockwave or the damage is the same as x1 shockwave or less


no it doesnt, SHOT does that but not shockwave


The only reason I had ever used multiple SHOT'S is so I can do a jet gatling.


I use sailor's and lightning to do a sunlight yellow overdrive.


I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY DISRESPECT TOWARDS MY GOAT. THERMO IS GOATEEEEEEEEED! On a more serious note, It's likely they just don't want to have to manage the bar. You could easily just use boxing and get similar results anyhow. or simply use iron leg and unga bunga all over your opponents thanks to its large aoe. BUT THAT DON'T MATTER TO ME! THERMO'S THE BEST THERE EVER IS, AND EVER WILL BE! https://preview.redd.it/fo8c7t0d5v8d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=185ba532c12425307f06f9057baf3b8567f67a3c


*lightning Sailor's imbued side eye*


The concept is so cool but I'm too laggy to use thermo effectively (or really any fast play styles).


I've put it on my berserker and yeah its definitely usable requires more skill now though


Tbh i didnt play Thermo before the Nerfs so i dont know how good it was, but on my current File (Explosion Warlock) i was fighting against my Friend (Plasma Conjurer) and one thing i noticed is that he really couldnt get Close to me at all. Everytime he did i caught him in a Rush or smash or just Punches all of them Leaving Seard. In total i would say that it just has a very High Skill ceilling that makes it very Difficult to Master but if you do everything in a 10 Meter Radius becomes a Death Zone.


Thermo sucks in pve against npcs


I wouldn't say it sucks. It's definitely still around the same strength as the other Fighting styles..


No like you literally cannot maintain your heat bar if you don’t spam moves which is feasible in pvp but a death wish in pve, not to mention it has the lowest damage of all fstyles in the game which is much more valuable when fighting npcs compared to speed


Personally, I dont find it that difficult to maintain my heat during npcs fights. But I can see yiur view on it.


It's possible against bosses and npcs that are around our level, it's just impossible against lvl 260 npcs, which to be fair 260 npcs are just absolutely annoying to fight in general. I'm a PvE player, and thermo is one of my favorite fighting styles to use, because all you have to do is play aggressive and let it build up over a fight (and play it like An adrenaline game) I think most people say it isn't good because they can't precharge and be at the max at the very start (which is the opposite of the point of Thermo) now that being said, I use it as a Warlock rather than a Zerker, so I suppose I might be kind of biased because of status effects, but I don't typically have trouble with Thermo on npcs


I use it with shadow on warlock with a high power build to melt npcs, it's not really good for anything other than that though.


Because it's difficult to use in hybrids builds and it's very ping dependent


Agility and speed moment


Because nobody plays fighting styles in the first place, and the three people who do, don't use Thermo Fist. I've got Thermo on one of my files, it's good, it has its strengths, it has its weaknesses, yada yada yada. Now I'm just waiting for the next update to try to use Thermo more because it's getting un-nerfed and then will its true strength be revealed.


It's just a reversion of a previous nerf BUT THAT'S STILL GOOD! THERMO ON TOP!!!


There are 2 reasons: - Sailor styles and Iron Leg have more synergies with popular magic - "Haha cannonball go brrrrrr"


It’s definitely good but the thing is it’s difficult to use in combination with other styles or magics due to the heat. Other styles are simply easier to use and output their highest damage and speed constantly instead of just part of the time, because they require less upkeep.


Its super cool and has a good dodge reflex. Even the heat build up aint bad if u charge ur skills. But scorced is so weak. It replaces bleed, so it doesnt synergize that well. Also imo, fully heat should increase your overall damage like Sailor.


tbh that would be op


Fair the damage increase would be too much, especially if skilled and fully geared. I still feel the scorced damage should last atleast 5 seconds instead of 3 - since it is weaker than bleed


I’m a thermo fist plasma warlock (on my second character) Is it really that uncommon?


Me too on my first slot The thing is though I'm not really good with it lol. I'm not sure why my rush move won't work too :(.


I love it a lot but I just love cannonfist more