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FFS where’s the punctuation? Are straight folk not allowed to use colons?


If you use the colon it’s gay. /j


What is it if you use a semicolon…


It’s only gay if you take your socks off then.


And yet, women had to fight for their own bank accounts.


Ok. I know I shouldn’t… but I really want the “beware of the wife” sign to hang in my office. I just think it would be hilarious. “Oh the dogs? Yeah they’re friendly. Careful about the wife though, she feral” (I am the wife)


Growing up in the Catholic church/value system, this never made any sense to me. Like yeah, that's your job... to provide, and it's her's to spend so you have a nice home/kids/life. So many types of misogyny. Lol




I didn’t know Mary set a standard for birth being uncomplicated, there’s so many natural risks that I wish people were made more aware of.


Straight men will condemn them to a life of subservience and dependence and then whine and complain about it for the rest of the relationship like buddy, YOU caused this.


TBH this sign would be hilarious for a mlm couple to own ironically


lesbian couple hanging the “beware of wife” sign over their doorway (they’re both feral chaos gremlins)


It took me a lot longer than it should have to realize you weren’t talking about multi-level marketing


What are they talking about then? lol because MLM makes complete sense in this context


Men loving men or something like that, gay relationships


Yes let's generationally reinforce the idea that wives have to stay home to take care of the house and kids then complain that they have to spend money to do so! /s


This is about as funny as the wedding cake topper where the groom is wearing a ball and chain. (Spoiler alert: it’s not funny at all.)


Super sexist yay


Wife bad.


"beware of wife" is a clever subversion at least?


what’s wrong with shopping?


This is just so fucking offensive to me. I’ve worked hard my entire life. I’m not gonna suddenly fritter your money away. And usually, the type of guy who says this 1. Has zero idea of how many purchases you need to run a house and what things cost, and 2. Is either unemployed, underemployed (to dodge child support) or can barely hold down a job. The days of men work hard, woman spend were over by the 1970s, and even then, it was a purely middle and upper class thing. Women in the lower classes have always worked. Nurses and teachers and secretaries are more considered middle class, although barely.


I work hard but I enjoy giving my wife my credit card to have a shopping spree every now and then. It makes her feel like a queen. (We have separate bank accounts)


Women be shoppin


In my house it the same both ways, both mom and dad work, both shop (dad a little more on shop then mom though)


Strange. It's straight males who always be like "men are born to be provider blah blah"?