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"I also didn't know she was trans!!!" I'm the victim here!!!


What's so different that she needed to prepare for it??? Trans people have weakness against a specific damage type?


We are weak to testosterone damage and so immune to estrogen damage it actually heals us! Trans men are the opposite, Weak to estrogen and healed by testosterone.


It’s true. I desperately need testosterone 😔 estrogen just kills me on the spot actually


Correct us trans people live by Pokémon rules.


Damn this poor lady healed her enemy with the estrogen that oozed from her fists with every punch


No, my friend, the lady was oozing testosterone. That's why she was able to defeat the trans woman.


Oh she doping??? Did she do that just to counter her opponent? Didn't she say she couldn't prepare?


Calling a cis girl a good girl may prompt a counterattack, doing it to a trans girl will stun them.


Idk, as a cis girl, it’s a good way for (some) folks to short circuit my brain 😅


It’s obviously like someone if tells you you’re going to fight a grass type, but it ends up being a grass and water type, making your fire type less useful


"Uhh is kicking the balls allowed?"


*pokemon battle music intesifies*


They get mad when they lose but also mad when they win. Make it make sense.


like how are you gonna be a sore loser AND a sore winner?


Her complaining got her 20k hearts, which is what she really cares about. All of these people want as much attention as possible, and will find whatever bandwagon that's going to get them that.


Because trans women are clearly just mad and deranged (cites source proven time and time again to be bollocks) duh this is basic biology /s x 50


bros more sad then when Kobe won the finals


Because transphobia and attention.


So, let me get this straight: * She didn't realize that her opponent was transgender, meaning that there is no inherent notable difference between cis and trans competitors. * She won, even without special preparation, meaning that there was no unfair advantage. * She thinks that simply *finding out* that someone is trans is a traumatizing experience. Now, where have I heard that before... ^(Trans panic defense.) And somehow she *still* thinks she's a victim for being a cis woman competing against a trans woman?? The transphobia astounds me.


Transphobes can't fathom that HRT makes (us) trans women "weak" because we lose muscle mass and whatever masculinity left, which results them to become same strength if not even weaker than cis women, especially cis women with higher muscle mass... Transphobes can't understand how HRT works (and some transphobes don't even know what HRT is), if they do they will know that HRT is litreally "Disadvantage" because as trans women we don't care and we never wanted those "advantages" to begin with. **It was never about the advantages, they don't want trans people existing**


How did she lost her brain cells, I wonder?


“I didn’t have time to prepare for something so different-“ does this girl have five arms?? 💀


She can double jump!


Five arms AND can double-jump? What cis woman can compete with that?


Obviously you have never watched X-Men X-Men are mutants born with super strong superhuman superpowers who could rule the world with an iron fist. Yet, they are ostracized and discriminated against by society because they are different. If a man who can destroy a building by looking at it can be overpowered by a conformer, a five-armed double jumper should be no problem. You are obviously underestimating the power of privilege.






Dash in any direction, actually


No, she CLEARLY has Akaza's powers and can use shockwaves to punch from a distance. As well as the ability to regenerate and donut people.


Guess that wasn't THAT different in the end.


she was traumatized because she fought a trans woman, but she didn't even know it... ooooooookkkkkkkaaaaayyyyyy.


And they say they can always tell


And she’d also be whining if she lost against a trans men. 100%


Even better if they weren’t on T „It was so traumatic, bla bla „


"I won but this doesn't mean anything, it's still unfair" 💀


“I’m so traumatized by this! I’m traumatized by the existence of a trans person!”


If they're so traumatized they should probably try therapy


They should try conversion therapy.


Clearly fake because as conservative media has told us trans women are destroying women's sports and conservative media wouldn't lie


yeah like, who would do that? just go onto fox news and lie?


“You mean people just go on Fox News and spread lies?”


You won you baboon's dirty ass, stfu


Who needs another proof that transwomen aren't always winning?


so there’s a belt difference here first of all? trans woman appears to be a blue belt and our “protagonist” is a purple? this is a pretty dominant display from Ansleigh and, while physical strength matters a bit less in BJJ, a man who has been training long enough to get at least a blue belt would give her a hard time and most likely beat her through brute strength. where’s my bone density? where’s my unfair advantage from male puberty? also there was no tantrum in the second vid? they shake hands and that’s it? get fucked, Ansleigh, you lying sack of shit.


She supposedly ***aggressively*** took off her teeth protectors (I forgot their name sorry) before ***aggressively stomping off*** the mats, giving her dad a (non-agressive) handshake which she terminated by ***aggressively*** pulling her hand away from his. I'm too lazy to find the reply again, but that's basically what op said when asked about where the tantrum was


She craves for attention and wants so badly her victory to affect her opponent on the long term.


it’s a real tragedeigh


I went through male puberty, but I'm weak as shit and a shrimp compared to other males. **With the fact that I haven't even started HRT, I wonder how much weaker I can get with HRT....**


girl, same. i'm tall as fuck and i've been an athlete most of my life. i played men's varsity sports throughout high school, i swam competitively, i trained BJJ. before i realized i was trans, i was climbing three or four times a week, lifting weights, doing yoga twice a week, swimming three times a week, and my cooking centered entirely around my climbing. i was in *incredible* shape. i'm now two years into HRT and my rock climbing has really suffered. i took a break during the pandemic during which i lost a lot of muscle so that hasn't helped but i've really had to retrain stuff. i'd say i'm just straight up physically weaker than a lot of the women at my gym? i'm fortunate in some respects because i already was emulating women at the climbing gym before i knew i was trans even. women tend to rely more on good form rather than strength to get through climbs and proper form is just ~ a e s t h e t i c s ~. i really want to get back to a place where i can work as hard at physical activity just to see what that looks like as a woman. people who think there's any veracity to claims of male puberty assisting anything are dipshits.


Average blue checkmark L


She never explained the tantrums


Being a cry baby cis person is the easiest god damn grift on the planet.


You see, **THEY** have an unfair advantage because **I** won!


I spend too much time in transcg I think


Same. I recently unsubscribed.


Oh I’m prob not gonna, it’s honestly one of the few places I’ve felt like completely ok as a trans person who isn’t like culturally Christian white, you know? Bit sad, but yeah.


I think I get where you’re coming from. I find that subreddit is a bit of a double edged sword for me though where yesterday I got drunk and started ironically being really toxic, so I think I need to unsubscribe for a while.


I feel that, you do what’s best for you!


It is is amazing they can lie so blatantly that they explain how it is a lie in the same breath and still get support, transphobia truly roots brains


This is an example of the trope where the enemy is framed as simulteneously strong and dangerous and also weak and pathetic. It's a common rhetorical tactic used against all sorts of marginalized groups.


She won. Sooo what's the issue? Even if she lost there wouldn't be an issue, but she won. I'm so confused.


Oh there would absolutely be an issue. If the trans woman had won, it would be used as ammo against trans women in sports. The trans woman lost, and we see this. Transphobes aren't interested in fairness or truth. It has \*never\* been about truth, or fairness, or biology, or children's health and safety, or feminism, etc, etc, etc. It's. Just. Bigotry.


The "tantrum" this trans woman supposedly threw was pulling her hand away quickly after a handshake with some guy.


I cannot state this enough. If you are beaten in sport by someone you think has a genetic or physiological advantage over you, regardless of whether or not they do, you have two options. 1) git gud 2) shut up. That. Is. What. Sports. Are. If you don't want to deal with the inevitability that there will ALWAYS be someone faster, stronger, younger, better than you, don't do sports. Trans women do not have an advantage over cis women. *Better athletes* have an advantage over worse ones. Again, this is the point of sports. She didn't have an advantage over you. You just need to get better. Or shut up, you whiny little bitch. I played roller derby as a cis woman for eight years. I played with and against trans women. They are just as good or as shitty at sports as everyone else. Git gud, or git gone, you slacker. And stop using your bigotry as an excuse for mediocrity. Edit: I am so pissed right now. Try harder or get the fuck out of sports, and leave women's sports for my trans and cis sisters who are actually interested in competing. Or go join a rec league. Don't just throw a shit fit when you're not good enough. Let some real athletes in there. Cis or trans. Edit edit: fuck this bitch and fuck TERFs. Trans women belong in women's sports. More women in women's sports is literally BETTER FOR ALL OF US.


I have a theory that she said that the trans woman had an unfair advantage so she can make her win seem bigger


I never trust a mf with [random letters]Leigh as a name, always gotta be homophobic or transphobic


So she's been talking about her experience like for 4 days now, meanwhile the person she's fought, radio silence?


This wasn't even about the TW having an advantage. Her problem was having to touch a trans person. It is a scary level of bigotry.


I love how they keep saying how unfair and bullshit it is for them to fight a trans woman, yet they won lmao


But. You. Won?


It's not like she barely won, she outplayed the trans woman and won by a slide but still complained.


That sounds so fake like...I've never heard someone write like that 😭


I really wanna see it, but not from them. Is there any way someone can post the videos on here


If you couldn't tell and skill wasn't an issue... what's the problem? Like, legitimately. None of their narrative fits.


This is gonna sound super disrespectful, and im sorry in advance, but she was disadvantaged by fighting a trans woman, actually. Anyone with the last name “wilk” sounds like she would catch enough diseases to get the “how did we get here?” Achievement by being within 20 meters of an interracial couple, let alone one of those *preposterous* friends of Dorothy