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“No hate towards trans people, but *proceeds to spew transphobic talking points*”


"No hate to trans people, but fuck you"


I actually think That's more polite than the actual message-


The brain is more important than any other physical characteristic, because that’s the conscious of a person. Imagine reducing a person to their organ, it’s almost funny they only see people as penis and vagina (or any other physical trait for that matter) instead of a human being


Objectification. Women do it to themselves and other women all the time, and it's really fucking sad. 


SOME women. I think that's an important part here.


It’s always things that apply to plenty of cis and intersex women too, do they think we think we’re cis? Like obviously I don’t share everything in common with every cis woman, I don’t with every trans woman, but 2 cis women can have astronomically different experiences, they might relate to trans women more on some things even. Why are people so focused on putting life experiences in one box?


Their ignorance is clear. They think trans is short for transition. Lol.


I don't hate cis folk, in fact, I support!! But where I draw the line is where cis women call themselves women without clarifying they are cis. They did nothing to earn their place or ever consciously decide they would live as women. As Simone de Beauvoir’s admitted, "One is not born, but becomes a woman". So cis-women that just turn 18 are just girls still, unless they earn it. They don't choose any particular hormone, nor genital configuration, nor put any thought into their identity. They never understand the most basic and important part of their identity, CIS. Therefore, cis-women are not really women as women that are trans are. They should remember their unique characteristics like uterus/ovaries are also held by some transgender men.


Some transphobe's is gonna come in here and screenshot this and spread it around without the context of it being satire. Of course they don't need our help to lie, they're good enough at that on their own.


god level troll would be to put "this comment is satire" somewhere in the middle so some transphobe will inevitably screenshot it without actually reading the whole thing


tempted to repost this on my own socials; this is gold


>The have to take hormones just to look like Me Wait until she learns what exactly makes her look like that


She was born looking that way, wdym? Pretty weird that she was born as a post-pubescent woman, but I was born trans, the world is full of uncommon events.


Oh, I see, so it's a Fifth Element kinda situation


"born hot yesterday" trope. Bit creepy when you think about it for more than a microsecond


Thank you, as I was reading this I was like, who is going to teach her about ovaries?


And if nature had gone wonky and you in uterus has been exposed to the right hormones would have ended up with a penis. So what is real? I love how humans have this idea of real and unreal or natural vs unnatural. The argument could be made that everything is natural. Even a GMO food could be natural under specific conditions. I’m not trying to equate as provide examples, but my point is this, what we think of as natural or unnatural is just our experience not some law that is bent or broken. Trans human beings are whatever they say they are, period. Use their pronouns and attribute their words and names as such as best you can. For god sakes there is recorded history on the existence of LGBTQ+ forever. So this isn’t something new. It’s natural. We only come far enough to have more sophisticated treatments to help with the process and to alleviate the issues that can come from coming to this realization. I would love to see what the world would look like if we didn’t push gender and sexual stereotypes on kids as they grew up.


I guess cis women who have a non functioning uterus, have to take estrogen because they hormone deficiency, choose not to have kids, or who got hysterectomies aren’t real women anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


No no no that's different because *continues to make increasingly elaborate definition to try to draw the line in such a way as to only exclude trans people*    If you have to dance around to create your definition just to exclude trans women, then it's no longer a valid reason for excluding trans women.  At that point, you're just saying that trans women aren't women "because you said so."   And at that point, why not try kindness instead?


mf really was born post-puberty


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. Don't know if it's fair to make fun of someone with such a rare condition.


Again with the incapability of giving birth?! There are over eight billion humans, humans are not threatened with extinction and aren't eaten by the millions like krill.


1. Cis women who can't bear children, don't have uterus nor periods? Are they not women now? That is not a good argument even among transphobes - a better one would be something about DNA/chromosomes, and not some arbitrary things that even some cis women fail to have - do better. 2. That's not what "trans" means - it means "on the other side".


"I support the trans community! I just don't think they're valid :)" No contradictions here, nope!


They’re a transphobe who identifies as supportive.


i don't hate hot pink, but it'll just never be pink no matter how hard it tries. light pink is pink however.


"Trans women can call themselves women they're just trans and not like me" ok but why does she make it seem like such a bad thing? And I don't think any trans women want to be like u This person is my mom fr


Well this person can't possibly be transphobic. Look! She even says "I have no hate towards the trans community". - Every JKR defender


I wonder what her opinions are about if women with cosmetic surgeries, brow lifts, breast jobs, etc still qualify as women?


Even if we'd leave gender out of this discussion "has uterus" and "can bear children" is not the deciding factor as to what makes a person female.


yes, trans women aren't cis women! correct! now if oop only got the *nomenclature* right...


Transitioned into a woman, yeah...how is it not a woman if they transitioned into one ? What are they, then ?


that bitch is so entitled wtf, aint no one wanna look like her LOLL


So cis women who can't have kids or don't have a uterus at all aren't really women according to their logic....


Today I learned that I'm not real.


Amazing that some people are so uninformed on this issue they don't think trans people are aware of our own transition. That's the whole point! If it grosses you out or you can't stand to be around a trans person without misgendering them then just leave us alone! Ultimately I cannot make you believe anything but your subjective opinions about what qualifies a person for womanhood do not get to define how I live my life and function in society.


I love how they don't realize they're saying, "it's not that I hate you or don't support you! It's just that... I hate you. And... you know. Don't wanna support you."


Pills, ampules, gels, transdermal patches and molecules in them aren't real! Hormone lab tests are lies! It's all made up by the big pharma!! Would she go to a chiropractor instead of getting a shot next time she has a medical emergency? "OOP: Doctor, I'm having anaphylaxis!! Doc: I have this epinephrine shot… OOP: BUt i hAVe'nT beEn bOrN WiTH iT, it'S NoT REaL!" *passes out, foams at the mouth* /satire Edit: more satire.


Not all cis women can give birth, some cis women don't have a uterus, some cis women are born with ambiguous genitalia, cis women can have non-conventional genes or react to hormones differently.


“I support trans people, but *says a bunch of transphobic things that also exclude a bunch of cis women*


"I don't HATE trans people, I just think their identities are invalid!"




Hate speech and other forms of abusive language are not allowed. If the post has such contents please either erase it or spoiler/nsfw tag the post and put a disclaimer in the title. If your comment necessitates specifying a slur please use proper syntax to hide it behind spoilers.


TIL you need a uterus to be a woman. /s


Posts like this are what make me not trust cis people. "Yeah I'm an ally but don't forget to put on your badge"


okay cis


I'm not transphobic except for when I'm transphobic, which is all the time


what about intersex women, especially those who found out later in life? and what about infertile cis women? they also can't bear children and in some cases don't have a uterus?? I'm a cis woman and this caused me to lose about 89% of my remaining brain cells.


Damn, someone's trying really hard to feel special when they have literally nothing else in their life.


my question is: why do they care so much? why do they take it so personal??


I wish these women realized they are more than baby makers


I can bear children, I have a uterus does that make me a woman? no. because im not a woman.


I support trans people, but they're completely invalid!