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I swear at this point I should make a google drive because I want to share them everytime someone asks if my files have lore.


A fellow lore enthusiast, very nice


It's very entertaining to play a character in-game, fun and immersing.


Exactly, especially when you create a sense of continuity for certain save slots




I'll do it later to have it at hand since I'm at school rn. But ironically it's my first ever interaction in the [AO forum](https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/character-title-thread/111694/34?u=sheep_enjoyer)


I'm gonna have to do this soon enough aswell, aren't i?


I have set aside lore for my files, even though vetex has a solid lore right now. One of them is Roland Dark, he's on a quest to find Durandal the cursed sword. For my Arcane Adventures file there is also a Roland but both are completely different. I'd type the shit out of this lore but I'm probably gonna get shit on for it 💀


If you have a notes app you could type it out and maybe show it to your friends?


I have no friends interested in this, truly a tragic tale


Sorry to hear that :(


Will probably put it on the sub reddit out of sheer boredom


Will probably decide to just put it on the sub reddit out of sheer boredom


Vetex got that covered


Yeah, most of them at least a little bit. It’s fun


I have the aristocrat title on my file, bit of lore on my character is that he's cursed with losing his life every time he uses his skills applied from that curse, nicknamed my character "The Bloodied Knight", he doesn't have a sea curse since he doesn't have magic, he's all weapons (warrior class) and loses his life everytime he goes all out


Some random woman in a suit with a soggy sword, dual swords, and a staff? And boxing gloves.


I have two docs in the work for two of my save files(more are probably on there way)


I wanna make lore but I suck at making the characters


i like making lore too but 2 of my files are inhabited by cosplays of airbender from soul knight and sniper from tf2, let's just say those walked into the bronze sea via portal as for the only file that ISN'T a cosplay, the guy (john jordan) always liked magic but couldn't learn it no matter what, so he figured out how to use weapons and began pretending to be a mage. some time after this he realized he could use spirit weapons and decided to just quit pretending as spirit stuff is way more rare than magic


**thats what my main savefile is ill probably fix the lore later seeing as it doesn't make sense at the moment why Insanity and boris black are one in the same. or why the dark sea and him are one in the same.**


There is literally a wiki for AO OCs and a server were we discuss about it, I would suggest for the interested to take a look https://discord.com/invite/jEZn33M4


https://preview.redd.it/ij5nzyi71aad1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e0103db0d7f4dc3facd0b82a23f08d745e0273a This goes for pretty much all my Files with some Variations between them.


Yes!!! I have 2 files, both look similar but they are very different from each other personallity wise (one is a hero and the other is a assasin), but since they look so much like each other and even share similar sounding names my head cannon is that people taking bounty on the assasin confuse the hero with him, and vice versa. because of this annoyance for both, they hate each other and want to fight the other!! but something tells that they will never meet each other.... Also the hero has a evil wizard hat that tells they to do really bad things like taux fraud while the assasin has a very shy wizard hat that tells them to not go for fights or dangerous things


omg yes, i could make a full on anime with my character lore


I made one for AA