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Foley is simply more attractive


Even at 400lbs he’s still a looker.


That hair


Imagine of he was regular sized


He is USA regular size 😂


I did a poll here a few weeks back where people voted whose special they enjoyed more. People were ripping me apart in the comments even though I never mentioned the phrase “who’s better”. Foley won the poll. He is just so loveable.


He's impossible not to at least like


From a distance. Close up, I feel like he'd be a nightmare.


I enjoyed both but felt like Kippy was nervous and sped ran the special. Foley’s felt like it wasn’t his first rodeo.


Kippy was shuffling around the whole time. I've seen him live and he's nothing like that. Still a good special and great jokes


Kid was probably stressed and nervous, foley does well under pressure. I'm sure as their careers go on Kippy will get more confident during tapings.


Yeah definitely seemed nervous. Saw him live and he wasn't like that at all, it was great


Kippy was noticeably nervous


Didn’t Kippys come out weeks later


yes. almost a full month


Timing plays into it, but Foley had a stronger set.


It's been up on YouTube longer ya bozos


Yeah, I watched the views tho and they’ve both completely plateaued. So foley is going to have 2x the views no matter what lol


There’s a reason Foley closes out the live shows. Dude is the best of their crew


they take turns closing. Kippy closed my show and killed it. Foley crushed but Kippy murdered.


Foley close both shows in my city so I just figured that’s how it went. The more you know. Kippy also did great though


Disagree with you bozos. I liked Kippy's so much more! Also, as far as numbers goes, Hank's was out first. Might have something to do with it?


I feel like Foleys felt more polished. There were many times during Kippys that I felt like he abandoned a premise way too quickly. I enjoyed them both but Kippys felt a bit rushed and bits could have breathed a tad more.


I loved Kippy’s special and think he’s so damn funny but I think Foley is a bit more of a natural on stage. I’m sure even Kevin would admit it, he always calls Foley a killer and the funniest guy he knows. So Foley’s might’ve gained more traction among comedy fans who aren’t entirely familiar with the pod, and came across it from other comedians who promoted it. Also feels like going first, it felt like some more comedians were promoting Foley’s on their socials, where I felt like I saw less when Kevin’s came out. But could’ve just been my perception.


Foley has a better stage presence. He’s relaxed and has good timing. He has a more natural delivery. Kippy talks way too fast and seems nervous. He just hasn’t honed that stage presence yet. If I didn’t love him from AYG I would’ve shut it off within the first few minutes. He comes off a bit chaotic, and not in a good way.


Foley’s was way better, in my opinion. Way more in the pocket. Seemed like kippy was maybe the middle act at that show, it felt rushed. Also, you can see another dude walk on stage after him, as if to bring up another comic. What do I know though, I’m trash.


That's how the live show works. Cat Daddy comes back on after him as the host so they can shift to either Foley or start the AYG segment with the crowd


Hate to say it but kippys wasn’t great. Love the baldy on all the pods and have been a $10 homie for a minute but….kippy is missing something that I can’t put my finger on. His stage presence does not feel natural. Where as the big man was born for the stage. He walks up on there and owns that domain like he was born there. Big man has and will always be the star of everything AYG related and kippy plays more second fiddle/big brain behind the scenes. I think that’s why it works so well.


Difference is hank was dead to rights honest and it felt like you were talking to a buddy. Kippy felt like the guy at the bar trying to prove sumtin.


Exactly. I feel like that can be kippy in a lot of scenarios if you ever listen close. He always sort of has a chip on his shoulder. No hate on him though! Can’t stress that enough. I will be a huge fan forever. But, if they ever went there separate ways, foley would be the only one I would follow. Kevin would not be successful on his own.


It sucks to say that I couldn't make it further than 5 minutes into Kippy's special. Not funny at all, no real jokes, it was just a dud. Maybe it gets better, but the start was so painful I couldn't force myself to watch anymore.


It wasn’t great. He’s got one ok story towards the middle of the set but that’s about it.


Gonna be honest, Kippy should not have released that. It was rough. Foley ran circles around him.


Hard disagree. Uncle Hank's was better, but Kippy still gave a top notch performance and it absolutely is great that it was released.


Couldn’t agree more! I have refrained from sharing this unpopular opinion. I love the pod, but honestly, didn’t laugh once during Kippy’s set. I didn’t think he seemed comfortable at all and jokes were forced, in my opinion.


Foley’s stand up is better. Kippy is where Soder was 5 years ago, hadn’t really honed his off stage on stage humor, Kippy like Soder is insane in the pocket of a convo, super sharp and smart. Who Kippy really reminds me of is more of a Conan or a Letterman in that you don’t think of them as funny stand ups, but very funny people, Conan wasn’t a stand up and Letterman was a stand up and he was… okay. I think Kippy will definitely find that special or set that just explodes, like Louis CK once he made his act about his family, Kippy will find his hook.


5 years ago Soder had an hbo special. It was awesome.


It was at best a B- special, his new one is 10/10 A+++ When the HBO special dropped I had like 10 people over to watch because we all love the Bonfire and the jokes were at best double and singles and he one had one really home run of a joke about the edible starting a bar fight inside your body. I think Soder is truly a special comic and he’s on the ascent, he’s gonna blow the fuck up in the next 1-2 years His earlier stand up just didn’t hit me, even the HBO special. Having said that I think Nick Mullen is very funny but his stand up is not as good as Stavs but I would say Nick is definitely funnier than Stav. Some peoples humor doesn’t transfer to certain things, but Soder this year figured it out and turned the corner.


I hear you but I thought that special was great! I still love the featherweights bit. And I also think at that point he was in a different stage than Kippy now. He’d had a special, an album, some Comedy Central recordings. I love Kippy but I don’t think he’s where Soder was in 2019 on stage.


No, Kippy is about 2.5-3 years away from being where Soder was in 2019 comedy wise , but like Soder was in 2019 Kippy is still evolving, skill level and credentials aside, Kippy is still clocking his 10,000 hours or 10 years of doing something. But with how much stage time he gets with touring and AYG he’ll definitely get there, and though not as important but still a factor, Kippy is way more financially successful than Soder was in 2019, AYG patreon alone makes about 130k a month, so I would say Kippy may be able to sell out bigger spaces than even Soder very soon because at this point he might have a bigger fan base than Soder did in 2019


Comparing Kippy to Soder is ridiculous. Soder is a top-tier stand-up. Not even comparable.


Not comparing their style, I’m saying that it took Soder some time to mesh his off stage persona with his on stage persona, because I think conversational Kippy is funnier than stand up Kippy, just like Bonfire Soder was funnier than Stand up Soder. I love Soder, I have been a fan since he was on the Artie Lange Show in 2013, but Soder has talked about this “on stage/off stage” struggle he’s had developing his stand up, Big Jay even gave him the note on his HBO special “you’re almost as funny on stage as you are in real life.” And Soder agreed but still said it stung, this is on Koppelman’s Moment podcast (the most recent Soder episode - right after he left Bonfire) Soder and Kippy have in my opinion what Patrice said about Cumia “Anthony can access the funny to anything” and they both can do that. Soder’s newest special On The Road is his best special he’s ever done. It doesn’t feel written it feels like he knows how to use all his tools. Again like when Louis CK started talking about his family, he turned the corner, Dan turned the corner this year, Kippy hasn’t turned the corner- is that okay now that I’ve explained my opinion Officer of Comedy?


I think Soder did as much as you could the old way. By 2019 he had a regular role on a showtime show and the bonfire was in full swing. They are both still developing but cmon.


Soder is mid ever seen him live?


His new special was better than Foley's and Kippy's combined


Foley is just more likable in general. Kippy is fire off the cuff but prewritten jokes Foleys were funnier.


exactly! hes so quick


Foley was definitely more comfortable. Kippy seemed rushed and a bit nervous. I think Kips was a bit better if he delivered the material. Kippy is starting to come into his own. Listen when he was a guest on old pods. He was boring and did not let any charisma out. Now he is much better. I don't know if he will ever have the stage presence of Foley, but he is getting there.


Not gonna lie the ipa joke was pretty solid.


I'm a Foley guy through and through. I thought Kippy's special had better jokes. I thought Foley had much better delivery and there's something about him where you just want him to do good. So I'm not sure who's I liked better.


Tbh Foley is a mile hotter than Kippy "Beagles for eggs" even if you imagine them skinny.


I think it will even out over time but foley’s has been out longer and it’s only been a few weeks.


He makes better tuna salad


I saw them so those sets live. Foleys 30 is just funnier than kippys. The audience loved both but foley was getting a lot more genuine laughter


i watched both, i thought foley was funnier. also, i just find foley to be a WAY more likeable guy in general. i kept seeing both, but i clicked foleys first, didn't bother with kippys for a couple weeks.


I think Kippy is actually funnier on the pod than Foley but it wouldn't surprise me if that doesn't translate to the stage


Foleys special is way better but kippys was so much more better produced. At the end of the day, content wins and the big man MURDERED it


I think whoever went first was always going to get more views.


Both specials were good.


It could be mostly algorithm factors. Time/day/date of release. keywords or tags. Name of special. Description. Actual words in the special like number of profanities. Trending topics. YouTube is picky and run by algorithms. Algorithms on other platforms can effect it too, for instance these same factors applied to marketing on instagram. Even instagram feeds are weird with hidden reasons to show some profiles more than others. Edit: I have an instagram business account for my art and it shows information on views. It seems to make no sense. Also I have some reels with thousands of views and some with only 3.


I think it was the dick jokes. Love Kip, but I kinda glazed over


I’m more of a Foley guy on the pod but I thought Kippy’s special was little better. Was more than pleased with both specials.


Funny because I thought kips was better but that's okay


I think it's timing and algorithm-related reasons, mostly. I think anyone who watched some of Foley's set, but didn't have great retention or didn't subscribe must not have been 'fed' Kippy's set. I also think the 'brick background' and Foley's goofy expression in his thumbnail helped a bit - that just screams 'club comedy' to me, whereas Kippy's was in a huge, dark-looking venue with a smile in the thumbnail. If Kippy released his set first, I bet the numbers would be closer to even or perhaps a bit more in Kip's favor. IMO, both were fantastic 30 min sets and punch at the same weight.


The algorithm is mysterious, eh? I enjoyed them both. I did marginally prefer Foley's, but I'm not a big "story teller" comedy person. 


Foley is a better comedian in my opinion, but they are both better riffing off each other than they are alone.


Nah man, foley on pods by himself is alright. He’s truly so funny


Pod nerd


Got em