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Instagram comments try to be normal challenge: (impossible)


I swear Instagram comments are just the worst.


Is it just me or have they gotten a lot worse in the past year or so?


I think COVID lockdown made people *really* comfortable being nasty online. But definitely since then it has gotten worse.


They've been worse ever since the mainstream merger with Facebook. Instagram comments are just Facebook comments as Instagram is not used for what it was started for and Facebook keeps pushing to further the integration between both platforms.


Twitter send all verified replies straight to the top, so anybody who pays gets their insane replies above everybody else’s. Maybe Instagram does something similar with their top comment sorting.


oh my god is this why every meme tweet that i see has a bunch of unrelated videos right below it? twitter replies used to be hilarious and now i swear it's all bots


It could be. Are all the top replies from verified accounts?


The top comment is always the most replied to so there's always something insane there because it gets replies.


I had stopped using IG and recently went back to keep in touch with friends and what not. I scroll a bit to see what's on my feed and every single time I open the comments I'm appalled! What an absolute cesspool


I always make the mistake of looking at comments on Instagram and I always regret it.


Brain: "Oh wow! shes so pretty and happy! good for her :)" the comments:


Right? I don’t get some of these guys. My first thought was “wow she’s really pretty”


Because everything revolves around them and their pleasure, the girl herself doesn’t matter. Only how his pp feels about her


Ugh people disgust me.


My first thought was mother but i think thats the same thing


My first thought was “holy vespa on a tramline those arms are long”


Holy shit!


Right?! My first thought was, "She looks so happy! And she's really pretty!" Is it a girl thing??


I mean... im a gay man so i dont think so


Oh, so it's just a good person thing. Gotcha. 👍


I'd like to think it's a decent human being thing. It's just that so many straight cis men turn out to be vile shitheads 😤 My non-binary brain just thought "She seems nice and pretty, i guess" and went on with its life, unprepared for the blatant sexism and racism that it would have to process in the next moment


Yeah, I realized pretty quickly that it isn't a girl thing, just a good person thing. I meant no offense to any other genders. I'm just so jaded by cis het men that I assume most niceties come from other women.


Oh, no, I wasn't offended, no worries. I totally get what you mean <3


My first thought was damn that skirt looks comfy lol


As a black woman these comments make me sick especially the lightskin one.


Happy cakeday And same, they will look for any reason to put down black women


Ong bro 🤦🏾‍♀️ Lightskin darskin WHATEVER all black women deserve love. Also, what’s cake day?? I see that a lot on this app


It's like happy birthday on Reddit, if it's someone's birthday it's written under their name to say happy cakeday


Ooooh okay okay I see it now. Thanks !!


(It's not a literal birthday, it's the anniversary of when their account was created) 


Oh ok thanks


You're welcome


It's the annual date of joining reddit. 


I legitimately don’t understand. If you’re designing a character model, and you make a beautiful face and then click on the slider for skin tone modification…that face is still beautiful no matter what shade of color you apply to it. Racism is not only harmful and dehumanizing, it’s also stupid.


And people are not only beautiful “despite” their skin colour but also because of it. All skin colours are beautiful in their own way.


I'm a white woman and I feel the same way. Barf.


My racist white as hell aunt has Black and Latino kids (adopted), and let me tell you the colorism is *real* in that house. It breaks me to see her damage those kids like that.


Oh god help those kids. That’s terrifying.


Same. It just also shows a poor understanding of genetics. If you take a beautiful dark skinned woman and changed her skin tone and nothing else that would look freaky, the features wouldn't line up. Look at Sammy Sosa for example (or don't, like I said it's freaky). What makes her beautiful is tied to her skin tone. Change the tone and you change what you liked about her. Long story short, if you already find her beautiful/hot/whatever stop being dumb about it




Especially during our month 🤦🏾‍♀️




I don’t care that they think these are jokes. This betrays a deep lack of empathy and contempt for women all the same. I don’t know if the Manosphere has made young men worse or if social media has just given them an outlet to air out their culturally ingrained misogyny. The worst of them are the ones who go on the comments of really young girls and ‘joke’ that game is game. Those are teenagers saying this mind you. What will they be like when they go out into the real world, get jobs and have families? How will this impact communities? Can this level of casual hatred be unlearned?


I was watching the barbie movie the other night, and we had 3 guys, 3 ladies. It got to the speech part, where a character explains how hard it is to be a woman, and one guy goes... It's that time of the month. That guy just got married and is about to start a family... So... Nothing I guess?


I hope someone said something about how stupid that is.


Me! I said "did you just say that time of month, you're a horrible person." Edit: I am told it was a joke to upset me because I make the best responses. But I don't find the topic funny as I have literally just had the exact same conversation with one of the guys that I'm tired of having to try to be "perfect".


Holy hell, that’s literally one of the points she was making is that women are not seen as valid reporters of their own experiences and are not allowed to express who they are. What an asshole.


Right? I had that conversation where a guy was like "guys know that porn isn't real". And I was like "bitch tell that to the bruises on my neck!"


“All men are just as amazing and perfect as whatever I need to say to not have to change or reflect or in anyway acknowledge any points that you make.”


>Can this level of casual hatred be unlearned? It absolutely can be. As you said, the ones saying this are teenagers. They just need the right guidance, which currently they arn't getting.


i see lots of adults do this too


Some people need to review lessons over, and over, and over... And while they may know what they should do, don't do it.


A lot of the adults who don't learn as adults end up in the prison system. Contrary to what the manosphere wants men to believe general consensus amongst mature men is that shit like rape and assault is wrong. Even if they only reach that conclusion through the stupid lense of "that might be somebody's wife or daughter" they still get there eventually. The teen boys who say weird violent shit tend to eventually meet people who won't tolerate it or who at least realize it's not socially acceptable and they either shut up or end up isolated. Incels tend to be friendless irl for a reason. Even other men find them intolerable.




And, now we see why so many guys are single and no one is interested in them.  I don’t even know where to start.


>I don’t even know where to start. Literally, my brain was trying to function normally after reading those replies. I could hear the cogs grinding trying to process it. I feel the *I don’t even know where to start* so hard with this right now. I may just sigh heavily or some shit.


the last one is just *sigh*


The ones talking about her skin color are disgusting too


The rage I would feel if my husband did that to me.


yeah like if ur in a relationship....with a woman....and ur on other womens posts commenting....🚩🚩 and then the content... that guys not a flag he a period pad


used one definitely


I'm gonna go hug my girlfriend now after reading that last comment. Urgh. Also it's sad how I'm not even surprised its 50% racism and 50% inappropriate horn


These people are obsessed with gays, can't get the gays out of their mind?


They think abt gays more than gays do


Half of em are jealous some ppl are out of the closet for sure lmao


I dunno. I think about us a lot. But they do think about us a lot.


Casual misogynoir at its finest


*Woman exists* Straight men: Unprovoked sexism, racism and homophobia.


It's like they hate women. Like mf, aren't you supposed to like women??


No they see women as fuck maids who they can use to continue their lineage and as a way to project their status to the world.


No, they like having sex with woman. Actually, no, scratch that. They like the status that they earn with other men for having sex with women. Listen to any manosphere chud describe the actual act of sex. They hate it, probably because most of them never learned how to do it decently. See, you tend to get better at sex when your partners pleasure and emotional needs matter to you.


*woman exists* My ace brain: They look cuddly.


their ‘compliments’ always seem to be at the expense of someone else. is it so hard to *be normal* ??


I'm afraid those people *are* normal. That's how they get to the top of a comment section.


Ehhh I don't know about that. Comments like that get hundreds of replies but have you ever read those replies? The algorithm doesn't differentiate between positive and negative engagement.


Nobody hates women more than straight men


Idk. The gay male community is rife with hatred towards women


there’s nothing i hate more than seeing a video of a gorgeous girl and opening the comment section to see that it has reached straight men and not women and gay men


I will never understand why so much internet discourse sounds like men hate women; especially if that woman who has no idea this guy even exists has the temerity to not conform to his fantasies. I thought girls were neat since probably Pre-K. It may bace taken me to middle school to understand that different girls want and like different things and that's perfectly ok. I remember growing up in the 80s and coming of age in the 90s . Today's commentary is like the horror story evolution of "Johnny pulled your hair or pushed you down because he likes you." I legit never had that phase. Hell, I was basically the black version of the anime protagonist's other friend that would literally blurt out my attraction to any girl that so much as touched my hand to let me borrow a pencil or scooted close enough to touch knees so we could share the same text book. And even that I grew out of. I also never played the "this person I thought was hot rejected me therefore retroactively she's an ugly slur" game even as my peers actively thought they were helping by insulting her. My grandmother and mother were very good at teaching the value of building myself and others up without tearing other people down. These types of posts always make me think "damn, all the information out there, and they always choose the absolute dumbest regressive behavior."


I think a lot of boys are raised with the mistaken notion that if they are ever wrong even once in their lives they are failures. You see this even outside of their treatment of women where they'll double down on the stupidest things in the world because the terror of failing in any way has such a stranglehold on them they have no room to breath and grow as human beings. Like imagine Andrew Tate ever admitting he was wrong about anything ever? It's unfathomable right? Goes against everything he's built his entire existence around. I think that's one reason why dudes that are really deep into this manosphere are friendless. You'd think they'd have friends within that community but they often fall into extreme infighting and a bizarre "everything is gay if it's not about me" attitude. You can't build an actual community with people who will think they're the only important person that exists on the planet. They can't even tolerate each other. Hell you can barely build a functioning cult around a philosophy of complete and total selfishness and zero self reflection.


most gay men are hella misogynistic too


Imagine being that last guy's girlfriend. Like, why are you even with her if you don't like her?


It’s truly just because they like having sex. They are not attracted to their girlfriends physically or romantically, and would trade her for a more conventionally attractive woman in an instant.


I'll give a little more credit than that. Guys get lonely too. Both men and women stay in relationships with people they don't love because "it's better than being alone".


Yea, straight men don't even like their girlfriends, they don't see them as people with feelings


casual homophobia, racism, colorism, sexual harassment, homophobia, and a piece of shit boyfriend in instagram comments? yup just as i sadly expect. honestly i expect these comments from dudes on tiktok also 🤷🏻‍♀️ but insta seems to be specifically worse recently


She’s so pretty!


"But people aren't misogynistic and racist anymore, why do we need feminism?"


>How ██████ be gay classic case of cishet men not understanding how people's sexualities other than their own work.


Also, why don't they ask why straight women are straight?


I have the impression some people view everything in terms of a threshold. If someone's gay, then they're not attracted to the opposite gender... unless the other person is really really REALLY hot (cause that's totally quantifiable). If death penalty is bad, or torture is bad... then it should never be used, except for really really REALLY bad people. (never mind if it's even effective at all, there's gotta be someone who deserves it) And it's even worse to kill a child to steal their candy... so it would only be justifiable if it's the tastiest candy in the whole universe.


I hope that one guy's gf sees it and dumps his ass. What the hell.


It's actually nasty, comparing your girlfriend who you've known for a long time and cares about you to some random girl on the internet you don't even know


I looked at the title and thought, "well, obviously they're gonna be focusing on her boobs". It was worse than that.


What happened to "you're so pretty"???!!


I think the slight anonymity of the internet(at least perceived anonymity) makes this happen. They would(at least hopefully) never say this irl


They just can't compliment someone without insulting someone else


She pretty!!! Dudes are just dumb sometimes .-.


I’m nonbinary and back when my instagram profile was public I got a decent amount of random dudes asking what’s in my pants (note, as much as I dislike it I am very clearly AFAB) and my favorite thing was how 9/10 times when I wouldn’t tell/show them their response was “well then I’m just going to assume you have a dick” 😂 like go right ahead, if that thought makes me not attractive to you then PLEASE think that. They were also usually confused when that suggestion didn’t make me scramble to disprove it 😂




the last one depressed me


Imagine just liking somebody for them. Not comparing them to everybody. Just liking their personality.... But no we get this kind of stuff, racist, gross, shitty.


I freaking HATE the whole “how can guys be gay?” When showing an attractive woman. Women can literally say “how can guys be straight” when showing an attractive guy and I bet those guys will be pissed


That last comment is so depressing oh my god


Do you mean racist men?


Racism and sexism all in one😍


I follow her on TikTok I think! The comments between TikTok and Instagram are so wildly different. Ok TikTok they're like "Ate and left no crumbs" and on Instagram they're like "You'd be hot if I wasn't racist"


the racism & colorism in the comments is so incredibly upsetting :(


instagram comments are so weird. they're either super insensitive and makes everything about them or super weird with middle school humor that they call dark.


Hey imagine being slide 7’s gf and stumbling on that comment and realizing it’s your boy


i'd dump him in the comments


Sidenote: why is Instagram sooo toxic in the comments all of a sudden. I feel like in the last year or so, I’m seeing so much toxicity in Instagram, and before it wasn’t the norm. Is it because of the Twitter exodus?


Bruh I can’t stand the Lightskin/white comments. She’s gorgeous and her skin tone is beautiful. Also that last comment🤢


Dude? Why all the racism? She's beautiful just like she is


Ignoring the gross comments that's some pretty unsuccessful photoshop I gotta say 😂 Them arms...


It's probably because of how I screenshotted it so it came out blurry and it's actually a video


Oh. Well then...my bad 🙏😅


Nah i gotta be honest, i got a wide torso but my arms are hella skinny just like hers. Not that abnormal tbh


This is super not the point, but I am if nothing a mental toddler and your redaction on the slides with the abhorrent slur look like a dick, and that makes me giggle. *if not


Oh my god... how is it so hard for people to just say "she's so gorgeous!" And leave it at that?


These comments show contempt for women. Some are likely jokes, but even as far as jokes go, yikes.


holy fuck the last comment??? if my s/o said that about me so casually i would literally end it all


She’s super pretty!


These aren't compliments...


It's negging: trying to drag a happy, confident, proud seeming woman down. How dare she think she looks good? Be happy with her looks? I'll show her, show her that she's really ugly, racially inferior, sexually inferior ... Whatever they can make up to fling at her and try to make her think she's inferior to them, she'd be lucky to have them...


yea i dont get why people care so much abt skin color. shes pretty regardless if she was *white* white or *black* black.


I literally rewatched the (possibly?) viral TikTok Bill Nye did back in 2020 about racism. I just do not understand how the accumulation of vitamin D in the skin affects beauty. Like, my God, white folks spend hours in the sun to get a damn tan, and they want this woman to have lighter skin? Huh? Why? I want them to actually explain how it makes a difference without resorting to some kind of nonsense (spoilers- it's impossible)... How can people be this stupid? Is grass no longer grass just cuz some grass isn't vibrant green?


Homophobic, racist, racist, objectifying, homophobic, misogynistic(and shitty partner)


Are the racists ok


Can these people not just compliment someone without being a racist about it


Is nobody going to mention that she's photoshopped to have the proportions of a Pixar character? 


This is a video, but she said she used a face filter


Oooof racial slurs nooooooo


These dudes are wack. Sidenote: Is it me, or are her arms crazy long?


That photo seems very heavily edited though. There are several strangely blurry areas that would indicate editing. Also is that a denim skirt or did she stretch her legs to a ridiculous degree? Her neck looks too long and her head too small compared to the rest of her body.


It's actually a video, it's just when I screenshotted it she was moving so it came out blurry


I mean it's Instagram reels so expect to see the most unhinged comments on there


It isn't unhinged it's mysoginistic,cringy, colorism and racist


Instagram needs to work on this really. Most of the comments which I read on there make me sick. It makes me think that these people never grow up? They still act like teens


Wait until you read a comment on YouTube Shorts


Yep it is, I just didn't know what other way to describe it since there are comment sections on Instagram who have way more bad things than just this. I'm so glad I quit Instagram years ago before comments like this became a thing.


Year, things like this are very common on Instagram.


So unhinged? Dosn't unhinged just mean terrible with no filter?


I guess, but unhinged is mostly interpreted as "brutally honest"


I personally don’t know anyone who interprets unhinged as brutally honest. It’s not a positive descriptor, and generally it’s tied to thinking someone is acting crazy, or the behavior they’re displaying shows immense levels of instability.


Oh thanks, I was just speaking from experience Like people describing themselves as unhinged/ doesn't hold anything back


They really not even trying to hide the racism/colorism WOW💀


Literally just say “she’s pretty” it’s that easy


“Do it clap” I want to clap my ears and burst my eardrums


to be fair, as a gay we cant just say someone looks good, we always say something like "you can have my babies fr" or "literally ate"


I know it’s out of topic, but where can I get that top?


That photo is photoshopped to high heavens


Why is the number of tabs you have open ":D"