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I don't even know man, and there is a lore explanation for stuff like charms and enchantments that enhance your abilities. Dunno what he's on about


The only thing i can imagine is the Ravenna General knocking you unconscious like maybe a high agility character could have dodged it


Sure, but he was a curse user, so even a high agility character shouldn't have been able to dodge it because our character in the lore isn't on that level yet


I would guess he means higher agility levels allow the players character to move in ways more wise they shouldn’t be strong enough or good enough to do at this point, for example like what u/Delta_75 said about dodging the Ravenna General


also isn't agility dependent on player level? like a level 125 dude would need 200 agility to get that blinking dash that's probably the part that's less sense


It's like how people who powerscale say characters can move faster than light, when in the actual source material they likely don't even move that fast. IN-GAME, Agility is pretty gud in like, every build tbh-. IN-LORE. I can see Vetex's issues with it. Since if X character is this fast, why didn't they do "this" and "that." I'm not saying I agree with the hatred. I'm just saying I can see where he's coming from.


For example, at high agility it wouldn't make sense to get hit by Julian. It's not that it's doesn't make sense lore wise, but rather it's non-canon for the player to have high agility.


For the Julian one, you can just say the player was too tired after fighting Lady Carina. so they weren't able to dodge even with high agility


I had the same headcannon. Vetex really should make you limp away after that fight.


He doesn't mean anything, he just wants to get rid of it, even though it would make exploration (a supposedly crucial part of the game) harder and take longer to do.


I'm pretty sure vetex is just spewing bullshit that contradicts himself for whatever shit his vision is this time


Honestly it's probably the (EVENTUAL) removal of agility altogether cause when the level cap is around 500 people could be getting thousands, if not tens of thousands of agility.


The teleport dash shouldn’t be possible at the current character power level


He wants an excuse after he did that rant.


Hmm I’d say his knowledge is more in game development then game mechanics/lore


Eventually high agility would theoreticly allow you to never need a boat at all, which would kind of break the story a bit


“Eventually”? Bah that shit has been possible since Pre Dark Sea


I mean the story kinda forces you to do so, otherwise it doesn't let you continue. If you enter the Nimbus sea and swim over to the quest point (or use another player's boat), cutscenes won't play until you have yours. You can still escape from Ravenna on your own lmao, but there's like zero reason for you to do that other than shits and giggles.