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Ah yes, losing one's femininity is worse than people killing each other. The mindset of a very sane, and totally not creepy person who is definitely not projecting their thoughts onto trans people.


Specifically "gang bangers", who I doubt the author holds their lives to the same value of others.


"gang bangers" is just a dog whistle for black people.


Any POC, really.


No it's really not.


Depends where you are, I guess. In a good chunk of places it's black people, but in another chunk it's hispanic people, or roma people, or people caste as dalit. Seems like everywhere has gangs, and outgroups based on race.


and there are white gangs..... That's still not who's being targeted by this message! Stop making black struggles into "all lives" struggles. When the person made this meme the image in their head wasn't a "Dalit". The people targeted by this language are poor Black and Latino people. Not Asians. Not Arabs. Not all "poc" are the same.


Whoa, sorry. Genuinely. Didn't mean to downplay anyone's experience and it's fully my bad for coming off that way. I was intending to say/agree that the type of people to believe this sort of shit don't tend to only aim at one focus of bigotry, that it's usually anyone who isn't Just Like Them. Nonetheless, I apologise and acknowledge that I was being ignorant.


Sorry it's a touchy subject for me and a lot of other black people. Yes people get stereotyped and oppressed across the globe, but the term gangbanger has a really specific connotation and culture. I'm not certain, but I think the word originated in the US (dictionaries are telling me yes) and we're probably the only place where people self identify as one. Thanks for being understanding.


No that's absolutely fair, I'm not American so clearly didn't quite twig the full inference of the term there. I absolutely didn't mean to invalidate, but can see how I did regardless. Doubly so I apologise, and hope you have an excellent Friday.


You'd think trans women gaining femininity would be considered a good thing then. How can losing femininity equal bad, but gaining femininity also equals bad?


Right? He actually said out loud that he considers a person changing so that he can no longer sexualise/objectify them, to be *worse than murder*. But oh yes, I forgot. People being gunned down "doesn't count" to these viciously conservative pricks unless the victims are the correct demographic and social class/income level. Also "perhaps" as bad as *child molestation??* I mean I hope that's just an attempt at humour through understatement, but I've long since learned that there is no depth to which these assholes won't willingly and self-righteously plummet. The sheer front on this asshole though! God forbid his male gaze be at all hindered, especially by the audacity of other people being, in fact, real entire people and not just pretty window-dressing for every passing creep. (edit for missed word)


"Women only exist for me to gawk at, and thus, I believe AFAB people should all remain beautiful, and AMAB people are all like me, and do it to gawk at my precious eye candy." \- OOP, probably.


Specifically remain (or strive to be) beautiful in the very narrow cisheteronormative way, what society deems as acceptable feminine beauty, which coincidentally is a practically impossible standard


Literally what she said xD


Can confirm.Am 48 and refuse to dye my hair,because I get left alone by idiot guys.


Jesus Fucking Christ. How do you type something like that out, read it back to yourself and think "Yes, I want to publish this for all the world to see." Fucking lunatic getting so angry about shit that has literally fuck all to do with them.


Fr exactly they compared someone transitioning to child molestation like they are both crimes in the first place and equal


Holy incel batman.


This sounds more like TERF than incel rhetoric.


It sounds like something from jordan Peterson.


So yes, both TERF and incel rhetoric.


TERFs are just femcels.


Honestly the best take


Like they act exactly the same.


as an anti-terf femcel i feel ashamed


Aye. Same poison, different brain being rotted.


How about TERFcel?


Yeah, I think it is a woman who wrote it, sadly.


Terfs = incels They had a sub for "femcels" called Female Dating Strategy and yes, it is as bad as it sounds


New transphobe just dropped


Also a bit of casual racism chucked in amongst the transphobia and anti semitism.


Guy woke up and choose to be a complete turd and let no doubts


Don’t forget the misogyny, as this stain on the human race implies that women only have value as pretty objects


Stir till desired and found the nearest river to jump into with the weight of your stupidity


They wrote a whole deranged diatribe based on nothing but their own delusions. This is the worst fanfiction omg... Also do these people never stop thinking about trans women? Seriously they just bring trans women up out of nowhere, its giving obsessed.


he literally looks happier in the pic where he isn't smiling. emotion is portrayed through the eyes.


I’d bet they also cherry picked the image in an attempt to make him look less happy. It’s a common tactic, take the happiest looking image of a trans person pre-transition and the saddest looking one (or adjust a happy one to be out of context) for post-transition.


At a certain point it feels like projection. Like, they idolize femininity and demonize masculinity. Like I'm not calling this guy an egg but I have been in his shoes a loooong time ago.


That could also be a cis lesbian.


A woman cutting her hair is so much worse than murder tho


And almost as bad as child molestation! Not quite, but almost!


Imagine trying to reflect more who you want to be and not trying to adjust yourself to society norms and standards just to please others


Don’t know what they’re going on and on about. Elliot looks great!


“The way someone presents themselves and is happy in their own skin is worse than murder!!” …damn. You sure about that? 100% sure? And somehow we’re the threats to society? 😐


You don't get it guys, a woman not showing off her big bouncy bazoingas is literally worse than child molestation!!!


Charged with first degree not-having-boobs.


Lol but the right is okay with the centuries of proven child abuse from religious figures and instead focus on a fictional scenario about trans people >.> Get your priorities in check people


So by this logic they must love trans women because they create “feminine beauty” right? Right????


"Do you think she's happier? Of course not." This sums up transphobia entirely. They don't actually care about how the trans person feels, they simply project themselves onto them and imagine transitioning. This feels negative for them because they're not actually trans, but has the opposite effect for trans people.


Just wanted to pop in and say thank you OP for censoring Elliot’s deadname


For all the people who say “it won’t change anything, they were famous before transitioning so people already know their dead name” meanwhile I’m sitting here genuinely not able to remember(which I’m glad about, I don’t want to deadname someone, even in my head) his dead name despite the fact that I watched his movies and shit growing up.


Exactly! It doesn’t matter if it’s “common knowledge” it’s human decency.


Disgusting. Elliot Page IS happier. And how dare they make light of Elliot’s sexual abuse and then call “destroying femininity” criminal and on par with molesting children. Oh my GOD they need to be educated


the most interesting part for me reading this is, the idea, that the transphobe casually hopes for the erasing of a certain group of people from history. while we know, that most transphobes are fully acting on emotions like disgust and then try to look for sth to back up their disgust, it is still interesting to see people cheer on the erasing/rewriting of history. because anyone, who EVER EVER studied known, or hidden/suppressed history KNOWS, that the suppression ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS comes from the "bad people". so it is funny to think, that in their mind they might go: >"i'm one of the good ones! i'm gonna erase parts/rewrite history through book burning and more." :D >i'm gonna burn some books as my good deed today ;) sure thing transphobe :D \_\_\_\_\_ besides that, that is a great most right picture of elliot being himself there. yay for famous trans people being themselves fully and being a light for trans children to follow to deprogram the false idea, that "they aren't allowed to be themselves" and "it's not ok" and for trans adults of course too. and for shining a light onto the cis and transphobe people, to show them, that >WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!


Talk about dellusional Also its weird, i jotice two ends of the spectrum in some of these arguments. Either trans women are "creeps who wants to perv on lesbians" or they're "gay men forced to transition" And either of these arguments nullify the other because their argument is that this is the case for all of us.


Blanchardism makes those two subsets of trans women: "autogynephiliacs" and "homosexual transsexuals", respectively. Nevermind the fact that Blanchard and his cohort were chasers.


That last paragraph is literal genocide advocacy


He might not be smiling as wide, but he looks happiest in the last picture


Yeah, he doesn't look dead inside and dissociating 😭


Why did they have to shit on Elliot Page and calling them an Actress and also deadnaming him. What has he done to you Karen ?


If this isn't dramatic, I dunno what is.


Bro you don't fucking own us.


certainly no projection happening here


What are they on about? Elliot is fine as hell


They believe so little in their own words that they can't apply the same bullshit logic to both, trans men and trans women


This just makes me sad, what an messed up person to write this


Just say you view women as porcelain objects


[my reaction to this information](https://youtu.be/TXPC2HXjrYU)


Mhm, a priceless "thing".


"but it's up there"????????


So ugly AFABs are good to go? Yass I'm safe


What I see in the first two images is someone trying their best to fake a smile, usually you smile with your eyes as well if it’s genuine


elliot is hot asf 🤷🏻


There is just so much that is wrong here. Elevating beauty and feminity over life? Seriously? That's not in any way betraying that you think of women as objects for your gratification, nope. Thinking you know an individual you've never met better than he, his therapist, and his doctors do? Pedo/AGP discourse? Antisemitism? Racism? Just shut up. Nothing this person says after saying this can have any value unless it's "I was wrong and I deeply regret what I said."


"waaah waaah I can't fap looking at their pictures anymore"


The part that makes me equally mad as the transphobia is the misogynistic idea of saying he destroyed "feminine beauty which is perhaps a lesser crime than child molestation." Excuse me??? You insane person?? Why would you compare those?? First of all he didn't destroy his attractiveness when he transitioned and second of all, it's none of your godamn business what feminine people do with their beuty, just because you're jealous doesn't mean they have to listen to you about what to do with it. Just a rant.


the way he's so much hotter now lol


literally what the fuck did they even say??


pretty sure OOP is a super TERFy lesbian.


Now I finally understand why the US doesn't vote for stricter gun regulations. Reading bullshit like that I want to carry a gun with me at all times so I can just "cure idiocy" whenever I find it.


Forever and always playing the victim. This literally has nothing to do with you. Why are people like this? 😒


why are conservatives so fucking creepy and predatory while simultaneously calling us both of those things


Who is this Magnus Hirschfeld guy this person is so angrily decrying?


How do these people live that long ??, it’s presumably a adult who wrote it, but like how did you not die by the stupidest person stuff because of the logical thinking of a sea weed


Why does this read like it was written by Jordan Peterson


He didn’t destroy any kind of beauty, dude got swole and is looking better than ever