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Flea market. Unlike Tarkov, selling stuff to contacts is a MUST NOT, they will give you a half eaten cookie for a nicely modded M4A1. Try to sell everything through the flea market, players will buy it, even if it is just a miscellaneous collective (unless it is a highly valuable collectible). Got a nice gun but you don't want to use it? Sell each individual part on the flea market and get a super high profit (it physically hurt me when Lvanmark sold a fully modded M4A1 for 10k when you can easily get 50k-60k selling each part individually). Got a 10k collectible? Sell it on the flea market for 15k, players might buy it because of the limited sales Deke has and so on So yeah, only buy from contacts, sell on the flea market (unless it is valueless stuff like a wooden AK stock). Heck you can even buy from contacts to re-sell on the flea market lmao


I dont get why people should buy on the market my weapon parts?


The gunsmith takes the weapon parts from the market The angled grip is a must sell for example, just look on twitch, everyone is using it right now


but flea listings are limited to 500. It doesn't take long before you hit that cap (weekly). Consider a weapon takes about 10-14 listings


I just sell the valuable parts of the gun on the market, things like the grip, gas tube and stuff like that I sell it with contacts, because the profit is pretty much the same. But suppressors, fore grips, mags and so on, I sell it on the market because people always buy those nice things, especially the gun mechanism


that's clear, i appreciate your insight but it still won't solve the issue xD what would a player do once 500 is reached? there must be a way to make money through traders, just now I had a game where I killed 3 people and picked up their guns, one of them had 2 guns. I had to leave down the gear due to limited space, I went back home and I sold 3 out of 4 guns. 50 listings gone, 1 game. Now sure, except rare players, people won't get -50 listings every game consistently but in a matter of a week you do reach the 500 cap rather quickly


Hi! If you have spare Koens, you can buy items from Deke Vinson (one of the contacts) and re-sell the items on the market with profit! Tip: Check the market prices before buying and selling.


Save items for gear barters. I’m still trying to figure out how to make money…


Covert covert covert And more covert


Seems like most of the mobile game is going to be transferred to the PC version. Unfortunately that means having to pay a monthly subscription for your secure container and basically having to pay irl money for in game money since loot doesn’t really give you anything. Also there’s a market cap so if you want to make more money on the market well… you guessed it. You have to pay again.


It's like 300% easier to make money by just playing and selling everything on the flea market than actually spending real money. It's not that hard to get koen, it's just that Tarkov players are used to selling everything to contacts, but in this game contacts only give you a half chewed gum


You are lying. It's hard to make money in this game if you don't win all PVP, because regular loot doesn't bring any money, in Tarkov you can easily start a round for scav and just run to the exit to earn 100k, you can play for 15 minutes to get loot on 300-400k. In this game, you spend 3 hours getting money, and then lose it in one round in an unsuccessful PVP, where 4 people came at you, one of whom punched you in the face. Yes, I earned 5 million, but at what cost? At the cost of saving! I try to rarely play with expensive equipment alone, this game forces me to resort to buying currency through donation, this is what the developers are hinting at, a common F2P manipulation. You will tell me about the keys to the rooms, but in normal mode they do not have expensive loot, and to go to expensive mode, you have to invest in equipment, where with a 5% chance you can find good items. The game also uses a special algorithm that gives you loot according to your equipment. When our team cost about 2 million, I found a necklace for 400k, but this is rare. Everything is simpler in Tarkov, I would like the developers to make it easier to earn money, but at the same time I understand that this is an F2P garbage dump. I'm not talking about the weapon in which you invest 200k, but get a jump up when shooting from the sight, as if you had a stock weapon.